MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1155 Original plan unchanged

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The first one hundred and fifty-five chapters were originally planned

The Shengzong strong man was destroyed near the site of the Xuan Mozong, and the Xuan Mozong of course got the news for the first time.

Xuan Mozong also sent a strong to view the battlefield. After viewing, the strong face of the Xuan Mozong was hard to see.

They are all very clear, this time even if the Xuan Mozong has 10,000 mouths, it is not clear.

"The Sovereign, all of the war is the Magic Road. We can't say clearly about this matter. It seems that it is impossible to maintain neutrality. Even if we don't deal with the Holy Family, the Holy Family will destroy us sooner or later."

"The Sovereign, those who have come to persuade us that the saints have not left, I can take them down. Anyway, I will tear my face sooner or later. It is better for us to make gestures, and we can get more support from Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. ""

The lord of the Xuan Mozong frowned, carefully thought for a while, and said: "I see this thing is the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City, deliberately blame for our Xuan Mozong, just, Tiancheng City and Tiandan There are no magic powerhouses in the city. They borrowed so many magical powers from other places. They were able to destroy all the troops of the saints. This is too great. It is no wonder that Tiancheng City and Tiandan City will destroy the holy people. ""

He indulged for a moment and continued: "This is also good. Since we have no choice, we will succumb to the sacred sects together with the celestial city and the city of Tiandan. We can also get more benefits, take advantage of the mysterious sect, and the celestial city. There is not much ambition with Tiandan City. Even if the Holy Family is destroyed, our Xuan Mozong can still exist. If the Holy Family wins, our Xuan Mozong will become a subsidiary sect of the Holy Family sooner or later."

In fact, this decision is very easy, but the Xuan Mozong fears the Holy Family. I don't believe that Tiancheng City and Tiandan City have the power to destroy the Holy Family, so they will be indecisive, even if they are in the league, they still want to stay out of it.

Nowadays, Takino has forced them to a desperate situation. They have no choice but to win the saints and the superficial gesture.

In doing so, they also forced the other four major denominations.

Since the Xuan Mozong has the strongest of the Shengzong, then the other four major denominations must also have the strong of the saints to persuade them.

The Xuan Mozong took the people down, and the other four sects will inevitably respond because the situation has already been exposed.

In addition, the Xuan Mozong chose Tiancheng City and Tiandan City, and the other four major denominations are likely to favor the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City.

Everyone knows the ambitions of the saints, and they dare not seek skin with the tiger.

One of the sects of the Holy Land was wiped out by the army and was destroyed by the unknown.

The news quickly spread throughout the holy world, and the news was passed out by the mysterious demon.

Since they chose to help the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City to deal with the Holy Family, of course, let the other four sects know the strength of the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City so that they can stand in the same camp.

The four major denominations of Jianxianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen and Huanxi were getting news. They just started to disbelieve, but they were not eager to reply to the saints and sent people to investigate the matter.

Soon, the news confirmed that the top four sects of the sects also discussed, and ultimately their choice is the same as the Xuan Mozong, or to follow the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City to deal with the Holy Family.

They also suspected that the saints were destroyed by the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City, so they were full of confidence in Tiancheng City and Tiandan City.

In addition, their ideas are the same as the Xuan Mozong, at least the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City will not annex their sects.

After the decision of the four major denominations, they immediately took the strong of the saints. This is their attitude.

Tianqi City and Tiandan City got news, knowing that the army of the saints was all over the army, and the five sects of Jianxianzong, Ziyue, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxi were all torn apart with the saints. Both the city and the city of Tiandan celebrated.

Only Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang knew that this matter was done by Takuya, but they did not know why there were so many magical powers around Takuya, and they were able to blame the Xuan Mozong.

"Xuanyu is really good. The most correct decision I made in my life is to accept him as a disciple. If it weren't for him, Tiancheng City would have been annexed by the Holy Family. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to pick up the holy. The thought of confrontation." Long Chen sighed.

Shan Feng Yang is also very excited: "Xuan Yu is really powerful. It seems that we all looked down on him. He played beautifully in this hand, which made the swords Xianzong, Ziyuepa, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxipai five sects really Standing in the same camp with us."

The decision of the five major factions directly affected the overall situation.

Nowadays, the five sectarians took the strong of the sages and began to dispatch troops to prepare to intercept the strong of the sages from their territory.

The five major sects have no retreat, and naturally they will really do a great job with the saints.

With the connotation of the five major factions, there is no problem in dealing with the army of the whole road. It is feared that the saints will mobilize more powerful people to deal with them.

Long Chen, Shan Feng Yang, and Tuo Ye Ye did not have much hope for the five major sects. They just hoped that they would be able to disperse some of the strong people of the Holy Family. They have already done it.

Next, we still have to look at the battle between Tiancheng City, Tiandan City and Shengzong. As long as we can win, we can force out the cards of the Holy Family.

In addition, there is no Saint Zongqiang in the vicinity of Xuan Mozong. In order to contain the strong man of the Xuan Mozong, the Sheng Zongqiang will inevitably send another army to the site of the Xuan Mozong.

Thinking of this, Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang are happy to close their mouths.

