MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 89 Honeymoon

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The mountain hovers over the flat ground. His eyes are bigger than Yin Li's whole person. "Wow!" Everyone sighed sincerely.

"It's so beautiful!" The patterns of dragons change endlessly, and some dragon totems are too old to meet the aesthetics of people in the 21st century. However, the dragon transformed by Tianyu is a collection of the advantages of all dragon patterns. It is majestic and noble, which makes people burst into tears. Chinese people always like to call themselves the descendant of the dragon, and Yin Li is the same. At the same time, he is also an atheist, but when he really faces a dragon, he is definitely his god, and that is his belief. He couldn't help but want to touch it, but the dragon's claws stretched out to Wu Xingyu and whispered threats to the others.

This is probably the reason why he couldn't resist Tian Yu... Wu Xingyu sat obediently on Long Panwo's body. He was so small and his weight was like a small ant for Tian Yu's beast shape. "I haven't seen your beast shape for a long time."

Wu Xingyu fascinatedly stroked the dragon scales under him, and the scales reflected golden light, like a rare gem in the world.

In contrast, the beasts here are too small to fill his prototype stomach. In order to avoid unnecessary waste, he naturally prefers to maintain a human shape.

The blood of males contains a wild part, and they will irresistibly like to turn into a beast to run, chase, and capture in the free world. What Tian Yu has to do is to suppress this nature as much as possible. And this rare transformation can express his desire in this respect in a small way.

Alopecia areata They worship Tianyu's beast form from the heart, they kneel and worship unconsciously, chanting words in their mouths, it seems to be a hymn to the beast god.

He was originally scheduled to be the tribe leader of the orc tribe in the southern continent, but due to Wu Xingyu's relationship, he lost the qualification to inherit the honorary position passed down by his ancestors.

Tianyu grew up in the bragging and admiration of others since she was a child, but other orcs rely on the prototype of dinosaurs, and will not be so arrogant that they need to kneel down to worship Tianyu. So this was the first time he saw an orc who was so excited about his prototype.

If Tianyu didn't show his beast shape, everyone just felt the coercion of the strong from him, so they were in awe of him, then now this awe has added a piece from inner admiration. And this is the respect of the beast gods that the ancestors of the Northern Continent have accumulated for generations.

With the shock of Tianyu's incarnation as Jackie Chan, other people now talk about everything based on his answer, even the modern man Yin Li, who does not engage in blind worship, has to look at Tianyu with 'idiotic' eyes . Tian Yu complained to Wu Xingyu in private, "This kind of life is so boring." Everyone feels more and more distant from him. Everywhere he goes, there are people who volunteer to help, but he is not a disabled orc!

"What can I do about this?" Wu Xingyu climbed on tiptoe and hands up to Tianyu's neck as much as possible. Tianyu couldn't see his female, trying to get close to him but couldn't get close, so he took the initiative. With one hand on Wu Xingyu's butt, he brought the person to the level of his own. Wu Xingyu naturally spread his legs to bring himself closer to Tianyu. He finally kissed Tianyu's stubborn chin smoothly. It was really troublesome to find someone so much taller than himself! "Tianyu, your beast type determines that you can only be a respected existence in this continent."

Tian Yu took Wu Xingyu's thigh with the other hand, adjusted the fit of the charming pair of thighs to his waist, and then touched Wu Xingyu's soft thigh with nostalgia, "You know Now, although I'm a bit lazy, I have the ability to make you eat and dress well." Tian Yu is strangely different from other orcs, he is the lazy kind of orcs. And the reason for his 'laziness' is that he is so capable that he can complete the hunting that others take half a day to complete without any effort. This is the same as the anaconda orcs living in the mountain tribe. They have the right to be arrogant and lazy, because they have abilities that other orcs do not have. "I hope I give you everything you have." I hunt for you to eat, and I build a house for you to live in... And the orcs outside are probably eager to help them build the house, lay the hide, and provide every Daily cleaning.

"Of course I will, I just want what you give me." So don't be mad about him eating the tundra tonight, okay? It was at this time that Wu Xingyu could feel that Tian Yu was indeed a newly grown orc who was seven years younger than himself. A little childish performance made him finally not afraid of surrendering instead of love because of the other's animal shape.

