MTL - Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard-v3 Chapter 56 Digging a grave

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The quiet county magistrate became noisy in the darkness, and the county grandfather personally called them to get up and shocked the servants in their sleep, thinking that they had caught their heads and were caught.

When they were dressed in a hurry, they found that there was no light outside.

"Adult, what is it that screams everyone so early?" The master yawned and walked out of the other room.

"Stand up, give me a good spot." The county grandfather snorted at everyone, then turned and nodded and said: "Cold guards, people are screaming."

"Yeah." Cold nodded, waved his hand, and the cold seven pushed Wang Xiangzi to everyone.

"Tell the people you said before." Cold said.

Therefore, Wang Xiangzi said it again to his kneeling man.

"Remember the people who are there?" Cold asked.

"Cold guards, this person remembers, but remember what is the use of this? And several people inside are dead." Master said, "Now you can't find them!"

"Yeah, cold guard, what's the matter with these people?" asked the county magistrate.

"Digging the grave." Cold faintly spit out two words.

"It turned out to be digging a grave... Digging a grave!" The county grandfather originally wanted to echo it, and the result came out of shocking himself. "Cold guard, this is not it, I, we are going to get up in the middle of the night... dig the grave?"

I took a look at the county magistrate and said, "When we arrive, it will be dawn!"

"But, let's go up and dig up the graves of others. It's not bad," said the magistrate.

"Since you know these people, let people pass, seven people, just one of us will bring a team." Cold one did not answer, directly arranged. "action."

The county grandfather still wants to say something, but when he talks about it, he has to divide the servant into seven teams. With the cold one, they went to the place where the seven people were, and they followed the cold one.

It was Sanhe Village who was cold. The person who was squatted by Wang Xiangzi was a farmer who was always with him and was nicknamed Saner.

When they arrived at Sanhe Village, it was already in the morning. The eastern sky had already had a white belly. It was the time when the farm was busy. Many people in the village had already worked in the fields.

The two servants were escorted by Wang Xiangzi and the county magistrate. This scene attracted many people.

Cold one, they went directly to the three children's home, found the daughter-in-law of the three children, and said that they had to dig the grave.

The three-year-old daughter-in-law is preparing to go to the ground. When she heard the words of the county magistrate, the man almost fainted, but the three sisters of the three children were pungent. I heard that I had to dig my brother’s grave, and jumped up and pointed at the county. The grandfather’s nose shouted loudly: “Why do you dig my brother’s grave? He has already been buried in the earth. Who dares to move him?”

"You are the sister of three children? You a little girl to play on the side, don't block here, go call your mother," said the county magistrate.

"I am not pregnant, but fortunately they go out, or you have to be mad at you today!" The four girls said that they also sipped a mouthful of the county magistrate.

"You...beware that I am treating you with a crime of insulting the imperial court!" The county magistrate pointed at the four girls.

"You rule, even if I am guilty of my sin, I will not let you dig my brother's grave today!" The four girls akimbo with their hands on their sides and said fiercely.

"Why do you want to dig the graves of my man?" said the daughter-in-law of the three children. "You will not say anything in the week. You have come to my house for three days. Now my man is dead, you still Don't let him go? God, you are so deceiving, how can we live! There is no heaven in this world! Wang Xiangzi, if you dare to move my man's grave today, I will die here. !"

"Hey, scorpion, we are so pitiful, how can we live in the future!" When they saw their nephew crying, the four girls ran to hug the three daughter-in-law and cried together.

"Why are you doing this now? If you want to dig up the graves of others, you don’t want to let the three children be better in the underground!"

"That is, we will never let people dig three graves today!"

"This Wang Xiangzi always worked with them before the birth of the three children. Now that the three children are dead, it is really hateful to go to the door to find it."

"We must not let him succeed!"

"Three daughter-in-laws, four girls, you can rest assured that we will not let them dig three graves!"


The name of the village that heard the sound heard that he had to dig the graves of the three children, and immediately resisted and surrounded the county magistrate.

"It's not that we want to dig your family's grave. It's really not clean in your family's three graves!" said the county magistrate.

"You are not clean in your grave!" The four girls heard the words of the county magistrate and slammed them over.

"What do you say to the people?" said the county magistrate. "We are here for you!"

"For us, we have to dig my brother's grave?" The four girls stopped crying and said, "I also said that it is good to dig your graves for you."

"You... bold! Come, let this citizen get the official!" The county grandfather originally thought of performing well in front of Lengyi, and patiently told them that they found that these villagers did not listen to him at all. Still so insulting him, so angry that he jumped.

Two servants are going to catch four girls, and several men in the villagers are pushing them up.

"Enough!" Cold screamed and let the messy scene calm down.

"Your man was smashed by Wang Xiangzi, so he will be violently killed." Cold said.

"What?" The three daughter-in-law heard it and immediately rushed toward Wang Xiangzi. He cried out loudly in his mouth: "I said that my man is in good health, how can he suddenly die, it turns out that you are a ghost, you still My man’s life is coming! You are so mad, killing thousands of knives, why don’t you die! You still have my man’s life!”

