MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 3 Elena's request! God-level BUFF!

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Lin Bei came back to his senses and looked at the black stone sculpture that seemed to come alive in his hand, a little surprised.

He has read the guide, but he didn't say that this stone sculpture can activate the mission?

[You have triggered the only hidden mission: Elena's request! Mission Difficulty: Nightmare. Will you accept it? 】

Nightmare's only hidden mission?

Lin Bei was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted immediately and chose to accept the mission.

In the game, the task difficulty is divided into five levels: normal, difficult, nightmare, hell, and purgatory. The higher the task level, the more generous the reward!

And the only hidden mission is even more rare!

"Go to... Murloc Bay in the east of Shengguang Village... Cave... Magic Crystal..."

The sound of the black stone carving was intermittent and seemed to dissipate at any time.

[Elena's request (uniquely hidden, nightmare level)]

[Task content: Go to the hidden cave in Fishman Bay to find out. 】

[Task reward: career expansion scroll, 10,000 experience, 100 gold coins]

[Failure penalty: none]

"It's actually a career expansion scroll! Good thing."

Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he was secretly happy. With the career expansion scroll, he can have a second career.

It's just that the transfer to the second occupation needs to be done in the main city, that is to say, it is only level 20, and now he is only level 1.

"Looks like it's time to hurry up and level up."

Lin Bei jumped down from the tree, glanced at the black stone sculpture that was about to dissipate the light, and said, "Don't worry, I will help you."

"Thank you... Adventurer... May the Light be with you..."


A pure white light flew from the black stone sculpture and landed on Lin Bei.

[Your attitude arouses Elena's favor! Elena's favorability is +20, and the current favorability is 20! 】

[You have obtained "Elena's Blessing", within 2 hours, the free attribute points and potential points obtained by leveling up +100%! 】

[Elena's Blessing: Attribute points and potential points obtained from upgrades increase by 100%, duration ∞.]

Depend on! Earn big!

Lin Bei was dumbfounded when he looked at Elena's blessing entry.

This BUFF is a god-level BUFF!

A normal player can only get 5 free attribute points and 1 potential point when leveling up, but now he has doubled it!

And this BUFF will take effect forever!

It's so arrogant!

Under normal circumstances, with a 2-hour buff effect, the average player will only go up two or three levels even if they try their best to level up, but even so, this buff is abnormal enough!

And this BUFF of Lin Bei will take effect directly and permanently!

More powerful!

"Hey, I didn't expect that, just being polite, I actually got such an awesome BUFF bonus. It seems that the 1 point of charm has taken effect."

Lin Bei looked at the 1-point charm bonus obtained from the blessing of Shengguang Village in the attribute column, and sighed in his heart.

That's the power of fixed properties!

"With this BUFF, I have more room for manipulation!"

Lin Bei pondered for a moment, ready to go back to Shengguang Village first. There was still a hidden treasure chest there. He was in a hurry to find the black stone sculpture, and he didn't bother to go up to open the treasure chest. Open the treasure chest to get the game currency to buy some medicines that increase BUFF, improve the status, and then go to level up.

"Murloc Bay... If I remember correctly, it seems to be a level 10 or higher leveling area, right? It seems... there is a dungeon, right?"

Lin Bei pondered: "With the career expansion scroll, I can change to a second career. I'm really lucky."

Under normal circumstances, there are only two ways to obtain a career expansion scroll. The first one is like Lin Bei, who has a chance to receive a hidden quest; as for the second one, you need to kill the king-level boss to get it. A certain chance of getting it.

King-level bosses are higher-level bosses than lord-level bosses. Under normal circumstances, the level is at least 30, which is not something that players at this stage can handle.

And it is said that there is a certain chance to drop, but in fact, the drop probability is ridiculously low. Someone in the last life has calculated that killing an average of 100 king-level bosses, only about 5 career expansion scrolls can be dropped!

5% chance!

You know, this is the king-rank BOSS! Outrageously strong! In the last life, there was an existence known as the "Tuan Destruction Engine"!

Ordinary loose players have no chance of killing them at all.

Even those guild players need to organize an elite team of thousands of people at least to have the opportunity to "wrestle arms" with the king-level bosses.

In addition, the king-rank BOSS is very rare, and even if he has the ability to kill, he may not be able to find it.

Therefore, the drop probability of 5% seems to be not low, but in fact, the difficulty of obtaining it is very outrageous.

As for hidden missions?

It is an illusory existence, and it is not a stable production path for career expansion scrolls.

Without going deep into the forest, Lin Bei directly chose to return to Shengguang Village. For him now, killing monsters for half an hour doesn't make much sense at all. What he has to do is to stack buffs for himself!

Sharpening knives does not accidentally chop woodworkers!

Soon, Lin Bei returned to Shengguang Village and came to the Holy Light Church in the west. Outside the church, a group of players surrounded him, but the guards at the door wouldn't let them go, and they couldn't enter the church at all.

