MTL - Overturned Tower-v2 Chapter 91 The Resurrected Worse

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【Overturned Tower】【】

After sitting down at the bar, Russell immediately ordered seven or eight dishes from Xiaoxi.

Before the machine servant Xiaoxi went to the kitchen, he first brought up Russell's iced cola, delphinium's hot milk, and poor man's black coffee—although at the bar, the drinks ordered by the three of them were somewhat outrageous, but Fortunately, Langyin has a good stock here, and has everything.

Later, while waiting for lunch, the inferior told Russell what he had seen and heard about being hanged on Yongquan Island.

——That day, the inferior was in the waterway, and his head was almost cut off by a laser. Fortunately, he heeded the demon's warning...and bowed his head at the last moment, thus barely surviving.

But the water bubbles that protected him and were filled with air were also burnt through. The last thing the bad guy can do is to cover his mouth and nose, so as not to let the water rushing over him directly choke him. If you cough because of being choked, you will lose your resistance due to pain.

At that time, the poor man actually relied on his own reaction speed, barely took a breath, but then his body hit the corpse, and the heavy blow made him take that breath, along with all the air in his chest, together They all vomited out.

"It was from that moment that I realized very clearly... maybe I was going to die."

The bad guy said in a low voice.

The momentary lack of oxygen made him take a deep breath subconsciously.

But it is not fresh air that pours into the nose and mouth, but water.

It's like being shrouded in smoke, and there is no gap to escape the water flow. The moment the water poured into the poor man's ears, he felt that the whole world became silent.

His eyes were covered with a layer of water, and the sudden contact with water made him feel sharp pain in his eyes. It's not just that the hands are not clean, or there are impurities in the water, the lightly salty water is poured into his mouth and nose. Even though he was submerged in water, the poor man felt that his eyeballs had become dry, and the whole world had become blurred. Despair and fear seized his heart like a substance.

His limbs became heavy. He was engulfed by the rushing water and sank directly.

His speed is much slower than water polo - because he has less contact area and lacks the inertia of launching. When his limbs are pushed by the water, the force on them is completely irregular. In his extremely blurred vision, he saw the water polo that Stretch was riding speeding across from above, gradually accelerating, and disappeared at the end of his vision in the blink of an eye.

He obviously didn't see the position of the inferior.

The poor man's body rolled uncontrollably in the water, as if being caught in a strong wind.

If I can still use my original psionic power...

For the first time, this idea appeared in his mind—if he could still use his original psionic power, he could easily crush the waterway and escape from it.

Regret, helplessness, sadness, despair... and then relief.

Perhaps a **** with no survival value like myself should have died a long time ago. he thought.

He personally killed countless people, tore apart countless bodies, destroyed countless families, and was ultimately hated by countless people. But even so, she still holds herself back and doesn't want to get her hands dirty...

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【Overturned Tower】【】

What a joke.

When have his hands been clean?

In other words, he was impure from birth.

The "half-elf" who is not allowed to be born, the mother who is barren like a mule - the blood of the devil flows in the blood, and kills many demons by pressing buttons when other children are still literate.

Those "demons" were once human beings. They also have their own families and their loved ones. They are all people who have been driven mad by the world... Broadly speaking, all demons are unfortunates.

Just like his mother.

Obviously just loving others, that love turned into poison in the end—a psychic power that could not be suppressed by reason, and finally got out of control because of obeying the flashing and vague "wish" in my heart.

Of course the inferior one has investigated the mother's life experience. She had just graduated from high school when she was imprisoned in the "Reconstruction Agency".

she awakened psionic

At the beginning, he hadn't completed the transfer ceremony, so he didn't know the name of his psychic power. She had a lover at the time, who was her senior, her boyfriend, and possibly her husband in the future.

He is a student of Tianen University. His parents were managers of a small company, so with hard work and some money, he could be sent to Tianen University. But his wish is not only to graduate from college, to work in his parents' company for a living...he also wants to go to a higher place.

Because he knows that his parents still cannot be said to have obtained "freedom". In the eyes of ordinary people, they are considered big men...but they still have all kinds of troubles and are controlled by others in various places.

He wants to enter the head office, even become a senior executive of the company, and even join the board of directors.

He wants to lead his lover to lead a better life—unlike his parents, who tried their best to maintain face in front of others, but secretly distressed behind their backs.

— He wants more money.

If so, a mediocre graduation would not be enough to meet his expectations. Although he was sent to Tianen University by relying on connections and money, he has put in several times of effort. But that still doesn't make sense...

Because there are too many geniuses in Tianen University.

He tried his best, but he could only get below the median line. Because his brain just doesn't work. It is already very difficult to pass the test, and it is almost impossible to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

It made him feel hopeless...

