MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 84

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Hagihara Kenji didn't know that Matsuda Jinhei and Zhufu Jingguang had met once, and it was not clear that Zhufu Jingguang would stay at Mikacho for the time being.

But compared to the bad acting - it's not really that bad, it's just that the group of people around him are all acting emperors - such as Hagihara, such as Zhufu, such as Furuya and even Kaito.

Ah, with that said, it can be said that Matsuda Jinhei is the only pure-hearted one present?

In short, compared to Matsuda Jinhei, Hagihara Kenji quickly realized that his script was missing a page. He blinked and asked Matsuda Jinhei, "Huh? Do you know each other?"

Matsuda Jinpei also reacted and forgot to mention this to his friends, and explained: "Oh, the writer who sent himself to prison three years ago to collect material."

Zhu Fu Jingguang denied it, "I'm not even a writer."

With such a sentence, Ken Hagihara understood the script in two seconds, "If we know each other, do you mind if we sit at a table? Uh, this..."

Zhufu Jingguang replied naturally: "Lvchuan, my name is Lvchuanguang."

"Okay, Mr. Midorikawa~" Hagihara Kenji smiled, "I'm Hagihara Kenji, and I'm a colleague with Kojinpei."

"Of course, Officer Hagihara." Zhufu Jingguang added a respectful address.

"Well, it's off-duty time, just call me Hagihara."

"Well... Then just call me Midorikawa, Hagihara-kun." Zhufu Jingguang said.

Looking at the two people who naturally finished the script, Matsuda Jinping sat on the side with his chin on his face bored: "So can you order?"

The two have known each other for seven years, and now they have to pretend to act like strangers they just met. In front of people who know the truth, they always feel a little funny.

They came here for dinner, and they were stuck on the eve of the coffee shop getting off work, and this time was basically the time when ordinary office workers got off work.

Likewise, elementary school students have been out of school for a long time at this time.

Maybe it was because he didn't get enough sleep last night, Matsuda Jinping was a little out of spirit, and he poked the pudding in front of him repeatedly. Hagihara Kenji said with a smile: "Don't fall asleep here, wait until you go back to catch up?"

"I really don't know why you are so energetic every day." Matsuda Jinping yawned.

Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't say anything, holding a cup of coffee and smiling. It's completely impossible to see that he and a few people sneaked around his own young taming dye just now.

It was impossible for Jiang Guling to be angry with Zhu Fu Jingguang, so he had to keep his face sullen and smile, and now he was standing at the sink to wash dishes depressed.

Just when Zhu Fu Jingguang opened his mouth, Matsuda Jinping opened the live broadcast room.

[I'm dying of laughter, is this the young taming dye! 】

【You Tamer's love, zero, have you felt it hhh】

[Hiro is really black, I thought I would see two pairs of young tamers fighting each other, but it turned out to be three against one! Zero is so miserable hhh]

[Speaking of which, have you noticed that the daily Xiaozhenping does not have live broadcasts at all, but when Touzi and the others gather together, the frequency of Xiaozhenping’s live broadcasts will increase www]

【This is the same period of love! 】

[No wonder it's hard to see Xiao Zhenping after graduating from the police academy! 】

[Tuozi is really depressing hhh]

And just when several people seemed to be relaxed, there was a new movement at the door.

"Xiao Ai! Let me tell you, the desserts made by this family's brother Amuro are super delicious!"

"Yes, Haibara-san!"

Several elementary school students pushed the door through the door noisily and walked in. Zhu Fu Jingguang chose the position that was the most convenient to observe the surrounding and was not easy to be noticed by others, while Matsuda Jinping had his back to the door.

Hearing the movement of the elementary school students was nothing until Matsuda Jinhei heard the key word—ah, even if he didn't hear it, it didn't matter, the barrage was already reminding him.

[Small array level - run quickly -]

[Every time Conan appears, you play this stalk, it's all boring]

[Although, but, although, there are two bottles of wine present! 】

【Xiao Ai—run quickly—】

Xiao Ai? This was the first time that a new name appeared in the barrage, or it had appeared before, but he didn't notice it or was blocked.

