MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 171

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Since Jianggu Ling said it out, the guesses that represent him are probably the truth. Because he will not use his own uncertain guesses to influence the thinking of his friends.

"In other words, I should pay attention to people from decades ago..." Matsuda Jinping said to himself: "After all, I don't think that a boss who can create such an organization would be an unknown person."

"Maybe it left traces somewhere."

The other three did not deny Matsuda Jinhei's idea, and also offered quite a few directions.

Hagihara Kenji gave an example: "It's not necessarily the old generation, right? Maybe it's like the monitor, who came from the last generation, so it's not suitable for the current technology at all?"

"That is to say... Is there a possibility that we are actually the same age as the monitor?"

"So! What if Mr. Boss doesn't take the usual path and happens to be the squad leader?"

"So why do you have to persecute the monitor?"

Hagihara Kenji said with a low smile, "We've excluded the squad leader for so long, so we have to play with him, right?"

Matsuda Jinping: "I don't think the squad leader wants this kind of treatment at all."

The atmosphere relaxed a little, and Matsuda Jinhei was also thinking about which aspect he should investigate first.

But after thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have something called a plug-in.

In fact, when he felt a sense of crisis before, Matsuda Jinping still thought that he should work harder to live broadcast. But every time I have this kind of thought, Zhu Fu Jingguang's hairy words will appear in my ears, resulting in Matsuda Jinping's enthusiasm getting lower and lower, just like in previous years, he almost completely forgot the existence of the system .

But now in this situation, maybe they can have another view. Maybe they can spoil some information that they didn't realize, but it was of great reference value to him.

Looking at the three people who were still discussing, Matsuda Jinhei held the phone and tapped on it a few times. Hagihara Kenji glanced over his head, raised his eyebrows, and put his hand on Matsuda Jinhei's shoulder naturally. As expected, he saw the translucent barrage appearing in front of him.

The acuity of Zhufu Jingguang and Jianggu Ling was not fake. They immediately stopped talking and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xiaojinping will record the keywords again, so as not to forget them later." Hagihara Kenji explained perfunctorily.

After all, it can't be said that Matsuda Jinping is now asking who the boss of the bullet screen organization is on his mobile phone?

However, the shielding system seems to have been upgraded again? Looking at the full screen of asterisks, Matsuda Jinping felt a little regretful.

However, at this time, the text that appeared in the asterisk became much more conspicuous.

[Damn let me say oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boss boss 】

【Wow! The old man found it! What part did you investigate? 】

[Xiao Zhenping look at me look at me! ! Hurry up and ask Kudo Shinichi about the gold-related case - no, ask Kaito! Go and ask Kuaidou! ! 】

【right! Go to Kuaidou, he knows it too! ! 】

【It's easier to find Kuaidou now! 】

Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji glanced at each other, Matsuda Jinpei suddenly walked out with his mobile phone in his hand: "I suddenly remembered something and went to make a call."

After saying that, Matsuda Jinhei left the room.

Zhufu Jingguang and Kyogu Rei looked at Hagihara Kenji who kept a smile, and Kyotani said helplessly: "What kind of riddle are you two playing?"

"...Well, if I said I didn't know, would you believe me?" Hagihara Kenji laughed.

Falling Valley Zero: "What do you think?"

Hagihara Kenji took a sip from the teacup, and the tea inside was a little cold: "So to put it simply... Xiao Zhenping went to find foreign aid?"

"Well, maybe I'll give you a surprise later." Hagihara Kenji put down the cup and said briskly, "Wait a while."

And Matsuda Jinping walked into the cubicle and called Kuroba Kaito. It was impossible for high school students to sleep at this time, so Kuroba quickly answered: [Moses Moses~ Brother Jinping? Do you have anything to do with me? 】

"Kaito, have you ever encountered any gold-related cases?" Matsuda Jinping cut a long story short and directly asked the most crucial question.

【Um? what gold? I steal, ahem, I mean my goals are all gems, and there are no gems set in gold lately... eh? gold? ] Kuroba Kaito suddenly paused: [If you say that, I did encounter it once before. 】

[Brother Zhenping, do you know the Twilight Annex? 】 Kuroba Kaito said to the end of the phone.

That was quite a long time ago, so Kuroba Kuito didn't even think of it for the first time.

To put it simply, someone took the name of "Kid the Thief" and tricked a bunch of detectives into going to this villa, but it turned out to be in order for these detectives to investigate the secrets of the villa.

[And this secret is the villa itself. 】Even a person like Kuroba Kuito, who has never been short of money since he was a child, couldn't help but smack his tongue in his heart.


[That villa is completely made of gold. 】 Kuroba Kuito's voice was separated by the phone, with a sense of inorganic electric current: 【It even includes every floor tile. 】

Matsuda Jinping sighed silently: "Then do you know who the owner of the villa is?"

