MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 114

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I wonder if You Ran also realized that he had teased his dearest Mr. Mu Fei too much.

It has been twenty minutes since the adults ignored her.

Since she shamelessly left her naked body in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, the grown-up said "I can't see it".

It never appeared in her mind after that.

No matter how You Ran cried out to the beloved soul of the other half in her body, the other party ignored it.

You Ran washed her hair lonely, slapped the shower gel on her face, and rinsed her body without knowing it.

Desolately, he picked up the towel and wiped his body.

Everything she did was lonely, and she was the one who completed all these things on weekdays, but today, when she learned that the soul of Lord Mu Fei was possessed by her body, the other party was teased by herself, arrogant and cold. The adults ignored her.

How can this be good.

You Ran felt that she could wash away the sadness by taking a shower.

At this moment, she looked at the mirror in the bathroom with wet eyes.

The tone is even more pitiful to the heartbreak of the listener.

"Sir, you have ignored me for more than 30 minutes..."

She put her hands on the sink and stared at herself with pitiful eyes.

Please take care of me.

She just stared at herself for five minutes by herself, and when Yin Sili came into the room to visit her, um, found that You Ran was silently staring at her **** and pretty face in the mirror.

Well, haven't you found out that this little Youran is so narcissistic?

"I thought you would have a headache and explode, but now it seems that my worries are unnecessary." Yin Sili used a fan to cover his face and snickered, while making fun of Xiao Youran's narcissistic behavior.

You Ran turned around and reluctantly pushed all her half-dry silver hair behind her head. Because she had just taken a shower, she was wearing a creamy white knitted suspender on her upper body. The clothes were exposed to Yin Sili's field of vision.

Well, it's no wonder that Mu Fei, who had no emotion for ten thousand years, was attracted to this little guy.

It was a little thing that only reached her knees a few years ago, but now she has become a **** and slender girl.

No, it's a lady.

"Your worries are correct, sir, she ignored me." You Ran took a damp towel and walked out of the bathroom with a gloomy face.

Yin Sili smiled and watched You Ran come out, pointed to the other party's dripping hair, and then took a sly look at You Ran's whole body.

"Are you really a perfect fusion?" Yin Sili is a little hard to imagine the evil magic of Saga, but fortunately You Ran wore the ring she gave to Mu Fei, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve "fusion" magic .

It was really God who gave them the chance to love these bitter lovers.

You Ran nodded shyly, she pointed to the position of her heart, she felt that Mu Fei was living in the center of her heart at the moment, and her heartbeat became the same frequency.

"Well, since I know you're half-breed, I don't think it's surprising that anything happens to you, dear sweetheart." Yin Sili took the migraine medicine back, and she listened to Saga that The woman said that You Ran might not be able to adapt to it when it first merged, and after waking up, she would have a headache before taking the medicine.

Now it seems that the other party's headache is not physical, but internal.

It is up to them, the amnesiac lovers, to solve it by themselves.

"My lord ignores me, I'm very sad, I still don't want to speak after 30 minutes of coaxing." You Ran and Yin Sili complained in a low voice, she was anxious.

"Why did she ignore you, wait, what did you communicate through? Inner world?" Yin Sili turned his head and looked at You Ran with a sad face.

You Ran pointed to his head.

, It's almost what Yin Guigong meant, adults can naturally make a voice in her body to communicate with her, of course, she is probably the only one who hears Mu Fei's voice.

"I did something out of the ordinary, and that's it." You Ran responded lightly to Yin Sili, avoiding the important thing. After all, the outrageous thing was a little hard to tell, and she You Ran was still too embarrassed to say it.

(You know it's outrageous, too.)

Suddenly, a woman's arrogant voice flashed in my mind.

"Sir!" You Ran's eyes widened in surprise, and the towel was hung on top of his head, "You finally agreed to take care of me... woo woo woo"

Yin Sili pouted and was startled by You Ran next to him screaming Mu Fei's title as if he was insane.

