MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v18 Chapter 26 God mission

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Li Yi even used perception, and went back and forth to search a large circle without seeing any danger. / Very literature /

Where does he know, at this time in the eyes of Fengyun Jiumei, his image is overlapping with her fantasy giant man ...

Fengyun Jiumei no longer spoke. Although Li Yi was strange in his heart, his attention was already attracted by the ‘Book of God’ which had been exploded by the big boy.

Ziling Piaoxue killed the big boy, presumably to explode his ‘Book of God’, right?

What does Ziling Piaoxue want from the Book of God? Did she receive a mission to become a god?

Li Yi's brow froze tightly.

In the King of the Gods, there is a task that is better than the glorious task reward, that is, the so-called 'god **** task.' This task is personally released by the gods on the mountain of gods. The biggest feature is that this task is unique. In other words, when someone receives this task, other players cannot.

The God of God mission has a time limit. If the player who receives the mission fails to reach the player within the time limit, the **** man who released the mission will retract the mission and repost it to other players.

In addition to this, there is another way to receive the 'Goddess Quest', which is to grab the quest props from the players who have received the 'Goddess Quest'. The system stipulates that whoever gets the Secret Quest items will be eligible to use it. The mission continues.

In the previous life, although Ziling Piaoxue was also very windy, but like Li Yi, she had not really been promoted to God. Where she was stronger than Li Yi, she was only given the nickname of ‘God Fighter.

'Book of God,' the core of God, 'the task of becoming a god, these things are related to promotion to god, if not for Ziling Piaoxue, the task of becoming a god, why would she grab no one to know what to use? 'Book of God?

Did you take on the task of becoming a god, and you would know the purpose of the book of God?

Li Yi was completely attracted by the video of Ziling Piaoxue. Fengyun Jiumei lay on the ground and called him several times, but he did not hear it. //

To say the regrets of previous lives, most of them have been found, but the regret of failing to stand at the top of the world of the gods has never been realized.

To become king of the gods, the first condition is to become a **** 1

However, how to become a god, he hasn't felt the trick till now.

"Brother Yi ..." Brother Yunfeng still called him while lying on the ground.

Li Yi then returned to God: "What's wrong with Jiumei?"

"You look at the team."

Li Yi opened the team channel and looked at it, dumbfounded.

The total number of team members is 25. At present, 21 people have died, and only 4 people remain ...

"Why are all dead?"

"Five of us were attacked by the Cactus King and trampled to death."

"So do we, the abominable King of Cactus, who has flattened us all."

Members have spoken on the channel. At least half of them died in the hands of King Cactus, and a few died in the desert trap.

Brother Jiuyun, Demon Pixie, Jiao Jiaofa, Qianer all hung up. Except for Li Yi and Fengyun Jiumei, only the two gods Tiannan and Jin Keli survived.

"Brothers don't have to worry, they can't continue to spend money on resurrection." Fengyun Jiu shouted in the team.

Do you still need to bribe the caretaker with gold coins?

Li Yi checked the current status of the team. The current situation is that the number of resurrection bribes to the caretaker is 99 times.

Although it is not true that the tower of Moss claims that spending money can be resurrected indefinitely, the fact is that when the number of bribes to the caretaker has reached the number of times, the caretaker will refuse to accept the bribe and will not serve the player.

The Tower of Moss is on the same level, and the caretaker has been bribed a few times, which is exactly the same.

Li Yi shouted on the team channel: "Let's not have to resurrect, Tiannan, Jin Keli, can you two determine the position now?"

Jin Keli replied: "Yes, we are a little north of the map's easternmost edge."

"Where did you judge?"

There is no sun, moon, and stars in this desert map, so it is impossible to judge the direction. Li Yi and Fengyun Jiumei are lost because of this.

Gingley thought for a moment, and replied in an unquestionable tone: "Feel."

"Fuck, you **** will die if you don't pretend to be b?" Tiannan answered on the team channel: "We are lost and are now trapped in a super pit. After jumping for a long time without jumping out, we are about to die."

Li Yi is ashamed.

If it weren't for Tian Nan's reminder, he would have forgotten that Kinkley was a pretender.

Tian Nan and Jin Keli cannot fall into the big pit, and those who can continue to pass through the barrier now have only one Li Yi left.

Fengyun Jiumei? She couldn't move even as she was dead.

"Jiumei, you ca n’t drag the desert map for too long, otherwise this map will continue to have extremely destructive tornado storms. We were not swept away for the first time. That ’s fortunate. If you unfortunately encounter the next super storm, I'm afraid we won't even have the chance to survive. "

Fengyun Jiumei said, "I know, I understand."

"I'm leaving."

Guarding Fengyun Jiumei is a burden, and the best way in front of her is to throw her away.

Seeing Li Yi say, Fengyun Jiumei whispered quietly: "Otherwise, you ... can you carry me for a while?"

Although it is related to the team's customs clearance, Fengyun Jiumei is too scared in her heart. The duration of toxin paralysis is still online time, so even if she is offline now, it will not help.

In the rolling yellow sand, Li Yi set off with Fengyun Jiumei on his back.

He can't tell the direction now, so he is still blindly on his way.

There are several ways to determine the direction on the desert map. The simplest way is to find the legendary desert hotel, where you can not only determine the direction, but also get some supplies, repair equipment, restore physical strength, and so on.

It's just that the Desert Hotel is not easy to find. Like the nasty Cactus King, when it is needed, it does not appear, it does not need to appear, it always appears.

Li Yi walked for half an hour carrying Fengyun Jiumei and did not see the Desert Hotel, but encountered the cactus king again.

With the previous experience, Li Yi had no control this time, and his shot was ‘Time Spikes Arrow, killing it with one hit and hitting it again.

"Husband ... you go fast.

The situation Jiumei lying on Li Yi's back murmured ~ ~ Li Yi instantly petrified.

"Jiumei, what do you call me?"

"Husband ..." Old ... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, since the stunned Jiumei woke up, she was speechless.

"Don't call it like that next time, if someone wants to hear it, I thought there was something wrong with us."

After a long time, Fengyun Jiumei said, "Brother Yi, you are a good man ..."

Hearing this, Li Yi flung himself and threw Fengyun Jiumei on the ground.

"Everyone wants to be a brother in this life, just don't want to be a good person

After sunset, the scenery is beautiful, Li Yi completely transformed into a beast, riding on Fengyun Jiumei, tearing her clothes frantically.

A scream sounded from the desert ...

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