MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v6 Chapter 1763 Departure 23

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Li Yunhuag smiled and smiled and said, "I don't know!"

Seeing her look a little unpredictable, she smiled softly and said: "You can rest assured! If I am there, there will be nothing to spend the night in the mountains! Even if a wolf comes, I can protect you!"

Liang Fengqi was warm in his heart, his nose was sour, and he nodded and smiled.

Li Yunhuan said again: "When we go out, we say... I stayed at the farmer’s house for one night!"

Liang Fengqi "Oh" immediately understood that he was worried about his reputation!

Before he made a name for himself, he was remembered in his heart.

Liang Fengqi couldn’t say a bit of a taste in his heart. He couldn’t help but smiled and said: “I’m afraid that I’m broken. I’m going to marry you if I can’t get married in the future!”

Having said this, her heart suddenly jumped up and the palm of her hand was sweating.

She wants to test him, but this is obviously too bad.

Li Yunhuan was shocked and stunned. He smiled half-heartedly and said: "Who dares to talk nonsense, Xiaoye I cut his tongue! Let's just bite the farmer's house! Then again, let's go back to Beijing, and Who knows?"

Liang Fengqi had a faint disappointment in his heart and smiled. "I am joking with you! If someone dislikes me because of this, that person is not worth entrusting for life! Let's hurry and find a way out!"

"Oh, good!" Li Yunhuan nodded.

Liang Fengqi did not know, Li Yunhuan did not want to follow her words and said "I am jealous of you!", he did not dare.

He was afraid of abrupt her, and made her angry. Where did she know that she was testing him?

Li Yunhuan asked Liang Fengqi to have earrings, made a simple compass, identified the direction, and looked at the trend of the surrounding mountains, and led Liang Fengqi to the southeast direction.

The water flow should flow in this direction. As long as the river is found and flows down the river, I believe I can go out.

He led the way ahead, and Liang Fengqi followed quietly behind.

The pace of his walk was very slow. The stones and thick branches that blocked the road were kicked by him. The branches and leaves of the trees and the grasses were stretched out.

From time to time, he also looked back at her, smiled at her, or asked her a "tired tired!"

Liang Fengqi understands that he is so careful for her. However, he did not pick her up...

Is this his own as a partner from childhood to big?

fair enough……

Looking at the tall and tall figure walking in front of him, Liang Fengqi was a little embarrassed for a moment. She never seemed to notice, she didn’t know when he was taller than her, long eyebrows, thin lips and elegant, he Growing up, no longer the little Dragon Boat Festival!

Now, facing him like this, even if he asks her to call "Little Dragon Boat Festival", she can't call it out!

Liang Fengqi was slightly lost, and he might as well kick a small stone on his toes, and he slammed into the ground.

"Feng Yan!" Li Yunhuan was shocked and jumped, hurriedly turned back to help her, and was annoyed and distressed: "How can I be so careless!"

Liang Fengqi stayed in bed and coveted.

Although his tone is fierce, she knows that he is kind and naturally not afraid of blaming him, but she is guilty! If you are not thinking about yourself, how can you fall?

Li Yunhuan misunderstood, only scared her when her attitude.

I think that she was so frightened and tossed today, she actually murdered her, it is too much!

"I'm sorry, sorry!" Li Yunhuan suddenly felt distressed and busy: "Feng, I shouldn't talk to you like that, don't blame me!"

Seeing him like this, Liang Fengqi’s mood was not pleasant for a few minutes, and he couldn’t help but “snap” and laughed.

"How can I blame you, I am not careful! Let's go!" Liang Fengqi smiled and got up.

Then, with a sigh of relief, he sighed and said, "Hey!", helplessly look at Li Yunhuan: This time, the foot is really twisted...

Li Yunhuan also saw it. He smiled and said: "I am thinking that you are going too slow! This is just right! Don't mess with it, carefully hurt it! Wait until we find someone else!"

Liang Feng's face was slightly hot, and he gently whispered, and he picked himself up.

All the way, nothing, just ask each other to gently breathe and Li Yunhuan from time to time to shake the sound of the leaves and leaves.

About a half hour or so, the two saw the smoke, the front, the village is looking.

Unanimously, both of them have a faint disappointment: this road seems a bit too short!

Then Liang Fengqi secretly blamed himself: he carried his own way, still do not know what it is like! How can you think about it yourself? It’s too bad!

"Yun Huan, or else, let's take a break!" Liang Fengqi could not help but say.

Li Yunhuan smiled and said: "Come to the village! I am not tired, are you tired?"

Liang Feng took a look at him and didn't have a good air: "Good intentions are not good! With you!"

Li Yunhuan laughed.

At this time, after the application time, there is another time, it is the nightfall, and no one knows the road ahead. The two are sure to stay in this village for one night tonight.

Li Yunhuan knocked on a seemingly neat courtyard in the village, explaining why, the host did not refuse, and greeted them with enthusiasm.

When I settled down, I learned that it was five or sixty miles away from Fuzhou City! If they are in the opposite direction in the mountains, they may be able to return to Fuzhou City.

Stayed in the village for one night and the next day the two returned to Fuzhou City.

There is no carriage in the village, only the car, riding a slow car to the town of more than ten miles in the village, only to rent a carriage, when you return to Fuzhou City, almost to the city The time is right!

"You, trouble you send me back to the embroidery workshop!" Liang Fengqi smiled at Li Yunhuan.

Li Yunhuan scorned: "Embroidery workshop is a place to work, not a place to rehabilitate! You go to drunk and return home, and the moon is also convenient to serve you!"

"This... Yeah!" Liang Fengqi nodded and no longer spoke.

In my heart, I can’t say whether it’s a heavy burden or a disappointment.

She had thought that he would say that she would go to his hospital to recover her injuries...

When I saw Liang Fengqi in the month, I called out "Miss!" The red-swelled eyes cried, and I shed tears again.

Li Yunhuan couldn't help but frown. "Miss your lady come back and cry and do something? Would you like your lady to come back to comfort you? Don't hurry to get people to wait for life!"

This month, "Oh," he hurriedly helped Liang Fengqi into it.

Seeing that Li Yunhuan did not follow up, Liang Fengqi stopped and smiled back: "You go back! Thank you for these two days!"