"My lord, she cares about me, Yin Guigong..." You Ran excitedly held Yin Sili's hand and murmured.

(You Ran, don't you know that I have a cleanliness addiction?)

You Ran immediately let go of Yin Sili's hand when he heard this cold voice. Now you must always be careful not to make this arrogant and clean adult angry.

Adults with amnesia are also so fierce.

However, she still liked it very much.

If Mu Fei in her body had a real body, her ears would have turned red at this moment.

What You Ran was thinking, she can now see clearly and hear clearly without any obstacles.

How could he say such embarrassing words because he liked it so much, Mu Fei completely forgot that this was what You Ran was saying.

You can't hide what's in your heart.

(Yin Sili, how is my coffin ready?)

Mu Fei decided to ignore Youran's inner world with pink bubbles, and asked about the more important things at the moment.

And Yin Sili did not hear her question.

In other words, she can only communicate with this You Ran who shares the same body now.

You Ran immediately conveyed Mu Fei's inquiry to Yin Sili, "Yin Guigong, may I ask how the preparation of the coffin is going."

"Mu Fei asked?" Yin Sili raised his eyebrows, very curious.

You Ran nodded honestly.

"Well, since someone asks me so much, then I will"

(I don't want to listen to her, so shut her up.)

The arrogant Mu Fei in the body immediately frowned, and sure enough, hearing Yin Sili's oily tone made her temper a little bit hot.

"Sir, calm down! Be good~" You Ran murmured softly, coaxing Mu Fei in her body not to get angry. At this moment, she was like comforting an expensive Persian cat whose fur was about to explode.

Yin Sili was interrupted by You Ran's self-talk, and raised his eyebrows unhappily, "What happened to her, did she speak ill of me?"

"No, no, my lord wants you to hurry up, she's in a hurry." You Ran helped the two friends with a smile, and she could even hear the sneering tone of the adult in her body.

Yin Sili only accepted Mu Fei's small request, she waved her fan, and then the old **** said, "Dao Lei has already visited the best coffin craftsman in the Kansas area as you said, but, The other party has a very weird temper and is not willing to donate the few coffins that he has kept privately, what do you think?"

Hearing Yin Sili's answer, Mu Fei half guessed it.

The craftsman who made the coffin was called Gan Ji. Although he was a coffin maker, he was not a blood clan. To be precise, he was a werewolf.

You know, werewolves and vampires are always at odds, and that has been the case for thousands of years.

As for why Mu Fei found Ganji, a craftsman of werewolf blood, it could be traced back to Mu Fei's mother.

Her mother's benevolent temperament can help any non-native or alien, even a werewolf. The young Ganji was rescued by her mother in a single action, in order to repay her mother's kindness.

Gan Ji from a family of craftsmen secretly built a very rare coffin for his mother.

And that coffin was also the rare mother stone coffin that Mu Fei was sleeping in before.

Mu Fei was probably used to the texture of the coffin, so he had already asked someone to inquire about Ganji's residence. Many years ago, he knew that the other party lived in Kansa District, Guangming City.

Therefore, she has long wanted to ask the other party to build a new coffin.

As you can imagine, it hit a wall.

(He is a werewolf, and naturally doesn't want to see our blood family.)

After hearing this, You Ran realized that the craftsman was a wolf clan? !

It was the first time she heard the title of werewolf. She was shocked, and immediately conveyed it to Yin Sili. Now she only needs to be the microphone.

"The lord said that the craftsman is a werewolf, and he doesn't want to see the blood clan."

"Yes, we all know that he is a werewolf, so why are you still obsessed, there are so many skilled masters in the Kansas area, you can find a coffin with extremely skilled and exquisite craftsmanship, my God, I really I don't understand you..." Yin Sili rolled his eyes.

(I like the coffin made by the craftsman.) Mufi replied.

