MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 18 seduce

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Give her this chance.

Wu You sighed inwardly. Sure enough, Zhao Qingshu is not the opponent of the villain. If you run out, ask directly for fear that the filling will be leaked, but you can make a side-by-side attack!

So he pretended to be casual: "Where is your brother now? How can you rest assured that you just came out like this."

Zhao Qingzi was peeling an egg seriously. Hearing this, he raised his head and smiled. Today, he didn't sneak out by himself. Now that the snow disaster has passed, my brother also needs to return to Guozijian on duty.

Put the half-peeled egg on the table, "The disaster is over, my brother needs to go back on duty."

Wu You touched his nose, feeling impressed. Oh yes, how could everyone be as idle as they are, with no official or half a job, oh no! Isn't there someone who is as idle as me?

Suddenly Wu You looked at Zhao Qingzi with a kinder look. Zhao Qingzi was embarrassed by her, and he lowered his head in a panic and continued to peel the eggs.

After peeling it off, she put her hand to Wu You's mouth, the meaning is very clear. Wu You lowered her head and took a bite, seeing that she still stretched out her hand, but if she bit further, she would bite her finger, so she reached out and took the remaining half.

Zhao Qingzi's heart flashed a trace of regret, she naturally would not show her mood, looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, this person is afraid that this person has not exercised for a long time.

She is very familiar with the structure of Wu You's house. She knows that she has a martial arts training ground and a very small weapons warehouse. It is better to let her practice martial arts.

He made up his mind, Zhao Qingzi saw that the man had finished eating, and then suggested: "Today's sunshine is just right, I have never seen you, Ayou, practicing martial arts, I don't know today..."

Zhao Qingzi was interrupted by Wu You before he finished speaking, and Wu You said very readily: "Yes, it's totally fine."

Wu You didn't hesitate, just agreed, he pushed Zhao Qingzi to go out, but when he got to the door, he felt a little cold, so he returned to the room and took his cloak to put on Zhao Qingzi, and then to Zhao Qingzi After seeing a woman named Tang, he went to the martial arts field with confidence.

After arriving at the place, Wu You arranged Zhao Qingzi, and then went to the warehouse to get a weapon. This time Wu You was prepared, and opened the warehouse door very carefully, and then selected among them, and then chose one Red tassel gun.

Seeing the name "Xiaohong" engraved under the tip of the gun, Wu You was still a little speechless, but the gun is still very beautiful, the original owner's vision for choosing weapons and her level of naming are two extreme.

I held it in my hand and waved it a few times, and it felt very comfortable. After confirming that there was no problem, Wu You brought Xiaohong to the martial arts field.

Zhao Qingzi looked at Wu You who was carrying a gun, her eyes lit up, she only felt that this red gun was especially suitable for her, of course, Zhao Qingzi brought a filter to Wu You, afraid of what Wu You was wearing She felt pretty.

Saying hello to Zhao Qingzi, Wu You started, and immediately there was an array of guns and shadows, and the sound of breaking the sky was endless.

, I always wanted to record this scene with something.

After about half an hour, Wu You stopped, not because she was lazy and just wanted to dance for a little time, but she was thinking about Zhao Qingzi in her heart, for fear that she would not be able to bear it.

Wu You broke out in a thin sweat, and after putting Xiaohong away, she came behind Zhao Qingzi and wanted to push her into the room. Just as she put her hand on the wheelchair, Zhao Qingzi grabbed her backhand. He turned his head and looked at himself, "Don't rush back, I'll wipe it for you if you sweat, you squat down first."

With a soft hum, Wu You walked up to Zhao Qingzi and squatted down. Zhao Qingzi took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the man's forehead, watching her staring straight at him, or just Shortness of breath after exercising.

Wipe from her forehead all the way down, passing her straight nose bridge, and then down to her lips that are a little brighter, the wiping action suddenly stopped, and a soft touch came from the handkerchief, Let Zhao Qingzi's thoughts continue to expand, and she keeps her head close to the person she thinks about day and night.

Wu You felt that something was wrong with Zhao Qingzi, she stopped suddenly and then gradually approached, seeing the distance between the two faces getting closer and closer, and then she would kiss!

Interrupted: "What happened to Azi?"

Zhao Qingzi was pulled back to her senses by this sound. Although she was in a panic, she did not show it on her face. She wiped Wu You's lips with a handkerchief, and then opened the distance between the two.

smiled and said, "I saw something dirty on your lips just now, so I took a closer look."

It may be the egg yolk I ate in the morning, and I wailed in my heart, "My image! It's a shame!"

Dry laughs, "Azi, you're laughing, let's go back to the room first, it's really cold outside."