As for hard-hitting?

These holy light guards are at least level 30 NPCs, and in terms of attributes, they are comparable to level 30 lord level bosses, not to mention these people, even if the entire holy light village gathers together now, there is no chance!

What's more, these Holy Light Guards are just the weakest beings in the Holy Light Church.

There are even more powerful Holy Light Knights inside, that is a king-level BOSS, one person is enough to slaughter the current Holy Light Village players!

Lin Bei glanced at a distance, shook his head with a smile, did not go up to join in the fun, but circled around, came to an abandoned courtyard on the side of the Church of the Holy Light, climbed up a tree, climbed over the wall, and fell. into an abandoned courtyard.

After looking around and finding that there was no player, he quickly came to the dry well in the small courtyard and jumped in.

At the same time, Lin Bei recited ten numbers in his heart, and then suddenly cast a punishment technique on the bottom!


A golden light lit up, illuminating the surrounding dark space.

Lin Bei instantly discovered a prismatic stone on the wall of the well through the brief light. Without saying a word, he reached out and grabbed the stone in his hand.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded in his ear.

[Congratulations to the player for discovering a hidden silver treasure chest! 】

[The player "only wants to be a Buddhist" found the first hidden treasure chest of "Tianyuan", and a system announcement will be released soon. Will the name be displayed? 】

With a plop, Lin Bei fell into the well water.

"It's actually a silver-level hidden treasure chest! It's a big profit!"

Lin Bei's eyes lit up, without any hesitation, he chose to remain anonymous, and then opened the silver treasure chest.

[Get the Mithril Scepter (Silver Rank)! 】

【Get gold coins × 10! 】

[Get the intermediate battle recovery potion × 2! 】

"Silver-level equipment! And it's a staff! And there's a battle recovery potion! It's still intermediate! Haha!"

Lin Bei looked at the backpack space and was very satisfied.


Mithril Scepter (lv.5 silver level)

Attribute: Magic Attack +170

Special effects: 1. Magic critical strike rate +5%; 2, Magic recovery: restore 10 magic points per second, lasting 60 seconds, cooldown 10 minutes.


Double special effects back to the blue crit staff!

Good stuff!

Lin Bei licked his lips, the dual special effects equipment is already among the top ranks among silver-level equipment, not to mention that these two special effects are so terrifying?

Under normal circumstances, spells cannot be crit, and the existence of spell crit improves the output ability of the mage by a level. In addition, the existence of magic recovery provides life for the existence of the mage, plus Not bad magic attack power, is definitely the best existence in silver!

What's more, it's only been a few hours since the server was launched, and such equipment is not an exaggeration to call it an "artifact"!

"It's a pity that it can only be equipped at level 5, but it doesn't matter, it's only level 5, it will be here soon!"

Lin Bei smiled and turned his attention to the intermediate combat recovery potion.

[Intermediate Battle Recovery Potion: Battle Potion, after use, restores 100 HP per second for 10 seconds. 】

good stuff!

Lin Bei didn't hesitate and drank a bottle.

In the status bar, there is a permanent BUFF of "Intermediate Battle Recovery"!

[Intermediate combat recovery: recover 100 HP per second, duration ∞.]

Lin Bei was in a good mood when he saw the buff effect.

You must know that his current upper limit of life is 100 points. With this buff, he can restore his full life in 1 second, and spawn monsters without needing to move at all. In this way, the efficiency of spawning monsters can be greatly improved. Very powerful!

"It's almost time, it's time to drown myself. I hope the equipment doesn't fall off, otherwise I'll have to come back again."

Lin Bei looked up at the straight deep well. With his current attributes, it was impossible to climb up, so he chose to drown himself.

As for death drop experience?

He is not worried at all, he is only level 1, he has not upgraded at all, and has no loss at all. The only thing to worry about is the battle potion and mithril scepter in his backpack.

Better not to drop it, otherwise, he will have to make another trip to pick it up.

As for the disappearance of equipment, the equipment dropped by the player can last for 2 hours after death, and it only takes up to 3 minutes for him to arrive at this ancient well from the resurrection point, so there is no need to worry at all.

It's just bad luck at most, and it's just a few more trips.

Lin Bei plunged into the well water without holding his breath, waiting for death to come.

In Shengguang Village, "Brother Ji is very big" has recruited no less than twenty priests.

At this time, he was very satisfied and came to the meeting point of "Dou Sha-Dynasty".

"Shark Fighting-Dynasty" chairman Feilong Zaitian looked at a group of priest players behind "Brother Chicken", and grinned.

"Well done, plus the priest on your side, we have recruited 100 priests, which is almost enough!"

Feilong Zaitian patted his shoulder and praised him.

"Haha, that's necessary, Brother Long, when we do things, we should pay attention to efficiency!"

