MTL - People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets-Chapter 404 Finance - 2nd Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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, the fastest update person is in Tokyo, the peerless raptor is also afraid of the latest chapter of the hatchet!

Answering so shamelessly.

Yuan Guangrong didn't know how to answer.

Because of Naoo Naoo and Yoko Ida's mutual gift agreement, he, who was destined to be the most senior, became the next president's successor.

Although it is only a transitional and alternation of power, but his destiny can break through the end of the universe, thanks to this **** in front of him.

When I think of my choice to stand in the team at the beginning, my fate is really wonderful in retrospect.

On the same occasion, just because he said a word, he changed the imprisoned barrier that was absolutely unbreakable.

Even just alternately.

After mixing for a few years, it is also an honor to be able to exert residual heat in the days to come!

"There is a very important meeting in the financial world after the new year, straight man, you brat, prepare well!"

The two came to the lounge with a laugh, and Yuan Guangrong made tea and said, if there was something to say.

Naoo Nao was very interested and asked curiously: "Is it still necessary to prepare in advance? It must be a very important meeting!


"Yeah! The economy is down, and of course the new cabinet wants to urgently change the situation, so Minister Miyazawa hopes that the financial community can give some support."

October two months ago.

Because of the mess of the major banks, the Haibu cabinet collectively took the blame and resigned.

In this game, the Liberal Democratic Party finally won. After Kaibu resigned, the Liberal Democratic Party came up with a lore and played the card of the elder Miyazawa Kiichi to take over the position of president.

Because he has served as Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kiichi Miyazawa has a good influence in all aspects.

At present, a person with strong comprehensive ability is needed to solve the economic and diplomatic issues of internal and external troubles. Therefore, after serving as the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, with his prestige in many fields, Kiichiro Miyazawa successfully ran for the post of Prime Minister and re-formed the cabinet.

But in the country of Japan, the set of Shengke is not only a legend in folk urban legends, but also has various attributes of restraint in the workplace, politics, and economy.

On the surface, the Prime Minister can control the eleven directly subordinate units of the central ministries and departments by overseeing the cabinet.

But in fact, whether the cabinet's administration will be implemented depends on whether the financial community will support it.

It sounds ridiculous.

The head of an organization section in the Ministry of Finance can use the window to guide policy, and give orders to the head of the foundation without official documents, and they will be implemented.

However, the higher-level Minister of Tibet and the Prime Minister, who are above the nominal level of the Ministry of Finance, cannot oversee the operation of the financial world.

And the so-called financial world.

It is the highest-level organization in the Japanese business community, and on the surface, it represents the four groups that represent the overall interests of the business community.

The largest one is called "Federation of Economic Organizations", or "Economic Union" for short.

The second is the "Japan Operators Association", referred to as "Nikkei Federation".

And the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry referred to as "Japanese business".

"Economic Friends Association", referred to as "Tongyou Association".

Among them, "Jing Tuanlian" plays the biggest role among the four financial groups.

The group was established in August 1946 and was initially formed by a large enterprise economic group and a small and medium-sized enterprise economic group.

In 1952, the "Nihonshang" representing the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises withdrew from the "Keidanlian". After the establishment of the Sanhe Foundation, the Japanese merchants became the Sanhe group, and the "Keidanlian" became an economic group centered on large-scale enterprises.

The presidents, vice presidents and directors of the "Jingtuanlian" are the principal persons in charge of the groups under the major consortiums, representing different industrial groups and corporate organizations.

However, even after the division of the Jingtuanlian, it still has extremely terrifying power in this country.

With this name, you can see the status of the financial world in Japan.

As the core group of the financial circle, the main task of "Jingtuanlian" is to "gather the general will of the economic circle, mobilize the general wisdom of the economic circle, influence the government's internal and external policies, and implement the general requirements of the economic circle".

And these things are written on the core strategy of the financial industry.

To put it bluntly, any foreign policy of the cabinet government must be approved by the financial community.

Major companies in the financial sector invest overseas, and when visiting, they can represent the Japanese government without the permission of the cabinet.

Knowing that Yuan Guangrong is trying to win over himself.

Naoo Nagano said with a guilty conscience: "Isn't such an important meeting always attended by the vice president? My qualifications are not enough, will it be..."

