MTL - Peerless Pill God-Chapter 1 Rebirth after Robbery (2)

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Come to the rescue.

During the escape, Qin Sheng was severely swept back by a scorpion-tailed scorpion tail like a scorpion-tailed tiger steel whip. He just poisoned and died when he fled into the mine. The dead party Han Tailong thought that Qin Sheng had died. Buried him.


As soon as Han Tailong's words fell, all the students in the mine caved their eyes on Zhao Qiongcang. If Han Tailong really said that, then this disaster was brought by Zhao Qiongcang, and they almost died in the dragon. Mining area, this is a life and death feud!

Their eyes were not good, and even a strong male force emerged from individual male students. The atmosphere inside the mine was tense and tense!

Zhao Qiongcang's face changed, especially when he felt that there were a few elements in the mine that were not weaker than his strength, and he suddenly stood up, his burly tall body suddenly covered most of the sight in the mine, and even faintly condensed into a stream. Feeling oppressed, he reprimanded: "Han Tailong, don't spit people in blood, dare to scorn me? Do you know the consequences?"

"Han Tailong is right, that is, you stole the monster egg that the scorpion-tailed tiger just gave birth to!" Qin Sheng said suddenly, his eyes flashed two cold lights, and he pointed at Zhao Qongcang with certainty.

Zhao Qiongcang was a stunner at first, apparently did not expect that Qin Sheng had the courage to stand up and blame him, which was completely inconsistent with Qin Sheng's previous style of counseling. Immediately when he came in contact with Qin Sheng's eyes, with the cold light, there was a feeling of being stared at by the scorpion tiger. His body was creepy, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Qin Sheng merged the memory of the Emperor Dandi, and it was natural to raise his hand and take a breath of Dandi.

"What's going on? I'm so afraid of Qin Sheng's waste?" Zhao Qiongcang was frightened and angry, crushing his inner fear, and sneered: "Fart! What evidence do you have?"

Qin Sheng gave a cold glance at Zhao Qiongcang, and said lightly, "Everyone can come closer to him, can you smell a very special smell? This is the taste of the scorpion tiger, which proves that he has come in close contact with the scorpion tiger. "

An angry student approached Zhao Qiongcang a little, and his eyes were not good: "He really has a very special smell!"

The crowd was shocked and angry, including Zhao Qiongcang's complexion, and a huge wave was set in his heart: "Does he know the truth?"

However, after being stunned, Zhao Qiongcang calmed down quickly, but he pleaded arrogantly, "You were sucked by the scorpion tiger, and you also have the smell of the scorpion tiger. You have passed on the scent of me!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Sheng sneered, "Dare to quibble."

"Let's look at his palm again. Was it weird with some weird patterns? It's a hex pattern on the surface of the egg of a scorpion tiger monster. Although the cub of the scorpion tiger has not been born yet, the surface of the egg shell has self-protection Demon pattern "

"You stole the egg of the scorpion tiger, activated the demon pattern on the surface of the egg shell, and burned your palm. The most important thing is that the scorpion tiger that ran into the new camp is not chasing me, but chasing you. , Because the scorpion tiger can feel the demon print on your palm! "

Qin Sheng said in a breath.

"What monster pattern, what mess? It's just a bunch of nonsense, and the mouth is open!" Zhao Qiongcang hid his injured hand and stepped back, his face finally flustered.

"Is it true or false, everyone can tell!" Qin Sheng then took out a monster egg from his arms.

Everyone looked carefully, and found that the monster pattern on Zhao Qinzang's burned palm was exactly the same as the egg shell of the monster egg! The crowd's eyes on Zhao Qiongcang became more serious.

However, the moment Zhao Qiongcang saw the monster beast eggs, the flesh of his face was shaking, his eyes appeared greedy, a smirk, and his palms stretched out: "The monster beast eggs are still on you, bring them."

At the same time, other students participating in the assessment also flashed a touch of greed and approached Qin Sheng ...

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