MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 478 Your face is there to seduce you! 【2 more】

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   Chapter 478 The face is used to seduce you! 【2 more】

   At this moment, the fluorescent lights flowing around the Moonlight Tree suddenly changed.

   As if summoned by some kind of power, they gathered together at this moment, spinning constantly in the air.

  Under the gaze of one person and one spirit, these fluorescent lights spun for half a column of incense before finally converging and forming.

What    gathered together was very familiar to Qing Yunge, and it was the green sword soul she was looking for at the moment.

  Sword Soul just floated in mid-air, like a one-foot green diamond, waving to her.

   "Feather..." Qing Yunge pointed at the green sword soul in front of him, expressionless, "Is this how the sword soul originally came into being?"

   Sword Spirit also looked blank: "I, I don't know."

   Who can tell him why Yingguang can turn into a sword soul?

What is   Soul of the Sword?

   "Forget it, I didn't count on you." Qing Yunge shrugged, "Anyway, the Sword Soul came out so easily, so let's take it."

   Now that you have come this far, let’s move on.

  Because whether you go or not, danger and opportunity will be waiting for you.

   Having said that, Qing Yunge summoned Fenglijian, then stepped forward and raised the blade in her hand.

   Surprisingly, this time, the return of the sword and soul brought almost no movement.

   The green sword soul slowly merged into the Fengli Sword like that, silently.

   Fenglijian hasn't changed much, but Qing Yunge knows that the Fenglijian at this moment is already a weapon at the level of a divine weapon.

   Looking at the three-foot green front with a cold light, she touched her chin.

   The fifth path has been restored to become a divine weapon, so does that mean that when she gets the sixth path, she can turn Fenglijian into a chaotic spiritual weapon?

  In this way, what is the use of the seventh sword soul?

   Or, her conjecture is actually correct. The five-color sword souls she collected along the way are actually not Fenglijian's sword souls at all?

   For a moment, Qing Yunge thought a lot.

   That is, at the moment when Feng Lijian finished swallowing the green sword soul, the fifth heaven of "Feng Tian Jue" appeared in her mind.

   is still a seven-character poem, and the moves and footwork are also engraved on her memory at the same time.

   Qing Yunge held the sword, and in a trance, she felt as if she had practiced this trick before.

   But vaguely, what appeared in front of his eyes was a white shadow.

   She looked at the indistinct woman in white, and followed her with a sword in hand.

   "Red clothes dance and dance to the city."

   The red dress is graceful, the dancing is moving, the song is alluring, and it is a peerless beauty.

  Under the moonlight tree, someone danced slowly.

   This is a kind of fierce killing beauty, if you are not careful, you will die under cold iron.

   "Thousands of mountains and rivers and vertical and horizontal."

   This style is unrestrained and unrestrained, and when the blade is reversed, the momentum is suddenly majestic.

   "Ping Xiaohan in the name of the sword."

  The sword comes, the sword goes.

   Sword cut, sword kill.

   "The world should be divided by me!"

With a sound of    "哧—", the sword energy slashed in the air, breaking the wind, and it was awe-inspiring!

   That crystal-clear spring of life actually turned into two halves with the last blow of the Phoenix Glass Sword.

   Half is on the left, reflecting the crescent moon in the sky, and half is on the right, reflecting the hanging branches of the moonlight tree.

   However, this is not the most shocking part.

  It is unbelievable that the fountain of life at this moment has undergone tremendous changes.

  Qing Yunge can clearly feel that there is a wonderful connection between himself and the spring of life.

   As if some kind of channel was opened, the energies of the two sides began to exchange.

   There is a far and constant source of life flowing into her body along the spring of life.

   But there was wood-type profound energy flowing from her body to the spring of life.

   Qing Yunge's expression suddenly froze.

   At this moment, her wood-type profound energy was awakening, and as a result, the profound energy in her body started to riot.

  The fifth light group in the dantian couldn't take shape for a long time, as if it was struggling violently, escaping some control.

   Is it…

   Qing Yunge's eyes changed suddenly.

   The spring of life can dissolve her wood-type profound energy?

   But it doesn't make sense, the Spring of Life is not a living thing, what's the use of her wood-type profound strength?

