MTL - Orc Empire [Future Beast World]-Chapter 51 Jealousy is not something that couples should have

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Now that Xia Ke and Sharp have talked about it, the matter of Xia Ke has come to an end. Afterwards, Xia Ke and Galen got together to study the plants on the planet Biser, and it was considered a pleasure. Arlo and Sharp also took advantage of Take this opportunity to deal with the aliens.

When those aliens first came to the planet Bither, they found Sharp. At that time, Bell Kent was actually controlled by Sharp. After they found Sharp, they told him their intentions, and then to express their Sincerity, a layer of electric ions was imposed on the planet Biser, and the entire planet was enveloped in it.

The main function of this ion layer is to 'filter', which can 'filter' the memory of people on the planet Biser by operating instruments, which is like erasing or modifying this memory of people.

Because there are no other people on the planet Biser except for some businessmen, this function is a bit tasteless. However, in order to reassure the other party, Sharp also modified the memory of some people through the instrument, and put the information about them in their memory. Delete all the negative memories on the planet Bither and replace them with the memory that the planet Bither is peaceful, and then let them spread the news subconsciously.

They do this because they think that Sharp has ambitions. Indeed, Sharp has ambitions, but not the kind of ambition they think. What Sharp wants to do is to protect Xia Ke and make him worry-free.

The purpose of Sharp doing this is to attract the attention of some people, and then let them turn their attention to the planet Biser. Moreover, since the other party has an instrument to modify other people's memories, why didn't they use it on him in the first place? This can only show that this instrument is flawed, so the person whose memory has been modified is not a kind person.

After such a long time without any response, Sharp thought that no one would come and planned to leave here, but he didn't expect that because of Xia Ke's matter, he would attract such a big fish as Yaluo.

After Xia Ke got in touch with the other party, Arlo placed his hands there, because those people suddenly appeared in a fixed place through similar space transfer devices, although the current technology of the empire cannot directly let the human body pass through the space Transfer, but there is no way to prevent space transfer.

It's not a complicated problem, as long as the transmission device and the transmission body are separated, the channel opening of the transmission device is fixed, and if it exceeds this size, it cannot be transmitted.

Sharp sat alone at the appointed place, waiting for the other party to appear.

They placed a teleportation device here, so they can only appear here fixedly every time.

After waiting for a long time, a halo emerged from the placed space device, and as the halo became stronger and stronger, a figure slowly appeared in it.

After waiting for his body to be fully revealed, the blond-haired, golden-eyed man lifted him out of the space device with a smile on his lips, and the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground, making a crisp sound.

Seeing the person who came out, Sharp raised his eyebrows slightly. This time it was changed?

"Hello, Mr. Sterling." What the other party said was not actually the language of the empire, but because there was a language translator, the communication between the two parties was not a problem.

"Hello." Sharp replied in the same way, "May I ask who you are?"

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, the person who contacted you before is my subordinate, in order to thank you for your support for our mission, so I came here this time to express our gratitude." The man pulled Open the chair, sit down casually, "thank you."

"Hehe, that's really embarrassing..." Sharp leaned his hand on the armrest and supported the side of his head, "I don't know if you have anything else to do here besides thanking you?" Sharp said. The other hand tapped lightly on the armrest, making a knocking sound.

"Well, it's actually not a special matter. I just want to ask when Mr. Sterling plans to take action? Could it be that our sincerity is not enough?" The blond man looked slightly distressed, "If you have any If you have a request, please feel free to ask, and we will do our best to accommodate your request."

"Action..." Sharp murmured, "It seems that we should act." When Sharp pressed his finger, he was immediately circled where the man was sitting.

"Huh?" The man smiled slightly, "Why did Mr. Sterling do this?" The man's calm attitude did not change at all because of being trapped.

"It's just what you think, I seem to have refused to cooperate with you." Sharp also smiled, "So, please stay here."

The man still sat leisurely on the chair, "If Mr. Sterling changes his mind now, there is still time."

"I'm sorry, I haven't thought about changing my mind yet." Sharp stepped aside, "If possible, I think we can 'cooperate' in another form."