【Mr. Dashan, right? Mr. Dashan Zhushan. 】 Kuroba Kaito finished speaking, but realized that Matsuda Jinpei not only wanted to know this information, but told all the information he knew.

[However, the predecessor of the villa was a rich man. 】

Kuroba Kuito's memory is very good, and he can even fully recite the situation at that time.

[It is said that it was a rich man who was over 100 years old. Forty years ago, he invited many archaeologists to the villa in order to find the treasure hidden in the villa. 】

[Even, the rich man was running out of time, so he was very anxious and killed the archaeologists one by one. Because it was too late, the victim's family did not call the police. 】

【I must say what the original owner said, I remember... it was called Karasuma Renya, right? 】

"Thank you, Kuito." Matsuda Jinping leaned against the wall, and when Kuroba Kuito was halfway through speaking, he picked up a cigarette and held it to his mouth.

It's just that Tsukatani didn't smoke, so Matsuda Jinpei didn't plan to leave the smell of cigarette smoke in the room, he just drank it.

[Although I don't know why you need to know this, Brother Jinping... But the relationship is very complicated. The reason why it has not been exposed now is because many politicians are also involved. 】 Kuroba Kuito realized something, but he didn't intend to stop it, because he himself is such a person, and he clearly knows that he can't stop it.

So Kuroba Kaito just reminded: [It also involves a scandal in the political and economic circles 40 years ago, and there is a high probability that there is no news from the Metropolitan Police Department. If you want to investigate, Brother Jinping, it will be obvious... So be careful. 】

"Understood." Matsuda Jinping gave a low laugh: "It's not up to a kid like you to worry about this kind of thing, just leave it to an expert."

[Ah - do you throw it away after you use it up? ] Kuroba Kaito sighed on the opposite side: [When it's useful, it's a kiss and a quick fight, and when it's useless, it's a stinky brat. You are too realistic, Brother Zhenping. 】

"Don't learn these disgusting accents from Hagi." Matsuda Jinping glanced at the time: "Go to bed early, you always stay up late and you won't grow taller. You don't want to be half a head shorter than Hagi forever, right?"

"Hey—are you cursing me? Or is this your experience, Brother Jinping..." Kuroba Kuito heard the beeping sound in his ear, looked at the phone call that he unilaterally hung up, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He glanced at the plan on the table, then stretched out, walked to the bed, and said to himself, "Sleep, sleep~"

After the end here, Matsuda Jinping knew the answer faintly. Looking at the bullet screen that lost a lot of asterisks in an instant, he confirmed this.

Matsuda Jinping returned to the room, and said to Linggu Ling: "Jianggu, lend me your computer."

Zero Kutani didn't refuse, handed the notebook over, and then the three of them watched Matsuda Jinping searching for something on the computer, and in less than five minutes, they turned the notebook over with a strange expression.

"How likely do you think he is the boss?"

In the photo, the information of Karasuma Renye is impressive, but it is quite official, introducing the rich man half a century ago.

Zhufu Jingguang and Jianggu Ling hesitated for two seconds: "It's not that I don't believe you, Matsuda. It's just..."

It's just that you went on the phone for ten minutes and came back and told us that you know the real identity of the boss? do you play with us?

"The predictive ability of the cat demon." Matsuda Jinping said dryly.

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "...but,"

Matsuda Jinping: "Cat demon."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "I—"

Matsuda Jinping: "The monster."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "Uh."

Matsuda Jinping: "Precognition ability."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang shut up.

Jiang Gu Ling sighed: "Songtian, although many points are connected, for example, the family crest is a crow, before it existed half a century ago, it was the rich and rich, so it was able to support the organization funds to start, and it did involve the political and economic circles... "

The more he said, the more wrong, and his expression became more and more strange, then he looked at Matsuda Jinping who nodded to him strangely, and finally said the most important point: "But forty years ago, he was a hundred years old. Is he still alive? Maybe we should pay attention to his offspring or something?"

Matsuda Jinping glanced at Rei Furutani, then tapped on the computer for a while, then turned the computer back.

This time the screen isn't even connected to a dedicated network, just the most common search engine.

It says "the world's longest living old man" in the search bar.

Then there are records from different countries one after another, some who lived to be 110 years old, and some who lived to be 130 years old. Although I don't know if it's true or not, it's also a reverse proof.

Jiang Guling opened his mouth, but before he spoke this time, Matsuda Jinping said directly: "Belmode, how did she get the nickname of the ageless witch."

Drop to zero: "…"

Matsuda Jinhei chased after the victory: "Are Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho rejuvenated?"

Down to zero: "..."

Matsuda Jinping: "Give up science, fall valley."

Drop Valley Zero: "..."

Jiang Gu Ling covered his face, he no longer wanted to speak.

After a while, Jiang Gu Ling's voice came from the palm of his hand: "...Does it have any special skills for the dog demon?"

The other three: "...Pfft!"