Why do you want that kid named Xiao Ai to run away? Seriously, are there any parents who give their children such names? Sounds unreliable like that Edogawa Conan.

The drowsiness caused by too much leisure made Matsuda Jinping's brain a little unable to turn around, until the elementary school student at the door suddenly heard a voice: "Eh? Xiao Ai! Are you alright!"

Hai Yuanai's face was pale, and she realized something almost as soon as she stepped into this space. Although Edogawa Conan thought it was very unscientific, he still had a certain degree of trust in Haibara Ai's winery radar, and he stopped in front of Haibara Ai almost immediately, and glanced at everything in the room. people.

And then—— he met Matsuda Jinpei who turned his head.

Edogawa Conan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Amuro Toru was completely unaware that the smell of tissue on his body had frightened the children, so he wiped the remaining water on his hands with some worry, then walked over and bent down: "What's wrong?"

Then Haibara Ai looked even more frightened.

Edogawa Conan said nervously: "Haihara is somewhat anemic, so she may be a little uncomfortable now."

Yoshida Ayumi's eyes were red: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have pulled you out when Xiao Ai was uncomfortable..."

Haibara Ai shook her head reluctantly, and continued the script of Conan Edogawa: "...No, it's just, an accident..."

Amuro said actively: "Now this kid doesn't seem to be suitable for moving. Can you rest a little while sitting there?"

Haibara Ai: ...No, I want to get out of here immediately!

However, if he was forced to leave when he was uncomfortable, no adult would agree.

Yoshida Ayumi nodded to Amuro: "Thank you, Amuro brother!"

Then he turned his head and supported Huiyuan Ai: "Xiao Ai, let's go and sit for a while?"

Then, Toru Amuro led them to sit next to Matsuda Jinping's table, thinking that he could also help take care of the children at the same time.

However, no one can understand his kindness.

Haibara Ai:……

Edogawa Conan:  …

【Fuck hhhhh】

[Help, although it’s so miserable, it’s so funny! 】

[I'm sure the current Touzi didn't want to scare the children hhhh]

[But Xiao Ke is obviously scaring himself! 】

[Xiao Ai's winery radar help! Matsuda, hurry up and drive out the two of your family at the same time! Xiao Ai is about to suffocate! 】

Winery Radar, what is that?

Matsuda Jinhei didn't speak, and he wasn't wearing that black suit now, so he barely caused Haibara Ai's fear. After all, the weather is so hot that the fool still wears a full set of formal clothes after get off work.

Hagihara Kenji and Zhufu Jingguang were concerned at this time: "It doesn't matter, right?"

Edogawa Conan stood in front of Haibara Ai and explained: "It's okay, it's an old problem, just let Haibara rest for a while."

[This sentence, good straight man, as expected of you! Kudo Shinichi! 】

[Although, Zero Zero, come and see! This you are another young taming dyed sister! 】

[Now the plot is completely messed up www, but there is only a small array of flat perspective, I don't know where the plot has gone! 】

[Speaking now ********]

Um…? Matsuda Jinping, who noticed the point, narrowed his eyes, sister? Zero that guy's young tamer sister...?

So apart from Jingguang, is there any other young tame dyeing in Jianggu Ling?

When Matsuda Jinping was thinking about these issues, Hagihara Kenji and Zhufu Jingguang happened to know Edogawa Conan, and naturally exchanged names with a few children.

Matsuda Jinping held his chin and said at this time: "Speaking of which, do you have brothers and sisters?"

Because of the relationship with the police, these children have a surprisingly high degree of favorability towards them. In addition, this kind of question is not something that cannot be answered. After confirming that Haibara Ai was fine, a few lively children answered naturally.

They are all only sons, except Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko who said, "I have a sister, may I have any questions, Officer Matsuda."

The barrage said about his younger sister, and Yoshida Ayumi was the only daughter... Matsuda Jinping set his eyes on Haibara Ai, who had been hiding on the side and didn't speak: "What about you? Do you have a sister or—huh?"

Before Matsuda Jinhei finished speaking, Haibara Ai's face turned even paler.

At the same time, Edogawa Conan is also looking bad.

Matsuda Jinhei:…

Matsuda Jinhei: Am I so scary?

