MTL - One Piece: The Long Road-v7 Chapter 39 the end of the sea

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Difficult, really difficult, four hours......


In front of the white pavilion, the man who can call the wind and call the rain in this world stretched out his hand to Simon.

In the face of Long's solicitation, Simon should have refused without hesitation. However, what Long had said before made him hesitate between refusing and agreeing.

Wasn't the prosperous world 800 years ago, a country of 'freedom and equality', the world that I longed for in my mind?

After he really had a deep understanding of the world, and after seeing the unscrupulous burning, killing and looting of pirates, Simon began to yearn for such an illusory country, where there is no distinction between nobles and commoner slaves, and there are no pirates. The looting of course is such a world.

It's just that this kind of beautiful world that only exists in fantasy is not real, even if there are many people who have such fantasy, it is not real, but if it is the man in front of you...

Simon looked at Long's outstretched hand and slowly stretched out his own hand, with some hesitation in his eyes. If he held that hand, he would show his position in the future. For no reason, Karp suddenly appeared in his mind as an old man. Disrespectful smiley.

Long looked at Simon's slowly reaching out hand, and it was him, and he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. If Simon joined the revolutionary army, his ambition would be more certain.

In his eyes, there was a trace of waves, because of Simon's slowly reaching out hand.

"I yearn for the prosperity you mentioned." In vain, Simon's outstretched hand did not move forward, but stopped in mid-air, still thirty centimeters away from the dragon's outstretched hand.

The trace of waves in the dragon's eyes disappeared without a trace. He looked at Simon's hand in mid-air, and said with some regret: "So, is this your choice?"

Simon stared closely at the majestic man known as the biggest enemy of the World Government, nodded slowly and said: "I look forward to the emergence of that prosperous world, but before that, I hope that the World Government will not disappear first, but the source of Pirates who will never flow into the great waterway."

"That's a pity, even if you are no longer a navy, this is still the biggest problem for me to recruit you." Long free and easy to withdraw his hand, said lightly: "If you want to promote prosperity, you can't allow the existence of pirates, but At least for now, pirates still need to exist, and I need this force to contain the navy."

Simon looked at the dragon silently, and said solemnly: "So I can't join the revolutionary army."

Long sighed softly, revealing his undisguised regret, "So, before this wave, what do you want to do alone? What else can you do?"

Simon looked straight and said loudly: "If your ambition is to create such a prosperous world, then my dream is to end this era of great pirates. It may be difficult to achieve, but I will not stop."

"This is not good news for me." The dragon took a deep look at Simon, then turned slowly, turned his back to Simon and stared at the name of the dead on the oblique tablet again, "Simon, there is Dreams higher than the sky are good, but just because you are alone, no matter how good a dream is, it is only a mirror, and it will be broken at a touch."

Dragon's words are right, correct and cruel, but true.

Simon raised his head slightly, as if seeing a grinning face that appeared on the other side of the sky, that was a twilight person, who could not do such a thing in his entire life, but, all things, just because of the difficulties, almost If you can't do it, should you step back?

Before, Simon even hoped that the old man would give advice when he was hesitating, but now he has discovered that the courage to choose when he meets the situation has already been obtained during the time he spent with the old man.

"That kind of thing doesn't need to be considered at all."

The sonorous and powerful words sounded behind the dragon.

"If you don't join the revolutionary army, maybe in the near future, it will be a big regret in my life." Long sighed.

Simon looked at the dragon's back and said lightly: "I'm curious, you disclosed to me the news that the revolutionary army knew about ancient weapons. After I refused to join the revolutionary army, why do you still have no intention of killing?"

"One person can't overcome any storms. What I have experienced in the past few decades has made me believe in this. That's why I have the revolutionary army." Long looked away from the oblique monument and used a deep tone. Said: "Those who achieve great things, only those who unite with one heart are qualified."

"That's why you can let me go safely?" Simon frowned slightly, but sighed in his heart.

A person, after all, is weak.

"Naturally not... I have no reason to be hostile to you, even if you have the ability to bring this era of pirates to an end in the future, I will not have the idea of ​​choking you in the bud. You are a special person, maybe you are not Knowing the surname you carry on your, the surname of Snod, will eventually bring you and me together."

Simon's face changed slightly and asked, "What's so special about my surname?"

The dragon turned around, and the deep eyes made it difficult to face him, but Simon did not give in at all in the face of such eyes.

Looking at the powerful Simon, Long couldn't help laughing and said: "Snood, is the surname of a strong man and a surname of freedom, if you really want to know all this, then wait until all the truth emerges, very Sadly, maybe you won't accept the way the truth emerges..."

"What do you mean?" Simon clenched his fists suddenly.

He is from the earth, and Snod Simon is not the name he has, but when more and more people mention this surname 800 years ago, it is finally difficult for him to ignore it. Maybe this surname is also hidden in that blank one. century history.

A gleam of light flashed in the dragon's eyes, and said: "All the truths are recorded in the historical text and scattered all over the world. If you want to know all this, you can only go all the way to the end of the sea."

"The end of the sea..." The corners of Simon's lips wriggled and he murmured. Suddenly, he thought of something, and there was a little horror in his eyes when he looked at the dragon.

"How much truth do you have?"

The dragon looked indifferent and said, "I only know a thing or two, but in the near future, someone will let me know more."

"Do you mean that in the near future, someone will go to the end of the sea, step on Ralphdel, and find the great treasure left by the Pirate King?" The horror in his eyes gradually expanded, and Simon looked at the dragon.

Long Wenyan was slightly surprised, nodded lightly, and said calmly: "I know how to go to Rafdel."