And the mother of the inferior will always comfort and support him then. She didn't go to college because she didn't have money and she knew she wasn't smart enough. But she would still study with her boyfriend until late at night, just to cheer him up.

She is not at all trying to get a better life for herself, but just because

For sincere "love".

She knows that her boyfriend can't learn that kind of struggle, and she herself suffers because of it. She also knows that as long as she persuades him to give up, the other party will definitely give up in the end, because "I am already satisfied, and I don't want such a good life"; but She even knows what kind of obsession her boyfriend has—she doesn't want to tarnish that heart and prevent him from doing his best.

Therefore, she can only force herself to stay up late to study together. Even if her studies are meaningless, she hopes to share some pain with this, at least to make her lover less lonely and more understanding.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

This strong and sincere love finally condensed into psionic energy—a "crimson thorn" drawn from the depths of the heart that can make people acquire stronger talents. Planting this thorn in a lover's body allows him to obtain the "talent" he has longed for. He became a genius in an instant, handling countless information with ease, and his learning efficiency increased more than ten times. It only took him one month to fill in the knowledge he lacked, surpassed all his classmates, and was closely watched by his tutors. Without exercising, his body became healthier day by day, his appearance became handsome, and his originally chubby figure became sharp and angular.

In an instant, he became extremely popular.

Even so, he did not break up with his lover. Because they really love each other.

— Then, he died suddenly. Death is extremely rapid, irreparable total organ failure.

Later, she learned that the crimson flower was a flower of talent that bloomed at the cost of "life" and fueled by love. The person whose seeds are planted, the stronger the love in their hearts, the more violently they can burn their lives... It is equivalent to compressing their lives, condensing what can only be learned in ten years into one week.

And when she realized that it was she who killed her lover, she went crazy. The violent mental shock turned her into a demon, like a walking dead, she lost the obsession to live, and gave up protecting herself. Until she gave birth to the inferior, her eyes were blank. Later, watching the child she gave birth to grow up slowly, she gradually recovered.

But even so, her love for the inferior is never pure... That maternal love is mixed with hatred, pain and sorrow. And children are the most sensitive, and the inferior ones can feel this kind of love since childhood.

In the end, the personality of the original body was completely digested, thus allowing the "lethal love" to wake up briefly. She realized the inferior

destiny. That extremely complicated love made her make the final decision——

Feed the inferior with a bowl of crimson poisonous soup, so that he will no longer have to face the shackles of fate like her lover, and struggle to death painfully... but end his fate of being bound by thorns as soon as possible.

—Actually, the inferior drank the bowl of poisonous soup.

Seeing her pale face and long black hair shedding tears, she handed him a spoon for the first time.

Even if he knew that the soup was poisonous, how could he be willing to overturn it?

Only after he took a sip, his mother pushed the soup bowl down and broke it with her own hands, and cried bitterly while hugging him. At that moment, the inferior understood that a demon also has feelings.

But he can't even ask for death.

No one desired his birth except his father.

And his father's expectation of him was only to use him and torture him. When the bad guy wants to die, everyone wants him to live; but now, he finally wants to live...

But someone wanted him to die.

Water poured into his lungs, and the suffocation left his brain groggy and his heart slowing. The pain began to fade, and the light in his eyes dimmed. He didn't have slides from the past running in his head... maybe there weren't enough stories from the past to make him miss it.

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【Overturned Tower】【】

He just feels tired, exhausted. It was like the feeling when he was finally able to sleep after working overtime for three days and two As if melting into the bed, the still bed swayed slightly like the waves of the sea.

— and perhaps it should have been. He was born an unblessed child. Now, also will end up in the fate of death

So the inferior one stopped breathing and lost his life.

…as it should be.

But when the inferior just felt tired, the next moment there was a burst of heat in the depths of his brain.

He suddenly found himself alive again.

He lost a piece of memory without warning. Time seemed to be broken. One moment he was still submerged in the water, and the next moment he was lying on the bed. It wasn't a faint, because he didn't "slowly wake up" was more like a teleportation.

It was like going back in time—a part of his life was suddenly torn apart. His drowsy brain vaguely remembered that he seemed to have felt similar methods before.

His body was covered with water, and the white bed was also wet and transparent.

He immediately turned over and knelt on the bed, coughing violently on the edge of the bed. It's like coughing up your lungs.

His eyes were blurred from coughing... At this moment, someone handed him a white handkerchief.

It is a very delicate self-cleaning cloth.

The inferior thanked intermittently, wiped his eyes with it, and saw her when he looked up.

Without any racial characteristics, only a head of beautiful long black hair like satin.

She also has slender elf ears on her head, and she looks no more than fourteen or fifteen years old. The girl stood in front of his bed with a complex expression, hesitating to speak.

The inferior has obviously never seen her, but somehow feels...incomparably familiar. It was as if they had met each other in a previous life.

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