MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v6 Chapter 1765 Departure 25

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Gu Yun and Liu Sanniang expressed their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for her return to the return of her. The people gathered together for the money to go to the table on the table, and the pot of wine was broken. Celebrate Liang Fengqi together.

Liang Fengqi was moved in his heart.

What can she think of in the month, she couldn’t think of it?

Before she came back to the embroidered workshop today, she was already prepared in her heart. Gu Da, the treasurer, Liu Sanniang, etc. may not say anything, but it is difficult to protect other people from any rumors.

Even if there is no rumor, disdainful, contemptuous, or inquiring eyes must be indispensable.

However, nothing!

Yes, it is just enthusiasm, concern and friendliness.

Even because of this, they treated her a little better than before, more close to a few points, and admire.

Liang Fengqi can not help but feel: in the end is the South County! It is too different from the capital!

Li Yunhuan went to Hangzhou, Suzhou and Yangzhou to deal with matters.

I went there for more than twenty days.

On the evening of this night, he read a letter sent to Fuzhou City, and suddenly changed his face. He smashed the letter and shattered it. He called out to talk about it and ordered to prepare the car immediately! No, it is horse!

He is about to leave for Fuzhou City.

The manager of the surname has been working with him for seven or eight years, but he has never seen the second sergeant send such a big temper. He was shocked and did not dare to say anything else. He said: " However, the second young master, this time is already a big night, the black light bonfire is not easy to hurry! Or, you are resting, the subordinates are all ready, waiting for you to be called under the black one?"

"What are you waiting for!" Li Yunhuan was annoyed and irritated: "I will leave now! You will stay and dispose of the follow-up! Don't say black light and bonfire, the knives of the sky will have to go! Hurry, delay the matter of the young master. Let me ask you!"

I was shocked by the management. I didn’t dare to ask more questions at the moment. I was flustered and didn’t dare to fake others. I personally prepared horses and clothes, water bladders and so on.

Li Yunhuan's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped out the water. He took the baggage and said nothing. He flew on the horse and slammed the two whip.

After the management was screaming for a while, he sighed and shook his head inexplicably and turned back to the house.

Two days of hard work, Li Yunhuan arrived in Fuzhou City on the second night.

In his capacity, there will be no problems in the city at night.

In the city, the lights are bright, the people in the night market are bustling, and the hawkers on both sides of the street are screaming and selling, but all the warmth of the worldly warmth, Li Yunhuan, is not in the eyes, listening to the ears, he thinks that there is only one person. He is going to look for Liang Fengqi, and ask her in front of her face to understand clearly!

Li Yunhuan did not even return to his residence and went directly to Jinyun Embroidery.

Everyone saw Shaodong’s big night’s stunned drive and was shocked. When the valued person was busy going to inform Gu Da’s treasurer, Li Yunhuan stopped and said: “I am looking for Liang Fengqi, she is not here?”

When the value stayed, I didn’t answer.

"In the end is not!" Li Yunhuan is not patient.

"Yes, in! Liang Guan is in his own house, the villain is going to call her."

When the value is over, I haven’t finished it yet. Where is the shadow of Li Yunhuan?

When the value of the opening of the mouth, half a ring does not know what to say!

Liang Fengqi is doing some embroidery work in the house to kill time, ready to sleep for a while.

I didn't want to, the door suddenly remembered the rude and rushing knock on the door, and scared her a lot. The needle in the hand was unstable and poked out the blood in the middle of the fingertips. The pain of "S" was a dark frown.

"Who!" Liang Fengqi put down the work in his hand, and the voice of Yang Gao subconsciously brought some dissatisfaction.

Who is it, who is going to be full?

But her dissatisfaction in this tone was heard in Li Yunhuan's ear but it was invisibly magnified ten times, just as if this dissatisfaction was for him!

The anger "Hey!" set off the old high.

Still bear with patience.

"It's me! Li Yunhuan!" Li Yunhuan bit his teeth, almost out of a word in the teeth.

Liang Fengqi, "Yun Huan?" He is back?

The heart was happy, and then I looked at it again. I thought about it and said: "At this time, it’s late at night, what is worse than tomorrow!"

"Hey!" Li Yunhuan sneered. "Do you open the door or not? If you don't open, I will be jealous!"

Ok! Sure enough, with the sweetheart, find the wishful Lang Jun, this is to draw a line with him!

Hey, the woman he Li Yunhuan is watching, which dog is so courageous to dare to go! He told him to know his means!

"You" Liang Fengqi gas knot, this person, still so overbearing!

She ran coldly with a cold face, and "哐啷" opened the door all at once, and her face was cold and cold: "Shaodongjia please!"

Li Yunhuan saw her face, this look, this attitude, the fire in my heart burned even more powerfully, burning him with no reason and fire in his eyes.

Sinking into the room, the backhand closed the door with a kick, slamming the wrist of Liang Fengqi, cold and cold: "I heard that you are going to order a kiss?"

Liang Fengqi’s heart was cold, and he was a little subconscious. He couldn’t bear to look at his look. He looked down and looked indifferent. He said: “Shaodong’s family is looking for me for this matter? Yes.”

“Why?” Hearing that she personally admitted, Li Yunhuan only felt that a heart seemed to be dug away by a knife, and it was painful.

He gritted his teeth and asked coldly.


Liang Fengqi’s heart is mixed, because she wants to break the mind that she should not have! She wants to give herself a new start!

I don't know when it started, and the tenderness and unconsciousness moved to him. I don't know that all of them are full of him!

This is too ridiculous and incredible, so she never faces it, and she refuses to admit it.

However, she can't fool herself after all! In that mountain forest that day, he was so anxious to rush to save himself, her heart was completely shaken!

She has to admit that she likes him, no, she loves him!

But she has tried it, but he has a faint expression of his words, which is obviously not interesting to her!

It’s not sad that it’s not sad, but it’s not sad, but it’s also satisfying. At least, he is really good at himself, and his relatives are generally good, aren’t they?

This is enough!

However, when she thought of returning to Beijing, he would marry another woman in the future. She would have been saddened and saddened that she could not face it!

This feeling is different from that of Aso.

Xu brother stunned the small county owner, although she was sad, but silently watching them happy, in fact, she actually blessed him, looking forward to their happiness!

However, she found that she could not equally wish Li Yunhuan and another woman to be happy!

She didn't even see the woman even after seeing it! Don't know everything about that woman!