The servant of Wang Xiangzi hurriedly pulled the three daughter-in-law.

"Wang Xiangzi, you still have my brother's life!" The four girls got a sickle and said that they would cut off to Wang Xiangzi, but they were stopped by another servant.

"Wang Xiangzi, you have been not with the three children, I did not expect that you will actually harm his life! You murderer!" The people in the village hated watching Wang Xiangzi.

"What noise do you have in front of our house?" An old voice rang out behind the crowd. Everyone let it go, cold one saw a man with a gray hair and an old woman looking at everyone.

The four girls who were sprinkling listened and said, "Hey, mother, are you not going to the city?"

"Forgot to take things, come back and take them again. What are you doing?"

"Hey, mother, the original three children were killed by this Wang Xiangzi, and the three children died!" The three daughter-in-law suddenly fell down and burst into tears.

"What do you say?!" he asked with amazement.

"Not only that, now the county magistrate is coming, saying that his brother's grave is not clean, saying that he wants to dig his brother's grave, mother, mother..." The four girls' words have not finished, her mother has fallen backwards, she rushed to the past Hold her mother.

"You are deceiving too much!" The three children put the sling in their hands on the ground and shouted.

"The old man, the third is the lieutenant who died. His body is likely to have become the nourishment of the locusts, and more mites are produced. If you don't deal with them early, I am afraid that you will be in danger." Cold said.

"Who are you, why do you say that the graves of the three children are not clean!" The three children looked at the cold one, although he felt that the cold one was definitely not a simple character, but he was now being dug by them. The matter of his son’s grave was fainting, and where is he still a big man?

"He is a cold guard, the first guard of the emperor's pro-season, the official worship two products." The county magistrate hands clenched.

"I don't care if he is a few official. In short, no one wants to move my son's grave today!" He was blinded by the three children, and whoever dared to go to him was desperate.

"Even if you disagree, we have to dig the grave today!" said cold and cold.

"Then you step on my body! Otherwise, I don't think about it!"

"Yes, we will not agree with you to dig the grave!" said the other villagers.

As soon as he looked at the radical village name in front of him, he thought about how to get these people settled, and the two sides were so deadlocked.

"How did you get this way?" Du Xiaoli's voice came from behind the crowd, and when she heard her voice, she was relieved with a cold heart.

As a guardian of Han Mingqi, he naturally did not dare to really treat the family and the villagers of the three children. However, if they did not get their consent, the graves could not be carried out smoothly. If you really come up with a few people, the first one to thank you is him!

The villagers looked back and saw Du Xiaoli and Han Mingqi and Bai Ningyuan Liu Mochen Xia Yu, who stood 10 meters away.

"Du girl, you are coming, you can help them three children, the county grandfather brought people to dig their graves!" The villagers saw Du Xiaoli, like seeing a savior.

"Do you know them?" Bai Ningyuan asked.

"I came here when I was in a drought." Du Xiaoli said.

"Don't worry, calm down first." Du Xiaoli said.

When the cold came to Han Ming, they said, "The master, they don't let the digging."

When I heard the cold, I went to Han Ming’s master, and the people in the village were amazed.

This is the person who wants to dig three graves. How can it be the subordinates of that person? ! That person is coming with Du Xiaoli!

Du Xiaoli came to the three children in front of him and said, "Liu Shu, do you believe me?"

The three children looked at Du Xiaoli, and he also guessed that the cold one was with Du Xiaoli, and the tears blurred his eyes.

"Du girl, you saved me hundreds of lives in Sanhe Village, if there is no you, where there is the current Sanhe Village. How can we not believe you."

"Cold one is the guard of my family. I asked him to go to the county magistrate to dig the grave." Du Xiaoli said.

Du Xiaoli said this, everyone is quiet, and the four girls are crying like tears.

"Is there really something unclean in the grave of the three children?" The three children looked at Du Xiaoli.

"To tell the truth, Liu Shu, I am not 100% sure, but it is true in all likelihood." Du Xiaoli said, "Because the person rescued by Wang Xiangzi was the rebel Wang Hanhong, he was recently in Miaojiang. The turmoil initiated in many places has killed many people with locusts, and the possibility of such things is great. Ning is credible and has no credibility. If there are locusts that are not cleared, I am afraid that the whole three People in the village can't escape the fate of death."

"My brother, he..." The four girls came to Du Xiaoli and wanted to say something and could not speak.

Du Xiaoli patted her shoulder, then pointed to Han Ming, and continued: "Since this day, I dig the grave. I said that if there are no locusts inside, I will lick three heads in front of the three children's grave. Indemnify him and let him rest in peace."



Cold one, they looked at Du Xiaoli and seemed to disagree with her.

"Wang Hao?" Four girls, they looked at Du Xiaoli, she is now Wang Hao?