You Ran heard Mu Feilio's low voice. There are not many things that adults can like. How can she easily let go of what she likes from her mouth.

"Since the adults like it, You Ran should go."

(You go?)

Yin Sili on the side also raised his brows.

"That's right, the adults have spoken, You Ran has to get it done." You Ran swore that as long as Mu Fei said a word, she would really go through fire and water.

"You can't go, the werewolf has a smart nose, and you are not right when you smell it, and your current ring can't suppress your breath at all. The most important thing is that you don't understand the savagery of the werewolf..." Yin Sili stopped the other party, kind words persuade.

"What?" You Ran didn't understand that Yin Sili hesitated.

"When Dao Lei went to visit, he almost got into a fight with the other party without saying a word. I didn't even bother to talk about that craftsman. Oh, what craftsman, the werewolf really doesn't have a polite guy!" Yin Sili scolded very much.

Even a gentleman like Dao Lei can be offended by Gan Ji, but it is conceivable that the other party has a bad temper.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go meet him, maybe it will be." When You Ran was talking, she had already put on her coat and shoes.

Get dressed and ready to go.

It was not an exaggeration when Mu Fei heard what Yin Sili just said that Da Lei almost fought with the other party. Werewolves are good at fighting and fierce, and she didn't want to hurt You Ran because of her obsession with wanting a coffin.

Although she lost her memory, subconsciously she didn't want to see her lover in danger.

(I might consider changing to a coffin shop.)

"It's okay, my lord, You Ran went to see that Mr. Gan, maybe the other party will change his mind." You Ran comforted Mu Fei softly, she didn't want the always picky adults to use the coffin.

"Going crazy, if I didn't know that you have Mu Fei's soul in your body, otherwise, I thought you were a lunatic talking to yourself... Well, this is the map, you can find it by clicking on it, you need me to go with you Is it?" Yin Sili put his hands around his chest and could only sigh.

You Ran decisively took the map from the opponent's hand, then shook his head with a smile.


Today's Guangming City is better than the previous days.

Cloudless, the sun shines brightly.

Even if You Ran was wearing a black cloak to cover his skin tightly, it was inevitable that he would be poisoned by some sunlight.

Although this sunlight has no bad effect on the body, but for Mu Fei, who is in her body, she is a little miserable.

She needs to sleep for a while in You Ran's body to avoid this annoying and poisonous sunlight.

"Sir, please rest in my body with peace of mind. When you wake up, you might be able to see the beautiful coffin." You Ran said softly, she could feel another soul in her body slowly sleeping.

Her princess was asleep.

Okay, she looked up at the rugged and remote trail. This ghost place is really deserted. Cars can't get in, so you can only walk.

You Ran looked for the location of the red label on the map.

Finally, after twenty minutes of walking, she saw the mountain hut overgrown with vines.

"Hello, is anyone home?" You Ran politely knocked on the weathered courtyard gate.

Then an impatient man's voice came from inside, "You said that you don't want to do blood business, don't you understand?"

You Ran was not deterred by the roar that swallowed the mountains and rivers, but pushed open the fence door with a cheeky face, and instantly a sharp ax flew over with the fighting wind, and inserted it straight into the center of her forehead.

If she didn't have the quick reflexes, the axe would split her head in half, her brains going wild.

You Ran tilted her head slightly, her left hand tightly gripped the back edge of the axe, "A good axe."

After she complimented like this, she respectfully handed the heavy axe back to the man who was cutting the wooden coffin in the courtyard.

The man with flamboyant eyebrows raised his head and glanced at the little boy. The other party looked young, but he could catch his own strength with his bare hands, "Why, another person came today?"

You Ran scratched his hair, "Hello, may I ask if you are Mr. Ganji, my lord, she thinks"

"Hey, I already said, don't do blood business, I don't care who your family is, as long as it's a blood family, I don't do it." The man frowned and interrupted You Ran rudely, he waved his hand to signal to the other party. Go quickly.