They have always felt a lot of pressure, and now they feel a lot less pressure, and the whole person is relaxed.

The Holy Family also got the news, and the top of the holy house was angered.

"Sovereign, whether or not the mysterious demon annihilates our strong, we must kill one hundred and kill the mysterious demon."

"Yes, **** must be repaid with blood. We can eradicate the mysterious demon, or deter other four sects."

The holy road shook his head: "I suspect that it is not the strongest of the mysterious sects who killed us. The mysterious sects are not so courageous. The strongest people we sent to the sacred demon sect negotiated the most smoothly. Promised to be neutral, how could they attack our strong."

"The Sovereign, except for the mysterious sect, I really can't think of it, there are so many magical powers."

"Yeah, all of us are destroyed by the Magic Road. This is beyond doubt."

Shengdao Shen Sheng said: "I also know that they were killed by the Magic Road, so it is a bit serious. I suspect that Tiancheng City and Tiandan City have found reinforcements from other Xiuxian worlds, otherwise they are not enough. Strength, it is impossible to pick up the head of our holy sect, I still doubt Tuo Ye, he has not appeared, the threat to our holy sect is the greatest."

"Sovereign, are you too much to see Takuno, even if he is talented, such a short time, it is impossible to develop Tianyu League to such a degree, even stronger than the five major denominations."

"What do you know, the talent of Takino is already indescribable. I suspect that he has a skill and can control the strong, including the enemy. As long as he is controlled by him, he will serve him. Because of this, Tianyu League can quickly Developed," said the Holy Path.

He paused and continued: "If I didn't make a mistake, the strength of Tianyu League far exceeds that of Tiancheng City, Tiandan City, Jianxianzong, Ziyue School, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, Huanxi School, etc. The seven forces, this time we have all the way to the army, I suspect that it is the extension of the wilderness and the Tianyu alliance."

"The Sovereign, now the five sects of Sword Xianzong, Ziyue School, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxi School have already expressed their positions and are determined to be enemies with us. What should we do next?"

Thinking about the Holy Way for a moment, said: "I will immediately send out a large army, and contain the Xuan Mo Zong. We have planned to change the same, first destroy the Tiancheng City and Tiandan City, and then deal with Jianxianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan. The five major factions, such as the Mozong and the Huanxi School, remember that the five-way army we sent out should try not to fight hard with the strongest of the five major denominations, mainly to contain them. The five major denominations are still afraid of our holy people. I believe they will not Go all out to participate in the war, unless we have a victory with Tiancheng City and Tiandan City, they will not have much action."

"Sovereign, I am going to do it right now. This time I personally led the army to the Xuan Mozong." An elder stood up.

The holy road suddenly asked: "Is there any news for the Holy Emperor?"

"The Sovereign, the Holy Emperor has already sent back the news, still did not confirm whether Xuan Yu and Takino are the same person, and Takuno and Xuan Yu did not appear in Tianjiacheng and Tiandan City."

"It's really stupid. Takuya and Hyun-Yu are not likely to let him know even in Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. If I guess it is good, I am afraid that only Longchen and Shanfengyang know." .

"Sovereign, as long as we use soldiers in Tiancheng City and Tiandan City, as long as Xuan Yu is still alive, I will definitely shoot, and then I will know if he is a wilderness."

"No, it is still good to send some strong people to Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. We must ensure that nothing is lost. In addition, please contact Zhao Ding and Nie Yuan, and let them also arrive near Tianqi City and Tiandan City. Tianshou City and Tiandan City, naturally can not be less." Shengdao said.

"Yes, the lord."

"The strong who sent to the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City must be secret and cannot reveal the news."

"Sovereign, we all send our own sectarian powerhouses. The news should not be leaked. It is just that we should not send the strong fox gang, but also ask the lord to decide."

"Our people are very strong, and the strategy and the formation of the troops cannot be compared with the strong players of the Flying Fox. I personally gave the flying fox a command to let them send a reliable strongman to the stronghold of the reinforcements to go to the heavenly city and the sky. Dancheng.” The Holy Path made a decision after careful consideration.

He still took a wrong step. If he did not send the strong guys of the Flying Fox gang, then they would not disclose the fact that they sent the reinforcements.

Just now, the strong player sent by Flying Fox to help this time is Hu Yunfeng, and Takuno has got the news very quickly.

Hu Yunfeng is going to play, and he will definitely bring his close cronies. The cronies around him have many eye lines of Takino.

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The reason why they did this was to deter the five major denominations, so that the five major factions did not dare to act rashly.

The goal of Shengzong is very clear. It is still necessary to annex the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City, and then deal with the five major denominations.

They have been strictly enforced and have achieved results.

The five major sects showed their attitude and gathered a large number of strong people, but they still did not play, but they confronted the strong people of the Holy Family.

If the five major sects fought against the five-way army of the saints, then the saints would definitely lose sight of one another and had to deploy more strong men to deal with the five major denominations. The pressure on Tiancheng City and Tiandan City would be much reduced.

It is a pity that the five major sects will not listen to the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City. They can hold back the Shengzong Wulu army, which is considered to be good.

It’s almost impossible to want them to do more,