MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 202

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In the woods, Liang Dehao and Long Dao said: "I should call you a good nephew, but you really disappointed me. For the sake of the country and the people, I have no choice but to feel sorry for your grandfather and father." After speaking, he raised his hand. The soldiers around them hurriedly raised their bows and arrows, aiming at Long Da.

Long Da also raised his fist and hand, and his cavalry backhand pulled the bow and arrow from his back, aiming at Liang Dehao and Yin Ming. Long Dao: "My lord, don't you want to die to understand?"

Yin Ming couldn't help but drink again: "Who knows how to die?"

Long Da ignored him, and continued: "Master Liang's flaws were exposed too early. After such a long time, would your lord think that I have done nothing at all?"

"What did you do?" Liang Dehao asked.

"How long has it been since you received news from the capital? Did the emperor give you an imperial edict? Did your colleagues on the same boat send you any news?"

No. It's been a long time indeed. But if there is no news, it means nothing. Liang Dehao is very busy, so naturally he doesn't intend to think that this is a reminder that he should stop.

"How long has it been since you heard from Lord Lu? Is he alright in Shilingya?"

Not received. But this is because he was "robbed" and left Tongcheng, so the news will naturally lag behind.

"Look, my lord, there are too many things you don't know. If you don't ask clearly. I'm afraid that after you kill me, you won't be able to explain it, and you won't be able to deal with it. The first few years have been wasted. If I were you, I would Dissatisfied."

Liang Dehao thought for a while, and said, "An Ruochen is in my hands."

"Is it possible that it will be in your hands?" Long Da shook his head, "She was the one who lit the four cigarette orders. You blocked the road, and she couldn't report the letter, but she insisted on coming to me. Why? I guess it's because This. When you open your mouth and say that she is in your hands, do I believe it or not? I can’t believe it if I haven’t seen anyone, but I will be afraid. She thinks that if I see her, I can Don't worry. You ordered three cigarettes to lure her over, didn't you?"

Liang Dehao said: "The general taught Madam well, she knows how to smoke. You guessed right, she was indeed attracted. Your two smoke orders were late."

"My lord is confused, my wife is not so stupid. You can't imagine her intelligence. There will never be a girl like her again. I always say that the time to meet her is wrong, and the time to be happy with her is wrong, but I can't miss it. I know that if I miss it, there will be no more. It is not easy to marry her. I also worked hard and mustered up the courage to do it. I lifted her hijab and she treated me When I laugh, the joy in my heart is indescribable. If you get a treasure, you will have no regrets in this life."

Yin Ming suppressed his goosebumps, and glanced at Liang Dehao. Do you really need to hear these disgusting words from Long Da? What a mess, he was obviously delaying time. But Liang Dehao obviously had other considerations. He listened to Long Da's words calmly and expressionlessly, and asked, "What is General Long waiting for? You delayed all night, so what?"

"It's always a chance. This is what my family Chenchen taught me, don't give up, don't give up until the last moment. She is a person, let me say something. The mountain is so steep, she actually went up. She wants to tell My information was wrong, and I didn’t figure out what she was referring to. I didn’t understand until General Yin came and said that Xizuo was going to transport Mr. Liang to Shilipo. Chenchen wanted to tell me that you are not in the city, but you are in Shilipo. "

"I was hijacked out of the city by Dong Ling's envoy, so I'm naturally not in the city anymore."

Long laughed: "Where you are will have a great impact on the whole situation. General Yin can't suppress me, but you can. Since you acted in a scene of being hijacked, you have to have another scene of being rescued." You can't be rescued in other places, because you are too far away from me, and you are afraid that you will not be able to control me. You need to be rescued suddenly, and I will be caught off guard. , That's safe. I guess if my wife didn't release the four smoke orders, and I was unprepared, then General Yin said that someone broke into the guard post, and he led the soldiers to search, and then accidentally found you and rescued you. When you arrive at the barracks, repeat what you just said, accuse me of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and beheaded on the spot. In the barracks, I have nowhere to escape, so I have to wait for death. Even if an impossible accident happens, I escape by chance , you can only go in the direction of Tieshoe Ridge, and you must have set up an ambush waiting for me here. At that time, my crime of treason will be confirmed. It’s just that at this juncture, my wife issued a smoke order, and you have to The smoking order is said to have been issued by myself, otherwise I would have known the meaning of the smoking order, and would have justified myself to pick her up at Shiping Mountain. In this way, things would be unexpected and out of control."

