MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 104

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If you find Neutem, you should be able to discover more inside information.

In this way, Neuer sent Enilo, Webb Lucci and others to Raleigh to study, and waited for the filming of the Proverbs to be finished.

It didn't take long for the Proverb coating, but Neuer deliberately waited for nearly a month, and finally got the news of the system upgrade.

"The system upgrade is complete, and the following new permissions are opened."

After hearing this cold mechanical voice for a long time, Neuer was quite friendly and asked, "What did you open up, tell me."

"First, the talent duplication card is no longer obtained through plot characters, and the host automatically obtains a duplication card every month.

"Second, get acquainted with the plot characters and get the talent evolution card, which can evolve the talent quality below the dark gold quality of the host once."

"Third, when the host uses the talent copy card, there is no need to touch it to activate it, and the card can be used when the opponent is within sight."

After a brief silence, Neuer asked suspiciously: "No more?"

There was another dead silence, and the system calmly replied: "It's really gone."

Well, that's pretty good too.

The updated content is quite practical, especially the ability to copy other people's talents without touching.

If it wasn't for this restriction, Neuer would have taken the ability of the yellow ape long ago, so how could he have been kited for so long.

There is also the acquisition of copy cards, and it is not bad to have a fixed source.

And get acquainted with the plot characters, and get a talent evolution card instead.

The talent quality can be upgraded, which is very beneficial to Neuer's current situation.

After all, to produce a dark gold quality, it must be the fusion of two golden talents.

With the evolution card, Neuer can directly increase the quality of the shadow fruit, without having to practice hard.

While Neuer was researching the functions of the system, Puff entered the room respectfully and said, "Captain, are you ready to go?"

Neuer moved his body and said with a smile: "It's time to go, let's go to the sea to find Fishman Island."

Pufu nodded yes, and went out to inform everyone.

Enil was also called back by Neuer. Raleigh's teaching level is really good. It's only been a few days, and Enil's domineering has already gained a bit of foundation.

Before leaving, Enilo, who is usually arrogant, still felt a little bit reluctant to give up Leili, and Neuer couldn't help but sigh Leili's talent.

Raised the pirate flag of the Underworld Pirates, and the Proverb wrapped in bubbles slowly submerged in the water. Standing on the boat, Neuer shouted loudly to see off Rayleigh:

"Goodbye, Rayleigh, I will have a chance to compete with you again!"

Sitting cross-legged on the shore, Rayleigh looked at Neuer and the others who were sailing, feeling deeply moved.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, he had a hunch that Neuer was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In the future, in the era of pirates that Roger expects, there will definitely be a place for devils!

Chapter 167

"Oh! This is the world under the sea in Qinghai!"

On the Ark Proverbs wrapped in a layer of bubbles, Enilo excitedly grabbed the railing and exclaimed loudly.

Weber pulled Enilu aside, and said with longing eyes: "I didn't expect the blue seabed to be so beautiful!"

As Sky Islanders, Enilo and the others dived before they became capable users, but all they saw in the sea of ​​clouds were white clouds, which was completely different from Qinghai.

Neuer took the video phone bug, whistled happily, and took pictures of the sea.

The fish in close proximity, the colorful corals, these are not comparable to the underwater world in the previous life.

Therefore, the traveler does not necessarily compete for world hegemony, and it is good to travel occasionally to enjoy the scenery!

At this time, the shadow in the sea suddenly shrouded the proverb, and everyone looked up in unison.

I saw a huge Neptune-like octopus with humanized facial features on its body, and a look of disdain in its expression.

His eight tentacles were like a few thick pillars, slowly stretching towards the ark, creating a wave of bubbles on the bottom of the sea.

Enil rolled up his sleeves and shouted proudly: "What are you doing! Are you going to fight?!"

Before Neuer could dissuade him, Enilo rubbed a strong electric current in his hand instantly, and a thick giant brontosaurus rushed out of the boat.

The bubble film coated on the outside almost shattered because of this, and the violent thunder and lightning burst out in the sea in an instant before hitting the octopus!

