MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 31 reporter

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Being taken to the car, Yu sat in the middle of the back seat. Yu late rushed to the side of Shen Qingzhou's seat. "Shen, what do you mean just now, you take care of me, where are you free?"


"Zhang Heng takes care of it very carefully. I have known him for a long time. When I was away, Yu was all taken care of by him." Yu said seriously.

Shen Qingzhou glanced at her from the rearview mirror. "If I don't have time, you will change to a pet hospital."


Shen Qingzhou’s heart snorted, because the man’s eyes were uncomfortable, and his eyes were straightforward, and his mind was clearly written, “Because it is not well sanitized.”

"Health... is it bad?" Yu late, "No."

Shen Qingzhou is a serious way, "I saw it, dirty."

Yu was speechless, and it turned out to be a capitalist. The demand was so high.

The next night was the Golden X Awards ceremony. In the morning, Shen Qingzhou was still sitting on the sofa leisurely and looking through the things that Yu couldn’t understand.

"Tonight, your work has nominations." Yu night holding a bag of potato chips in his hand and sitting next to him with his legs crossed.

Shen Qingzhou sighed at random.

"Hey, was that last year? I looked at it specially, it looks really good, you should win the prize."

Shen Qingzhou, "It's not the same. There is a predecessor who also nominated."

"So there is still some competitiveness," Yu said, biting off the potato chips. "I really want to go to the scene to feel the tension. If you win the prize, what expression would you be, excited? Where are you excited expressions..."

"I don't want to see it directly."

Yu night blinked. "Can I go?"

"I want to arrange a position for you." Shen Qingzhou took the file. "It’s okay to stay at home anyway."

Yu’s eyes brightened, and I was so excited to see Shen Qingzhou’s victory and defeat. “Well, I am going, then you remember to arrange a good line of sight for me. I can clearly see you on the stage. ""

"it is good."

Really say go and go. On the evening of the awards ceremony, Yu night was already sitting in the lounge of a large studio, waiting for the award ceremony to begin.

The directors of the stars will walk into the red carpet to enter the studio, and as a special ‘family’, Yu can only wait for Shen Qingzhou’s instructions.

In the lounge, there is a live red carpet outside, and Yu can clearly see the glamorous stars walking through the red carpet. Xiang Zeran, Lin Ye and Li Mengmeng... She knows very few stars, and there are only a few of them.

She was bored watching the red carpet catwalk, thinking about waiting for Shen Qingzhou to appear. However, she did not see Shen Qingzhou. Yu late unexpectedly saw Yu Huan appear on the red carpet. He wore a straight suit and had a simple pattern on his suit. He looked calm and solemn, handsome and handsome.

Yu night looked at Yu Huan’s signature on the board, and then waved to reporters and fans outside the stadium.

Yu late had some surprises. I thought that my brother was still in other cities, but I couldn’t think of it at the awards ceremony. But when I think about it, how can I not have Yu Huan on this occasion?

After a while, Yu late waited for Shen Qingzhou, and there was a man and a woman with him. Yu night saw these two people. They are the heroes and actresses of the film nominated by Shen Qingzhou. Because of this film, the male and female horns have received much attention, especially the female lord Ji Ning, who has never been famous for the position of the three-line rising line.

Yu night looked at Shen Qingzhou with affection, and for a while did not see him wearing such a strict formal, white shirt, black suit, full of abstinence temptation.

Yu looked at the side and sighed. Shen Qingzhou really was Shen Qingzhou. Even under the lens, it was the expression of 'everything is not my thing', but even the faint look is still next to the red carpet outside. The audience screamed again and again.

Finally the red carpet ended, and after a while, the loungers were pushed away.

"Writer." Xiao Yang walked in. "Shendao let me pick you up."

Yu nodded late. "Where is he?"

“Everyone has a fixed position, and the nominee-winning personnel are in the middle of the position, and Shen’s guide is there.”

"Then I..."

"You can rest assured that Shen Zhi has already arranged for the writer."


Yu night went out with Xiao Yang and went into the hall. Yu night tried to reduce his sense of existence and silently sat down in the position that Xiao Yang said.

At the beginning of the award ceremony, the people around Yu night gradually settled down. Her position is very good, the center of the front row, everything on the stage can be seen very clearly.

The other prizes began to be promulgated. Yu night leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the people on the stage. Well, this time, if you can come to pack the potato chips, it would be fine.

"Zhang Zong, I heard that your company has recently announced a new list of shareholders?" The man in the suit sitting on the left side of Yu night crossed her and said to the middle-aged man on her right.

"Well, there are adjustments." The middle-aged man smiled. "Lin, there are so many movies that I plan to invest this year."

