MTL - People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets-Chapter 399 BBCI goes bankrupt

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"Lord President, oh ha, you are over the big aunt race."

"Oh hayo."

Arrive at the club.

The staff girl held the document and bowed politely in greeting.

Naoto Nagano waved his hand with a friendly smile, so fascinated by the clerk that he smiled shyly. He couldn't help but speed up his pace, but turned back three times.

Upright working hours.

Run a few steps.

The clerk was surrounded by several other girls.

He was joking all over the place, the lewd laughter and the beatings and scoldings of the small staff, but he didn't say anything good when he heard it.

In this way, he has become the protagonist of being ridiculed every day, and Naoo Nagano has long been accustomed to it.

I even heard a bold girl say that the president is so manly, he must be very majestic, and his face will not change color.

The morning meeting was held as usual.

Because of the issuance of new treasury bonds, the head of the asset management department, Akeno Arboru, showed his plan on the projector.

"Ten billion? Will it be too much?" Naoo Nagano asked cleverly at the table.

Akano Yufang responded: "The central bank decided to cut interest rates in early July. As a result, the yields of government bonds will likely increase when the exchange rate should fall."

"The exchange rate will not fall!" Naoo Nagano immediately denied the matter, and directly issued an order: "It is expected that within three years, the preparation for the continued appreciation of the exchange rate should be considered. Therefore, regarding investment in bonds, Please be sure to control your position ratio."

"But... the central bank has already given news that the rate cut in July has been confirmed." Zhaoye Yufang said with suspicion.

Naoto Nagano's eyes turned cold: "Are you questioning my decision?"

"Shino didn't mean that, just because..."

"I don't need to hear any reason. Also, prepare 30 billion yen for a long mark."


This remark made Shimizu Teruhiko, the director of the asset management department, startled: "Boss, according to the regulations, the establishment of such a large position should be discussed by the asset management research team, is it too sudden to make such a decision suddenly. "

"Oh. What Shimizu-kun said makes sense. Speaking of which, the Shimizu family has dedicated eight generations of people to the club, but it is very hard to say. Nagano really admires the dedication of eight generations of conscientious people. The cattle and horses still have time to rest, so , Considering that Shimizu-kun has worked so hard, I am going to report to the headquarters for Shisui-kun's retirement, what do you think?"

Dog day!

What about public revenge?

The counterattack was so ruthless.

Qingshui secretly cursed his mother, but he couldn't hold back.

At the beginning, he just wanted Nagano not to ignore him too much, and let Sanda put a little pressure on Nagano.

But I never thought that things would be used by other forces, making the entire Sanda Club a target.

You can think of it with your ass.

Now Sanda will see himself as a thorn in his side.

Naoo Nagano submitted a report, and there was no suspense at all when he was pressed to death on the cold board.

To make matters worse, the other families won't help either.

Who made his brain hot, implicated in the Sanda Club.

How to do?

Just compromise this time.

In the future, his power will be emptied.

But if you don't admit it, your family may suffer.

Sanda Club.

encompass the entire financial system.

This guy Nagano obviously came back after settling that side, how could he resist with his small body.

Stand up.

Bow +1.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President! Maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest recently, so Shimizu didn't take this matter into consideration."

"Is that just the case? Mark's bullish trend is obvious. With a high probability of making a profit, Shimizu-kun, you dare not make a decision because you are limited by the rules. It is because you are afraid of taking responsibility!" Naoo Nagano slapped a black hat casually. Here comes the hat.

Qingshui's face flushed with grievance, but he could only snort: "I'm sorry, Mr. President. My health has been really bad recently, so..."

"In that case, Shisui-kun should go back and rest for a few days!"


Shimizu Teruhiko bowed.

Wooden face.

Leaving the conference room in a chilling atmosphere.

Nao Nao Nagano glanced at the audience and said, "Men, as a staff member of Daeyo Japan's health insurance, Minasang shoulders the unavoidable responsibility of public responsibility. In today's aging society, the financial pressure of the club will become a problem. Therefore, please keep in mind that ensuring that social and public welfare is not affected is a major responsibility that everyone must undertake."




"Qingshui hasn't been here for a few days. As the assistant left, you are temporarily taking him to preside over the work of the department. Is there a problem?"