The light of thunder and lightning illuminated the dark deep sea, and the octopus was swept all over by the strong electric current, and immediately rolled its eyes.

There was also a huge black smoke coming from there, with a smell of charcoal-grilled octopus...

In the Ark Proverbs, Neuer and everyone doubted life.

With his exploding head on his head, Neuer couldn't help but rushed forward and punched Enilu on the head, cursing angrily: "Are you stupid?! We will all get electrocuted in the sea!"


Enilu was beaten for no reason, and just about to retaliate, but seeing everyone's blackened faces and exploding heads, he couldn't help laughing again.

As soon as he heard that this guy still dared to laugh, Neuer immediately pinned him to the ground, and punched and kicked him together with Lu Qi and Weber.

After a long time, the refreshed three looked at Enilu, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and listened to his stammering apology:

"Ssi... Smith... Se!"

On the other side, Yixiao, who had just joined the main force, stared dumbfounded at the nonsense people, and said hesitantly:

"The captain, he has a very close relationship with the crew..."

In Yixiao's concept, the relationship between the head of the pirate group and the crew is that they are superiors and subordinates. They are said to be companions, but most of them use their relationships.

But in this pirate group, there are no big or small members and the leader who acts recklessly, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the vicious pirate group in Yixiao's impression.

Robin understood his thoughts, nodded as a matter of course, and said with a smile: "It's not so much that Neuer wants subordinates, it's better to say that he wants to find some playmates."

With a smile, he doubted himself: "Is this also a playmate?"

Robin shrugged and replied, "I don't know, maybe he is interested in some aspects of you."

With a smile, I suddenly felt a certain part tense.

You won't get on the wrong ship, will you?

Neuer and the others, who were fighting hard just now, put their arms around their shoulders again, and happily played electric fish together, which made the onlookers laugh and were speechless.

The next moment, Yixiao raised his head abruptly, and Enilu also looked towards a certain direction on the bottom of the sea.

Neuer frowned and said in a low voice: "Someone is coming, and there is no boat."

"Is it a murloc..."

Sure enough, the ark slowly approached in that direction, and a group of murlocs of various kinds appeared in front of them.

Neuer narrowed his eyes, and he saw some interesting patterns on these murlocs.

It was a fiery red sun, almost every murloc had it.

This mark is the logo of the Murloc Pirates, also known as the Sun Pirates.

The Murloc Pirates were founded by Fisher Tiger. Since most of the crew members were slaves rescued from Mary Joa, they covered the dragon's hoof prints with the sun after joining the group.

Fisher Tiger was already dead, so the pirates in front of him should be subordinates of Murloc Jinbe.

Jinbe is still one of the Qiwuhai, what is his intention to send someone to stop him...

Before Neuer could ask a question, the murloc team suddenly stepped aside, and a fat blue man who looked very stupid and cute at first glance came out from behind.

It was a whale shark man, with brows and sideburns tousled like a gust of wind, and a stubby black beard on his chin.

The corner of his left eye has lightning-like scars, and there are two big teeth in his lower jaw, which makes his chubby body look a bit vicious.

Neuer was taken aback for a moment, the fat blue man seemed to be...

Even? He came to block the way himself, so he didn't really come to find trouble.

Wei Bo couldn't bear it long ago, stepped on the pole of the boat and shouted: "What do you want to do! Don't think that we are afraid because we are in the sea..."

Before the words were finished, the murlocs headed by Jinping suddenly bowed in unison, facing Fang Zhou and them.

Before Wei Bo finished his demonstration, he blinked in embarrassment.

Jinbei's fleshy abdomen was crowded together, and he lowered his head and said in a huffy voice: "Your Excellency Neuer, thank you for what you have done for the fellow murlocs."

Neuer breathed a sigh of relief, and now he understands Jinbe's intentions.

After breaking out of Marie Gioia before, Neuer told old Pufu to contact the king of Murloc Island, trying to find a way to send the fellow Murlocs back.

