MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 11 trust

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The room was filled with the bitter taste of medicine, Wu You sniffed and felt that she couldn't stand it, and pushed the doors and windows open, trying to dissipate the smell a little.

There are medicines to drink on the table, Wu You frowned at the brown color in the bowl. Picking up the bowl and putting it down, picking it up and putting it down, and repeating this action over and over again, you can't make up your mind to drink the medicine.

Would you like to dump it? Anyway, his body is already in good shape. Thinking of this, Wu You sneakily looked out the door and poured the medicine into the potted plant in front of the window after confirming that Zhao Qingzi was not here.

Speaking of which, this pot of black pine is really pitiful. When Wu Yougang was wearing a book, he gave him a lot of medicine to cope with Zhao Qingzi, and now he is still giving him a lot to cope with Zhao Qingzi.

Put the empty bowl on the table and wait for this bowl to prove that you have taken the medicine. The people Zhao Qingzi ambushed beside him should not have withdrawn. He had just caught a cold, and Zhao Qingzi already knew about it.

The big villain came to supervise his drinking every day, because he was afraid that he, the cannon fodder, didn't take the box lunch seriously in advance. The medicine was very bitter, and Wu You's heart was also very bitter.

She must be making fun of me, but this is actually good for Wu You, no matter how Zhao Qingzi thinks of herself, but at least it can be seen that she is interested in herself.

There are more opportunities for contact, and other things are easy to operate.

While thinking about it, the maid outside the door announced that Zhao Qingzi was coming, Wu You quickly got up, and sure enough, he saw Zhao Qingzi at the door.

Taking the wheelchair from the maid, Wu You pushed it into the room, "Why are you late today?"

Zhao Qingzi was stunned when he heard the words, and chuckled lightly: "What? Did you miss it so much for a while?"

"No, I miss you all the time."

Wu You pushed Zhao Qingzi to the table, poured a bowl of tea and put it in front of her. When she came in from outside, she felt that the temperature was a little low today. .

I looked at Zhao Qingzi's hand, which seemed to be a little red, squatted down and touched the back of her hand, feeling a little cold.

In the original setting, Zhao Qingzi is not very good in addition to the disabled legs. Wu You couldn't help but feel a hint of distress in his heart. Wu You had a younger sister who was about the same age as Zhao Qingzi in his previous life. That guy was very naughty, how could he suffer so much like this person.

Wrapped Zhao Qingzi's hands with his own, trying to warm her. I have to say that the villain's hands are also good-looking, the fingers are thin and long, and the skin is very slippery. Because the original owner likes to dance with knives and guns, there are some thin calluses on his hands.

Originally, Wu You wanted to rub her so that she would be warmer, but it’s okay to think about it. The villain is thin-skinned and tender, and she feels uncomfortable when she rubs her hands together.

Wu You was very focused on warming Zhao Qingzi's hands, but naturally he didn't see the expression on Zhao Qingzi's face.

Zhao Qingzi was a little stunned at the moment, Wu You warmed not only her hands, but also her barren heart, and also brought back some dusty memories. As if in memory, that person also warmed her hands like this and smiled very tenderly.

Feeling that the temperature of her hand had risen, Wu You couldn't help babbling again: "Look at you, I don't know how to wear more on such a cold day, if it's bad for a cold, uh... Although I don't seem qualified to speak to you."

No one responded, Wu You was a little strange, looked up and saw Zhao Qingzi staring straight at his hand, with a complicated look in his eyes. But Wu You sensitively noticed that she was a little sad at the moment.

Suddenly nervous, Wu You began to think about whether she did something wrong that made her unhappy. After thinking about it left and right, I found that I did nothing wrong. Could it be that she found out that she poured the medicine by herself.

Feeling that her heart began to pound, Wu You swallowed. Would you like to confess to her and ask for forgiveness?

"That...Azi, what happened to you?"

Still no answer, Wu You swayed his hand in front of Zhao Qingzi's eyes, noticed that the girl had recovered, and said tremblingly: "What's wrong?

As he spoke, he put his hand on Zhao Qingzi's forehead, feeling that the temperature was normal, there should be no fever. Could it be that he really poured the medicine and was discovered!

While in a panic, his hand was suddenly clenched, Wu You was startled and almost bounced off the ground. Zhao Qingzi held his hand so tightly that Wu You felt a little pain.

He was a little panicked, but after seeing the expression on the girl's face, Wu You was a little stunned. There was a strong sense of vulnerability on the girl's face, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes. Wu You felt that this expression seemed familiar, right, in a dream! In the dream, her expression was similar, but there was not such a huge sense of despair at the moment.

