MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 740 Undead sword and ... bomb!

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You must not dare to fight.

White Beard is confident but not conceited. He is now very weak and his personal state is still there. So he was very clear that Loya was right. Ginshiro did come to balance the combat effectiveness.

Among these guys present, there are several people who cannot see through the current white beard. Although the One Piece World does not follow the path of fantasy and true cultivation, these BUGs have the knowledge to explore the realm of each other, but as a battle-hardened strong man, his sense of danger is still very sensitive.

Among the people present were four standing at the pinnacle, one was Loya, the second was Croker Dahl, the third was Marshal Green, and the fourth ... was Kenshiro!

Unfortunately, Whitebeard found himself not even fifth!

After allocating the tasks and sending SPX-10, Loya and Simon looked at each other and coughed, "Cough, let's get ready. This is the last day's rest time, take care!"

"Besides, Marshal of the Warring States, Marshal Qingying, Lieutenant General Capu, Lieutenant General Crane, Mr. Dorag, Mr. Kenshiro, Whitebeard, Shanks, please wait a moment."

The rest looked at Loya strangely, but didn't care. Although everyone's strength is not much different, but after all, there are only a few who can be the leader, and there are many people who cannot be the leader. For example, Mihawk, he gave Gengsilang a war-like look before turning and leaving.

"Did we stay because of any trouble, Loya?"

After counting the number of people, the Warring States Period frowned slightly. It was their troops in the South China Sea and North Sea that seemed to have changed?

But Loya shook his head and said, "It's not trouble, but I have prepared a secret weapon for you!"

Afterwards, Loya glanced at Simon, who nodded, and put the box containing the SPX-10 on the table.

"The number of SPX-10 is limited. Even with the help of a world government in this world, it can't be one. But this thing can be used by everyone ..."

哐 Dang!

A great-bodied, large-bodied sword was drawn by Loya, and the metal sword was engraved with complex inscriptions. Jian'e had a skull hanging upside down, staring at a pair of hollow eyes. No matter which direction you look at, those eyes without pupils look at you, filled with death.

"what is this?"

Shanks was numb by the skull's stare and rubbed goose bumps.

"The Undead Sword, the one that Clochdal carried on his back!" Loya inserted the sword on the conference table, explaining: "But inside I was carved a special rune to transform it. Don't count on fighting, but It can transform corpses into undead! "


"Transformed into undead!"

Everyone took a deep breath, and the Warring States Period said seriously: "The situation, is it really so dangerous?"

The purpose of holding the dead is not enough. Even if it is dead, you must be resurrected to continue fighting for the undead!

"If I didn't find her the first time ... it did!"

This kind of thing is not acceptable to everyone, so Loya left the leaders in all aspects alone, telling them the truth.

"If you can, I really don't want you to use this." Loya sighed: "... As long as the soul has not been erased, you can be transformed into an undead by this sword. Suffering from the burning pain of the soul, erupting into a stronger force than when alive, until the soul is consumed! "

This sword no longer has the limitation of physical integrity. Even if the corpse is destroyed, it can be resurrected in a ghost state, which is the most extreme way of using the power of his undead.

"If you agree, put a drop of your blood in the eyes of the skull. It will automatically activate after all of you die, even the King can't stop it."

After speaking, Loya glanced at the silent people, and continued to take things out of the box. But this time, even a monster of his level, he was careful, like a baby he was holding.

Watching Luo Ya so cautious, the rest of the people put down their entangled minds and cast a curious look. The white beard stretched out his hand, took the small box wrapped in the shock-absorbing shell directly from Loya, and placed it in front of his eyes.

"What the **** is this? Don't say it, or transform it into an undead!"

"You drop me!"

Suddenly, Loya yelled, her white beard froze. However, this level of characters is not so scared that they can just let go, the white beard froze, and put the box on the table blankly.

Simon began to sweat cold from the moment White Beard snatched the box, until then he was relieved and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat.

"Hey, what's in it ?!"

Seeing this, Field Marshal Qing Yan was full of ominous premonitions. He felt that he had overlooked something, but was always unable to catch inspiration.

Lying on the table and examining it carefully, Loya breathed a sigh of relief and explained, "Isn't Caesar completing the new kingdom of death? This is an enhanced version of the kingdom of death created by mixing some new technologies ... .. "

"Caesar? Caesar Courant? That crazy scientist?"

The Warring States Period touched his chin and considered whether to strengthen his search after destroying the King of Heaven. Can develop a weapon that makes Loya so cautious, this son ... don't stay!

As everyone knows, Loya, who had pitted Caesar in this world, nodded and said, "Yeah! In our world, I subdued him, so that he would make a bomb for Uranus."

Hearing this, Qing suddenly realized.

I said nothing!

It is an established fact that Loya is not reliable!

He had forgotten this kind of serious look before ~ ​​ ~ Well now ...

Glancing at the other three boxes wrapped in straw in the large wooden box, Qingzhuang twitched at the corner of his mouth: "I remember that Caesar turned the biochemical weapon 'Death Kingdom' into a powerful bomb ... Come You told me before that Caesar has further strengthened the explosive power, but has become very unstable ... right? "


After swallowing saliva, the eyelids of the Warring States Period twitched and looked at three small iron boxes with large palms in the wooden box: "Dare to ask, how powerful is this stuff?"

"I haven't tested it, and I don't know ..."

Loya took the boxes one by one and placed them in front of the Warring States and White Beard. Originally they could still keep curious eyes to look, but after Loya said the next sentence, they stood up neatly and knocked over the chair and took three steps back!

Because Roya said so ...

"... Anyway, I know, if I put all four in the stomach of the King to detonate ... we have nothing to do! Just wait for the corpse!"

"Although this idea will never succeed ..."

The power is so horrible!

A terrible bomb that even the King cannot bear!


"How unstable is this thing **** ?!" a group of people yelled.

"Look for a stronger guy who can't throw it ..." Loya snapped his nostrils indifferently. "Don't fire with a cannon anyway, it will blow up!"

The impact of gunpowder, even if it is wrapped with a shock-absorbing shell, the kingdom of death will really explode instantly!

That's a real bomb!

There is no need to rescue!