MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 166

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Matsuda Jinping was stunned by scripts such as "Domineering Hackers Fall in Love with Me - Where Does the Public Security Undercover" and "Under the Cherry Blossom Trees That Year" by Hagihara Ken Er's mouth.

Matsuda Jinping didn't read novels and didn't know the relevant vocabulary, but he learned the meaning of "lei" without a teacher.

When Hagihara Kenji wanted to continue talking, Matsuda Jinhei decisively stopped Hagihara Kenji, who was talking more and more: "Anyway, no matter what, let's call the hero first?"

Too bad, he was also taken astray by Hagihara and said lines like the male lead. Matsuda Jinping cried out inwardly.

Fortunately, Hagihara Kenji didn't notice this, or noticed it, but he wasn't going to use this to make fun of his friends.

Hagihara Kenji let go of Matsuda Jinping temporarily, nodded and said: "That's right, in short, let Xiaozhufu be notified first."

It is much more convenient to contact Zhufu Jingguang than to drop to zero.

After the four of them finally gathered at the apartment again, Hagihara Kenji said, "I feel... Should I move and rent a bigger house?"

Hagihara Kenji is complaining about the frequency with which Gu Ling and Zhu Fu Jingguang come over, maybe they really should make a room for the two of them.

But joking aside, Matsuda Jinping turned his laptop to the front of Yagu Ling and Zhu Fu Jingguang: "I called you here for this."

Matsuda Jinping's sensitivity in this regard is not as good as Hagihara Kenji, nor is it as good as the other two contemporaneous periods that have been mixed for so long.

What Matsuda Jinhei can see, the other three can see. The details that Jinhei Matsuda didn't notice, the other three will notice too.

But what's interesting is that the three of them focus on different points.

What Hagihara Kenji first noticed was the consequences, whether it would pose a threat to friends, and how to avoid it.

What Jiang Gu Ling noticed was the threat from within the public security, how would such a situation affect the public, and how could it be used.

And Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at Hagihara Kenji and said directly: "Do you have any ideas? Is there anything I can help you with."

Normally this situation is fine, but this time, Matsuda Jinhei silently looked away, watching Hagihara Kenji happily repeat the things that had poisoned him just now to Zhufu Jingguang and Furuya. Zero listening.

Even because there is time to think in the middle, this time, Hagihara Kenji's story is even more **** and detailed.

Although I heard goosebumps all over my body, Matsuda Jinping said that he had heard it once, and he couldn't let go of Yugu!

He has heard it once, and he is resistant!

After listening to Hagihara Kenji's **** plot that would definitely win the Newcomer Award, Rei Kotani's reaction was exactly the same as that of Matsuda Jinping before, but he confirmed it once again: "Is the Mazhizi you're talking about the Mazhizi I thought?"

Hagihara Kenji nodded: "Yes!"

Zero Furugu looked at Matsuda Jinping in disbelief: "You actually let him play like this?!"

Matsuda Jinping: "Do you think I can stop him?"

Jianggu Ling was silent, and he looked away.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's attention is the most interesting, he said: "In this case, does it mean that Songtian wants women's clothes?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought about it and said, "Although it's not that you haven't played with women's clothing before, but now... even if you use Disguise, it's still more obvious, right?"

Due to the existence of the system, the scale of Matsuda has been reduced to a certain extent. "You don't need to care about this kind of thing."

Jiang Gu said subconsciously: "You care a little bit!"

Matsuda Jinping: "I'm a cat demon anyway, so it's normal to know a little bit of costume illusion?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was persuaded: "That's true."

The valley zero is even more incredible: "hiro? Are you serious?!"

Hagihara Kenji: "Compared to women's clothing, what Kojinpei can't accept is to become a couple with Kofayatani."

Matsuda Jinhei nodded heavily.

Zhu Fu Jingguang also laughed: "Indeed, I can't imagine such a scene at all... If it's a couple, shouldn't they continue to fight each other?"

Jiang Gu Ling smelt a face with a very strange expression: "Don't say it as if I'm really with this guy."

"I haven't disliked you yet, but you have disliked me first?" Matsuda Jinping said dissatisfied.

"By the way, don't you think our topic seems to be a lot off the mark?" Hagihara Kenji said.

After finally pulling the topic back, Zhu Fu Jingguang took it away the next second: "If that's the case, why do you have to let Matsuda go? I can too."

Matsuda Jinping was taken aback.

Zhu Fu Jingguang gestured with his finger: "After all, I am the most idle right now, and I have enough self-protection ability. No one can match me with zero's cooperation. I have enough understanding of the organization and the public security..."

