MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 61 hold firmly

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There were also many people under the martial arts stage who saw Wang Cheng use poison darts, and there were many discussions. Even Shen Yushu, who knew nothing about martial arts, could see that Wang Cheng was cheating.

The little boy rolled up his sleeves and ran angrily to the big man who was beating the gong, and said loudly, "Hey! That person was just kidding, don't you care?"

The big man shook his head and said, "Sir, there are no rules and regulations in the Huage competition, there are only winners and losers."

"Ha?! Why is this?" Shen Yushu shouted twice, seeing that no one paid him any attention, so he walked back angrily.

On the competition stage, although Li Changtian pulled out the poison dart very quickly, it was too late, and his right arm gradually became unconscious.

When Li Changtian was still shocked by what Wang Cheng did, Wang Cheng suddenly raised his foot and kicked Li Changtian's knee ruthlessly.

"Hmm..." Li Changtian was kicked to his knees unprepared. He clenched his left hand and slammed his right arm, trying to regain some consciousness.

At this moment, Wang Cheng raised his foot again and kicked the kneeling Li Changtian on the head.

Li Changtian blocked with his left hand, grabbed Wang Cheng's ankle, and yanked it violently, and Wang Cheng fell to the ground in a panic.

There was applause from the stage.

Li Changtian stood up and pinched his right arm with his left hand, but not only did the pain not come, but the numbness gradually spread throughout his body, and his head began to feel dizzy. gets a little blurry.

Li Changtian shook his head abruptly, trying to stay awake, his right arm suddenly hurt, and then his stomach, chest, and back were hit several times, and he fell to the ground in a panic.

Wang Cheng threw a fist at Li Changtian, because he was worried that the poison on the poison dart would not last long.

But what Wang Cheng didn't expect was that no matter how many times he knocked Li Changtian to the ground, Li Changtian could grit his teeth and struggle to get up.

Probably because of being poisoned, Li Changtian's eyes were blood red and his face was pale. His whole person was clearly at the end of the line, but he had to hold on to his breath, his left hand firmly grasped Wang Cheng's arm, struggled several times, and leaned on him to stand up. , is not to admit defeat.

Wang Cheng became impatient, grabbed Li Changtian's hair, and knocked his head to the ground.

At this moment, someone suddenly grabbed Wang Cheng's wrist, blocking his movements.

Before Wang Cheng could react, he was kicked on the body and kicked him half a meter away.

Wang Cheng covered his chest that was hurting from the fall, looked up, and saw a plain white brocade-clothed young man approaching with a cold face.

"You!" Wang Cheng just shouted a word, and the young man in white stepped forward, grabbed his neck with one hand, and pressed him to the ground.

"An antidote." The white-clothed young master said word by word with anger in his eyes.

Wang Cheng only felt that his throat was tightly shackled. The man made him unable to breathe, and there were black spots in his sight. He frantically broke the hand of the white-robed boy, but it was in vain.

In desperation, Wang Cheng had no choice but to take out the antidote from his arms in a hurry and hand it to the boy in white.

Yan Shu took the antidote, let go of Wang Cheng, and without looking at him again, turned around and walked towards Li Changtian.

Li Changtian was still struggling to get up, but he obviously couldn't see clearly, his eyes were confused and couldn't focus on the focus. After he stood up with gritted teeth, he staggered a few steps, and slammed into Yan Shu's arms sideways.

Yan Shu hugged him with his left hand, and with his right hand held Li Changtian's left wrist, which he clenched, and said softly, "It's me."

Li Changtian was taken aback: "Yan Shu?"

"It's me." Yan Shu repeated.

Li Changtian's fist-swinging hand was relieved, and his whole body actually lost strength, his feet softened, and he fell down again.

Yan Shu hurriedly hugged him and sat on the stage.

Li Changtian gritted his teeth and scolded a swear word, a little dejected.

Yan Shu opened the small porcelain bottle containing the antidote and did not dare to give Li Changtian the medicine. To Li Changtian.

Li Changtian took Yan Shu's hand, swallowed the antidote obediently, took two deep breaths, felt his sight slowly recover, and had some strength in his body.

He blinked and looked forward with great effort, but saw a blurred figure standing behind Yan Shu, waving a knife at him.

Li Changtian panicked in his heart, just as he was about to call Yan Shu, he suddenly felt that he was suddenly vacated.

It turned out that Yan Shu had already sensed the danger, and when Wang Cheng slashed with his saber, he suddenly hugged Li Changtian, tapped his toes, and avoided it easily.

Wang Cheng's knife swiped in the air and slashed on the competition stage. The blade entered the competition stage for three points and got stuck there.

Wang Cheng panicked and wanted to pull out the knife, but Yan Shu didn't give him a chance. He kicked him on the wrist, preventing him from drawing the knife, and then with another kick, Wang Cheng was kicked off the competition stage, heavily. Smashed on the pillar of the flower pavilion, crooked his neck and fainted.

And Yan Shu has been holding Li Changtian firmly, and he didn't even bump him half a point.

Things developed unexpectedly, the flower pavilion became a mess, and the girls were trying their best to appease the spectators.

Yan Shu jumped off the competition stage with Li Changtian in his arms, walked to Shen Yushu, closed his eyes and said to him, "Mr. Shen, let's go."

"Huh? But, the pavilion master of the Flower Pavilion, the brand, you..." Shen Yushu was also a little stunned, unable to speak clearly.

"I've broken the rules of the competition, and if it's like this, the pavilion master of Hua Pavilion probably doesn't want to see us." Yan Shu said lightly.

"Oh? Why is your son so sure that our pavilion master doesn't want to see you?"

Suddenly, a woman in red stood in front of the three of them.

-------Thanks for the reward for why I met GlhBgwdk yesterday!

Thank you to Li Changtian who bragged about bot11 yesterday, the Necro Butterfly for temporarily retire, this very difficult person, who has a deer in Lin Qianzun Restaurant, a poor old grain, Abner Liu Ertian, did you counterattack today? Tang Junmo urged for more votes!

Thank you for yesterday's little taro balls, Dongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongdongqianxian, Moon I am the road that Xie Yu walked, Mengyou 7673367703711's necronomicon butterfly temporarily retired There is a monthly pass for Luyulin Kakjesussssuk Seven Seven Small Bricks!