MTL - Pirate’s Brood Order-v3 Chapter 366 join or die

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The sky is shaking!

The roar of thunder and drums spread to the sky, and under the black haze, the thunder python **** woven by thousands of thunder covered the entire field of vision, and the dark beams of thunder fell down...

The forest was slashed and burned by the falling thunder, and every inch of the ground was bursting with raging electric arcs. Deidara's body was like a broken kite flung from the air and fell to the ground, engulfed by the terrifying sea of ​​thunder!

In the distance, at the edge of the forest, the Three-Kingdom Allied Forces were quietly approaching. They stared at the sky that had changed color with wide-eyed eyes. The dark clouds and haze sank to the ground. Converging into a phantom of the **** of thunder, the thunder column that runs through the world is full of domineering that destroys everything.

"Can you do this kind of power like destroying the world?" Onogi pinched the tip of his nose and asked the fourth-generation Mage Raikage Ai.

Lei Ying was the most proficient in Lei Dun in all dynasties, however, at this moment Lei Ying Ai's face was dignified by the light of thunder, and the flesh on his face was a little stiff, he said shyly: "This is no longer the scope of Lei Dun, That apostle is manipulating Thunder Hell and turning into Thor!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Lei Yingai surged out of arcs, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded by lightning, and his body instantly turned into lightning across the forest, appearing above Konoha, and he glanced at it. The fallen Deidara, the robes of red clouds on a black background are all burning.


The sharp thunder spear suddenly stabbed at the back of Anilu's spine, but the corner of the latter's mouth just evoked a playful arc, like an unpredictable prophet, his body instantly blurred and disappeared in place, and at the same time appeared behind Lei Ying Ai, dark. Shen's scepter was raised and aimed at the attacker's head.

"Divine Judge? Thunder Dragon!"

Black lightning flashed, and a ferocious dragon head stretched out, opening the deep mouth of the black hole and biting towards Raikage Ai Tun.

"The technique of instant body!"

The lightning stimulated the cells of the whole body, Raikage Ai quickly dodged and pulled away, and his body pulled out a series of afterimages of lightning in the air, and immediately appeared in front of Anilu, and a foot full of electric light kicked Aini. Road chin.

The chin exploded and shattered, and the entire head was immediately split like a spider web. A pair of indifferent eyes were reflected in Raiying Ai's pupils. Ai Nilu's body instantly dissipated and blurred. Nelu's body strangely reorganized not far away.

"Sizzle sizzle..."

There was a strange sound, and there seemed to be something else squirming in the arc. Lei Yingai's face changed drastically, and his body instantly moved away, but a pitch-black thunder beam strangely spun out of a tricky arc, pierced through his shoulders fiercely, and melted. A black hole runs through it, like a black tooth cavity emerging from a broken carious tooth, which is shocking.

There was a burnt smell on the pierced shoulders, and the burning rotten flesh was stained and spread with black, like an electric arc that did not dissipate, but it was like some kind of bug that melted into the thunder and lightning was squirming and gnawing at his flesh and blood.

"Are there bugs in the thunderbolt?"

Raikage Ai's pupils shrank, a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

Deidara, whose body was covered with black erosion on the ground, his face twisted and his entire skin seemed to be festering and withering. He let out a howl of pain. Before it could burst, his body melted and withered into a black smoke that dissipated in the air.

"Except for rust worms, no other life is allowed in the Yin Lei Death Prison!"

Ai Nilu stretched out his arms, and the phantom of Thor above his head made the same action. The black thunder of Wan Dao revealed a gloomy chill, but it seemed to suddenly come to life. The strange black was squirming and spreading, and the hissing arc of thunder sounded. It spreads out, weaving into a strange black prison, shrinking the cover from all directions to Raikage Ai.

Penetrating the burning forest, the Three-Kingdom Allied Forces arrived at the battlefield one step later. What they saw was such a terrifying scene. Then they were greeted by countless tentacles that cracked from the ground. Come over.

Numerous black-clothed ninjas also wore Konoha's forehead guards, and Tsunade wore a black Hokage robe, as if she had been waiting here for a long time. The curse on her eyebrows was lifted, and a tsunami of chakra waves erupted all over her body. , the surrounding air was instantly crushed by a terrifying force.

Black lines appeared in her pupils, and she stared at the coalition forces of the three countries with indifference and cruelty. She didn't care about Konoha, who was caught in the burning and destruction, as if she had been waiting here for a long time for the appearance of the coalition forces. Akatsuki moved away from the members of the organization, then locked the Three-Kingdom Allied Forces, and said coldly: "Ninja World will be reunited today!"

When the voice fell, her whole body suddenly rose two inches, and the terrifying sonic boom exploded around her when her arms swayed, and the terrifying strange force slammed into the ground heavily. The stab at the position of the three-nation coalition.

The ground cracked and the ground shook. Countless allied ninjas stood unsteadily, and black tentacles poured out from the ground and entangled the ninja's body like lightning. Immediately, the entangled ninja was dragged into the bottomless black. In the abyss, screaming screams came from inside.

The echoes overlapped, as if countless grievances were howling, making people shudder.


Jiraiya and Sakura's eyes are rush towards Tsunade one after another, Jiraiya's body completes the transformation of fairy mode, Senbai's hair is madly curled around Tsunade, Sakura jumped up high, clenching her fists and hitting Tsunade's head with a huge force.

The latter raised his eyes and glanced at the two of them indifferently. A black line appeared on the ground, covering her whole body in an instant, like a layer of black armor covering her whole body, revealing only a pair of deep indifference. s eyes.

Without moving her head, she held Sakura abruptly, and her whole body swayed slightly. Tsunade smashed Sakura with her backhand, and the latter flew out, and the person spit out a mouthful of blood in the air.

The other hand condensed gloomy chakra, the long and sharp palm immortal knife tore the curly white hair, Tsunade stepped forward, the ground shattered, and the humanoid Tyrannosaurus-like momentum crashed into Jiraiya's On his chest, a steel-like palm clung to Jiraiya's throat.

"Jiraiya, your language is about to become a reality, but it is not destruction, but an unprecedented change, and the ninja world will usher in the only voice!" Tsunade said word by word: "The rotten world that is torn apart, must Only by washing with blood can we usher in a new order!"

"Join us, or choose to die!" A cold and unfamiliar voice echoed in Jiraiya's mind.