So why do you really think so seriously on the premise of someone pretending to be my girlfriend? No one answered the doubts that fell to the valley full of hearts.

"In fact, it's best not to go." Jiang Gu Ling resolutely changed the topic: "After all, Ma Zhizi has always been on my side, and even the police chief has no direct command."

"But isn't this troublesome for you, Kogoya?" Hagihara Kenji said.

"But it's too dangerous—it's an obvious trap." Jiang Gu Ling hesitated before saying in a low voice, "Although you don't shoot often, Matsuda, your abilities are definitely among the top ones."

Gu Ling also understands some hacking techniques, because he is a full-time intelligence professional, and of course he needs this ability. However, Zero Valley is not specialized, nor is it the advanced data package provided by the bullet screen like Matsuda Jinping has a plug-in.

As long as technology continues to advance, Matsuda Jinping's technology will become less important sooner or later - but the problem is that although technology is progressing rapidly, for now, it still has not kept up with the technology in Matsuda Jinping's data package.

If nothing else, the existence of the system has already proved how terrible the technology of another world is. In addition to the initial basic package, other big guys will occasionally appear on the barrage to add new knowledge points.

Therefore, Matsuda Jinping's ability is still absolutely ahead.

But no one else knows this! They will only think that "Mazhizi" is too good, that the hacker's talent is extraordinary, and he is a genius among geniuses.

Even if it drops to zero, there are similar ideas. It is precisely because Rei Furutani understands hacking technology and knows very well that when Matsuda Jinhei first entered the school, he was not good at this knowledge at all, and he suddenly learned it in the middle without knowing why, so he is more aware than anyone else. How terrifying is Matsuda Jinhei's talent.

"Although I cover up your existence most of the time, in fact, many people have noticed you, and the director has mentioned it to me more than once." Jiang Gu Ling lowered his eyes and said, "This time is obviously a test from above. , you don't have to accept it."

"'Mazhizi' has always used 'Jiaoguling' as an intermediary for foreign aid. As long as I don't agree, no one can threaten you." Jiangguling said firmly.

Matsuda Jinping blinked slowly: "A little moved, but also a little disgusting."

"—Can you be a little bit more normal?"

Drop to zero: "…"

Down Valley Zero: "I shouldn't have told you this!"

"But you know, this is no longer a purely public security issue, zero." Zhu Fujingguang said gently: "Songtian also has a presence on the Internet."

"He has helped us steal information more than once. As long as he has appeared, he will definitely leave traces. Many organizations have noticed it, but Songtian cannot be directly found."

"But Matsuda's talent and skills have long been exposed on the Internet."

The Maoyan youth continued in a calm tone: "When you realize what kind of technology Matsuda possesses, it is a threat to any superior."

"Especially I can't control this." Zhu Fu Jingguang inadvertently said a line similar to the previous Hagihara Kenji: "It's better to say that it has only been three years since I realized this, which is much faster than I thought. "

To put it simply, in addition to the Japanese police who want to know the true identity of Ma Zhizi and want to use Ma Zhizi, the same is true of other organizations and other countries (especially the FBI).

The more technology develops, the more human beings will realize the horror of technology.

What they want is not Ma Zhizi, but Ma Zhizi's hacking technology that is too advanced for this era.

"There will be a first, second and third time in this situation." Zhu Fu Jingguang concluded: "So this is the first time, we must think carefully about how to face it."

Jiang Gu Ling thought for a while: "Let Ma Zhizi leave the police?"

"—I'm not staying at the police for you, I'm for the fast, the phantom thief Kidd." Matsuda Jinping vetoed this.

In fact, as the valley zero said, it is safest not to appear. But if it does not appear, then the existence of the twigs is not a help, but a hindrance.

But Matsuda is not the character to hide behind and be protected, he would rather do it directly.

Hearing these twists and turns gave Matsuda Jinping a headache - either he didn't understand, or because he understood and understood, Matsuda Jinping would feel troublesome.

Matsuda Jinping simply gave up thinking, let the three people in front of him have more thoughts than anyone else to discuss, and then told him what to do.

Then Zhu Fu Jingguang suggested: "Just let me be a stand-in, just like I said just now."

Zero Valley: "No! You can leave Kidd's affairs directly to me. Matsuda himself has no interest in this aspect. Isn't it good to quit now?"

"The fundamental reason you are discussing now is because Ma Zhizi is under my command, and the choices I make will affect me so I am so entangled. So I think I should be able to choose whether to accept help or not?"

Hagihara Kenji: "I still recommend the domineering hacker Qiao Public Security I said."

