MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 87 Honeymoon

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Sulli lost her lover at an early age and returned to the original tribe alone with her children to survive. Naturally, she could not be ignorant. After she finished eating, she hurriedly took four females of the Eagle Tribe to clean up the dishes, and her nephew Meng Mu helped to collect more firewood for her aunt to use at night.

At this time, the moon is already hanging in the center of the sky, the four females have learned how to make hot pot, and it is time to return to the Eagle Tribe with their big one. Shirley reluctantly said goodbye to her younger brother. Thanks to the care of her younger brother's family over the years, she was able to bring Yongke up.

Xue Li's younger brother was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her sister to stay alone, "I made a deal with Yongke this morning, and let him pack up and go down the mountain at night. I haven't seen him yet, or I can accompany my sister. One more night?"

Xue Li refused, her brother had already helped her a lot, not to mention that he had to stay with her because Yong Ke was not there. Wasn't this a taboo for Yin Li and the others? "No, I'm too old to walk. Besides, Yin Li and the others are all very good. What's your concern?"

"We will take good care of Aunt Shirley." Gu Bei held Shirley's hand and approached him to express intimacy.

While they were chatting, a giant beast figure jumped down from the mountain, and sensing the familiar aura, the males of the Eagle Tribe turned their heads one after another, and Shirley's younger brother called out, "Yongke is here!"

The hair of the Great Tibetan Mastiff is black mixed with yellow, which may be adapted to the mountains where the Eagle tribe lives, so the hair is thick and soft like wool, and it seems to fly when running. When Yongke saw his mother, he howled with great excitement. The roar was like a lion, which added a majesty to the cute appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff.

However, as soon as Yongke came to his mother's side, he recovered his 'dog-like' appearance, with his big head in his mother's arms, like an unweaned child. Shirley also noticed that in front of so many people, her grown-up son was still acting like a spoiled child to her mother, so as not to be too immature. "Okay, Yongke, everyone is watching you."

Yongke has always depended on his mother for life, and in front of outsiders he is a male who wants to stand tall. Only in front of his mother is he allowed to have the timidity and childishness that suits his age. This time he went down the mountain to find a female, and he was very reluctant to leave his mother, so he didn't care that there were other people present. The big Tibetan Mastiff sits pitifully on the side like a puppy trained by its owner.

"Okay, since Yongke has come, you can go back. Be careful on the road." Xue Li patted the hair on the back of the big Tibetan Mastiff.

"Yongke take good care of your mother." Shirley's brother finally asked. Yong Ke will eventually leave the Eagle Tribe. His prototype makes him unsuitable for finding food on the top of the mountain. It is better to leave the Eagle Tribe and find a new tribe to live a good life.

Tibetan Mastiff nodded, silly.

At night, the two camps were still separated to sleep. The males of the Eagle tribe went to the other side to rest, while Yin Li and Shirley and their mother and son were resting in place. Yong Ke came down with a big burden, which contained the things he and his mother had accumulated over the years. However, due to the lack of abundant materials on the mountain, his 'family property' was obviously pitiful.

Because of Shirley's appearance, Yin Li remembered his family and Hessen in his heart, so he was unwilling to continue wandering. He told others about his decision, "I thought about it, and I still plan to go to the place where I live as soon as possible, seeing that the midsummer is coming, and when the autumn comes, if we have not established a good tribe, then Gubei and tundra, Lier and Liang Qi doesn't even know where to go to participate in the fall festival."

Tundra was happy to see it happen, and he had long wanted to persuade Yin Li not to extend his trip. He and Gubei are not a legitimate couple. Every night, they can only listen to other people doing things that are not suitable for children in the moonlight. He was so envious that his mouth was blisters. "I agree! After finding a place to build a tribe, we have to build a house. It will take a lot of time!"

"Then why don't you go to the forest tribe?" Li'er asked. He is childish, playful, and full of expectations for exploring new tribes.

"Okay, don't interrupt." Liang Qi took his hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and whispered into his ear at the end: "You didn't notice what was in Tundra's eyes. Fire? Fool, Tundra is eager to marry Gubei."

"Aunt Shirley is not suitable for long-distance travel." Gubei did not agree, but pushed Shirley as the reason. Tundra quietly squeezed the palm of his hand. The young couple thought no one found out, and made sweet little gestures in private.

Alopecia areata raised her eyebrows, looking a little unhappy at the tundra who was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Gubei, "Yin Li, you said before that you are going to the forest tribe not only to exchange peppers, star anise, forest Didn't you say that the iron tools of the tribe are very necessary?"

"That's right." With iron shovels and rakes, they can play a big role in building houses and leveling the ground, and iron kitchen utensils are lighter and easier to heat! "Then we split into two teams?"

