MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 11 CP Nine and the white-haired girl (4)

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The fire in the slums came suddenly.

Apparently something unusual happened in the slums.

Standing on the top of the hill, looking at the thick smoke and flames in the distance, Link frowned slightly.

For some reason, the girl he met during the day flashed in his mind for a moment.

The flames lit up the sky, and thick black smoke rose into the sky, obscuring the stars and moonlight.

After thinking about it, Link decided not to meddle in his own business and go back to sleep with peace of mind. It was just a fire and he wasn't the savior, so he couldn't handle it.


The panicked shouts and explosions came from far away, still causing Link to frown.

Damn, can't you let me go back to sleep?

Ignoring the sound of the explosion, Link continued to walk back without turning his head.

However, before he had gone far, Link, who had just 'down the mountain', raised his head and saw a burning line of fire flying towards this side from the explosion.

In mid-air, the red flame of burning flames, like a paintbrush piercing the canvas of the starry night, slammed into Link's field of vision.

A quick glance, it seems to be a woman?

The speed of the line of fire was extremely fast, and because of the surrounding hills blocking it, Link's eyesight was only a quick glance.

Shaking his head, he refused to be a melon eater!

Link walked back with firm steps.



The barking of wild dogs at night is also normal, very normal.

A black line appeared on Link's head, and a real man would never look back.

Bang bang bang!


The scrap iron and wood were flying around, the garbage hills seemed to be knocked away, and the sound of battle became more and more intense.

Floating clouds, floating clouds, sleep is important.

Link was calm and calm.


Suddenly, a violent explosion appeared, the ground trembled and a small piece of gravel cut through the sky and landed in a graceful parabola.

Boom! Boom!

Hit the bullseye and hit Link on the head.


The blue veins on Link's forehead jumped up, and he turned his head expressionlessly to look at the battlefield not far from here, the corners of his mouth twitching: "Ha, ha ha~"

All of a sudden!

The figure disappeared in place.


Let the time go back a little.

Lilith's journey isn't made worse by the two traffickers.

This time, she was lucky and found a shelter before nightfall, an abandoned shipyard.

The dilapidated and empty factory building was covered with dust, and it seemed that no one had used it for many years, and it was full of a crumbling sense of danger.

Lilith raised a bonfire in the dim workshop, sat in front of the fire and grilled in the afternoon. She caught fresh fish from the waterway.

The oil-rich fish exudes an aroma under the flames. Although there is no seasoning, the delicious taste of the fish itself is enough to make Lilith, who is looking forward to it, want to drool.

Picking up the wooden stick on which the fish was skewered, she turned it over and let the flame fully cook the fish until both sides were golden brown. Lilith finally brought the grilled fish to her mouth and took a bite.


The golden crispy skin on the surface gave off a 'click' crispness, the hot fish melted in her mouth, and the delicious taste filled her mouth. The girl narrowed her eyes in satisfaction, like a kitten.

The uvula licked the grease on the lips, and opened his mouth to enjoy the rare food, but the next moment!


The wall beside Lilith and the roof above were suddenly smashed open by a huge force, and the two figures turned into black shadows in the pitch-dark environment and rushed towards her, attacking fiercely.

Type 6. Finger gun!

Six-style. Lan feet!

Her pupils shrank, and Lilith's body was like frizzy hair in an instant.

It was too late to respond to the sudden attack, and she didn't even have time to make any moves to dodge and dodge. Under the stimulation of the strong crisis, a huge subconscious flame ignited with her as the center and burst out!


The detonating flames exploded with scorching high temperature, blocking Rob Lucci and Foz Fou's surprise attack, forcing them back.

At the same time, the already dilapidated factory building burst into flames due to Lilith's sudden explosion, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

The factory building collapsed under the violent impact, and the burning planks and rubble kept falling. Lilith rushed out of the factory building before being submerged.

Standing outside the factory building, Lilith was panting heavily.

Although the previous outbreak forced the enemy back, it also consumed a lot of her physical strength.

Under the bright moonlight, she finally saw the incoming enemy, two men in suits.

"It's you again!"

Lilith shouted angrily, she knew that this was a person from the World Government, and she had encountered it in her wandering days. The girl's eyes began to turn red, and flames ignited in her hands to wrap her arms.

But what makes her most angry and sad is that!

"You ruined my important dinner! I only had one bite!!"

However, Rob Lucci and Foz Fuke had no idea of ​​arguing with Lilith, and they shave and flashed at their feet, and the two rushed towards Lilith from two directions.

Bang bang!


Lilith parried in embarrassment. Her fighting skills were simply not enough in front of the two strongest CP9 agents, so she could only support her own powerful abilities.

Not to mention facing the siege of the two at this time!

With her ability bursting from time to time, Lilith blasted out flames to protect herself, but it didn't protect her for long.

When resisting the attack again, Rob Lucci appeared behind Lilith, kicking Lilith directly into the air with a heavy kick.


The heavy attack made Lilith spit out a mouthful of blood and her body stiffened. The next moment, Fuzzy Fu, with a grinning figure, strode up into the sky, clasped her hands, and fired a cannon hammer!

"The soul is weak!!"

Before the heavy hammer approached, Lilith let out a stern voice. The angry girl was completely enveloped in flames. The temperature of the bright red flames increased again, and her body also changed at the same time!

The whole body is like wearing an armor of orange flames, the feet are turned into the claws of birds, the arms are turned into huge burning wings, the edge of the eyes is flaming with red eye shadow, and the center of the forehead appears three feather-like fluttering. flame.

The little bits of fire fluttered under the girl's wings, and the already delicate and pretty Lilith became more and more outstanding, becoming more holy and noble.

After the change in her body, Lilith's previous injuries recovered instantly, her physical fitness skyrocketed, her arms were flapped, and the surging flames rushed towards her like a tidal wave to repel Foz Fou!


Lilith didn't stop, turned around and fluttered into the distance.

That direction is the location of the junkyard.

Lilith is not stupid. Although she is well aware of her own strength, her physical fitness has skyrocketed due to the change in the form of humans and beasts, but she is obviously not the opponent of these two guys, which is different from the enemies she has encountered before.

If she wants to deal with them, she won't be confident unless she becomes a beast, but the consequences of that are not what she wants to see.

So turn around and run away without any hesitation!

"Damn it! You can't let her go!"

Foz Fugang, who was repelled, stopped his body and ignored the pain of being burned by the flames. Saber teeth grew out of his mouth, and with a sound of 'bang', he burst into the ground under his feet and chased after him.

Rob Lucci's changed Leopard Man followed closely.

ps: Thanks to the boss [Lazy Fish Head] for the reward of 1000 points! Thank you boss for your support!