"What a pity." The man sighed. "Do you think I would come here unprepared?"

"Of course I don't think so, but I want to see how you can escape, can you satisfy my curiosity?"

"Of course." I don't know what the man did, the cages that trapped him broke and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Sharp's pupils shrank slightly, "It's really powerful." This is not the mechanism he prepared, but set up by the people brought by Yaluo.

"So, has Mr. Sterling changed his mind?" The man held a slender, silvery stick in his hand and propped it on his chin, "If you still don't change your mind, I will be very happy." Worrying."

"Even so, I don't think we will cooperate, because same-sex repulsion applies to people with the same personality."

"What a pity." The man put down the stick and pointed at Sharp, "byebye, Mr. Sterling." The next moment, Sharp's figure disappeared in place.

"Huh?" The man was surprised, but he hadn't started to act yet. At this time, the space he was in changed. Not to mention all the original decorations disappeared, even the space device for the bed disappeared. It became a completely enclosed space, with no entrance and exit, just an empty secret room.

Moreover, the space in this secret room seems to be slowly shrinking!

"It seems that I really can't cooperate now." I really didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to me, and it could be regarded as a lesson, but it was because I was still immature.

Take a necklace from the jacket pocket, and hang a small, button-like pendant on the necklace.

Pressing the button, the figure of the man also disappeared into the secret room.

The people watching outside did not seem surprised when they saw the figure of the man disappear. If the man was caught so easily, he would not be an enemy worth noting, because there was not enough time and they were not well prepared, so The mechanism set up this time is not very perfect.

Now that the actors have already left the scene, there is no need for them to hide any longer.

"What action should we take next?" Sharpe didn't think the other party would let it go when he was put on the table like this. "We don't understand the other party's strength at all."

"Tomorrow we will set off to meet Emperor Star, so you'd better get ready to leave first." The expression on Yaluo's face has never been more serious, and now he has something to confirm.

"Well, I see." Seeing Yaluo leaving with a serious face, Sharp had no choice but to finish the next thing.


Although he had never heard the language spoken by that person just now, he had heard it spoken by Yaluo.

'thankyou' means thank you, but why would the gallon say it?

It's not that Yalo suspects that Gallen has something to do with those people, but Yalo still wants to hear Gallen tell himself the truth.

Arriving outside the temporary research room of Galen and Xia Ke, Arlo stood outside for a while, without knocking on the door, and finally made up his mind to knock on the door. Just as he stretched out his hand, the door opened.

"If you're looking for a gallon, wait a little longer!" After saying that, Xia Ke slammed the door shut.

Yaluo was stunned, thinking of the gallon who was working hard just now, and Yaluo slowly calmed down again. How could Gallon have any connection with them when he worked so hard for the future of the empire.

Now there is not so much time for him to think too much. Arlo got up and walked into Xia Ke's office. As for why it is here, it is naturally because it is very convenient. Anyway, there is nothing at the hotel. , it’s okay to start directly from here when the time comes.

Turned on the optical brain, contacted Carson, explained the current situation to them, and then sent the audio recorded before to Carson. Although the empire has a common language, there are also a small number of planets. It has its own unique language, so not all people can master all languages, so there will be a language translator. It can not only translate known languages, but also unknown languages, according to the frequency of speaking and temperament.

Afterwards, things were simple. Arlo and Carson announced the end of their patrol on the grounds of the discovery of aliens, and then returned to Emperor Star, preparing to strengthen the defense of the border, and, the search for aliens, since they Being able to reach the planet Biser, one can naturally land on other planets as well.

Another thing is the new management personnel on the planet Biser.

"Do you have any suitable personnel?" Carson asked.

In order to exercise Yalo's ability, Carson will also hand over some decisions to Yalo.

"It's not realistic to transfer personnel from Emperor Star, so, I think, let Sharp Sterling arrange people. He has managed Planet Biser for such a long time, and there must be many talented people under him." Moreover, Sharp Sterling Sterling will not do anything under their noses.

"Well, it's up to you to decide." Carson nodded and added, "Come back as soon as possible."