"This, I am not sure, there are still many companies in the company."


When the two of them came and said things were business words, Yu was right in the right color, and some doubts began to look at what happened to his position. She looked to the left, a row of people dressed in formal attire, but looking at it, it is definitely not a star actor or something, and the right side... seems to be such a situation, one by one is like an elite boss.

Yu night finally couldn't help but secretly sent a text message to Shen Qingzhou. "Where am I sitting?"

Shen Qingzhou soon returned, "What happened."

"No... I feel like there are some big bosses next to me. For example, the man next to me, I can't understand how to talk to the uncle on the right side of me. (Where is the face), who do you say they are?"

Shen Qingzhou, "You are the president of Xinjia Entertainment Company on the left and the chairman of Wangan on the right."

Xinjia Entertainment Company, although Yu night does not pay attention to the entertainment circle, but because Yu Huan is there, she still has to listen to Yu Huan, such as Xin Jia Entertainment is one of the pillars of the entertainment industry...

And Wan Gan, she is more familiar, she often goes to buy their company's products.

But... what a ghost, ask you to arrange a position for me, not arranged in this super VIP table!

"I feel that it is a bit awkward to sit here." Yu finished the text message and looked at it. The chairman on the right just collided with her eyes. He had nothing to say. He only nodded slightly toward her. Indicate. Yu night had no choice but to nod.

Shen Qingzhou, "Is not the best view? I have seen it, your position is the best."

Yu night, "..."

Although sitting here is not suitable, but fortunately, the lens is only in the star area, here are guests, or outsiders, so there will be no lenses.

Sitting and sitting, Yu night thought that it is impossible to stand up and leave now, so I closed my heart and looked at the stage seriously.

The award ceremony went to the middle stage. Shen Qingzhou’s film “Blind Man” won the best editing award. In addition, the heroine Ji Ning in “Blind Man” won the Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance.

With these two awards, "Blind" is also a big winner at this year's film festival. However, everyone is amazed that Shen Qingzhou himself defeated the other three directors to win the best director. Among the winners, one is a veteran filmmaker. This time, "Blind" is the biggest winner.

The moment when the person who announced the award was Shen Qingzhou, Yu night felt that she almost jumped out of the chair and cheered. Fortunately, she did not forget where she was now, and she tried to control it.

Compared with her excitement, Shen Qingzhou’s performance was much calmer, and she took the stage, won the award, and won the award. In the middle of the rules, calm and random. But I don't know why, Yu night can still feel the happiness of Shen Qingzhou's heart. Although he looks faint, but the movie is after all his own efforts and efforts, and he is given affirmation. It must be a very happy thing.

At the end of the award ceremony, the staff began to leave, and Yu night also slipped out of the hall. Going to the background, Yu night saw many stars being interviewed by reporters, and the most attractive to her attention is of course Shen Qingzhou.

Next to Shen Qingzhou, there is Ji Ning who won the best actress tonight. The two of them shine tonight, and the reporter’s waters are not clear. Yu night sneaked closer, and got together to a corner where he could see Shen Qingzhou can hear him.

Reporter, "Shen, you have won another big prize this year. Any comments?"

Shen Qingzhou, "Well, one thing that is very happy."

Yu night smiled at the side, said so official, said happy but not too happy on his face. Hey, interviewing his reporter should be quite painful.

"Jining, to get the best actress tonight, do you really want to thank Shen Dian?"

Ji Ning’s face was filled with a big smile. “Of course, if I didn’t give me this opportunity, how can I get this award? Half of this award is the result of Shen’s guidance.”

Reporter, "Why do you want to thank you in private, will you please eat anything?"

"This... of course, I still have to sink and lead to refuse to appreciate the face," Ji Ning looked at Shen Qingzhou, jokingly said, "You also know that Shen Dao is hard to agree."

The reporters laughed.

"Do you know the scandal before Shen Jian? Do you know who the heroine in the car is?"

The topic suddenly turned to this place. Also, reporters can interview Shen Qingzhou this time and naturally will not let go of this problem.

Ji Ning paused, and she knows the hot events on Weibo. She is also very curious about who the girl is, even if she is not a girlfriend, it is not bad to be able to travel alone with Shen Qingzhou. During the filming period, she contacted Shen Qingzhou, knowing that he did not enter the oil and salt, and the cold face was iceberg. It was particularly difficult to melt. The woman who could approach Shen Qingzhou was certainly not simple.

Reporter, "There are rumors that the woman in the car is Lin Ye and you see."

(The remaining content of Chapter 31 is presented in the author's words!! This article is issued exclusively in jin, jiang, other websites are pirated, the chapters are incomplete, please support genuine!)