MTL - People Are Collapsing, Cheating is Bouncing-Chapter 450

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Listening to this confession, 'Xie'er' froze.

Immediately, the corners of the girl's mouth rose slightly, with a beautiful arc, and she put her arms around Ren Yu's neck with a happy face, and whispered relaxedly in the latter's ear: "Ren Yu, I can take this passage as your love for me. declaration of courtship?"

"Of course." Someone said indifferently.

"Okay~~Since you have said that, then...can I share your words with my secondary body, and the other Xier in your heart?"

Xier curled her eyelashes and smiled sweetly:

"If they hear it, I believe the two of them will bless us too, what do you think?"

Ren Yu: "..."

For some reason, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back.


After Ren Yu swallowed hard, just as he was about to speak, he saw 'Xie'er' suddenly laughing again.

A series of clear and sweet laughter gradually sounded in his ears.

"I'm lying to you, why are you so stupid, when you are bullying my split consciousness, I never saw you so dull.

How could I easily tell the secret between us? What's more, your precious Xier actually still has half of my consciousness in her body, so why should I have trouble with myself. "

Just as she was speaking, her body gradually faded away.

Those crystal lights, starting from the feet of 'Xie'er', gradually drifted away and flew into the sky.

Seeing all this, Ren Yu felt distressed again.

Xi'er was free and easy, and even thought of standing on tiptoe, reaching out to touch Ren Yu's head, and comfortingly said softly: "Okay, don't be too sad, I'm really embarrassed by your behavior.

Besides, I didn't really disappear, it's just a clone... Wait until the real world, after I condense another clone, I'll go find you, okay? "

Ren Yu remained silent, but his cheeks felt hot again.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Xi'er was moving her cheeks away, and waving to herself, said with a smile in the corner of her eyes: "Okay, I'll be leaving first... Hurry up and get out of here, if it's too late , those bad guys are coming."

After speaking, the girl's figure blurred for a while.

With just such a bang, it suddenly shattered into countless light spots, which gradually floated into the sky with the breeze.

Seeing that Xi'er was no longer in Ren Yu's arms, only the remaining temperature and body fragrance of the other party remained, constantly reminding him of the fact that 'Xi'er' had been here.

Ren Yu stretched out his hand worrying about gains and losses, and grabbed a handful of the light spots that Xier dissipated, but he couldn't keep anything.


Looking at the blue sky, a strong sense of loss surged up, and Ren Yu was so empty that he couldn't speak.

At this moment, only the azure blue crystal nucleus on his right hand was left glowing slightly.

This is the gift that 'Xie'er' left him, and it is also the most precious thing of 'Xie'er'.

Ren Yu clenched the 'Heart of the Ocean' tightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

After a while, he looked back at his surroundings, and after realizing the fact that he could no longer return to 2007, he sighed again.

"Forget it... let's go."

Anyway, the matter has been explained by itself.

Ren Yu knew that he would always leave Liz and Rita.

But when Ren Yu activated the seed that Xier left for himself, and shuttled away.

Suddenly, an extremely familiar voice came out of his mind.

Ren Yu looked surprised, and said to himself: "Xie'er?, you are not..."

In her head, the girl complained in a tone:

"Didn't I just say that the loss is just a clone? Why do you always think I'm dead!"

Chapter 439 It's Impossible

Ren Yu: "..."

He thought to himself, he didn't think Xi'er was really dead.

Well, just feel a little sad.

But I didn't expect that the other party ran out again within a few seconds, blowing away the sad atmosphere all at once.

"Do you want me to leave you so much? Wish I could leave as soon as possible?"

"No." Ren Yu shook his head.

"But your reaction just now... Well, forget it, since you said no, then no."

Why does he always feel that this Xi'er suddenly lets go of himself? No matter how you say it, you should look a bit like a sea of ​​quantum, okay? ?

After calming down a bit, someone slowly said: "However, I'm really happy that you came back safe and sound."

Xi'er asked: "How to be happy? Sure enough, you still can't bear to part with me, right!"

Ren Yu: "..."

Xi'er: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore... I know you like me, you like me so much..."

Resisting the inexplicable impulse in his heart, Ren Yu asked again:

"How did you survive? That avatar has obviously disappeared completely, I can be sure of this, but you can still talk to me now, it's a bit..."

Xi'er's tone was a little helpless: "You have been holding on to the most precious treasure of others tightly and refused to let go. Could it be that you didn't notice it at all?"

"Ah?" Ren Yu lowered his head and glanced at the light blue crystal nucleus in his hand.

Could it be...

"It's the heart of the ocean!"

Xier explained in a brisk tone: "Have you said that? My body is actually a mass of consciousness, and I have always been in a daze. It was not until I met the guy who created the rules that I gradually had a body, which is now Quantum Sea.

