MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1145 Identity exposure

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The first one hundred and forty-five chapters of identity exposure

Holy fairy world.

The Qin beast has just entered the holy fairy world, and he has formed such an enemy like the Haitian faction.

With a strong enemy, there will be pressure. Under tremendous pressure, the cultivation of the Qin beast is leaps and bounds.

He founded the Beast God squad, constantly developing his power, and he did not fall for himself.

It didn't take long for the Qin Beast to lead the Beast God team to destroy the Haitian faction and occupy the Haitian school's territory, which will grow rapidly.

The sudden emergence of the Qin beast has caused a lot of people's attention. Even the Tianjianzong above the Haitian faction has also paid attention to the beast **** team.

In particular, the strong beasts of the Beast God team are good at imperial beasts, and a large number of fairy beasts are attacking.

Tian Jianzong was dissatisfied with the beast **** team occupying the Haitian school, and finally fought with the beast **** team.

The Qin beast is not afraid at all, from the beginning of the absolute disadvantage, to gradually equalize the situation, and finally suppress the Tianjianzong, making the beast **** team more and more famous.

However, the backstage of Tian Jianzong is the Tianyang School, which is the first sect of the Holy Family.

The Qin beast led the beast **** team to fight against the Tianjianzong, and eventually forced the Tianyang faction to send a strong enemy to participate in the war.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and the Beast God team continues to grow through the war.

However, the sage quickly determined the identity of the Qin beast, knowing that he was the right arm of Takino, and was a good brother of Takuno.

The holy sacred path was personally ordered, and many sages of the sages were dispatched to capture the Qin beast and force the whereabouts of Takino.

For so many years, Shengzong has been searching for the traces of Takino. Although he has some doubts that Xuanyu is Takino, Xuanyu is also dying. The outside world does not know that he is not dead.

The Holy Land will not doubt the dead. They believe that Takino is not so easy to die.

Since Tuoyuan was not found, Shengzong changed his strategy and began to look for people around Takuno.

They specially sent people to the lower bounds to understand the situation, mastered the situation of Qin beast, Mo Qing, Wu Gang and others, and began to search for their whereabouts.

The Qin beast had a great trouble with the Tianjianzong, and he first entered the line of the Holy Family.

In order to deal with the Qin beast, the saints attached great importance and sent a lot of mysterious powers to deal with the beast **** team.

The Holy Family intervened, the Beast God team defeated, and the casualties were heavy.

The Qin beast escaped with some treasures, but he was also injured.

In desperation, the Qin beast only had a hand and a beast to the fairy, and began a life of escape.

He used a variety of treasures and escaped many times.

It is not easy for Shengzong to find the brothers around Takino, and naturally he will not let him go, launch the strong of all subordinate sects, and search for the whereabouts of the Qin beast.

In the process of the escape of the Qin beast, there are often big battles, and injuries are commonplace.

Huge pressure, and constant fighting, make his repairs as fast as they can, like a rocket.

Moreover, the Qin beast's luck is also good, and the adventures have been repeated, and many treasures have been obtained, among which there are Xiandan.

His cultivation was soon to achieve the mid-term cultivation of the mysterious fairyland, the progress is fast, it is staggering.

The saints stalked and killed the Qin beast, and they proclaimed it out to promote the Qin beast and his brothers.

Shadow Huan got the news and naturally went to save the Qin beast.

When the Qin beast was surrounded by the mysterious and powerful people, the shadow flower squad led a large number of strong people to kill, killed the benefactors of the beleaguered Qin beast, and saved the Qin beast.

The Qin beast meets with the shadow flower buds, and at the same time exposes the shadow buds to the eyes of the saints.

"It’s so good. Now, not only the Qin beast is eyeing us, but even the women’s shadows of the wilderness are showing up. This is a good thing. If I catch them, I don’t believe that Takuno is not present. Body." The Holy Way got the news and was very happy.

As for the dead man, he is too lazy to manage.

"Sovereign, do we want to send the strong immediately, take the shadows and the Qin beast."

"Of course, we must not only send strong people, but also the Holy Fairy world knows that we are not in a hurry to win the shadows and the Qin beasts. If we chase them, we will be able to force the extension of the wilderness." Channel.

"Sovereign, do we want to dispatch the Golden Wonderland to deal with Takino."

"I will arrange this matter. You will dispatch some strong people to dispatch. It is necessary to lead out the wilderness and the unconscious people." Shengdao said.

"Okay, I will arrange it right away."


Takuya has left these years, and Shadow Lake has been searching for the whereabouts of the Qin beast and others.

With the continuous development of the shadow door, the final shadow flower has successively contacted Wang Hao, Wu Gang, Chen Guilong and Fu Lei, leaving only the Qin beast and Mo Qing have no connection.

As the Qin beast was chased and killed by the Holy Zong, the shadow flower 会 and the Qin beast rendezvous, and there is no loss of love.

In fact, it is not easy to be in the past few years. In order to be a bright and straightforward Du Jiaojiao, he is very hard to cultivate and also develops the Bingfengtang.

Later, he finally cultivated into the fairyland, and the mercenary squads under the Bingfengtang also developed well. He was going to meet Du Jiaojiao.

As a result, Du Jia has already assigned Du Jiaojiao to the disciple of Xuan Mozong, Xuan Mu, who knows the news, Du Jiaojiao is married, and was forcibly sent to the house of Xuanmu.

Mo Qing face cold heart, then anxious, led the many strong men, directly in the middle of the road to cut Du Jiaojiao.

