MTL - Pirates: Opening Nine Tails Bombs Mary Joa-Chapter 16 Bombard Mary Joa again

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"There's no need to rush this kind of thing."

Yuan Yi said lightly, "It will take some time for the recovery of the nine tails. Don't think that you can quell the resentment of the nine tails. To prove this, we will attack your holy place, Mary Joa."

"?!" Garp's pupils dilated, this group of daring fellows even attacked Mary Joa again? !

"Do you think I'll let you guys do this kind of thing?!" Garp jumped into the air for a moment, and then threw a heavy punch. The powerful armament and domineering condensed on the fist, but the nine tails in the sky seemed to have no entity. , Zero is also illusory, his punch directly penetrated the past without causing any damage!

"It's not a question of whether you let it go..."

Genichi and Kyuubi still stood there, but turned around after Garp passed through. Even though they were wearing masks, they could imagine Genichi's somewhat teasing look.

"Instead, we've done it."

"Okay, although I want to say more, it looks like your comrade has already come over." Genichi looked at Garp who was about to attack again, and he stood up from the head of the nine tails, "Don't think you can control it. Nine-tailed body, even if it is only a part, but... when you are dominated by resentment and pain, you can also become a new nine-tailed."

His body gradually disappeared, and Karp shouted angrily, "Stop! Zero! Haven't answered me who you are?!"

"Just speculate..."

Yuan Yi chuckled and said, "We are afraid of being invisible."

The next moment, the whole world fell apart, and the intertwined reality and fantasy collapsed. Karp woke up from his dream in an instant, then sat up from the bed, gasping for breath.

"Kapp, what happened?!" Warring States was on the side at the moment, and he asked quickly after seeing Karp awake. Karp was about to answer, but suddenly froze.

Because, from above, a huge roar suddenly came from the sky above the entire Red Harbor!


Immediately, there was a shock, even under the red earth continent, they could still feel the huge roar from the Holy Land Mary Joa above the red earth continent!


Attacked the Holy Land Mary Joa? !

"Is it nine tails?!"

Garp and Sengoku got the answer almost at the same time, and said these three words at the same time, the two of them couldn't help but glance at each other, and at the same time saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"Let's talk on the way! Go and stop the Nine-Tails first!"


In the holy land of Mary Joa, the bright stars twinkled in the sky, dispelling a little bit of darkness for this hazy city.

After the normal residents and the dragon people in the Holy Land fell asleep, a large number of slaves were released from their cages and repaired this huge city.

In the part that was previously destroyed by the Nine-Tails, there were still many guards, and many subordinates of the Tianlong people were holding long whips, urging the many slaves inside to rebuild the destroyed urban area.

The nine-tailed beast jade, even though it is far apart, still possesses terrifying energy, but even so, in the hands of many slaves who cannot rest, more than half of the destroyed area has been rebuilt.

And now, they are still working under the threat of CP or guards, and they can't get a rest at all...

However, at this moment, they will get their wished stop, and forever.

In the area not far from the rebuilt city, a dark crack suddenly appeared.


A crimson appeared!

At this moment, the huge energy that suddenly condensed appeared in the darkness, and the next moment turned into a crimson torrent and slammed into the area. Everything along the way was blown away by the storm set off by this huge energy, and finally Boom in the new building.


Although it is far inferior to the tailed beast jade released by the nine-tailed before, this time the distance is closer, and the resulting explosion is also very strong, but in an instant, a large number of worker slaves and guards with long whips inside were swallowed up.

A huge mushroom cloud rose again in the Holy Land not long after a lapse of time. The sudden huge vibration and sound shook the entire Mary Joa. People could hardly believe it. How long has it been since the previous Chambord Islands incident? This originally the safest holy place in the world has been bombarded and destroyed again? !

And, after a beam of light was generated, a beam of light appeared again in the dark crack, and this time the beam of light was not directed at the previous ruin area, but at…

Located in the Holy Land Mary Joa, the dwelling of the Draco people in the depths!


There was another huge roar and strong flash, the powerful energy destroyed a large number of buildings, and a large number of Tianlong people were swallowed by the high temperature and heat in their sleep, but at the same time, there were also a large number of soldiers in the Holy Land. They are the CP0 and some deeper guard 'God Warriors'. UU reading

At this moment, Yuan Yi, who has been transformed into a tailed beast with the power of nine tails in the dark space of Yakong miasma, no longer launches the tailed beast jade, and two tailed beast jade should be the limit, because he is very clear that the whole Marijoa is under surveillance everywhere, and the position where he fired the two tailed beast jades just now should have been exposed, so he has to retreat quickly.

After all, this place is the holy place of the world government no matter what, it is the location of the five most powerful stars. There may not be any kind of masters. Maybe there are demon fruit capable people of the space department or other people who are also very troublesome.

The purpose of his visit this time can be considered to have been achieved. Booming the tailed beast jade twice should be enough to ignite the news that was about to go silent before, and let Warring States and Garp have a precognition dream, especially The main reason for the appearance of the Warring States as a new character is to harvest the positive emotions of the Navy in the future.

After all, the setting of Zero is the enemy of the world government, and it is to destroy the order. It mainly harvests the negative emotions of the navy and the positive emotions of pirates. In order to balance nutrition, there must be someone who is a positive person for the navy to harvest the navy. The positive emotions of the pirates, the negative emotions of the pirates.

At this moment, Mary Joya has become more and more chaotic, more and more people are waking up from their dreams, the footsteps of a large number of government troops and guards are mixed with people's shouts, the entire Mary Joya is blocked in an instant, who Can't get out either.

However, such a blockade could not stop Yuan Yi at all, because he himself was in the space, and this kind of blockade could not stop the movement of the space at all.

When the people in Marijoa carefully identified the monitoring and found that the special energy emerged from a space crack, Yuan had already left Marijoa early in the morning, and headed towards the new world with Toyu Lu.