"Youxi Youxi, if you have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask me directly, do you understand?"


A temporary hiatus.

Let's talk about the overall strategy of the current public annuity.

Everyone is ready to leave the meeting room.

At this time.

Naoo Nagano suddenly said: "You have been contributing to the club, you have worked hard, but I don't want anyone to see your income being known again, understand?"


"I'll arrange it right away. If anyone dares to expose their income again, this idiot will definitely be punished."

"It's good to know, and arrange it immediately."

End of the meeting.

Akino Ariya's face was obviously radiant.

Although the position of assistant left is only a vacant position, Shimizu is obviously going to be marginalized. As long as he is good to the president, with the power of the adults in the club and even the Sanda club, he will be promoted by all means.

Akino Ariya is very sensible, and brought the documents to the president's office.

"Is something wrong with Zhaoye-kun?" Nagano Naoman Dandan looked at the young man in front of him, the president was full of airs.

After Zhaoye Ariya greeted him, he respectfully asked, "Because the responsibility of supporting the left is too great, Terino wants to ask the president to ask the president about Mark's investment, so..."

"Zhaoye, you didn't pay attention to the news of the merger of the two Germanys?"

Not long ago.

The Berlin Wall is officially torn down.


The two Germanys had a dispute over the unification of the currency because of the unification of the currency.

However, the opportunity for reunification was fleeting. The two German governments signed the "Treaty of Establishment of Monetary, Economic and Social Union between the Two Germanys" with the currency union as the core, and decided to provide West German marks to East Germany on July 1 of that year.

That is, the West German mark is the only legal currency in the two Germanys; according to the treaty, the regular income of East German wages, scholarships, pensions and rents is 1:1, and debts and claims are converted into West German marks in principle on a 2:1 basis. .

In addition, people of different ages can exchange different amounts of East German marks for West German marks at the exchange rate of 1:1, taking into account the "one-step" and "staged" features of the two-German "currency union" economic unification The plan finally came to fruition.

Implement a unified currency policy, in accordance with "East German mark cash 1 to 1, bank deposits 2 to 1 exchange West German mark.

This is literally a blood transfusion for East Germany with West Germany's life.

Because according to the official exchange rate, one West German mark can be exchanged for 0.68 US dollars, while the East German mark can only be exchanged for 0.248 US dollars.

In fact, at the end of the Honecker government, the economy of East Germany, the most developed country in the Soviet Union, also collapsed due to the economic collapse of the MEE as a whole.

The currency value of the ruble can only be exchanged for one-third of the market-approved price.

The market exchange rate of the East German mark is as different as the official exchange rate, and 1 East German mark cannot even be exchanged for 0.2 US dollars.

So, once the two Germany merged.

The value of the mark will definitely fall because of the 1:1 exchange rate of the East German mark.

"This, Zhao Ye has been paying attention, the Federal Republic of Germany will implement a 1:1 mark exchange, so..."

Akeno Ariya said with a blank face.

"Economically, the GDR is too dependent on the Warsaw Pact economic system, so there is a certain difference in gdp with West Germany, but it is undeniable that East Germany's productivity and heavy industrial base are what West Germany needs to make up for now. Therefore, Although the mark may fall in the short term in terms of currency unification, it is also the best time to hunt for the bottom."

Naoo Nagano was serious and talked nonsense.

In fact, he couldn't say why the mark would rise. Maybe no economist could say anything about this kind of question.

But the mark will definitely rise, this is the general trend that cannot be changed.

Zhaoye has a house like listening to a book from heaven.

After thinking deeply about the words of the president, I felt that I didn't understand anything.

Perhaps, this is the understanding that only a peerless dragon like the president has!

Bow +1.

Zhaoye showed a grateful expression: "Thank you for your guidance, the extraordinary vision of your strategist and foresight is really admirable. It is really a blessing for three lifetimes to be able to follow a peerless dragon like you."




I don't even know what I'm talking about.

But this flattery is very comfortable.

Knowing that Akano was expressing his position to himself, Naoko Nagano nodded and kicked the guy out.

the other side.

The attacks on Keio by the major colleges and universities were suddenly led astray.