He can take Du Guijiao directly from Xuanmu’s welcoming team, regardless of Xuanmu’s disciple.

Although he came together with Du Jiaojiao, he still offended the Xuan Mo Zong and Du Jia.

In the face of the chasing and killing of the Xuan Mo Zong and Du Jia, Mo Qing had to let the mercenaries of his men disperse to develop their forces. He himself with Du Jiaojiao concealed, retired and cultivated.

The days of the two have been very good, happy and happy, and the improvement is also very fast.

Xuan Mo Zong and Du Jia have been looking for love, never found, time is long, and slowly faded.

When Xuan Mozong and Du Jia are forgotten, Mo Qing began to come out and continue to develop Bing Feng Tang. He did not forget the commitment of their brothers, they must develop and grow, and they will jointly deal with the saints in the future.

He understands the strength of the Xuan Mo Zong, and can also think of the power of the saints, so he did not dare to neglect.

After so many years of development, he himself has reached the beginning of the mysterious fairyland, and the Bingfengtang has a million people, including many of them.

The ice peak hall is strong, Mo Qing is trying to make a difference, and the result is that the Qin beast was chased by the saints.

Mo Qing and the Qin beast knew very early, even before I knew the Takino, among the brothers of the Takino, the Qin beast had the best relationship with the Mo, not to watch their frequent bickering, but the feelings were the deepest.

Knowing that the Qin beast is in trouble, he has gathered all the men and sent them to the site of the holy sect to rescue the Qin beast.

Unrequited, it also fell into the eyes of the saints, and was also slain.

In the end, it was still a shadow of the rescue, rescued the Mo Qing, and gathered the uncomfortable hands together.

Since then, the brothers who have spread out of Takino have not met with the shadows, but have contacted her.

At the beginning, Takuya wildly dispersed these brothers. On the one hand, they avoided being squandered by the saints. On the other hand, they hoped that they each had their own development.

After so many years, his brothers have developed well, personal repairs are good, and there are a lot of strong men.

Now they are gathered together, making the strength of Tianyu League soar.

Shadow Hua is very clever. For the time being, Chen Guilong, Wu Gang, Wang Hao and Fu Lei have not been exposed, so that they can continue to secretly develop their forces.

Fortunately, they were not all exposed to the eyes of the saints, but the shadows, the beasts, and the three people were exposed.

Even if the three of them were exposed, the strength they exposed was still frightening.

They have already imagined that Takino will enter the holy world to develop their power, but they did not expect them to develop so rapidly.

If you do not entangle the Takino and others as early as possible, it will threaten the status of the saints sooner or later.

However, Takino did not show up, so that the top of the Shengzong did not dare to act rashly, nor did he kill the attacker. He just wanted to force Takino.

Tuobao’s roots were not in the holy world, and their idea of ​​forcing the extension of the wilderness naturally fell through.

As time went by, the top of the holy house was a little impatient.

"The lord, we have been chasing the shadows for a long time, and the extension of the wilderness has not yet appeared. It seems that we are too gentle, we must kill the attacker, and we can push out the wilderness."

"Sovereign, I feel that something is wrong. Even if Takuno wilderness does not care about the Qin beast and the love, it should not be a shadow. Is it that Takuno is really dead? He is Xuanyu."

"Impossible, if Takino is Xuanyu, it will not be so easy to die."

The sacred meditation for a long time, said: "I also suspected that Takino was Xuanyu, but after Xuan Yu died, there was no news anymore. I canceled the suspicion. Now it seems that Takuya is really a Xuan Yu. It’s just that he is really dead. I’m afraid that only Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang know.”

He paused and went on to say: "I am in a hurry, we have to find a way to determine if Takuno is dead. If he is really dead, then we don't have to play the game of cat and mouse with the shadows and other people. They are all killed, and then find out other brothers in Takino, and smash the roots."

"The sovereign, if Takuno is not dead, then what should we do."

"If you don't die, you can't look at the shadows and they will die. We will die in the dead. We must push out the wilderness to kill them, continue to let them secretly develop their forces, and threaten our holy people sooner or later. "The holy channel is cold."

"The Sovereign, Xuan Yu has repeatedly destroyed the good things of our saints. He is very likely to expand the wilderness. I asked to investigate Xuanyu's situation and determine whether he is the same person as Tuoye." come out.

"The elders of the emperor, then this matter will bother you, and it is necessary to find out the relationship between Xuanyu and Tuoyuan as soon as possible." Shengdao said.

"The sovereign is assured, I will do it right away."

Subsequently, the Holy Road sent more powerful people to participate in the pursuit of the interception of the flower buds, the Qin beast, and the three people.

There are many strong people in the shadows of the shadows, which have caused a lot of casualties to the saints.

In order to deal with them, this holy road has also been blooded, and two gold fairy powers have been dispatched.

The reason why he will send out the Golden Wonderland is not only to deal with them, but also to kill Tuoye.

The Holy Path does not know the strength of Takino in the present. He estimates the extension of Takino according to their cultivation of the Qin beast, and concludes that Takino has a good strength.

The sect's intelligence network is spread all over the holy world, no matter how the shadows are hidden, it is difficult to escape the eyes of the saints.

Once their whereabouts are revealed, they will be chased and blocked by a large number of strong people. The situation is worrying.

If it weren’t for the sacred sects to force out the extension of the wilderness, I’m afraid that they would not be able to escape for a few times.