At that time, Neptune, the leader of the fish-man island, specially asked Haixia Jinpei to bring back the compatriots who had escaped from slave life.

Everything was settled, but then the Underworld Pirates were crazily targeted by the World Government and the Navy, and even they couldn't be found.

Neuer did the same big thing as Tiger did back then, both Jinbe and Neptune heard what the old Pufu said, which made Jinbe respect him even more.

Jinbe thought he had taken over the will of the boss Tiger, but it wasn't until the appearance of Neuer that he realized that there are people out there who are more ruthless than him!

During the sea battle in Chambord, Jinbe wanted to go out to help Neuer, but before he arrived, the battle was over...

There was no way, Jinbe, who valued etiquette, had to wait at the gate of Fishman Island, waiting for Neuer and the others to arrive.

Shibe was supposed to pick up the murlocs home, but Neuer and the others were asked to drop by, which made Jinbe's attitude very low.

Jinbe didn't raise his head for a long time, as if he was still waiting for Neuer to speak. Neuer wanted to provoke him, but he didn't reach out to hit the smiling face...

Neuer waved his hand helplessly and said, "Get better, it's just by the way."

Only then did Jinbe raise his head slightly, and respectfully said, "Thank you, Your Excellency!"

After finishing speaking, Jinbe stood in the murloc team on both sides and said, "It's dangerous to enter Murloc Island through other entrances, please follow me."

Chapter 168 Neptune's Banquet

With Shiping, a local snake leading the way, Neuer and the others have found their way.

A large group of murlocs swam in front of Proverbs. After a long time, Neuer and the others saw the outline of Murloc Island.

A huge semicircular bubble shield surrounds the entire island, sitting on the bottom of the sea like a dreamland.

As far as Neuer knows, the bubble shield covering the entire island is divided into two layers, and there is an air layer between the two layers of shields.

If Neuer and the others followed an incorrect route and broke into Murloc Island, the coating would automatically peel off and fuse with the shield on the island.

Some ships may also fall to the ground in the middle air layer, leaving no residue.

Even if they successfully broke through the shield, the intruders and ships may be washed away by the sea water in the shield.

However, the defensive measures of the Murloc Island were nothing more than that. If someone tampered with the shield, the Murloc Island would have no resistance.

As the Fishman Island got closer, Enilo looked at the grand occasion of the island in disbelief, and murmured: "The Fishman Island is simply more beautiful than the Chambord Islands! It's like an underwater paradise!"

"If this place is occupied..."

Enilo couldn't help thinking about it, Weber gave him a blank look, and asked in confusion: "But, why is there still sunshine at 10,000 meters under the sea?"

Neuer was stunned for a moment, he didn't remember this, could it be that there is an artificial sun in Murloc Island...

Conis pointed to the sky above Murloc Island, and added: "There are even sky and clouds!"

Jinbe heard everyone's discussion, and explained thoughtfully:

"Although it is located under the deep sea, the giant tree "Yangshu Eve" growing near the fishman island can transmit the sunlight from the ground to the fishman island, so the fishman island has day and night changes. We all describe this phenomenon as Grace of the sun."

"That's why inside Fishman Island, the closer the house is to the sun, the better it is, and the more expensive it is!"

After hearing this, Weber nodded with some understanding.

The residents of Murloc Island yearn for sunshine, just like the residents of Sky Island yearn for soil, the less they get, the more they cherish it.

Guided by the guide Jinbe, Neuer and his party had a little more fun until they passed the gate of Fishman Island.

The sea water in the fishman island was much less, and finally everyone didn't have to hide in the bubbles, and everyone jumped out one after another.

Lu Qi frowned and smiled, stretching out an arm silently.

Smiled for a moment, although he is blind, but knowledge can still replace the eyes...

But in the end, Yixiao still didn't reject Lu Qi's kindness, stretched out his hand to support him, and followed the team.

Neuer walked in front, and Jinbe accompanied him and said, "His Majesty Neptune has already hosted a banquet in Dragon Palace, so I have to trouble you to walk with me for a while."