MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 258 Action Code (Part 1)

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"The King of Day" and "The King of Night" meet for a rare occasion after many years, as they face the issue of life and death. Although cats are not soluble in dogs or water, apart from their own likes and dislikes, there is also the word "current situation" that determines their attitude, and the latter has an overwhelming priority compared to the former.

Their masters are all over, do the dogs and cats still have time to breathe? Hurry up and show some serious attitude.

After some sort of discussion, the two came to an almost unanimous attitude, that is: Qiubai, the pirate, is not trustworthy, but what he said is basically believable.

So, based on this attitude, they came to the conclusion that...although not very pleasant, cooperation is still needed.

After all, it is impossible for the fur tribe to deal with the four emperors alone.

So after about a month of sparring with Qiubai, Duke Inulan and the boss of Cat Viper became his "thugs" without much resistance, or the kind that don't have to pay... Of course, subjective The fur tribes are going to protect their lords, but the "thugs" are also an indisputable fact.

Taking into account the strength of the enemy and Qiubai's general description of the "own" combat power, the fur tribe finally decided on the way of "sending troops":

They decided to take the elite line, and the two bosses would bring the most elite warriors to Wano. Naturally, most of these warriors came from the Knights and the Musket.

But even so, in the end, the scale of their operations reached a scale of 100 people, and their actual combat power must not be underestimated... With Duke Inuarashi and the boss of Cat Viper, basically the pirates below the four emperors, they It can be swept, and the target even includes some pirates in the Shichibukai.

People of this size can travel on Qiubai's boat, but considering the delicate relationship between the two sides, the fur tribe finally decided to dispatch their own boat.

Finally, after a short day of preparation and replenishment of a large amount of supplies, under the watch of upright walking intelligent creatures with various faces and various furs, the Balubatos and another ship slightly larger than it The ship left Zou and sailed to the deep sea.

Thanks to the special identification method of the fur tribe, they went straight to Wano in almost a straight line, but the first purpose was not that country, but a small island called "Gruiu" that they passed by on the way. .


The sea breeze is very strong, but there is no special danger. After leaving Zuowu, it is generally regarded as a beauty, and the sailing speed of the fleet is very fast.

The fur tribe led the way, and the Balubatos followed behind... They were more familiar with the local waters and sea conditions than Qiubai.

However, not long after going to sea, Qiu Bai received an unexpected call.

"Captain, there is a new call." Monet handed the teleport worm to Qiu Bai's hand.

"Who is it?" Qiu Bai asked habitually, he lacked the ability to use the bug's face as a "caller ID" avatar to identify people.

Monet didn't make a sound, and she could still tell what she said from the movement of his mouth:

"Hai Xia is very peaceful."

This is a call from a murloc.

"Mr. Jinpei?" Jinpei was definitely not in the mood to chat with Qiubai. Considering the current situation, it should be that the other party heard some rumors.

"Captain Qiubai, I've heard a lot of strange rumors recently... You guys are going to fight the Four Emperors Kaido, shouldn't it be true?" Jinping's tone was filled with anticipation.

"Uh..." Qiu Bai's pondering has always represented misfortune, "What do you think?"

This rhetorical question confirms this misfortune.

"...Are you crazy, that's Kaido, do you know Kaido's strength? Do you have a chance of winning against the Beast Pirates?" As a murloc, because of Qiubai's boldness, Jinbei was almost killed His saliva choked to death, and after recovering, he issued a series of rhetorical questions.

"I don't know Kaido's strength, but I know Whitebeard's strength. Is Kaido stronger than Whitebeard?"


How would Jinbei answer this question? Whitebeard and Kaido, who is stronger and who is weaker? Probably when he fought against Qiubai, Whitebeard was weaker than Kaido, who was in his prime, but Jinbei couldn't say those words out of his mouth... Out of respect for his deceased father, he wouldn't say anything nonsense.

"What about Princess Shirahoshi, you won't bring Princess Shirahoshi to the battlefield, will you?" Taking a deep breath, Jinbei bypassed this embarrassing topic and asked what he cared about most.

"Of course," but Qiubai answered in the affirmative without even thinking about it, "White Star is now one of our members, so naturally he will act with the Pirates."

"What about your promise? Aren't you going to keep Princess White Star safe? If that kind of war happens, how can you keep her safe?"

"If I can live, I will naturally ensure the safety of the princess." Qiu Bai said with certainty, he would not break his promise if there were some outlets.

The problem is that his promises are premised, and what he's going to do now, in Jinbei's opinion, is to seek death.

"Then what if you die?" People of Jinping's character were a little furious at this time, because death was a high-probability event for Qiubai.

"Mr. Jinbei, are you kidding me? Where am I going to take care of what happens after death?" Qiubai really felt that there was no such thing as being so difficult. Insufficient strength.

No doubt Jinbei now wants to strangle him with his own hands.

"Just kidding, I won't die, and there will be no problem with the princess' safety... Well, if you are really worried, you can follow us. Of course, you won't be allowed to fight Kaido, but At least the Sun Pirates can guard around Bai Xing to ensure her safety." Qiu Bai spared a circle, and finally surrounded the group of murlocs.

There is no problem of fighting or not fighting, as long as anyone who appears on the battlefield will naturally be regarded as an enemy by Kaido, but on the premise that Qiubai wants to bring the girl to the battlefield, Jinping can't care too much.

"...We are already rushing over there. It's the island called Greu. I hope we can catch up." Obviously, when he first heard the news, Jinbei had already prepared for the worst. It must be regarded as an expression of understanding Qiu Bai.

"Really? It would be great if everyone from the Sun Pirates would provide assistance, so that the princess' safety would be more foolproof." Qiu Bai was stunned. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect it. Jinbei can be so happy.

"It's not for you, it's just for the princess." Jinping sighed, feeling more and more that Qiubai was a complete pirate ship.