MTL - Pirates of the Dead-Chapter 527 Scourge vision

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"Hmm! I will let these self-righteous rebels feel the horror of magma!" I heard that a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the red dog, and the terrible murderous power immediately appeared from him.

The red dog is a standard iron soldier. Although he has his own concept of justice, he is also a sharp knife that obeys the rules of the military. In the execution of the task, he is a terrible killing machine. There will never be a woman in the slightest. Benevolence appears.

Although the green pheasant and the yellow ape are not as **** as the red dog, they are not afraid to slacken the warnings of Qin Ge, and they have all concentrated their attention. After all, the five old stars directly gave orders to the navy and the revolutionary army must be swept away .

Of course, the five stars can learn that the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is located in Bardigo, which is naturally indispensable to Qin Ge's help.

Based on the five veterans' alert and fear of the revolutionary army, Qin Ge only used Sturcy and some secretly installed spies in the world government to provide the news of the revolutionary army's headquarters. The five veteran star eagerly launched this time. Siege operation.

While several people were talking, suddenly their bodies flickered. The two figures suddenly appeared aside, but they are the only two trump members in the CP0 organization.

"Navy, everyone is now in place. According to the plan made before departure, you will lead the attack on the Revolutionary Army headquarters. Now you can start!" CP0 staring at Qin Song with a long knife hanging on one of his waists, etc. People, the tone of an order drank.

In order to ensure that the danger of the Revolutionary Army can be defeated in one fell swoop, the five-stars will not only pay attention to not only sending out a large number of Guardian forces, but also the remaining Guardian Generals and the two ace members of CP0. In this battle.

Qin Ge glanced at the other person coldly, his eyes flashed coldly, and the terrifying overbearing color was released instantly, locking the other side, and the overwhelming majestic pressure immediately made this person tremble, almost flung to the ground, while at the same time Cold sweat quickly emerged, and when he looked at Qin Ge, his eyes were also full of fear.

"CP0, it's not enough for you to give orders here, and dare to speak to me in this tone. I don't mind using the sacrifices before you against the revolutionary army!" The cold voice came slowly from Qin Ge's mouth At the same time, the coercion of overbearing color also made the other person's face pale.

The red dogs, the green magpies, and the yellow apes all watched the two CP0s coldly. As some of the top combat power and high-level in the navy, they naturally dislike the command-like tone of the other party. If the other party is a pirate They are now afraid that they have already shot each other.

Although another CP0 was not forced by Qin Ge ’s overlord color, he apparently noticed the anomaly at once. Although he was furious, he could only surrender in the face of the amazing strength of Qin Ge. After all, the world was after all Is respect for strength.

"The Lieutenant General of the Blood Dragon also asked his mercy, we are not malicious, but only to better coordinate the Navy and the Guardian Army in this encirclement operation, only to come here!" The CP0 quickly explained.

"This is the best. You CP0 only needs to be responsible for your tasks. Our navy side doesn't need others to point and draw!" Qin Ge took back the overbearing arrogance, but his attitude was still extremely tough, and he totally regarded the two CP0s. Nothing.

说 Although it was in order to deal with the revolutionary army while consuming some world government power, Qin Ge obviously never stopped reducing the world government's control over the navy.

He said something at this time, that is to say to the two CP0, but why not also to the red dog, the green pheasant, the yellow ape three people.

Although the navy is included in the world government, it does not mean that it is a subsidiary of the world government, especially when the ideas between the two sides begin to conflict, there are many people in the navy who are dissatisfied with the jurisdiction of the world government.

Although there are not many traces on his face, Qin Ge's words will undoubtedly have some influence on the three red dogs, as well as his inner recognition.

Under the might of Qin Ge, the two CP0s retreated, but the action of encircling the revolutionary army did not stop.

This time the Paladin mobilized about 50,000 troops. The navy also sent 30,000 troops. In terms of top combat capabilities, the navy has far surpassed the world government.

With all the troops in place, the operation began immediately. According to the specified plan, the red dogs, yellow apes, and green cymbals each led 10,000 navy forces in three directions, and gradually advanced to the revolutionary army headquarters.

Saint Guard's side is also led by the remaining Guardian General from the last direction.

As the headquarters, it is naturally impossible for the Revolutionary Army to not set up a security force, and this is the job of CP0.

In order to prevent the Revolutionary Army from being noticed before the army approached, the two trump members and all CP0 members took the lead in carrying out the incubation and assassination. The Revolutionary Army distributed the security forces on the island.

As for Qin Ge, he is completely self-made, and he will only take action after Dorager appears.

Uh ...

After years of development, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army has been no less than a town. People living here can be said to be all soldiers.

Under the superb assassination and latency of the CP0 organization, the security forces were successfully emptied, and the army from four directions also successfully reached the periphery of this revolutionary town ~ ~ Some weird, there was no sound at all, was it? Said the revolutionary army got the news in advance, has it evacuated! ”

Followed by 10,000 navy forces behind, Qing Ye stared at the town that was already in front of her eyes, with a look of surprise on her face, but under the sense of her domineering perception, there was no trace of life fluctuations in the small town. , Like an empty city.

赤 The same is true of the red dogs, yellow apes, and the generals of the Guardian Army in the other three directions, frowned by the strange situation in the town.

In this siege operation, the Five Stars took strict measures to prevent leakage of news. Apart from a few high-level officials, even the accompanying troops were dispatched in the name of the exercise.

But now, there is no one in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. This is undoubtedly shocking. People can't help but wonder whether the news leaked and the Revolutionary Army evacuated here in advance.

Thunderbolt! !! !!

When the Quartet army surrounding the town stopped, Bardigo's sky did not know when it formed a large dark cloud, lightning flashed, and a heavy rain followed.

However, this is not the most amazing thing. The key is that when the rainstorm hits, the thundering flashes in the thick dark clouds covering the sky are getting denser and brighter, and they are suddenly mixed with the rainstorm, facing the Quartet army. Landed a thunderous thunder.


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