They couldn't convince each other, so the three of them said in unison to the sleepy Matsuda Jinhei: "Who do you choose!"

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Matsuda Jinping: "...?"

Matsuda Jinping reacted for two seconds before he said, "Jingguang, don't forget why you lost your last identity. Once Yi Rong falls, you will be in danger, pass."

"Jiangu, shut up, I just want to help you. What's the matter with you? Why use your life for intelligence when there is a convenient channel?"

"And Hagihara—how about changing the script?"

Matsuda Jinping finished his evaluation, but he didn't expect the other three to look at each other, but instead all pointed their finger at him.

The three lines are very simple, one is to leave the danger to Zhufu, the other is to leave the threat to Furugu, and the other is for Matsuda to handle it all by himself. And these options can show Matsuda Jinping's own ideas.

Jianggu Ling hesitated: "I wanted to say it before, although you have been complaining about me, but Songtian, is your desire to protect us a little too strong?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang said worriedly: "Are you tightening yourself too much? The previous plan was the same, obviously a lot of work didn't need you to do, but you still contracted it all."

Just as Hagihara Kenji was about to speak, he was stopped by Matsuda Jinping with a knife. Hagihara Kenji could only shrug his shoulders, but his expression still revealed his meaning.

Looking at the three people who were clearly standing on the same front, Matsuda Jinhei realized that he seemed to be unable to avoid this problem.

What they said was the truth, and Matsuda Jinpei himself had this awareness.

simply just...

"Since I can do it, why don't I do it?" Matsuda Jinping stated.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's eyes dimmed: "Is that true..."

Jiang Gu Ling gave a "tsk": "Troubleful heroism."

Matsuda Jinping snorted coldly: "It's as if you are not the same."

Jiang Gu Ling choked, but Zhu Fu Jingguang said with his eyes bent: "It's different."

"I have troubled you more than once to help me with my affairs. Even if it was to escape from suspended animation, it was the three of you who cooperated to create my new identity."

"Zero is also, I have received a lot of help from you in the past few years, and I have also cooperated with zero to do many tasks."

"Songtian, we will complete our own tasks by ourselves, but we will ask our companions for cooperation when we encounter difficulties that cannot be easily solved."

"But Songtian, recall that over the years, when have you asked us for help?" Zhu Fu Jingguang said softly.

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

Zhufu Jingguang continued: "Hagihara is too familiar with you, so these words are not suitable for him."

"Just like what you said to me in the police academy seven years ago - you said you could understand my mood, and now I can understand your thoughts as well."

The voice of the cat's eye youth became more and more gentle, as warm as the sun was shining on his body: "I was very afraid of guarding the outside world, because of my parents' affairs, I dare not involve you."

"But at that time, it was Matsuda who pushed me directly and told me that we were companions, and you would all help me."

"You dare not ask us to help now, because you are afraid that something will happen to us, just like me at the time, isn't it?"

"I don't know what you can see, and I don't want to rudely poke your wound. I can find that you have slowly come out, and I am relieved about it - but, did you meet again a few days ago? What? Because I found it as soon as I entered the door today, and you're back now."

"The way you look at us now is exactly the same as the way you looked at Hagihara seven years ago." Zhu Fu Jingguang said words that were too sharp to open the wound, but his tone and expression made this point suppressed. lowest point.

"Worrying about our accident, as if witnessing our death, like protecting a hard-won treasure, no matter how careful you are, it is right."

"I don't want to comment on this." Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the drooping eyes of Matsuda's formation, and the calm black pupils covered by long eyelashes, and said gently: "If you really want to appear as Ma Zhizi, Neither me nor zero will stop, on the contrary, we will cooperate with you."

Zhu Fu Jingguang made the final conclusion: "Because we are companions."

"We are not simply a protector and a protected person. But we have the same feeling of wanting to protect you." The cat's eye youth chuckled: "I am also a police officer anyway, and I can't forget it because of my status as an ordinary person. That's right, Matsuda."

Matsuda Jinping: "..."

As early as when Zhu Fu Jingguang opened his mouth, Jiang Gu Ling looked away, not to see Matsuda Jinping's reaction. And Hagihara Kenji said softly after Zhu Fu Jingguang finished speaking: "So, relax a little, Xiao Zhenping."

You are putting too much pressure on yourself. The three people present are revealing this information.

Matsuda Jinping was the worst at facing such an attack. He turned his head slightly embarrassedly: "This time I will do it myself."

Obviously he didn't meet the eyes of the three of them, but Matsuda Jinping somehow felt the sense of loss exuding from the three of them.