   Besides, as long as her wood-type profound energy didn't take shape for a moment, the Fenglijian wouldn't stop injecting power into her body.

   Even if the spring of life absorbed her wood-type profound energy, she would not be affected at all by it.

  What is the fountain of life doing?

   Sword Spirit was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Originally, the matter of Guanghua Sword Soul was already surprising enough, but now it is good, and the spring of life has also stepped in. You said that you just stay there and wait for the intelligent life to drink it, and it will be over, what are you rambling about? .

   "Master, don't you feel any discomfort?" The sword spirit wanted to go over, but he didn't dare to go, for fear that one accident would make his own sword master go crazy.

   It was the first time he had seen such a thing.

   "No." Qing Yunge spread her hands, "Not only did I not feel any discomfort, but I felt very comfortable."

This is real.

  Because there are too many sources of life injected into her body, at this moment her body is warm, like soaking in a hot spring in winter.

   Sword Spirit was stunned: "Master, don't you feel the tearing of your dantian?"

  Qing Yunge shook his head: "No."

   Apart from the green light struggling, her meridian dantian didn't change.

   had to admit that although things came unexpectedly, it was still a good thing for her.

   It was just that she wanted to know what the Spring of Life wanted her wood-type profound energy to do.

  Qing Yunge estimated that the energy exchange time between her and the spring of life might not be too short, so she just bent her legs and did it, supporting her elbows to enjoy the pleasure of soaking in the hot spring.

   As a result, I didn't expect that this wait, I waited directly until the seventh day.

   During these seven days, Qing Yunge slept more than ten times,

   She also took out some casting materials from the hall and played with it for a while. By the way, she teased the sword spirit, comforted Xiaojiu and the air conditioner, and then smoothed the hair of Miaomiaomiao.

  Life can be described as colorful.

  Sword Spirit was frightened by the sight, and he was a little crazy.

   The sword master has a really big heart. Under such circumstances, he still has the time to do these things?

   If it were him, he would definitely not dare to move.

   "Feather, I'm sleepy." Qing Yunge yawned and said with half-open eyes, "Look when it stops, and then wake me up again."

   Jianlingmu nodded with a face.

   But this time, Qing Yunge didn't fall asleep, because not long after she closed her eyes, she felt an extremely powerful force flowing out of the meridians from her dantian, and began to slowly flow to her limbs.

   This is the power brought by the awakening of wood-type profound energy, which also proves that the spring of life has finally absorbed enough wood-type profound energy.

  Different from the impact of the previous four-element profound energy awakening, the wood-type profound energy was very gentle, moisturizing the fields like running water.

The speed of   Dantian breathing is also very slow, but the speed of cultivation base growth is faster than ever before.

   Before coming to the elves, Qing Yunge had already cultivated to the fourth stage of the magic stage.

   And this time, the Green Sword Soul returned, and the energy burst, which directly brought her to the eighth stage of the magic stage, and jumped four short stages in a row.

   Although the cultivation base has skyrocketed a lot, the foundation is very solid, because it has absorbed a lot of life sources.

   It can be said that the fountain of life has helped a lot this time.

  Qing Yunge opened her eyes after adjusting the profound energy in her body.

   She stood up and walked to the Spring of Life to take a look, only to find that the originally light green lake had now turned into pure white, and even a lot more sticky.

   "This is..." Qing Yunge's eyes twitched, "I won't destroy the fountain of life by me?"

   "Ah? What? Let me see." Hearing this, the sword spirit immediately floated over.

   He took a deep breath when he saw the milky white lake.

   His fingers trembled, with an unbelievable look on his face: "Lord, lord, you, you actually..."

   Qing Yunge had a headache, she was speechless: "I really can't blame me, it's what it wants to do."

   She never thought about destroying the fountain of life. If she did, a large number of elves would definitely come to hunt her down.

   As a result, contrary to Qing Yunge's expectations, Sword Spirit stuttered for a long time, and finally came out with a sentence: "Master, you actually turned the fountain of life back into the fountain of life!"

   "What is it?" Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge was taken aback, she pointed, "You said this is the spring of life?"

   This is clearly milk!

   "Isn't it?" Jian Ling rubbed his hands, "You can't go wrong, the spring water of life is this color."