Suddenly, a loud system prompt sounded over Shengguang Village.

[System announcement: Player "Anonymous" found the first hidden treasure chest (silver) of "Tianyuan" in Shengguang Village! 】


A sudden system prompt made the entire Shengguang Village boil!

"What kind of boss is this? It's only been a few hours since I started the server, right? I actually found a hidden treasure chest! And it's still silver!"

"Silver treasure chest! At least one piece of silver equipment will be rewarded! The current 'Tianyuan' has just been launched, and it can be called an artifact!"

"Big guy! Please take me to fly!"

"Ouhuang boss please take me to fly!"

In Shengguang Village, all players are extremely envious, such an existence, even if it is not a technical boss, it is an existence of monstrous luck!

If you can team up to upgrade together, are you afraid of lack of equipment?

Feilong was stunned in the sky for a long time, and suddenly his expression became excited: "I didn't expect that there is such a big guy in our Shengguang Village! Xiaoji, send someone to check! If you find someone, don't be reckless! See if you can win over. Remember, don't offend him!"

"Brother Long, I understand! I have always had good eyesight, how could I offend such a big guy?"

Brother Ji touched his bald head and said with a smile.

Suddenly, a figure disappeared in a flash, making his smile linger.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Feilong found his abnormality in the sky and asked aloud.

"Haha, it's okay, I just saw a priest who learned discipline at level 1! He refused my invitation before! I was reborn at the resurrection point just now, all the equipment on my body was lost, and I was running wild in a pair of pants!"

Brother Ji laughed and raised his hand to point in one direction.

Everyone looked at it, and suddenly there was a burst of laughter.

"Haha, everyone, his back is so funny!"

"Yeah! To learn discipline at level 1, I can't live to laugh! It really is a dish!"

Thirty priests that Brother Ji invited laughed. The priests learned discipline at level 1. They were simply fighters among the rookies!

"Haha, it's just a dish comparison, don't pay attention to it! Now let's gather our people and hurry up to upgrade! After a while, the boss of Shengguang Village will be refreshed, and we must win it!"

Feilong Zaitian just glanced at the galloping back and ignored it. It was just a comparison. He was also glad that the other party rejected the invitation of his guild. If such a living treasure priest was brought to kill the boss, he might be able to What a mess!

At the same time, several Shengguang Village guilds, which were gathering their manpower to push the boss, looked sideways and made corresponding countermeasures after hearing the system announcement.

[Wind and Cloud Warriors: Team Wind and Cloud is recruiting! Brother Ou Huang, interested in contacting! The professional team will take you to upgrade and take you to fly! 】

[Qingqing Zijin: Ou Huang boss! Please fly! 】

[Flying dragon in the sky: Brother Ou Huang! Dou Sha-Dynasty welcomes you! 】

The three major guilds gathered in Shengguang Village all sent a regional message for solicitation, as long as players in the Shengguang Village area can see all of them.

Such a piece of regional news requires a full gold coin, which is equivalent to 100 sea blue coins, which is not something ordinary players can afford.

Lin Bei, who was running wild in a pair of shorts, looked at the regional news, smiled lightly, ignored it, and ran towards the item shop in Shengguang Village.

He was in a good mood. Although he dropped a bunch of junk equipment, neither the silver scepter nor the battle potion dropped. He was lucky, and the money only dropped a few hundred copper coins. For him, it doesn't matter at all.

In the second world, 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins = 10,000 copper coins, and now he has 9 gold and 95 silver coins, which is equivalent to 9950 sea blue coins!

"I just entered the game for less than half an hour, and I have already earned 10,000 sea blue coins! And now that the server has just started, the purchase price of gold coins may be more than 100 sea blue coins! It may be higher!"

Lin Bei was overjoyed. According to this rhythm, he would soon be able to earn more Seablue Coins!

At that time, parents will not have to continue to run around and get tired!

My sister's illness will also be treated!

Lin Bei clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were firm.

"This is just the first step!"

Shengguang Village, the shopkeeper of the props shop looked at the bright gold coins on the counter and smiled.

"This guest officer, this is the medicine you asked for, it's ready!"

The shopkeeper took out a wooden box with a smile, pushed it down in front of Lin Bei, gave a thumbs up and said, "Little brother, this is the first time I've seen such a generous hand among you descendants! I'm optimistic about you! "


A golden light fell, covering Lin Bei.

【Blessed by the gold shopkeeper! 1 hour duration! During the blessing period, drop rate +100%, drop quality +1! 】

[Blessing from the gold shopkeeper: drop rate +100%, drop quality +1, duration ∞]

Lin Bei: ? ? ?

It's only been over half an hour, right? I already got two god-level buffs?


"I'm optimistic about you, boy!"

Hearing the shopkeeper's praise, Lin Bei left the prop shop in a daze.