"I'm really afraid that you will run away, or find some new excuse to go back to the city to incite other things. You can't make excuses if you say that the smoking order was issued by our own people, but you have to lead the army to search the mountains in person to prevent Seeing that he was murdered in the barracks, he reacted quite quickly. It's a pity that even if you are in the mountains, where can you escape? What if you delay for one more night?" Liang Dehao said: "You are actually a rare general. I am also reluctant to take your life. But unfortunately, you are not on my side."

"How did your lord determine that I won't stand on your side?"

Yin Ming interjected: "My lord, don't fall for his tricks." What's the point of rambling on? Just kill the matter directly, and return the troops to the camp.

"My lord knows the seriousness of the situation better than you. If he doesn't understand, he doesn't know what will happen. How will he deal with it after he kills me?" Long Dayu sighed, and said to Yin Ming: "I said, an expert is playing chess, and he is negotiating seriously. Weigh the countermeasures, don't interrupt like you."

Yin Ming was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, what is he like? ! This contemptuous tone, how much you look down on him! It took Yin Ming all his strength to suppress his urge to draw his sword and charge towards Long Da. "My lord!" He looked at Liang Dehao, and only asked Liang Dehao for an order, that he would make Long Da's blood splash three feet and his head fall to the ground!

It's a pity that Liang Dehao ignored him. Liang Dehao looked at Long Da, pondered, and then asked, "What do you think?"

"If the lord hadn't played so many tricks back then and wanted to blackmail me, maybe I wouldn't have doubted the lord so early."

"Really?" Liang Dehao asked slowly: "What about me, want to blackmail and use you?"

"Our spies in Nanqin were killed, which shows that someone in the court colluded with Nanqin and leaked important military information. I think the situation is serious, so I asked you to meet quietly in Anhe Town. I want to communicate with you in advance, so that you can go to Mao County Take precautions in the end and deal with it well. At that time, I trusted the adults with all my heart."

Liang Dehao listened quietly.

"But when I got there, I ran into an assassin sent by Prime Minister Luo to assassinate my lord. I went to save my lord, but I was very surprised when my lord shouted 'General Dragon'. I was dressed in civilian clothes and looked like an ordinary person. When the lord shouted, who would know that I am General Dragon? They knew that I was General Dragon, and began to slay me with all their strength. My lord is not good at martial arts, and I don’t quite understand it when I think about it. With the skills of those assassins, before I arrived, My lord must be dead or injured. But my lord was full of energy and led them to me unscathed."

"General Long is really suspicious." Liang Dehao said.

"At that time, I was in a hurry to save people, so I didn't think much about it. Some things were figured out after the fact. Judging from the skills and behavior of those assassins, they should be people from the Jianghu. If Prime Minister Luo wanted to bribe them to assassinate, there would definitely be a middleman. Would it be so stupid to let the middleman tell the assassin that he ordered it? This is the second flaw."

"I heard that when some Jianghu assassins accept a mission, they will ask to find out who the mastermind is before they are willing to do it. How does General Long know that those Jianghu assassins are not like this?"

"Listen to who? King Hui? Did he mean Mrs. Jingyuan? Ah, maybe he would call her Zou Yun. Zou Yun really behaved like this. Later, her daughter's father died in an assassination mission. For the sake of her daughter, she retreated into the world and never accepted any more missions. Therefore, King Hui took advantage of this and thought of a way to blame others, perhaps killing two birds with one stone, taking the opportunity to become a good person, and enticing Zou Yun to use him."

"I did meet Prince Hui on several occasions at the state banquet, but we were not very close. I don't understand what General Long said at all."

Long Da is not entangled in this matter, anyway, he is just guessing about Master Jingyuan's matter, taking the opportunity to say a few more words, delaying time, casually testing Liang Dehao's reaction to King Hui, and adding some pressure to him. .

