MTL - No Bounds for the President’s Spoiling-Chapter 228 Qin Muxuan is missing

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Gu Zi shoved open the door of the doctor's office, grabbed the doctor sitting at the desk and asked, "Where is she? Qin Muxuan is her ?!" Gu Zizhen's eyes had begun to turn red, and his heart was the most red. Something terrified happened.

The doctor had been frightened by Gu Zixu and said, "The patient was discharged from the hospital early in the morning."

Upon hearing Qin Muxuan's discharge from the hospital, Gu Zixun immediately asked: "Where has she gone?"

"I don't know when the nurse went up and stopped."

After hearing this, Gu Zixuan turned and left the hospital. He searched everywhere Qin Muxuan might go, but after all, he could not find Qin Muxuan's figure.

Gu Zixun sat in the car and slammed on the steering wheel as if venting. # _ # 27218470

Where is Qin Muxuan

Just when Gu Ziyi was desperate, a call came in. Gu Ziyu looked at the beating name on his mobile phone, and the look on his face immediately cooled down.

Gu Zizheng connected to the phone and said to the person on the phone, "Where is Qin Muxuan?"

At the other end of the phone, Mrs. Gu said unhurriedly, "You go back to the old house for a meal and bring Xiaobai together." Mrs. Gu did not answer Gu Ziyu's question, but asked him to go back for dinner.

Gu Zixun warned with his gritted teeth: "I advise you not to touch her, otherwise I might not estimate your identity again, grandma." The last two words were bitten by Gu Zi very heavily, almost from the teeth Squeezed out of the seam. # 2.7218470

"Come back, son-in-law, I believe you will listen to grandma." Mrs. Gu did not care about Gu Zi-min's attitude at this moment. She has now grasped Gu Zi-min's handle, so she does not need to worry about Gu Zi-min Do not return to the old house.

Gu Zi hung up the phone. He drove towards Qin Xiaobai's school all the time, and by the time he and Qin Xiaobai arrived at the old house, it was already dark.

In today's old house, Mrs. Gu was unexpectedly happy, while Mrs. Gu sat next to Mrs. Gu with a frown.

Gu Zizheng held Qin Xiaobai in his hand, and the two of them walked in one by one. The look on their faces was exactly the same. Gu Zixu did not hide this from Qin Xiaobai, because as his son and Qin Muxuan, Qin Xiaobai has the right to know. @ & @!

"Zi Yi is back." The old lady Gu looked at Gu Zishao with a smile on her face, and the more she looked, the more she felt that Gu Zishen and Yan Xiaoyu were a natural pair.

"Where is Qin Muxuan?" Gu Zizheng still said the same thing. There was no expression on his face, and the coldness in his eyes could freeze people.

"Don't worry, let's eat before we finish other things." Mrs. Gu held a crutch in her hand and the other hand stretched towards Mrs. Gu. Although Mrs. Gu didn't look good on her face, because of her identity, she helped Mrs. Gu to sit at the table.

"Brother Zizhen is back!" A pretty figure suddenly stepped out of the kitchen. Gu Zizhen heard the words and found that Yan Xiaoyu was also here.

Qin Xiaobai said nothing from the moment he entered the door, but after seeing the appearance of Yan Xiaoyu, the look on his face could not help but change again * $ &)


Gu Ziyu didn't even need to ask, he could probably guess the reason for this.

"Brother Ziji, come and eat! Today's dishes are what you like to eat." Yan Xiaoyu put the dishes in the table, turned around and walked towards Gu Ziyu. Ziyi walked to the dining table.

Gu Zixuan slammed his hands and shook off his smile.

"Brother Ziyu, don't be angry, Grandma just wants you to come back and have a good meal." Yan Xiaoyu continued to smile.

Yan Xiaoyu now don't mention how happy he is, Qin Muxuan that little **** can finally leave Gu Ziyi, and Gu Ziyi is her.

Just when Yan Xiaoyu and Gu Ziyu were deadlocked, Mrs. Gu finally said, "If you want her to be safe, just sit over and eat."

Mrs. Gu's words were all threatening. It seemed that Gu Ziyi had to eat this meal tonight.

Gu Zi shook his feet and finally walked towards the dining table.

Seeing Gu Ziyu came over, Yan Xiaoyu immediately helped him pull out a stool and let him sit down. Qin Xiaobai also had to follow her to sit and eat together.

At the table, Mrs. Gu and Yan Xiaoyu were very happy. On the other hand, Gu Ziyu, Qin Xiaobai, and Mrs. Gu have not touched the chopsticks on the table since they sat down.

Mrs Gu felt a little guilty. She actually knew this at first, but she thought she could persuade the old lady to not do it, so she didn't tell Gu Ziyu the first time.

Unexpectedly, this time Mrs. Gu was as if she had been brainwashed by a verbalist. Even Mrs. Gu's mobile phone was taken away by Mrs. Gu, so she could not be reached at all.

"Come on, Xiaobai eat more. The child can't help but eat when he is growing up." The old lady Gu always liked Qin Xiaobai, the great grandson. In the bowl.

Qin Xiaobai didn't speak, and didn't do anything. He just pursed his lips, and could not help feeling more sad.

He never thought that Mrs. Gu would even shut up Qin Muxuan and threaten Gu Zixuan.

After a long while, the old lady Gu finally couldn't hold her face, and she suddenly became gloomy.

"I can let her go, there is only one condition." Old lady Gu put down the chopsticks in her hand and said to Gu Ziyu.

Gu Zizheng can almost guess what the conditions Mrs. Gu said. He frowned, glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and finally sighed secretly: "Go to the study room."

Gu Zizhen did not want Qin Xiaobai to hear that his own grandma was going to tear up his parents, which was a big blow to a child over four years old.

When Qin Xiaobai matured, he was just a child. As soon as Gu Zizheng said, the old lady's face eased a little.

"Okay." When old lady Gu saw Gu Ziyu, she thought that there might be room for discussion. As long as Gu Ziyu married Yan Xiaoyu, she would naturally let Qin Muxuan leave without incident.

"Dad." Qin Xiaobai frowned and looked at Gu Ziyu.

"Xiao Baiguai, wait for Dad to come down here. Dad will take you and your mother home." Gu Zizhen raised his hand and touched Xiaobai's head, comforting him.

Qin Xiaobai nodded with his eyes wide open. He actually knew that there seemed to be something that Zizi could not let him hear.