MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 378 3 words 2 words

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"I said, don't be there, always say something."

Rhodes put down the knife and fork, took a sip from the tea cup next to him, and looked at Dasqi Road, who had never spoken before.

Dasqi forced her mind to calm down, and finally retreated from the state of trepidation. The fingers clenched the hilt and said:

"That kind of problem... nothing to do with me!"

"You are the ghost of Rhodes! Even if you are the strongest in the world... I will arrest you!"

As if to fight with courage, after shouting this sentence, Dasqi slashed his sword to Rhodes, and even closed his eyes when he cut it.

A sword fell.

She didn't feel that her sword had cut anything.

She was horrified, and she opened her eyes again, but saw that Lodz was still sitting there eating, and there was no other movement.

"How is this going……"

Even if you didn't cut to Rhodes, you should cut it to the table. Why didn't your sword be cut? !

Dasqi looked at the sword in his hand and couldn't help but groan.

"Arrest me?"

Rhodes forked a piece of carrot into his mouth and said, "That is a very difficult thing, more difficult than becoming the world's first swordsman."

When Daschi heard Rhodes's words, his eyes suddenly condensed, and it seemed that he had renewed his convictions and fighting spirits.


The sword passed through Rhodes and the table.

The same picture as before, as if Rhodes is just a phantom, the blade can't cut any essence.

Da Siqi's face is incredible, and he is madly swaying his sword, but he can't even cut the corner of the table. The blade passes through everything, as if it were illusory.

"I said, why do you want to arrest me? Just because you are a navy?" Rhodes sat there silently, asking in a very casual tone.

Dasqi’s fierce gasp was not a lack of energy, but a shock, incredible emotion in the face of the unknown power of Rhodes.

When she heard Rhodes's question, she couldn't help but bite her teeth and replied: "I am a navy, of course, I have to arrest all the pirates..."


Rhodes gave an understatement and said: "What is the definition of the navy and pirates? Is it a pirate to hang a flag? Those who do not hang flags but burn and rob, are not pirates? ”

Dasqi never debated issues such as stance, or her little navy sergeant could not reach the point of considering such a problem.

What is the navy?

Such problems are understood by those naval generals, and they are deeply thought out. Under the generals, the navy does not need to consider so much, and only obeys orders.

Rhodes' words made her fall into a trace of confusion, and the chaotic thoughts in her mind surging, could not help but say: "The flag is of course not the key."


Rhodes responded again, put the last piece of meat in his mouth, picked up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He said, "Then you hang the flag of the navy, protect the rights of the people of the dragon, and plunder the world." Kim's, what is it?"

Dasqi stunned.

This sentence can be described as a straightforward heart, and in a flash she will tear apart the so-called justice that she is not so determined.

Yes, the flag is not the key. Burning, killing and looting is the key. The Navy maintains the Tianlong people and imposes the sky gold in the world. If the country does not pay the sky, it will be punished. What is the difference between this and the pirates? .

At this moment, Dasqi only felt a little embarrassed.


The blade in his hand could no longer hold it, so he fell to the ground.

She has already prepared for the unyielding death, even if she is dead, she will never retreat, but when she finds that what she has insisted on is meaningless, the inner war and determination are like snow and ice, never again. Reappear.

After a moment, she fell to the ground, her eyes blurred and embarrassed, and her voice constantly sounded in her mind.


Rhodes put down his handkerchief, stood up and took a look at Dasqi.


At this time, the wall on his left side was suddenly broken.

Countless gravel splattered everywhere, only to see the whole person of Smog fly over, bang into the store, and hit the right side of the wall.

The strength of Smog is very good. The rank of Navy Colonel is too low for him, but he is not as good as the elite lieutenant general.

And even those elite lieutenant generals may not be able to beat the current Robin.

Which of the cadres of the Four Emperor Pirates Group will be weak.


Smuggler’s mouth slammed into the wall and spilled a trace of blood. After he stabilized his body, he saw Dasqi falling to the ground.

However, he yelled at Dasqi, but Dasqi did not respond at all. The whole person was still sitting on the ground with no eyes.

at this time.

Smog also finally noticed Rhodes, his face changed dramatically.

"You are... Ghost Hand Rhodes!"

Rhodes did not respond, so he stood there calmly.

After Smugged glanced at Rhodes, he glanced at Dasqi, who had no eyes on his eyes. He couldn’t help but bite his teeth and asked, "What do you guys do for Dasqi?!"

Rhodes said casually: "Nothing, that is, some words have always wanted to find a navy to talk. I think she is more kind, just talked a few words."

"You guy..."

Smugglers want to shoot, but they forcefully stop it.

No matter how arrogant he is, he is also very clear about the gap between himself and Rhodes. It is a gap that cannot be exceeded. Moreover, Robin next to him can't cope.


Rhodes looked at the Robin Road coming in.

Robin did not go to see Smugg, but glanced at Dasqi, who was blind and looked at Rhodes.

Rhodes looked strangely: "Look at what I do."

Robin showed a thoughtful look and followed Rhodes out of the store.

Smog looked at Robin and Rhodes, and his fists were tight, but he still didn't dare to do it. As for the navy that gathered around, he didn't dare to go forward, so he looked at Rhodes and Luo. The guest left.

"Daschi, how are you."

After Lodz and Robin left, Smoog took a deep breath, and then he looked again at Dasqi, who was sitting on the ground, and asked Dasqi.

Dasqi gradually recovered from the state of disappointment. She silenced, picked up the fallen sword, and collected it in the scabbard. Then she stood up and said:

"I'm fine, Mr. Smog."

"That's Smugglers sighed, it seems that Rhodes still disdain to general knowledge with Dasqi.

Dasqi lowered her head and silenced for a while. "I am a little tired of Mr. Smog. Can I go back to rest earlier?"

"Go ahead."

Smoog looked at Dasqi and saw that she seemed to be hit. She still said: "The guy is a ghost, Rhodes. It’s not the character you can deal with now. It’s normal to lose money in his hands. It is a blessing to be able to save my life."


Daschi nodded and looked at her absent-mindedness.

Smog could only slightly shake his head when he saw it. He thought that Dasqi’s three-handed defeat was a big blow to Rhodes, and he didn’t care.

Failure is not terrible. Only when it comes out of failure is it the real powerhouse. Even Rhodes has lost the North, and he has been imprisoned in the promotion city prison.

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