"Master Liang is of course familiar with Prince Hui. He is so familiar that on the surface he can confided his heart to each other and discuss the great cause together. It is a brotherly match. You can see General Yin's stupid expression, he is really not familiar with him, he doesn't understand."

Yin Ming was so angry that his face was livid, and he clenched his fists, but he didn't move.

Long Da observed their reactions and knew that the time had not yet come, so he continued, "Those assassins not only assassinated my lord, but also poisoned my horse. But what's interesting is that they obviously came to assassinate your lord, but they didn't give it to your lord." Poison the horse. This is the third flaw."

While talking, Long Da took a step forward inadvertently, and said: "It was only later that I figured out the purpose of poisoning my horse. It was a felony for me to leave the barracks privately during the war. This was done in secret. Only adults know. But if my horse is gone, and I am hacked by an assassin, and I stay for medical treatment, I will have to delay my return to camp. At that time, Zhonglan City is waiting to catch me. If you leave the barracks, you can make a big fuss. If this is the case, there is only one person who can protect me. That is my lord."

Liang Dehao was a little surprised that Long Da had guessed so thoroughly, he frowned. The details and intentions are so clear, he must have been thinking about it for a long time, but how could he just think about it and not act? So he must have done a lot, and he didn't realize it.

In this moment, Liang Dehao's mind had already flashed many worst possible outcomes, and he began to feel really uneasy. He moved his body and changed his stance. Reassuring myself in my heart, nothing else matters, what matters is the emperor. The meaning of the emperor is the key to decide the outcome between them.

"If the time comes, I will have to ask the adults for help. If the adults are willing to say that the adults summoned me to meet and ask me to keep it secret, then I will naturally be innocent. I will discuss the countermeasures with the adults, and the adults will treat me again. Tell me about Prime Minister Luo's murder of you, and I happen to be the witness of this incident. So we hit it off and worked together. It doesn't matter whether you defeat Nanqin or not. Then Emperor Dezhao was killed by Dongling's envoys, and Dongling's conspiracy was revealed. You and I join hands to attack Dongling together with Nanqin. Little Dongling is naturally not a problem. After that, King Hui proclaimed himself emperor, negotiated peace with the adults, and promised that from now on Be obedient and withdraw from Dong Ling's competition. Hand over Dong Ling to my Da Xiao control."

Liang Dehao said calmly: "The emperor is definitely satisfied with the result."

"Is the emperor satisfied with the hidden doorway here?" Long Da stepped forward and asked, "Use this matter to get rid of Luo Chengxiang, the mortal enemy in the court, and kill his faction, so that you can dominate yourself. You Exterminate Zhongliang, kill innocent people, and install your own people as prefects in Pingnan and Maojun, and completely control the power from the capital to the border. You colluded with King Hui, helped him seize power, formed an alliance with him, and annexed Dongling. You provoked How many soldiers died in vain in the war, and how many people suffered for no reason. Do you still think that if you are lucky, the emperor can make you the king of Dongling? Then, how big is your ambition?"

Yin Ming shouted: "Nonsense!" There are many soldiers around here. Some people have been bribed, but some people just obey orders without knowing it. There are too many people talking, and Long Da deliberately amplifies his voice, which will cause future troubles, which makes him nervous.

Long said angrily: "You bear, judging from your reaction, you know that you know the truth. You choose to help the tyrant, but you are actually seeking skin from the tiger. You think Master Liang is more important to you? That's because I care about someone in the court betraying a spy. Liang My lord was vigilant, and waited for the news of my setback, but I couldn't wait. I eliminated his layout step by step, so he had to give up my **** and choose to eliminate me. Otherwise, it's your turn to fart here!"

Yin Ming took two steps forward and shouted, "You want to die!"

This time Liang Dehao did not stop Yin Ming. He stood there looking rather ugly. There was only one thought in his mind, and then he heard Long Da say it.

"You have been exposed, Mr. Liang. The emperor already knows. If you let me live, how to smooth this matter, let's discuss it carefully."

"You're making it up!" Yin Ming shouted.