And the "Heart of the Ocean" you hold in your hand is one of the two roots of the Quantum Sea. It is not too much to call it my heart. Well, memory is also good, everything can be stored in it, including the direct consciousness dialogue with you, it is also a credit to the heart of the ocean. "

Ren Yu lowered his head and glanced at the light blue heart-shaped crystal in his hand, secretly thinking that it was so.

He had always guessed, but he just didn't dare to confirm it.

Heart of the Ocean…

The root of Quantum Sea.

With a thought, he asked again: "You said that your body is the sea of ​​quantum, and it was a mass of consciousness until you met the guy who created the rules... I'm curious, what kind of guy is the guy who created the rules?"

"Does he have four arms, seven heads, or six wings on his back, and he can destroy galaxies with just a glance at other places?"

Ren Yu gave full play to his imagination.

Unexpectedly, Xi'er didn't laugh at him, but just sighed.

"Neither. That guy is mysterious, and I don't have much contact with him, but one thing I can be sure of is that the guy who created the rules has a huge connection with your human species."


"Yes, I don't know the specific race, but that guy's form is the human race."

"The universe is huge, and there are many human beings... Just take the human branch of your earth, the 'carbon-based species', there are several branches, such as the elves, orcs, and even dragons that you often talk about. In a broad sense, these They all belong to the branch of the human race, and they can be regarded as a member of the human race.”

"And our role is to nurture and guide the continued development of these civilized races, clean up some paranoid guys who have gone astray, and stop them in front of some guys who are about to destroy themselves...

These were originally Honkai jobs, but ever since he betrayed the God Lord and could no longer command the screening mechanism in the central area, this job fell into Shu's hands. "

"A tree, is it a tree of imaginary numbers?"

"Yes, it is her."

"That's not right. If the tree of imaginary numbers is manipulating the screening mechanism, then why does she want to kill the civilization of the earth?"

Ren Yu still has experience of those unreasonable collapse phenomena on the earth, which are not considered normal screening at all.

Xier seemed to see what he was thinking, and explained proactively: "Your earth civilization is located in the interlayer between the central region and the western region, in that remote place, trees can't control you, that's why..."

"The tree can't control it?" Ren Yu was curious: "Then who is controlling us? Could it be Honkai?"

Xi'er said in a faint tone, "If Honkai was in charge of you, your earth civilization would have been wiped out long ago..."

Ren Yu was taken aback.


If it was the 25-year-old boy like Honkai who was in charge of them, their earth civilization would have died a long time ago!

"It's the rules... It's the rules left by the one who govern you.

Originally, this should be a good thing, but for some reason, part of the rules were polluted and tampered with by those aggressors who claimed to be numbers, especially the standard line that passed the screening was pulled by them with some special means. It's much higher, and your earth civilization is just within the part that has been changed, so..."

Hearing this, Ren Yu showed curiosity: "Why? Why did they do this on purpose? Isn't the reason why those invaders invaded to obtain this complete universe? What good does it do them to destroy all civilizations?"

"Not all civilizations are like this. They only focus on human civilization."

"What's the reason?"

Xier's tone was a bit depressed: "That's naturally because the God Lord is a human being... Because of this, they cannot tolerate any civilization related to human beings, and continue to survive in this universe, lest there will be a second him."

After listening to Xier's explanation, Ren Yu suddenly understood.

It turned out to be such a thing.

Because those intruders were afraid of that divine master, they wanted to wipe out all the other party's race, just in case.

"Okay, no matter what happens, this is not something you can worry about right now. What you have to do is to try your best to improve your strength, so that you can help us in the future..."

Originally, Xier didn't want to say these things.

She will gradually speak out when Ren Yu grows to a certain level, at least level six.

She accidentally said so many leaks today, and she was afraid that she would be scolded by the tree when she went back!

That guy was horrible.

At this time, Ren Yu's space-time travel also came to an end.

He only felt the green seed in his hand tremble slightly, and the fast-forward time around him gradually returned to normal, and the strange line-like pictures in front of him also disappeared.

At this time, Ren Yu was quietly floating in a vast starry sky!

On the right hand side, there is a bright orange-red star recklessly in the galaxy, radiating its light and heat!

And on his left hand side, there is a series of neatly arranged series of stars, big and small, with the huge star as the center, doing orbital motion!

"came back."

At this moment, Ren Yu felt an inexplicable feeling of going home.

After traveling through time and space for so long, I finally returned to the time point of my own existence!

"I don't know how long it has been since I left, and I don't know how the earth has become..."

Just as he was thinking, Ren Yuyu's body that was about to fly forward suddenly trembled slightly.

"This is?"

In his inconceivable eyes, a brilliant golden badge 'jumped' out of the badge ball autonomously.

【Heroic Spirit Killer】!


After killing a life form with a higher rank than yourself, your physical fitness will be improved!

The feedback Ren Yu got from killing the Honkai consciousness clone finally came!

He thought it wouldn't work!

Who knew, it would take effect only after returning to the original time point!