"Don't be so fierce, Xiaojinping." Hagihara Kenji broke the delicate atmosphere and reassured: "Your police officer Matsuda just looks fierce, but he is actually super easy to talk!"

"So don't be afraid, um... Can I call you Xiaoai?" Hagihara Kenji seemed to be keenly aware of something: "If you're uncomfortable, it might be better to go out and get some air."

With this excuse, Haibara Ai immediately grabbed Yoshida Ayumi, Yoshida Ayumi blinked her eyes with worry, and asked thoughtfully, "Xiao Ai, can I go out with you to get some air?"

Haibara Ai nodded immediately, like a frightened rabbit, she was led by Yoshida Ayumi and left the space.

After the two little girls left, Hagihara Kenji turned around and asked, "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

Of course, Matsuda Jinping couldn't say that the other party was probably the younger sister of Yagu Ling's Young Tame Ran, so he said perfunctorily, "It's a little familiar."

Hagihara Kenji didn't realize the seriousness of the matter and said with a smile, "Is it a girl?"

Matsuda Jinping rolled his eyes: "Why are you always paying attention to this kind of thing."

When the two of them communicated, they didn't notice the silent elementary school students beside them, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko worried, "Is Haibara-san okay?"

Edogawa Conan: She'll be fine if she leaves here.

But why... this man pays attention to whether Hai Yuan has a sister? A light flashed through Edogawa Conan's glasses, perfectly ignoring the "or" that Matsuda Jinhei hadn't finished.

This man, indeed—

Edogawa Conan restrained the expression on his face that did not belong to a primary school student, and asked in a cute tone: "Speaking of which, police officers Hagihara and police officers Matsuda have known each other for a long time?"

"You can directly change the question mark to a period!" Hagihara Kenji blinked: "Is Conan curious about this?"

"Yeah—a little bit." Edogawa Conan smiled: "Because it feels like Matsuda, Officer and Officer Hagihara, you seem to have different personalities...completely different!"

"This is not an illusion." Hagihara Kenji said in a complaining tone: "Xiaojinping's temper is super stinky! This face is a little..."

Before he finished speaking, a silver fork rubbed his cheeks, and Kenji Hagihara, who had managed to avoid it, looked at the pudding left on the fork in horror, and his pupils trembled: "Xiaozhenping?!"

"I'm really sorry for my bad temper." Matsuda Jinping said gloomily.

"I usually say that too!" Hagihara Kenji said aggrieved: "You can't count the discomfort of lack of sleep on my head!"

"Who keeps me awake in the middle of the night, bastard?!"

"Xiao Zhenping, it's okay if you don't care!"

"How could I not care!"

The two quarreled directly in Poirot, and Edogawa Conan, who had not expected this development at all, was stunned. Even Enomoto Azusa was frightened, not knowing what to do for a while.

The aura of the two people was too terrifying, but the ordinary person Enomoto Azusa didn't dare to approach.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was holding the coffee with a calm face, but after looking at the reactions of the people around him, he hesitated, put down the coffee in his hand, and tried to say, "That..."

"Shut up!" "None of your business!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang shut up, he raised his coffee again, blinking his eyes looking quite innocent.

Amuro was not scared, he just had blue veins on the top of his head. Seriously, it was okay to come to see him lively, but ended up arguing at his work place. Are they serious? !

"Two guests—" Amuro said in the eyes of everyone looking at the hero, with a hair-raising smile on his face: "If you want to fight, please go outside and fight, please don't affect other guests."

"Ah, of course, if you need tools, you can tell me."

Edogawa Conan was even more shocked: Are you serious, Mr. Amuro? ! So you are set like this!

I had only met Amuro twice, and noticed that the other party was the new waiter at the cafe downstairs, and Edogawa Conan, who had not had much contact with him, was a little confused.

However, at this moment, Zhufu Jingguang said silently: "That, Mr. Hagihara, I actually wanted to say... your face..."

Hagihara Kenji, who covered his face with a disguise, was taken aback, and immediately pressed his cheek where the fork in Matsuda Jinpei's hand had just been wiped.

Edogawa Conan saw the answer before him - wait? ! Is this easy? !

Edogawa Conan, pupil earthquake again.