For a while, Wu You suddenly ignored the information that the person in front of her was dangerous.

"What happened? What happened?"

The girl shook her head, tears in her eyes but did not fall. She let go of Wu You's hand and suddenly leaned over and hugged Wu You.

Wu You also reached out and hugged back, the girl's head rested on her shoulders, her body trembled slightly, Wu You caressed her back and said again and again: "It's okay, it's okay , I am here."

Feeling a little wet on his shoulders, Wu You was a little shocked and a little distressed and puzzled. Zhao Qingzi was crying, but she didn't make a sound, not even choking.

It's so quiet, so quiet.

I don't know the reason, I don't know what to do, I can only caress her back again and again and tell her "It's okay, I'm here."

Maybe it's Wu You's psychological effect, it seems like a long time has passed. Zhao Qingzi got up from Wu Youhuai with tears on his face.

She put on that gentle smile again, and said with some self-reproach: "I'm sorry, making Ayou laugh, it's really a gaffe."

The emotions in her heart are a bit complicated, Wu You has not figured out the reason for her gaffe, but now her gentle face must be fake, but her emotions just now must be real, so she Is pretending to be strong.

I was a little angry in my heart, and for some reason, Wu You was very angry. Thinking of her ending in the original book, and thinking of the pair of despairing eyes I saw in my dream.

Why always have to do it alone! There are so many trustworthy people in this world, why don't you want to give others a little trust! Do you think you can solve the problem by hiding all the suffering in your own heart?

Driven by anger, Wu You suddenly became hard-hearted: "Miss Zhao doesn't trust me?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qingzi was a little flustered, she immediately retorted "No, I believe you."

"You believe me, why don't you tell me, why do you pretend to be nothing if you are in pain."

Zhao Qingzi was a little surprised in her heart. She didn't expect Wu You to be able to see her disguise, so she was completely panicked at the moment.

"I...I, I'm not, I just..."

Stammered for a long time without saying the reason, Zhao Qingzizi lowered her head, put her hands on her legs and firmly grasped the fabric of the clothes on her legs.

Is she blaming me? Will she hate me? It was my fault. I always thought that I was very smart, and Wu You thought she was very stupid, but I didn't expect her to know.

Does she know that her tenderness is a disguise? Did she realize that she was actually a monster? How should I face her? Will she like such a dirty Zhao Qingzi? Will she leave me? Is it the only thing I can lose now? why treat me like this! why!

The sense of despair spread in her heart, Zhao Qingzi felt that she was out of breath, she suddenly regretted, what she regretted was not acquaintance with Wu You, but regretted her own death.


Wu You didn't know that her current situation was in another dangerous state, she looked at Zhao Qingzi without looking up for a long time. Her heart softened again, she sighed lightly, holding Zhao Qingzi's cheeks with both hands, forcing her to look at her own face.

Dangerous emotions flashed in Zhao Qingzi's eyes, but Wu You didn't notice it.

She looked at Zhao Qingzi with a serious tone: "Azi, you can trust me, don't carry everything by yourself, I will feel distressed."

Looking at the bright girl in front of her, her expression was very serious, but she could see deep distress in her eyes.

The violence in Zhao Qingzi's heart was suddenly suppressed a little, Ayou seems to have not realized that she is a monster, and she will not go to that point with her.

I can still be by her side with this gentle appearance, it's so good...

Sorry, I lied to you, but at least please let me stay by your side for a while, even for a little while.

Looking at Zhao Qingzi in a daze, there were still wet tears on her face, Wu You raised his hand and wiped her with his sleeve.

smiled very tenderly: "Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't be so fierce, but what I said just now is serious, you can believe me, or you can try to believe me. Row."

Stand up, put his hands on his hips, Wu You pretended to be proud and said: "If anyone bullies you, I will beat him up, I am the famous little bully in this capital, I am not afraid of the sky and the earth. , I'm covering you!"

Zhao Qingzi was amused by her, "You are not ashamed but proud."

After a pause, she lowered her eyes, her voice was soft but firm: "I believe in you, Ayou."

Hearing this, Wu You was a little happy whether it was true or not. But at this time, she suddenly realized that she had just murdered the villain, ah! You **** Wu You, you ate shallots mixed with tofu yesterday, not a bear's heart and a leopard's gall!

Impulsion is the devil, looking at the villain's splendid smile, Wu You felt like crying. When he was downcast, Zhao Qingzi's voice suddenly came.

"Ayou, let me tell you a story."

Zhao Qingzi's voice was a little low and sarcastic: "A story of a sad woman who suffered for herself."