Zhao Qingzi nodded, her ears were a little red, but unfortunately Wu You didn't find it, if she did, she would only think it was frozen red.

After the two returned to the room, Wu You felt a little greasy on her body, so she asked the maid to prepare the bath water, thinking about taking a good bath, at this time Zhao Qingzi was immersed in his own world Know what Wu You is going to do next.

I thought that it might take a long time to wash myself, afraid that Zhao Qingzi would be bored, Wu You wanted to find a few books for her to read, but found that there was no one, not even a text book, but the weapon map There are some.

In desperation, I saw the pen and paper on the table by the window again, and I had an idea in my heart. I put the pen and paper in front of Zhao Qingzi, but I saw that this man seemed to have lost his soul and didn't know what to think.

The hand dangled in front of her, and finally made the man look up.

"Azi, I'm going to take a bath later. I wanted to find some books for you to read, but I found that I didn't. I brought a pen and paper over, you can practice calligraphy or draw first. ."

What! Take a bath!

Zhao Qingzi's face suddenly heated up, Wu You did not notice her abnormality, and after a while, the maid prepared Wu You's bath water.

There is a wooden screen partition in the room, so Wu You don't have to worry about the problem of light loss, because it is really uncomfortable, Wu You can't wait to take a bath.

Three times, five times and two, take off his clothes, throw them on the screen, then soak himself in the water, exhale comfortably, and then start wiping himself.

Zhao Qingzi looked at the clothes hanging on the screen, and heard the sound of the man taking a bath. She was restless and covered her ears, but countless images began to flash in her mind.

Zhao Qingzi thinks a lot, but sometimes this is not a good thing, like now. Thinking that it would be impossible to go on like this, I wanted to divert my attention. Looking at the pen and paper on the table, I had an idea in my heart.

Yes! Painting, I just wanted to record the scene when she practiced martial arts, and now it's just right.

Zhao Qingzi eagerly picked up the brush, forcibly settled down and began to draw, maybe it really has the effect of meditation, Zhao Qingzi's mind began to calm down.

She carefully sketched Wu You's face, thinking about her holding a red ying gun on the martial arts field today, and was about to continue writing when the sound of the man's bathing water suddenly stopped.

Huh? Has she finished washing?

Suddenly the sound of water rang again, and Zhao Qingzi suddenly became chaotic again, right! draw!

Zhao Qingzi continued to paint, the person on the painting suddenly lost his clothes, and suddenly realized what he was doing, blushing and dripping blood, and painted his own crime evidence into a mess.

This man is seducing me, isn't he! She confessed to herself before, clearly expressed her thoughts to herself, but now she is bathing beside her without any scruples, she must have done it on purpose!

Wu You didn't know Zhao Qingzi's torment, she was very comfortable in the wash, if it wasn't for someone who was paying attention to her image, she even wanted to hum a little song.

After she guessed that it was almost over, she got up and walked out of the tub, dried her body and put on the prepared clothes. She also washed her hair today, Wu You wiped it with a cloth, go out.

Zhao Qingzi outside heard the movement gradually subsided, and he was relieved. Not long after he was relieved, he felt moisture beside his ears, and water drops on his neck, or because of The reason for the water temperature is not cold.

There is a slight aroma of saponin around you, you don't have to think about it to know who it is, tsk! Vixen you are enough!

Wu You watched Zhao Qingzi stay on the stool and didn't move, and approached to see what she had drawn, but only found a piece of paper with a black mass printed on it.

No, according to the original book, Zhao Qingzi should be very good at painting, but now it seems that this painting skill is on par with his own. Could it be that his memory is wrong?

After thinking about it, she asked, "What is this painting?"

Zhao Qingzi rolled her eyes at her angrily, "You are the one who drew it!"

Is it me? Wu You's expression was a bit splendid, not to mention this life, even in his previous life, he was also a school girl, how could it be this unknown object.

Forget it, what the villain says is what he says.

So Wu You opened his mouth and praised: "Azi's painting is really good."

Zhao Qingzi opened her eyes slightly, looked at Wu You, and then at the black cloud on the paper, thinking that she must have poured bath water into her head when she was taking a bath, and it was hopeless.

Snorted and asked the accompanying maid to push him home, Wu You looked at Zhao Qingzi's back leaving a little confused, trying hard to remember if he did something wrong today, why Zhao Qingzi didn't look very good happy look.

Being puzzled, Wu You gave up and continued to think, only sighing that the villain is too difficult to coax. However, Wu You could feel that Zhao Qingzi had no killing intent towards him.

After she figured it out, Wu You put this matter aside, she stretched a lot, and then continued to wipe her wet hair.