MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1840 Tune 49

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Fang Qingyi, his face was reddish, and he looked at him with a scornful look. He turned and walked away.

Su Jinghe didn't take it for granted, and smiled and followed.

I am very excited and laughed: "We are also bored in the government. It is better to go to Zhuangzi for a few days. How do you see it?"

Fang Qing has not been to the Zhuangzi of Sujia, he smiled and said: "Okay, you look at the arrangement!"

Su Jing and Yi Le, smiled and said: "Let's go to Yangliu Village in the eastern suburbs. There is a good scenery there, and there is a big green hill. Every day, there are hunters selling prey. Sometimes there are some rare things! Let's go. See if there is a good fortune!"

Fang Qing listened to him and said that he was more interested and agreed with himself.

Su Jing and the young master are used to the temper. When they even went to Yangliu Village to clean up the house arrangement, this room urged Shuangling and Shuangxiu to quickly pack their clothes and bags, and asked people to go to the car room to prepare. In the carriage, Minger set off early in the morning.

After a day of noisy, I was satisfied with the wife and children in the evening. The next day, the two men took the carriage to Yangliu Village.

There are not many people in Yangliu Village, a total of five or sixty households, all of which are Seto households.

In fact, this film is not a village. It is because the Su family bought a lot of farmland in the first place, and later added a lot of land in the dry land. This has created a village to build a house for the tenants. Because the willows are planted by the ditch flowing through here, the piece of the tube is called Yangliu Village.

The Sujia Zhuangzi Zhuangzi was built in the east of the village. It was built on the gentle **** of the half-mountain slope. The land occupation is not big. The appearance of four or five acres is to win in the open, wide-eyed, and go out from the back door to climb. Going up, it is a large fruit forest.

Out of the village to the north, but five or six miles, it is a good place for green mountains and green waters and beautiful peaks.

Su Jinghe wants to talk about love and love, naturally he has to find a place that is both clean and beautiful.

When I entered this yard, Fang Qing really liked it. When I walked around, I laughed and laughed.

Su Jinghe likes her, I like it more!

I don't want to, this kind of thing is very sorrowful, and there is no need for even a harbinger!

On this day, the two climbers admire the scenery - the young master of the Soviet Union in order to facilitate the love and love of the wife and children, of course, it is impossible to let Shuangling and Su Siliu follow the situation.

As a result, both of them were sneaked and hit a black stick from behind, and they fainted in the air.

When the two people woke up, they were in a strange valley, surrounded by layers of mountains.

Even worse, the red sun in the west is gathering light, slowly and slowly sinking to the back of the mountain. The red ones are big and round, and the colors are clean, but the two people are almost crazy. !

"Which is this bastard? This kind of thing is too wicked!" Fang Qing was mad.

More importantly: What is he drawing!

The clothes on both of them were complete, and the golden plaques on Fang Qingfa’s hair were still good.

Also no injuries.

If it weren't for Su Jinghe, Fang Qing would doubt whether he was temporarily amnesia--it was she who came here alone but she didn't remember it!

Su Jing and sneer, sneer and sneer, sneer and hate: "Who can do this kind of harm to others? It must be a few bastards!", don't let me catch the opportunity, or wait. Look at it!"

Master Su Da was so angry that he wanted to jump over the wall. He and his wife had not started to talk about love in the past, and this jumped out of trouble!

"Rongjia?" Fang Qing stayed, but quite agree with Su Jinghe's speculation.

No matter the ability or the guts, only the people of the family dare to do it! Also, they just had a hatred with Rong Jia!

Su Jinghe was still there to hate the three brothers and Rong Laozi, especially the three sons who were almost killed by his wife and the third leg. Fang Qing looked at him and walked. "If you really want to let your family do it, don't worry! Anyway, we won't have a life worry!"

Su Jing and Yi Yi, scorned: "Women, you can look too young to see your family, they will be so kind? The family, don't mention more insidious!"

"Because it is insidious, it must be thoughtful, so we will certainly be safe!" Fang Qingbai glanced at him and said: "You are the only son of Sujia. We only have a family when we are enemies. You think about it. If you have any accidents, can you not doubt the family? Can you spare them? If you have a hard-hearted family to go to the house, do you think that Rongjia can not be afraid?"

It’s like laughing and laughing: “Speaking, I’m holding your blessing and escaping!”

"Qinger said it makes sense!" Su Jing and a clap his hands, smiled and said: "Hey, what TOEFL is not a blessing, say it, or I am tired of you!"

Fang Qing gave him a look: you know it too!

Su Jinghe took her and said: "In this case, we don't have to worry! This day is going to be dark. I think, let's find a place to go tonight and talk about it! Minger is bright, then find the way. Go out!"

Rong Jia, the bastard, should only want to give them some bitterness, Su Jing and his heart anger.

"It can only be like this!" Fang Qing sighed.

Two people took the help of turning around in the valley to find places to stay overnight.

Fortunately, this time is already at the end of June and early July. The night in the summer valley is always better than the winter. Of course, the poisonous snakes are also terrible.

When Fang Qing and Su Jinghe raised their points, it was obvious that the young Master Su Da trembled gently.

Arousing Fang Qing’s smile, he teased him: “Would you be afraid? I thought you wouldn’t be afraid! You forgot to be married, that day, before I left the sedan, what did you throw at me! ”

Fang Qing mentioned this Su Jing and only regretted that the scalp should be blue, busy holding a wife and a madman, and apologized again and again: "Good wife, good sunny! All mys is not, I am not Confused! If you come again, I will never treat you like that! No, if you know you early, I will support you in the morning! If you are there, no one wants to bully you!"

Although Fang Qing sneered at this kind of words - how can time flow back? The past has passed, what is the point?

However, Su Jing and the two sentences behind her still have a lot of sweet warmth in her heart. She smiles and leans over the man next to her: In any case, she is now a husband who has a husband and a husband who is pity and love. ?

"Okay! Don't make trouble!" Fang Qing smiled and gently pushed him. He smiled and said: "Looking at this day, it is still not really dark. Let's hurry to find a place to stay overnight! This valley is between the forests. God knows if there will be any snake worms coming out at night? If you really encounter a viper, it will be troublesome!"

Su Jinghe said with a smile, she was holding her hand and looking for it.
