MTL - No Bounds for the President’s Spoiling-Chapter 14 I have a dad

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"Excessive? Qin Muxuan, isn't it disgusting to have another man in your heart climbing onto my bed?"

Gu Zi's eyes were thin and angry, deep and exquisite facial features cold and shocking, Qin Muxuan was shocked:

"What are you talking about and you know about him?"

This sentence is tantamount to confession.

Gu Zixuan directly lowered Qin Muxuan's seat, then bullied him and pressed it up. The hot kiss came as expected. When Qin Muxuan was kissed by Gu Zixu's cold lips, his brain was disconnected.

Gu Ziyan yanked the neckline, and the buttons quickly stretched out, exposing the delicate collarbone. Gu Ziyu's whole body was stained with a bit of evil charm, and his eyes became more gloomy. # _ #


Qin Muxuan drew Gu Ziyu's downward hand, what was he doing? Obviously a relationship that ends in two months! Gu Ziyu sneered on the lips:

"Qin Muxuan, do you think you can retreat after you get in touch with me?"

"Don't ... please ..."

Qin Muxuan's eyelashes were moist, and her water eyes were filled with fear. It seemed that the general fear five years ago wanted to run away. Gu Zixuan was uncomfortable looking at these eyes, and she let go of her hand, and held Qin Muxuan:

"Don't cry, I don't like to see others cry."

The low-magnetic, gentle voice fell to his ears, and Qin Muxuan tried to suppress the tears in his eyes:

"Gu Ziyi, I know that five years ago, our Qin family framed you first, but it's done. If you don't forgive me, I can't help it. I know you are very angry and angry when you are framed, but I also lose A lot ... I am also a victim. "

Qin Muxuan said this with a choked mouth. Five years ago, everyone accused the Qin family and accused her of being shameless, but she was also a victim ...

If it hadn't been for the stepmother's prescription medicine for her in the presidential suite, she might have married and had children and lived a life as good as anyone else.

Rather than trying to make money with one's own children, it is difficult to raise children to grow up.


Gu Ziyi groaned softly, got up and let go of Qin Muxuan, and his expression was restored to his original heart:

"Clean it up, I hope not to wait to see Xiaobai, you are still in this state."

Qin Muxuan lowered her head to tidy up her clothes, and Gu Zixuan gently tapped the steering wheel with his fingers to hide the irritability in his eyes.

Gu Zixuan's knife is usually a lip flap in a straight line, and started the car.

Gu family.

Qin Xiaobai heard the sound of engine shutdown all the way, soft and soft airway:

"Grandma, aren't they mom and dad they are back?"

"Well, would you like to pick up Xiaobai?"

"it is good!"

Qin Xiaobai came down from Ye Han's arms and walked out, Gu Ziyu and Qin Muxuan came in one after the other.


Qin Xiaobai raised his head, Gu Zizhen saw Qin Xiaobai, his complexion only slightly eased, and just when he wanted to bend over to pick up the bun, Qin Xiaobai hurriedly crossed him and walked towards Qin Muxuan with no mercy:

"Mom hug!"

Qin Muxuan picked up Qin Xiaobai, and she had a slight smile in her eyes:

"Are you good at school today?"

"Yes, but ..."

Qin Xiaobai frowned frantically:

"A lot of classmates gave me snacks today. I don't like to eat so many snacks."

"That's because classmates like you."

"No, it's because I have a dad, otherwise they were not so good before."

Qin Xiaobai snorted softly, then leaned his head on Qin Muxuan's shoulders, holding his claws in his arms:

"Mum, you must be tired after working so long. I'll rub your shoulders later."

Gu Ziyu looked at the mother-child harmony behind him, and he felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was completely ignored and ignored, and he was like a third party?

Ye Han Zhang Luo asked Chen Ma to go to the hot dish, and saw Gu Zixun's expression slightly eating, and enlightened:

"You are also really, with a cold face every day, which child would want to approach you?"


"Ms. Yan is here again today. The old lady wants to match you up, what do you mean?"

Gu Ziyi hung his coat in the cloakroom, changed his shoes and went in. Mo Mu swept Qin Muxuan holding Qin Xiaobai. She was changing shoes for Qin Xiaobai, with a serious and focused look. She didn't pay attention to the conversation at all.

A few clusters of small flames rose up in the heart, Gu Zi's eyes sank:


After having dinner, Qin Muxuan stayed with Qin Xiaobai in the living room. Qin Xiaobai sat on the floor and played with the Lego toys in front of him. These are all the best quality models. The Gu family always spared no effort in caring and loving Qin Xiaobai. of.

Gu Zizhen came out of the bath and went downstairs to pour a glass of water. When he saw them, he rubbed his eyebrows with his fingertips:

"It's nine o'clock, and I'll take Xiaobai to bed when I wait, and the child can't sleep late."

Qin Xiaobai stopped his movements and raised his head:

"Dad, can you take me to the amusement park this Sunday with my mom?"

Gu Ziyi quickly scanned the cartoon being played on the TV. Two humorous bears were playing in the playground and riding a roller coaster.

After thinking for a moment in Gu Zi's eyes, Qin Muxuan kept his back to him. After what happened today, Qin Muxuan seemed to avoid him deliberately.

"Ask your mommy's opinion, I can do it."

Qin Xiaobai heard the words, his eyes followed, his face looked at Qin Muxuan full of expectations:

"Mum, can I go to the playground this weekend?"

Qin Muxuan nodded, Qin Xiaobai's eyes glanced a little, let's take a quick kiss on Qin Muxuan's face.

Gu Ziyu looked in his eyes, the hard lines softened a little, poured a glass of water and went upstairs.

Qin Xiaobai whispered:

"Mum, Dad came out of the study late at night. Last time I got up and booed to see that Dad was still working in the study. Would you like to let Dad go to bed earlier?"

"Little white, these things mom can't care about."


Qin Xiaobai was anxious:

"But if my dad stays up late and doesn't sleep, he won't be able to accompany me to the amusement park on weekends."

Qin Xiaobai's small hand pushed Qin Muxuan upstairs:

"Mum, you go, Mum ~ Dad will listen to you."


With a mum soft in her bones, Qin Muxuan couldn't think of anything to reject Qin Xiaobai, and was pushed to the door of the study. The door of the study was half-closed.

"Xiao Baiguai, Mommy still holds you back to sleep, OK?"

"not good."

Qin Xiaobai directly opened the door. Gu Zizheng was in a video conference. He heard the movement at the door and saw Qin Muxuan frowning:

"Go out."

Qin Muxuan was reluctant to go out, but the little buns around him persisted:

"Dad! Mommy has something to tell you!"

Gu Zixuan noticed Qin Xiaobai, and stopped the video conference with a flick of his finger. Qin Xiaobai slipped out like a fish, slammed the door of the study, and heard the sound of the key locked the door.

Qin Muxuan: ...

Gu Ziyu: ...