MTL - Peerless Pill God-Chapter 1685 Bloody Hand (1)

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End of the God (Lizhan) mobile phone users enter the address:

Cold, biting, and violent.

This is Qin Sheng's first feeling when he stepped into the waste hall. This feeling of yin and yin penetrates into the flesh, into the bone marrow, and even into the soul!

"Om ~~~"

Before going too far, Qin Sheng, Li Yan, and others felt that the sky was spinning and entered a mysterious space.

"Touched the formation method and entered a small secret space?" Qin Sheng's heart made waves.

"Is the spatial matrix of the spiritual order?"

"If that's the case, it would be too much work."

The space matrix method of the mystery category is also the spiritual order matrix method. This kind of big trick can only be forged by the strongest in the realm of the realm.

The sacred realm is so powerful, how can it appear in the outer mountains of the disciples?

Thinking of this, Qin Sheng could not help but feel strange.

Qin Sheng's eyes glowed with strange dazzling light, extremely sharp, and the power of spirits surged out. His eyes were like golden eyes of fire, seeing through the illusion.

"This is not a true spiritual order formation. Maybe the people who set up the array are not strong enough. Maybe this spiritual order formation is a long time ago and there is a rundown and decline!"

Between the electric light flint, Qin Sheng saw through a lot.

However, Li Zhi and the two named disciples did not see these.

Suddenly falling into such an alien space and losing contact with the outside world, a bit of fear appeared on his natural face.

Especially Li Qin, who was standing behind Qin Sheng, sent his whole body. He had suffered a great deal and had no strength at all. Now he has fallen into such an unknown horror space and combined with the horrible past of Lenovo.

Li Yan's throat was about to pop out.

"Brother, what is this place?" You Jing couldn't help asking. Although she was a named disciple, her strength was still some distance away from the semi-sacred realm. In such a dangerous place, an inexplicable fear naturally formed.

Si Konghong heard that stepping forward, there was a flash of fear in his eyebrows, but there was no trace disappearing between the electric light and flint. He seemed to have the bottom of his heart and had a general expectation for this place.

"It's just a broken space spiritual array." Si Konghong's background is not small, naturally he has a bit of insight, and the space spiritual array can still distinguish it.

"Shimei, you are behind me, this kind of blindfold is not so clever."

Si Konghong said with confidence.

"You two, keep exploring!" Si Konghong said indifferently, but there was no walk in the court just now.

He took out the spear from behind the silver-white armor, and the other hand was still attached to the Na ring, and it seemed that something was wrong to sacrifice a big killer from the Na ring.

Hearing that although Qin Sheng was a little unhappy, he didn't show much dissatisfaction. He was very indifferent, holding the Taiyi Zhenluo in his hand, and gradually went deep into the deserted hall.

Looking at the barren hall from the outside is not very big, but because of the arrangement of the spiritual array, Qin Sheng and they walked for half an hour before they had not finished.

"It is worthy of the spirit order matrix method. Although it is broken, it cannot be taken lightly."

Qin Sheng knew he was psychedelic.

At this moment, a mist filled the hall, and it was extremely dense.

"Om ~~"

The terrible turquoise ghost fire lit up, floating around, accompanied by creepy screams.

Is this ghost fire or soul fire?

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