"Don't bark the dog yet." Long Da also shouted at him. Then he said: "Lord Liang, Tongcheng is all yours. Think about it, why Chenchen can leave the city smoothly, it must be that Cui Taishou made a mistake. What can go wrong?"

"Your Excellency, don't fall for it!" Yin Ming shouted, his face flushed with nervousness, the veins on his forehead protruded, his voice overwhelmed Long Da.

Long Da continued: "Chenchen led the army here, otherwise how dare you do this? I procrastinated all night just to wait for this. Sir, think about it, do you really want to kill each other, do you really want to kill yourself? Is there any chance of winning? There is General Yin again, look at his bear-bag appearance, he is so nervous about a trivial matter, can he take on a big responsibility? The emperor recruited everything at the first trial. I just married the girl I love, and I don’t want to die I don’t want her to die either. How about this, let’s stop being suspicious of each other, I’ll kill Yin Ming and testify for you, this matter has nothing to do with adults, Yin Ming will be responsible for all the crimes..."

Before the dragon finished speaking, Yin Ming rushed over with a loud roar, and with a "dang" sound, the sword came out of its sheath and slashed towards the dragon.

When he said those words just now, Long Da moved forward quietly, and Yin Ming also took two steps forward in anger, the distance between the two was neither far nor close. It's too far away to make him alert and retreat, and it's so close that he can take advantage of it. And this opportunity was what Long Da wanted to seize.

Yin Ming's movements were so fast that Liang Dehao had no time to react, but Long Da did. Instead of retreating, he advanced, as if he had expected this to happen. He clapped his hands sideways, avoiding the sword edge, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and hit his armpit with the other, kicked his crotch hard with wrong steps.

Yin Ming's arm "clicked" and was dislocated. He screamed "ah" and his crotch was in great pain. He hadn't expected that a great general in Long Datangtang, a mighty general, would use such indiscriminate moves.

After this move, Liang Dehao finally came to his senses, and he shouted loudly: "Fire the arrow!"

Yin Ming was in so much pain that he couldn't move, so he could only watch helplessly as he was turned behind Long Da to block the arrows for him. There were a few bangs, and Yin Ming was hit by several arrows in the back. His eyes turned black and his ears buzzed. There was a sound, and I felt like I was flying up through the clouds and fog. He heard Long Da's voice, but he couldn't hear it clearly: "Don't dislike you for dying under this tactic, it's just what you have to do under such circumstances. I told you, you are seeking skin from a tiger, how could he care about your life."

This was the last sound Yin Ming could hear, and he didn't know what happened at that moment.

When Liang Dehao yelled "shoot the arrow", the cavalry on Longda's side also moved. When Liang Dehao's men shot arrows at Long Da, they threw out many jars and hit the surrounding enemy troops with a bang bang. The horses galloped and formed a formation, some of them rushed towards the direction of Long Da to respond, some of them rushed to the enemy's encirclement to cut out their retreat, and some of them lit the arrows and shot them in the direction of the broken pot.

"It's oil!" Someone yelled. When the kerosene caught fire, many soldiers were on fire, screaming and rolling on the ground. The oil on the ground was burning, forming a wall of fire. The thick smoke blocked their sight and they could no longer shoot arrows.

"Don't hurt your lord." "Take your lord to retreat." Several lieutenants yelled loudly, and when the incident happened just now, they had already rushed towards Liang Dehao, protecting him and retreating.

"Kill him!" Liang Dehao yelled angrily, but he couldn't see Long Da's figure clearly. The last thing he saw was that Long Da subdued Yin Ming with one move, and then threw Yin Ming on his back as a shield. Yin Ming's sword fell into his hand, and he swung down several arrows. Leaping, kicking and jumping onto the tree.

The fire was raging and there was chaos, the trees were burned, the fallen leaves were flying with sparks, and the soldiers rolled to the ground screaming. The thick smoke was billowing, and the enemy could not be seen clearly, and the opponent could not be identified.

Liang Dehao was dumbfounded. The legend of "one-handedly defeating ten thousand armies" is too exaggerated, but he understood how the reputation of Long Da's battle was spread. But there are so many of them! You can kill Long Daluanjian even with your eyes closed!

"Kill them all!" Liang Dehao roared.