"Nagano-kun, you are so humble! Speaking of your ability, who would dare to object to attending the meeting! You are a peerless dragon who has earned a lot of foreign exchange from Germany!" Yuan Guangrong said with a smile, his tone It's half true and half false, not without admiration.

He also talked to Ida Yoko about this matter, and he still didn't understand why he dared to bet a lot on the rise of the German mark when it was impossible for the German mark to rise, and he was counted by Nagano.

But anyway.

The scary thing about this guy in Nagano has been experienced many times.

Such a money-making bastard, even in the financial world, has no choice but to bow to such a super money-making guy.

Chatted for a while.

Thinking that the financial world is something he will experience sooner or later, Naoo Nagano agreed to consider it, and left Tokyo and rushed to Kyoto.

Zhongjing District.

This is the most densely populated place in Kyoto City, with numerous shops and service industries. The population density is as high as 15,000 people per square kilometer.

Because the commercial street is forbidden to drive.

Naoo Nagano found a place to park the car, got out of the car and started walking.

Surrounded by people, there are men and women off work everywhere, surrounded by brightly lit izakayas and shopping malls, and various stores are in front of a prosperous scene.

While the housing bubble has burst, people's lives don't seem to be affected much.

On the contrary, the downturn in the real estate industry has caused the prices of houses and shops to plummet, and many people have taken the opportunity to open small shops such as restaurants, izakayas, and laundry houses to join the service industry.

Passing by a hot sauce bone shop.

Recruitment notices are posted on the door.

Store manager: 500,000 yen/month

Waiter: 350,000 yen/month.

Please come to the store to discuss.

There are many diners in the store, and the waiters are too busy. From time to time, the waiters can be seen busy bowing and hear the voice of apology.

Naoto Nagano couldn't help laughing.

A batch that feels funny.

Light is busy apologizing, the more you bow, the more busy you are!

Secretly crying and laughing is not the past.

Compared with the past, the streets are still bustling, and there is not much difference between them and before the bubble burst.

But if you look closely, you can actually spot some differences.

In the first two years, the most popular houses on the street were real estate agencies. At that time, working in a small agency house was a very honorable job.

Selling a few homes casually a month and earning a million a month is just a random thing.

Nowadays, there are obviously a lot fewer intermediaries on the roadside, and the door is full of trees, which is in sharp contrast with the izakaya and the surrounding barbecue restaurants.

People's business is booming, and the few remaining real estate agents are deserted and deserted, as if they were forgotten in a corner of the world.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening.

Many staff even handed out leaflets at the door.

Passing by the door, the billboards still standing at the door and the walls of the house are full of second-hand house sales information.

Fushimi District has a finely decorated one-family building, 290,000 yen per stack. Two-storey layout, gift garden, garage, two-storey.

An impressive batch at this price.

Because this is Kyoto!

In the former ancient capital, in the core areas of the three major metropolitan areas, it cost more than 300,000 yen a month for any waiter.

The stack is about 1.66 square meters, and the Japanese houses are the actual living area and freehold property rights.

What concept?

If you go to work casually for a month, you can buy two square meters.

Especially freehold.

However, two years ago, the housing price in Zhongjing was still 1.6 million yen per flat.

Because of staying at the door of the intermediary.

Seeing the sales inside, Pi Dian Pi Dian came over and bowed.

With a very humble smile, he said: "Sir! Do you need to buy a house? The location here is very good, and the price is very favorable. It is well decorated and comes with all appliances! Want to know more?"

"This...don't need it! Thank you!"

Naoo Nagano apologetically refused.

Looking at his back, the poor salesman sighed, the brilliance in his eyes dimmed a lot.

Back to the store.

Colleagues are talking listlessly on the phone.

it looks.

Electric pins are useless.

Hanging up the phone, the colleague said dejectedly, "I really don't understand what these guys think? In the past, the house price was so high, and everyone was rushing to buy it. Now you can buy a flat casually, but you have no interest."

"What's strange about this! There are enough houses in the country to live in for 200 million people, and the fertility rate has dropped to the international warning line of 1.2. The aging can be expected to be seen. If it continues, will the houses be sold to ghosts in the future? "

"But it's not too much! Some time ago, I heard that the house in Shimane Prefecture was only sold for 300,000 yen! It's just about the same price as a pair of Louis Vuitton leather shoes!"