Here, and even this large area, is the territory of werewolves.

This is also the reason why there are so few blood clans in Guangming City.

You Ran glanced at the two coffins behind the house, which were covered with black cloth. They should have been made by this man.

And looming, the workmanship is indeed superb.

Although the craftsman himself is a bit vulgar.

"Why don't you do the vampire business?" You Ran asked to understand.

"Of course disgust."

"But I heard that you gave a vampire coffin many years ago."

"Who did you listen to...?" Gan Ji suddenly looked fierce and looked at the young girl.

You Ran looked at Gan Ji's sturdy physique, the other's body was a bit wild because of the brutal expression for a moment.

"I heard that it doesn't matter. Since you made an exception, it means that there is something to discuss. Mr. Gan, I need your coffin very much to save people." You Ran told the truth and hoped that the other party could see his sincerity. .

Gan Ji snorted coldly, listening to this kid's eloquence, he just said disdainfully, "The previous one was a gift, and my coffin will not be sold to the weak."

He looked deeply at You Ran, who was a head shorter than himself, and he could crush his slender body in one fell swoop.

"Weak? Interesting, so you still have the arrogance of this business."

You Ran took off her cloak, which was a bit of a hindrance. She raised her lips slightly, "If I'm not weak, would you sell it to me?"

"The territory you are stepping on is a werewolf situation. I advise you to leave quickly. If you want to leave with blood, it will be too late, kid." Gan Ji clenched his fist. Child nonsense.

You know, there have always been so many ignorant vampires dying in this territory over the years, but they just don't listen to persuasion.

"Then I'll tell you, I'm not weak, and I'm going to order the two coffins."

"It's so arrogant, it's stupid!" Gan Ji had a bad temper in the first place, but when he was irritated by You Ran's arrogant words, he immediately transformed into a ferocious half-giant werewolf terror form.

You Ran did not use the power of the black witch's spell, but simply fought against the opponent, because she wanted to make this Mr. Ganji, who advocates savage force, realize that she is not weak.

Obviously, she did it perfectly.

Her slender body deftly avoided Gan Ji's huge killing power. Gan Ji was out of breath by her and could not hit the opponent at all.

"You **** know how to hide!"

"Okay, then I'm here." You Ran wasn't annoyed, and when Gan Ji swung towards his front paws, he grabbed the opponent's wrist as hard as steel, and then threw Gan Ji back. on the ground.

Then, at the fastest speed, her sharp fingertips touched the neck of Ganji's werewolf head.

"Do you want to continue?" You Ran smiled slightly, and his fingertips as sharp as the tip of a knife pierced Gan Ji's neck.

Untimely applause came from not far away.

You Ran raised his head suddenly, and immediately looked at the person who came.

When she was fighting just now, she didn't even notice that there was another person's breath, and the other party was hiding perfectly and cunningly.

But Gan Ji, who was shackled by You Ran, quickly patted the ground to prove that he had conceded defeat after seeing the person coming. It seemed that he was more interested in bowing to the woman who came here in front of him than conceding defeat.

Gan Ji bowed down and spoke an alien language that You Ran could not understand.

You Ran looked at the gorgeously dressed woman cautiously. The other party had gray curly hair, red heart stripes between her brows, and expensive-looking accessories hanging on her ears. Such a person with an unusual-looking identity actually appeared in this remote place. land, why.

"Gan Ji, I agreed to give the two coffins to this tough young lady for you. I watched the whole process, and you can't beat her at all."

The woman made the decision directly for Gan Ji, and Gan Ji nodded in agreement.

You Ran could only stand to one side blankly.

So she got the help of nobles, and she was done ahead of time? ?

You Ran had no choice but to re-buckle the cloak on the grass, and at the same time she put it on, the extravagantly dressed woman suddenly came to her.

A pair of ice blue eyes like a deep lake looked straight at her.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed You Ran like fire, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, "You smell so good, I like strong people, I like you."