People everywhere are scolding the Ministry of Foreign Affairs scholars for eating rice, not doing personnel work, and failing to fulfill their responsibilities in immigration management.

As for the hard work of Japan's eight generations of protecting the ancestors, it was quickly forgotten.

in biology.

Putting an alien species in a single group is bound to be collectively rejected by the group.

Just like putting several gorillas in a group of monkeys, the monkeys will definitely give up the fight with each other, and under the leadership of the monkey king, they will unite to deal with the invasion of the gorillas.

Nagata Town, Tokyo.

The provincial staff in the Cabinet Secretariat were arguing again.

You scold me, I scold you.

Uncover each other.

A noisy blushing neck.

Toshiki Kaibe looked at the situation in front of him as if nothing was wrong, and simply chose to rot.

Things get interesting.

Seeing that the Prime Minister did not speak, no one was arguing.

Hashimoto Ryutaro straightened the clothes that had been messed up by Koizumi Chunichiro and asked, "What do you mean, Mr. Kaibe?"


Are you thinking of me now?


Prime Minister?

Isn't it just air?

Toshiki Kaibe felt aggrieved.

Seriously, the position of Prime Minister, in addition to being respected abroad and being treated as a guest of honor, is usually really uncomfortable.

The people don't take it seriously.

The dog officials in the cabinet don't take themselves seriously either.

Can be biased.

Nominally still the biggest dog officer.

It's just that in this country, it doesn't matter whether there is a cabinet or not, even if it goes bankrupt, the common people will only shout long live.

never mind!

Anyway, sooner or later it will be over.

It's better to get a reputation for being honest and promising.

"What Koizumi-kun said makes sense. If this nation becomes a country that naturally perishes because of its fertility rate, this is simply the greatest shame of the Yamato nation."

"Please don't forget what kind of oath you made when you were admitted to the civil service."

"If the situation cannot be allowed to continue at this time, what will this country be like in 20, 30 years from now?"

Hashimoto Ryutaro almost died of anger.

Don't you **** know where your **** is?

Unexpectedly, this **** Haibu suddenly turned his back.

Hashimoto Ryutaro showed a face of justice: "Although I say so, but if the housing price is too low, it is not conducive to the struggle of young people!"

"Don't you think Hashimoto-kun thinks this is shameful? I've never seen such a brazen guy before!"

Koizumi Chunichiro immediately choked, pouted, and looked disgusted.

If it weren't for his hairstyle, which looked like a chicken coop, this Minister of Health and Welfare would be more like an upright minister!

It's just that Ryutaro Hashimoto is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately retorted: "Compared to the guy who bows his head to a woman, Hashimoto seems to be a little worse! A manly man needs a woman as a But What a man's glory!"

"Who are you talking about, Hashimoto?" Tanaka Makiko immediately roared.

Haibu Shunshu's head is big, and he has learned the tearing ability of this woman Tanaka, so he quickly came out to do peace and old things: "Everyone, please be quiet! What Hashimoto-kun said really makes sense. If the house price is too low, it is based on the facts. , it is indeed not conducive to the struggle of young people."

Koizumi Chunichiro stood up and said, "Your words are too much! When it comes to struggle and fertility, isn't the future of the Yamato nation more critical? And the statistics on the enrollment rate and marriage rate of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Health and Welfare can be seen in Come out, obviously because young people are too indebted and the economic pressures are making it worse."

"This... economic problem, Koizumi-kun should not be good at it! If there is no goal of hard work, young people will only be more lazy and reduce productivity. In this case, it is really because of the impact of economic problems. , low-income groups can drive private cars for rent."

This made Koizumi speechless.

Because according to the current income level, anyone can easily buy a car, and even if it is difficult, it is very easy to get a loan.

He also knew the price of a taxi.

It is not easy to earn 500,000 to 600,000 yuan a month just by working part-time.

Not sure how to argue that, biologically speaking, the absence of stress does lead to lower demand and lower productivity.

at this time.

The Secretary-General of Tibet Province rushed over in a panic.

Bowing his head and saying a few words in Hashimoto Ryutaro's ear, he saw that Hashimoto Ryutaro's face changed greatly.

"What happened?"