Matsuda Jinping's tone was stiff: "Just because Ma Zhizi is going to appear, there will definitely be a means to prove his identity. It is not suitable for any of you to replace it."

As if he couldn't stand the current atmosphere in the room, Matsuda Jinpei immediately stood up and left the sofa: "You guys continue to discuss, and then tell me directly what I have to do."

Then, as if running away, he slammed the door and disappeared.

The three left behind: "…"

"Pfft!" Hagihara Kenji immediately covered his mouth and laughed, and then said to Zhufu Jingguang who had a similar expression to him: "Thank you this time, Xiao Zhufu."

"It's your request after all." Zhu Fu Jingguang touched the stubble of his chin, and evaluated himself: "Is it a little too hard?"

Hagihara Kenji waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, Xiaojinping couldn't find it, he should be so ashamed that his brain lost its response now."

Drop to zero: "…"

Falling Valley Zero: "I don't know if I should take pity on Matsuda."

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought thoughtfully: "We can't care about one thing or another, do you want to come too? Zero."

Falling Valley Zero decisively refused: "I don't care!"

"However, with the character of Xiaojinping, he will choose to go on his own." Hagihara Kenji knocked on the hand: "Compared to the script, it is still necessary for you to respond."

"Public opinion attacks are the best, but your reputation will probably get worse." Hagihara Kenji smiled wickedly: "Would you like it?"

Gu Ling had a very ominous premonition, but how could he refuse it now? He could only say: "I understand, what do I need to do?"

But when the answer appeared in front of his eyes after a few days, Jiang Gu Ling was completely stunned.

Looking at the curly-haired girl who appeared in front of her eyes with Hagihara Kenji holding her shoulders on her shoulders.

"Wait, wait? Is that what I thought?"

The curly-haired girl standing in front of him seemed to be the age of middle school, and the highest was not higher than the first grade. She was wearing a loose sweater that was obviously a men's style, and her shoulders were not half exposed, and it was quite tightly wrapped.

It's just that the sweater, which is obviously an adult man, is too big, the sleeves completely wrap the hands, and the hem of the sweater is almost at the knee. The bright red color is Hagihara Kenji's preference.

It was paired with a pair of khaki mid-length trousers, showing only half of the calf.

However, the curly-haired girl did not express any shy emotion, instead she hugged her arms and tutted: "What are you shy about? Jianggu."

When the voice of 'her' came out, Jiang Gu Ling was even more confused, "Male?"

Blue veins stretched between Matsuda's forehead: "What do you mean?"

On the contrary, Jiang Gu Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, at least you haven't taken that step yet."

Matsuda Jinping: "???"

Hagihara Kenji is a little pity: "It's just the age of junior high school. This age has not fully developed, and it is the most suitable body shape for disguising gender."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "Well, as expected of a cat demon~ But to be honest, I almost thought you really became a girl just now."

"It won't be fun if you play too much." Matsuda Jinping complained, he scratched his wig uncomfortably, ignoring the mourning on the barrage.

"In short, it's just a simple matter of getting smaller and pretending to be a woman of the same age, right?" Matsuda Jinping confirmed.

[Although I didn't see the **** change, sisters, it's not a loss! This is the small formation of adolescence that we have no chance to see! It's only women's clothing! 】

【Ah, ah, hagi, you understand so well! Boyfriend sweater, this is a boyfriend sweater! Cute sleeves I can! I really can! The messy curly hair also hit my cute point! 】

[Women's clothing teenagers are more appealing to me than direct sex! I admit, I'm down jian! I'm just greedy for a flat body! 】

[Woo woo hagi really understands so much, I really understand it! My husband Mazda, my wife Ma Zhizi! Perfect monogamy! 】

[Seriously, I suspect that this is completely hagi's selfishness! This is completely dressed according to hagi's aesthetics! Woo woo woo small array look at me look at me! Wife—! 】

Hagihara Kenji nodded and said with a smile: "But then you have to wear a voice changer. After all, your voice was quite obvious when you were a child."

"You shouldn't be interested in the previous transaction. You only need to know that you are going to meet with Feng Feng, and then make an appointment with him to arrive at a random location and parse an important document. We will help you solve the rest, Ma Zhizi-chan ~”

"Don't call me that." Matsuda Jinping said dissatisfiedly, but with his current shape and height, he didn't have any momentum at all.

Hagihara Kenji's voice was too sweet: "Okay~"

I always felt that the current Hagihara was more dangerous than anyone else.

It was only at this time that the valley zero reacted: "Wait?"

His pupils dilated, full of astonishment: "So my rumored girlfriend is an underage jk?!"