MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 563

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"Jilaiye... You also cooperate with them, and quickly defeat the ten-tailed!"

Hasuma also ordered wisely.

See here.

The rest of the people also cheered up.

Aiming at the remaining [Ten-Tailed War Beast].

They are also clear.

Only by subduing or eliminating the Ten Tails can the final battle be truly over.

And now, they can't relax!

However, just as everyone turned their attention to the ten tails.

When ready to attack.

The accident has come again!

The ten tails that were bitten all over by Mr. Ji.

It seemed that he had suddenly received an order, and he raised his head sharply and roared.

Then, he began to shrink his body rapidly.

800 meters…

500 meters…

100 metres…

30 meters…

10 m…

1 meter…


Finally, it didn't stop until it was reduced to a small point less than a millimeter.

Although reduced to the extreme.

But the huge size and massive chakra of the ten tails still exist.

At this moment, it seems to be compressed into a high-density singularity!

The density is so great that it seems that even the surrounding space is faintly distorted by it...


Not only all ninjas feel weird;

Even Ghidorah was subconsciously in crisis, feeling like he was going to be sucked in.

He had to quickly flutter his wings, fly into the sky, and observe from a distance.

"not good!"

Xia Mu roared, feeling bad.

Naihe couldn't stop it at all.

Such a strong gravitational force, rushing close, even Ji will be swallowed.

What about other ninjas?

Soon, under the astonished eyes of everyone.

For a moment.

The ten tails and chakra, which were compressed to the extreme, burst open!

The explosive range is very small.

It's not even as good as the detonation range of a detonating talisman...

But that terrifying energy was completely released.

Directly smashed and crushed a small piece of space!

A strange and wonderful deep void is revealed...


Electric lights flickered in the void, and everything was reversed.

A twisted wormhole channel was forcibly penetrated by an incredible force.

next moment.

Supporting a pair of bluish-white [purifying eyes], the Japanese-style large tube of wood drilled out of the void passage with difficulty.

crazy! crazy!

That is undoubtedly the deity of Otsutsuki Japanese style!

Damn it!

Didn't it just blow up one of his clones?

Does he hate Shinobu and Natsume so much?

Can't stand it for a moment?

Even at the expense of a lot of energy.

Shattering the void, spanning a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, and descending into the ninja world again? !

Chapter 479 I am also a serious Otsutsuki clan! ,

Just a few seconds.

The Japanese-style body of Otsutsuki struggled to get out of the void wormhole.

But it can be clearly seen.

Forcibly crossing the void alone was a great burden on him and paid a considerable price.

Not only the feather robes on the body were greatly torn;

Even part of the flesh was cut by the power of the void, and it was difficult to heal itself in a short time.

To know.

A high-level spatial ability like [Huangquan Hirazaka] needs to be used continuously for half a month to reach the distance.

It took only a few seconds to pass through.

Why not pay a high price?

However, this price is still within the tolerance range of Otsutsuki Japanese style.

This also caused him to consume a small half of the energy of his own council tower, as well as more than half of his own massive chakra.

So that he now only has about fifty or sixty percent of his strength.

It's a pity, even if only one percent is left.

If you want to dry up this planet, it's more than enough.

Far from the crotch avatar just now, it can be compared!

For thousands of years...

A Japanese style that lives at the top of the main house.

It's the first time I've been blasted by a group of low-level natives. It's really hateful!

Today, the entire planet must be destroyed!

To wash away the humiliation from yourself!

After the arrival of the Japanese deity of Otsutsuki.

The void passage behind him quickly closed.

The energy consumption of maintaining a void wormhole is huge every second.

Even if it is a Japanese-style deity, it is difficult to supply it for a long time...


Only then did he unscrupulously disperse his breath and oppress the entire ninja world.

For a moment.

Almost all the dynamics and situations of the entire ninja world are under his control.

The wide range of its perception is simply terrifying!

no doubt.

The strength of the Japanese-style deity of Otsutsuki has already broken through the so-called six-path level.

That is, the [pseudo-god] who broke through the definition of the Otsutsugi clan and became the [demi-god] rank.

To know.

This so-called "demi-god" is not a parallel 'demi-god' like the Sanjiao Yu Hanzo in the Shinobi world.

It is a super powerhouse who is only one step away from [True God]!

Proper explosive star strength.

It's not something that a ninja in the ninja world can imagine and compare to...


The Japanese snapped his fingers lightly.

Then, an invisible soul shock suddenly spread.

It directly covers all creatures within ten kilometers around.

Except for Hashima and Natsume, the two ninjas who reached the sixth level, the rest of the people were instantly severely injured and fainted.

Many ninjas with slightly weaker souls were directly shattered by their spiritual bodies and died violently on the spot.

With just one move, it almost cleared the field!

The strength of the Japanese thief is really terrifying!


Not waiting for the rest of Natsume and Hasuma to react.

In Japanese style, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed it hard.

For a moment.

Natsume, who was thousands of meters away, only felt that the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

Then, he was forcibly transferred to the Japanese style of Otsutsuki.

And was pinched by his neck!


"What kind of perverted ability is this?"

"Forced displacement grabbing so far? No warning? Unable to resist?"

"This is much stronger than [Heavenly Hand Strength], isn't it?!"

Xia Mu was horrified.