"Leather shoes can be worn! What can a house do! Pass it on to future generations? Please! Poor **** like us probably have no descendants!"

"Hey hey hey! Please cheer up a bit! Speaking of which, this is a good thing! Didn't Miss Guan Yong always ask for a house before marrying you? Isn't it just the time to buy a house at the bottom?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Use my most precious youth to get a **** that others have abandoned! Why don't I use this money to enjoy life and change it every day?"

"Nani? You are too shameful! This kind of thing..."

the other side.

Naoo Nagano stopped in front of a fruit house.

There are several big characters hanging on the signboard - Changshan Family.

This is the Kyoto branch of Changshan Fruit House after the profitable expansion. Thanks to the monopoly of the Japanese Business Alliance in the fruit market, with the relationship of Nagano Nao, Changshan has enough supply to expand the market. Now it is not a small fruit in Kyoto. chain store.

Go to the door.

A girl in her twenties bowed to send the guest away.

Seeing Nao Nan coming over, he hurriedly bowed again and shouted at the proprietress, "Madame proprietor! Nagano-kun is here!"

Kanako Nagano is counting money at the counter.

Seeing Naoto Nagano, there was a surprise in his eyes.

He quickly threw away the money, walked past with small steps, bit his lip slightly and said a little embarrassedly, "Why are you here, straight man?"

"I don't have anything to talk about today, so I just wanted to come and see. How's the store going recently?"

"With Okamoto-kun's care, the business is very good!" Nagano Kanako said happily, thinking about the business these days, talking about the purchase, and complaining casually: "It's just that I don't know why the price is rising during this period of time. If it is too high, if it continues, many people may not be able to eat fruit.”

"This kind of thing is inevitable! Real estate has always assumed the effect of a reservoir, and now it is directly pierced, and funds can only flow into fruits and vegetables."

"Ah! Will the price of rice also increase!"

"Of course not! Keeping basic prices stable is what the cabinet has been working on right now! I mentioned this before in Kyoto."

"I don't understand this either! But the house is so cheap now, otherwise, let's buy a new house!" Nagano Kanako said with big eyes, and she even brought a bit of a fortune-loving taste.

Naoto Nagano laughed: "Milk sauce, you idiot! Still thinking about frying a house! This thing is like a tulip, and for a long time, the house should only fall instead of rise.


"Ah! What about those who bought a house before? Mrs. Yamaguchi's house is not enough to repay the mortgage now."

"What should I do? Of course I caught a sheep and smashed it hard!"


Nao Naoo didn't explain this question, but sarcastically said: "You will understand soon."

The New Year's bell is ringing.


It's the end of the year and it's cold.

The ceremony of welcoming the new and removing the old is held at major shrines.

With the blessings of pine and cypress, the major clubs ushered in a new struggle.

this day.

An annual work summary meeting was held.

Naoo Nagano received a call to attend a financial summit in Tokyo.

This is a meeting that can increase seniority, because senior managers of major consortiums and large companies will be present.

Although it has always been the deputy or director-level figures of major consortiums who have attended such meetings, being able to show their faces on such occasions is also a step to becoming a real player.

This is because for a long time, the financial circles headed by the "Jingtuanlian" have formed an intricate personnel network with various government departments through channels such as "secret room politics", serving in administrative departments, and accepting government officials who have retired, so that the government can act according to the intentions of the financial circles.

In terms of diplomacy, the "Jingtuanlian" is also known as the "Second Ministry of Foreign Affairs". It is not new that the financial sector can represent the government to visit abroad and hold various international conferences on a regular basis.

According to time.

Nao Nao Naoo arrived in The meeting was held in Chiyoda.

The chairman of this term is the vice president of Mitsubishi Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and the vice president is the vice president of Matsushita Electric.

In addition to these two heavyweights, all the executives such as the vice president of the Japanese Daishou Enterprise Group, the head of the company, and the director were present.

Take a cursory look.

A large part of the people present were acquaintances, all members of the Sandian Association, occupying a full one-third of the seats in the Jingtuanlian...


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