MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1791 Marry 16

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This is not a much clever means, but it is enough to make her little rookie feel overwhelmed.

If it’s really a wave of sluts, she’s been slap in the face, but this is his husband.

That is, it is too much to play, that, it seems to be ok.

Su Jinghe saw that the tigressive tigress was ashamed and shy, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

Fang Qing became angry and turned into a cushion. He angered: "Su Jing and you are finished."

"哟" Su Jing and some eyes: "I am not willing to cross the river to break the bridge"

Fang Qing Shen hated and said: "I owe you, I recognize, I want to do it, I want to kiss you, kiss me, who is afraid of who?"

Fang Qingqi took the initiative to smash the past, holding his face in both hands, and hesitated with guilty conscience.

Su Jinghe was motionless, just holding a pair of narrow eyes, laughing at her like a smile.

Fang Qingyi, no hesitation, took the initiative to kiss up, messy kisses, rampage, rude, no skills at all.

Su Jinghe still allowed her to toss, thinking and seeing what tricks she could make.

It can be made by her, but it is even more uncomfortable.

Master Su Da finally couldn't stand it. He secretly snorted in his heart, "stupid", stroking her face with one hand, and clasping the back of her head with one hand.

Fang Qing slammed, and after a few moments, he was stunned by the rogue husband and couldn’t tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest.

After the end of the kiss, Fang Qing softened into a ball, softly poured in the arms of Su Jinghe, only gasping.

Su Jinghe bowed his head and looked at his wife’s Xiafei’s cheeks. The light was blurred and the eyebrows were ignorant. The small mouth was especially bright and bright, and the soft and boneless cuddling in his arms could not climb. I couldn’t help but feel the big move, the hand that rubbed her waist was tight, and she hated her teeth: "Go back and pick you up."

It’s really a sense of accomplishment to tame the tigress.

However, the tigress has not been tamed consciously, raising his eyebrows and refusing to accept the martyrdom: "Put up who I am, not necessarily who will not necessarily have one day."

Fang Qing snorted heavily, and one day she would tell him that she was amazing.

She glared at the robes on his chest, struggling to sit up straight, but her hands and feet were sore, and suddenly fell into his arms.

Su Jing and the tigress have clearly become tigers without claws, and dare to succumb to their own fierce screaming, licking the eager eyebrows, squatting, smashing, smashing, sullen, sullen, only feeling that the bones are light. I only had four or two left, and my heart was full of laughter. The big hand was unceremoniously kneading two of her waist and gently squeezing two chins. "Well, baby, that’s the husband." Waiting for the baby, you pack me up"

The words "clean up" deliberately blame the grotesque long-term emphasis, and the meaning of playfulness is beyond words.

Fang Qing told him to squeeze his body and scream, screaming at him: "Rogue"

Su Jinghe was more used, and then pinched two more. He bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek. He smiled and said: "It’s a rogue, how are you a woman of Xiaoye, and Xiaoye is a rogue to his own woman, and Tianwang Laozi can’t control it. ”

Fang Qingming Ming hated it, but after listening to these words, he heard a heart-breaking slap in the air, and he couldn’t tell whether it was more angry or more shy.

All in all, the little rookie is called a savvy little man.

Fang Qinghong's face, biting his lip and biting his lip, blinking and blinking again, simply closing his eyes and closing his sleep

I can’t sleep, I can’t sleep, at least I can’t see it as net.

Su Jinghe laughed more and more, and he was more happy than the best.

Su Jinghe seems to have saved her heart to tease her. She returned to the Soviet Union and did not let her down. She just had to take her from the car and hug her back to the yard.

Everyone on the way saw all the people screaming and stunned, and they almost forgot about it.

Fang Qing was too daunted to blink, and his eyes closed tightly in Su Jing and his arms. His hands were tightly wrapped around his neck, and he was stiff and unable to move.

Su Jing and seeing it, it is a happy smile.

The achievement of no reason in my heart is proud: how is the tigress not in his arms, not dare to move him is her man, hey, what does he want her, she still has to

However, the young master of the Soviet Union is happy to be happy and proud, but he has always been pampered, and his shoulders can't be resisted. The daughter-in-law is not heavy, and the weight is still there. The Soviet government covers a large area and holds a large section. Road, the young master of the Soviet Union began to feel a little bit of panting.

"Hey baby, I can't hold you anymore" Su Jing and panting and saying, standing on a certain veranda, I want to put down the people in my arms.

Where is Fang Qing going to come down this time, how can she go back to shame and be ashamed?

遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂 遂

Su Jing and happy, "reluctant"

Fang Qing did not dare to stimulate him at this time, nor dared to disobey him. He nodded slightly and said: "I can't bear it."

Su Jing and Yan Yundao: "I will take you back, what rewards are there, or how do you thank me?"

Again, thank you

Fang Qing’s face was red like a ripe shrimp, and he said with a sigh: "I will listen to you, what do you say?"

"This is what you said," Su Jing and Xiao Xiao laughed, and in vain gave birth to a force, turned the woman in the back, and flew up.

Back to the yard, Su Jing and the rough voice retreat from the crowd, directly into the room with his wife, as for how to ask the wife to express gratitude, outsiders will not know.

In short, until the dark, there was a lazy "coming person" in the bedroom.

Shuangling's double-faced face is red and comes in to light up and serve to bathe and change clothes.

Fang Qing could hardly get up, and his legs and feet were still squatting.

Originally, it was still strong, and Su Jinghe said: "Baby, don't have any strength, don't worry, lie down." She was so shy that she almost fell.

Su Jing and haha ​​laughed.

Shuangling Shuangxiu's low-browed eye-catching blushing face, diligently dilute the sense of existence, and strive to be dumb.

Fang Qing peeked at it. Seeing the two gimmicks did not reveal any strange look. The mood was a little slow, and Su Jing and his eyes complained: "I blame you for not coming back today. I was going to go to the mother." One sound, the result is you"