"Are you sure you want the new tribe to be located in the hot spring pool?" Alopecia areata asked.

Alopecia areata seldom question Yin Li's decision, so when alopecia areata asked, Yin Li first thought about the hot spring pool and found that there was nothing bad. There are spice trees. "Yeah, it's nice there."

"Remember when you said that you would build the tribe into a city-state to facilitate trade between tribes?" Yin Li said this at the time, and the first thing that came to mind for alopecia areata was the meeting place. The center of the tribe, and the ground is flat, there are many green plants around, abundant animals, and no shortage of water resources. The only bad thing is that there is no 'hot spring'. Legend has it that several major tribes discovered such a good place at the same time, but in order to avoid war, they had to restrict each other not to belong to a certain tribe, but to locate the meeting place for all orcs to trade. "When you said that, the first thing I thought of was the meeting place."

"Ah!" Being reminded by alopecia areata, Yin Li remembered it. At that time, he thought that he could continue to develop more advanced items. With more useful items, it would naturally attract people from various tribes to exchange. He didn't think that the new tribe designed by the two modern civilized earthlings, he and Wu Xingyu, would still be like the primitive tribe - the houses were piled up in a mess, the roads were narrow and wide, and the guardrails were like decorations.

They made beautiful houses and neat streets. Naturally, they should get rid of the name of 'tribe' and be promoted to 'city-state' and 'city'. And he was so eager to add a hot spring to the new tribe that he forgot the original intention of the tribe. "You're right! I forgot all about it. There are mountains around the warm pool, which are obviously blocking the entry of others." There is not a road where ordinary orcs can walk, and it was only discovered because Tianyu could fly!

"It's my fault." Yin Li was in a low mood, wondering why he was always like this. He had to do something in a hurry and forgot to take care of the overall situation. At first, I just thought about going around and having fun, ignoring that Gubei and Tundra are going to get married in the autumn celebrations, and I said to myself that they want to get a grand wedding for a few new couples. well! True light says no! Yin Li was so annoyed that he beat his head, but alopecia areata quickly stopped him. "Don't worry, we have a long-term plan for this matter, and we don't have to worry about you, a female."

Alopecia areata actually has other meanings. He guessed that their small team did not complain about Yin Li's maverick. Just like the tundra, he wanted to settle down early, but Yin Li was always held by everyone. He originally had concerns about the tribes at the foot of the mountain and did not get along well with the small team, so he was reluctant to say it.

Most of the ideas proposed by Yin Li will surprise everyone when they are realized, such as kang, pottery, furniture, dyed cloth... But sometimes, some of Yin Li's ideas are often incomprehensible The mind, or in other words, does not conform to everyone's cognition. After all, the pros outweighed the cons, and the little goodwill accumulated over time made everyone willing to follow Yin Li's words.

It's not that alopecia areata is too self-righteous, but when he just left the tribe under the mountain, he did think about it, Yin Li is very likely to become the tribe leader of the new tribe. The head of the Hyena tribe is a female, and she is the most powerful and intelligent female. The identity of the tribe leader has been decided. As long as you take this position, even if you make a wrong decision, no one will refute one or two in the open. The tribe leader of the tribe under the mountain is a good proof. From this, Yin Li's words were confirmed.

Before Tianyu appeared, alopecia areata didn't think it was a problem. But the key is that Tian Yu and Wu Xingyu appeared. Tian Yu is a descendant of the beast god, and his power is feared by all the orcs in the northern continent. Wu Xingyu doesn't seem to have as many ideas as Yin Li, but he is more stable, and he sings very nicely. His songs are like ancient arias, which can communicate with nature and the soul of beast gods. Everyone consciously associates his status with Tianyu. flat. The two were destined to start a new tribe, and a new tribe only needed a tribe leader.

Yin Li can no longer be the same as before. He needs to discuss and act with more people, and the final decision, if Tianyu's approval is not obtained, it is estimated that everyone will not implement it. If Yin Li will hit the wall again as scheduled, it would be better to break the alopecia areata now. "Best, we can discuss it with Tian Yu and Wu Xingyu."

"Yeah! Wu Xingyu may know what to do!" Yin Li thinks he is smarter than the orcs, and Wu Xingyu is on an equal footing with him. Because of the knowledge of primitive orcs. "Tianyu's speed is so fast, I guess after we find the clay for the Eagle Tribe, Tianyu has already started to bring Wu Xingyu back, and we are very likely to meet on the way." That is not a waste of time.

When Yin Li and the others were talking, Shirley and Yongke kept quiet. One was that the mother and son had just joined these orcs, and they didn't know much about what they were talking about, so it was not good to intervene randomly. The other was that they used Shirley and Yongke couldn't guess the meaning of some unfamiliar words, and thought they were taboo about the existence of mother and son.