   Vitality Spring is transparent, Vitality Spring is light green, and Vitality Spring is milky white.

"So it absorbs my wood-type profound energy in order to evolve into a living spring?" Qing Yunge touched her chin, "But I heard that the reason why the living spring degenerates is because there is a lack of energy in the Nine Clan World. "

  Without this energy, no intelligent life can leave this plane like the Nine Sovereigns and travel the avenues.

   "I know this too." Sword Spirit nodded, "However, it cannot be said that the power of the Great Dao is the only variable."

   Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge looked at him for a few seconds: "You actually know what this energy is called?"

   The power of the avenue?

   "Master, all I know is what the inheritance memory tells me." Sword Spirit spread his hands, "Without the power of the Great Dao, the plane cannot be broken, but I don't know why the power of the Great Dao disappeared."

   Qing Yunge nodded slightly.

The disappearance of    the power of the Great Dao is probably inseparable from the end of the age of gods.

  Why is there no tenth person like them after the nine monarchs have passed away?

   "That's the case, I'll bring a little spring water back." Qing Yunge took out a jade bottle and squatted down, "Just when I return to Chaos Continent, let Xiaofan drink it."

   Ying Rongyue also told her that after drinking the spring of life, Helian Fanfan still did not wake up.

  Then let's see if this evolved life spring can help Xiaofan.

   Thinking of this, Qing Yunge sighed.

   In addition to Xiaofan, Leng Ye is still sleeping, they have only found four kinds of medicinal herbs, and Yi Ranran is still looking for other three-flavored elixir outside, and they don't know when they will be able to successfully gather them all.

   It's also time to go back to Chaos Continent to meet old friends.

   As for the remaining two sword souls, we can only wait for them to appear.

  Then the next goal is to break through the gods and go to Shenxuan Island.

  When Qing Yunge came to Yuedu, it was already the morning of the eighth day.

   At this time, the elves of the Moon City are having breakfast together.

  The breakfast of the elves is very rich, with a variety of dishes for you to choose from - sun-dried sausages, pancakes made of wood spirit flowers, fresh sake, meat of elves...

  Yuedu is not the same as the hereditary system of the light domain. Its ruler is an electoral system, so there are not many members of the royal family.

  The current royal family only has Wu Liuyin and Wu Junyao.

   But at the moment, there are a lot of people sitting at the long table under the tree house.

   "Brother, where is my sister-in-law?" Wu Junyao poked at the barbecue on the plate, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

   "Well, she went out to play." Rong Jinhuai hooked her lips, "She will come back when she has had enough."

   "Brother, what you're doing is wrong." Wu Junyao looked at her brother, "What if my sister-in-law was kidnapped by someone else?"

   Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai raised his eyebrows: "Is there anyone else who has the ability to kidnap someone from your brother?"

  Wu Junyao: "…"

  Yes, it seems not.

   "Who wants to kidnap me?" When Qing Yunge heard this sentence, she was a little surprised, "Why kidnap me?"

   Wu Junyao was stunned, where did her sister-in-law come from?

   Hearing this, Qian Luolian, who was holding the Liulizhan, couldn't help but laugh.

   "I'm abducting." Rong Jinhuai smiled slightly, "Because I can't hold back when I see Mrs."

   "Really..." Qing Yunge glanced at him in disbelief, "Isn't your self-control very good?"

   "Hmm." He replied softly, "Actually, self-control is something that I can throw away at any time."

   "Why..." Qing Yunge was speechless, "If you don't lose your face, forget it."

   "That won't work." Rong Jinhuai said in a lazy voice, "Without a face, there is no way to seduce Qingqing."

  Qing Yunge: "…"


   After eating, I can't answer the call.

   She turned her head away, pounded a piece of barbecue and put it in her mouth.

   After chewing for a while, the communication stone in Qing Yunge's pocket suddenly became hot.

  Who called her at this time?

  Qing Yunge vacated a hand suspiciously, took out the message stone, and glanced at it.

   Then, his eyes froze instantly.

   This communication came from Su Muyan, who I haven't seen for a long time, and it was just a short sentence - Sister Qing, Sister Yue's life card... shattered!

   (end of this chapter)