Tian Yu recovered a good mood from Wu Xingyu's kisses and hugs, so he was willing to walk out of the jungle to 'summon' his clan.

Yin Li's idea of ​​speeding up the establishment of a tribe has been recognized by Wu Xingyu, "We really should establish a tribe sooner, autumn is coming soon, and winter is not too far away." A tropical region with all seasons like summer.

Immediately after Yin Li raised his doubts, he desperately wanted to enclose the hot spring pool when he established a tribe, but trade development was what he was eager for, so he was stuck in two There is a constant dilemma among the options.

"Maybe you should think about it, we can't do it all at once." There will definitely be many shortcomings in establishing a tribe at the beginning. Even in a modern society, there will be old towns and new towns. The reason for this is that the construction of the old city cannot meet the requirements of time progress. Whether it is an increase in population, an increase in equipment, or an increase in demand, it will prompt the handover of old and new urban areas. "For the time being, we only have so many people. If we want to defend a big place, can we really rely on Tianyu alone?" Tianyu's existence is like the ultimate boss in the game. One person can be worth a thousand troops. Ten thousand horses, however... can the other orcs really live safely under his sanctuary?

"We can establish a small tribe first, and then develop it little by little, it can be to extend a new area to accept new orcs, or to leave the old place and go to another place and start over I prefer to build a small tribe near the hot spring pool first, and take a step back and say that in the future, I will abandon the hot spring pool to build a larger tribe, and the hot spring pool can also become our tourist destination." Wu Xingyu mentioned the meeting place for alopecia areata Obviously, it is also heart-wrenching, but Tianyu's foundation in the Northern Continent is not stable, and he has taken up such a big treasure land. If it provokes dissatisfaction from other tribes, although there may not be any major problems, as long as the small seeds of resentment and anger are needed. Down, the future may not necessarily grow into anything.

"Then go to the hot spring pool!" Of course Yin Li hopes to make a capital city with convenient transportation and easy access in all directions. A little spark of civilization guides the history here in a more advanced direction. But the old saying goes: Rome wasn't built in a day. For the time being, build a small city first, and in the future there will be the possibility of becoming a dominant party! "Let's go quickly, and tell Buddy and Tugu!" The hot spring pool is actually not too small. It is bigger than the tribe under the mountain. They can build their own peach blossom there!

"When the tribe is established, I will go to the tribe under the mountain to tell Hesse! Tell Mula! Tell Kula!" Yin Li was so excited that he wished he could call friends now, in the film A place to spend a spring and summer, an autumn and winter.

After solving Yin Li's problem, it was Wu Xingyu's turn to explain the situation on their side. Tian Yu followed the people of the forest tribe alone and discovered coal and iron mines. The coal came from the depths of the mountain. The mountain was very huge. Tian Yu went to the other side of the mountain to find coal blocks. The iron ore is on the farther mountain, where the orcs of the forest tribe dug a large hole into the mountain, and took out the blue stone from it. Tianyu found fine blue rubble in the river running off the iron ore, which should also be iron ore.

Some orcs are still accustomed to living in caves. Perhaps coal and iron ore were discovered by accident.

"It's not impossible for us to make our own ironware in the future, but if we need to use it now, it would be better to go to the forest tribe for exchange. They are more mature in technology and have finished ironware." Zai Yin Li said When building a house requires rakes and shovels, Wu Xingyu said this.

"Then go change." Yin Li dug out the last ten pieces of dyed linen. "These should be enough, right?" According to Tianyu's observation, perhaps because of the experience of discovering coal and iron, the orcs of the forest tribe quickly found the clay and used the beautifully fired pottery. So exchanging things with them can't be perfunctory with pottery.

"Even if these are not enough, you can still make sour bamboo shoots, sauerkraut, and jam to exchange with them." Wu Xingyu is not worried about not being able to exchange things, because the orcs of the forest tribe have mastered iron tools and can quickly Making pottery, their living standard belongs to the best group in the big tribe, they don't have to worry about eating and drinking, of course they will pursue a better quality of life.

"Yes!" Tian Yu also brought some of these things. "Then we go to the forest tribe next?"

"Just the four of you, Shirley is not suitable for fast-paced travel. Tianyu and I will inform Buddy and Tugu, and finally we will gather at the hot spring pool." To build a tribe, you don't have to force everyone to one point.