"Exactly, this is the one of you who is famous for my Fengming State, and she is the king of the king! Wang Ye Wang personally asked your village about things, you are not grateful and obstructed!" said the county magistrate.

Han Mingxi looked at the county magistrate and he closed his mouth.

"Du girl, you have a good heart, I believe that you will not harm us. Your medical skills, we all know, since you have a thing in the three graves, then ... then open it!" Liu Shu said Finish, turn your head to the side and wipe the tears in your eyes.

Since the three children agreed, the other villagers no longer said anything. After all, they all believed in Du Xiaoli's words. Since she said there were mites inside, they believed that there was.

After the obstacle was solved, Du Xiaoli turned and looked at the county magistrate. The county magistrate immediately told the servant: "Ready to open the ground."

So everyone took the guy’s mighty graves to the three children’s graves. In order not to make them too sad, Du Xiaoli asked Liu Shu’s family to be at home, and Liu Shu went alone, but the four girls had to go. Left three daughter-in-law to take care of her mother-in-law at home.

Before coming to the Saner grave, Du Xiaoli took three graves in front of the grave with the person to dig the grave, and then retreated to the side to let them excavate.

Some villagers spontaneously took the shovel and joined them. Soon, the graves of the three children were dug up, revealing the coffin inside.

"Wang Ye, Wang Hao, dug up, do you want to open it?" asked the servant.

"You don't have to open it, you go back to the side." Du Xiaoli said.

She came to the coffin, closed her eyes and listened quietly for a while, then opened her eyes and said, "Cold one is ready for the torch, and there is pine oil."

Something was brought into the village before, so some people soon put pine oil in a wooden bucket. The cold one put the torch in the pine oil and slammed it, then used the internal force to ignite the torch.

"The others have retired. You a few, after a while I opened the coffin cover, you will pour the pine oil quickly, then go back to the side, do you know how to do it?" Du Xiaoli said.

"Yes!" said several servants.

Du Xiaoli looked cold and was preparing to start, Han Mingyu came over.

"I am coming, you go to the back." Han Mingqi said with Du Xiaoli's hand.

"Yeah, if there are any mutated locusts, this is what we have to stand in front of us." Bai Ningyuan said.

"Men priority." Luo Qi walked over and said.

Liu Mochen did not say anything, but the steps did not stop.

Du Xiaoli looked at the four of them and smiled dumbly. He said, "I don't know what is inside, but I don't think it will be used by your four masters. If you work hard at the same time, I am afraid that this coffin is directly scrapped by you. Just leave a person."

In the end, Bai Ningyuan stayed. According to Du Xiaoli, the movement was smashed into the cover of the coffin, and the coffin cover was immediately taken to the side.

In the coffin, I can’t see the corpse now. Except for the bones that have been cleaned, all the dense worms are locusts.

"Pour sesame oil!" Du Xiaoli shouted.

The servant hurriedly poured the sesame oil in the bucket into the coffin, and the cold torch was thrown in.

"It’s awkward--"

The fire quickly burned in the coffin, and the locusts were quickly annihilated by the fire.

Although the whole process was short, the people present still saw the scene inside the coffin.

"Brother, he..." The four girls looked at the burning flame coldly, watching the bones and mites burned bit by bit, and she couldn't help but vomit.

"It turns out that they are all true! Fortunately, the locusts are now burned to death. If they grow up, we are all dangerous."

"Yes, Du girl saved us again."

"What Du girl, that is the king!"

The villagers whispered while watching, and the three children looked at the flames and said nothing, but there was a deep sorrow in his eyes.

After the four girls spit out what they had eaten in the morning, they wiped their mouths with their sleeves, and then they squatted and squatted, and then they rushed to Wang Xiangzi and threw him down, hitting them heavily.

"It's all you, you murderer, you killed my brother, gave him a squat, and he has to become like this after death, I killed you! Kill you!"

Wang Xiangzi’s family also heard the news, but when they saw the scene, they didn’t dare to say anything. Fortunately, the servant went up and opened the four girls.

"This Wang Xiangzi has been arrested now, and our county government will definitely give you a fair. Now don't fight again!" said the county magistrate.

After confirming that the worms in the coffin were all burned, Du Xiaoli turned and said to the three children: "Liu Shu, pack the ashes of the three children, and prepare a coffin for him."

"Thank you, Wang Hao, I know how to do it." The three children said, "This is thanks to you, but it hurts everyone. Our family is too guilty."

"The three children are very good, and they will definitely be good in the next life." Du Xiaoli said.

Han Mingqi looked at the county magistrate and said, "The things here are handed over to you. This must be explained to the victim's family."

"Yes, the next official is obeying." County Grandpa bowed and said.

Before leaving Sanhe Village, a signal flare was sent to the sky in the cold. Several people in other places saw the signal bomb and said, "The cold one has been confirmed. There are locusts in the coffin. Everyone is ready to start digging the grave... ”

------Off topic ------

My aunt got into the train and was drunk when she thought about it. If you have a stomachache, you still have to write a chapter in the night, and you have a good time when you are at home.