MTL - Pirates: Silver King-Chapter 366 The country of peace

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   Chapter 366 Return to the Country of Peace

   At this time, the revolutionary army responsible for carrying the money was almost finished, and there were some residual banknotes left on the ground. They were already so rich, and they naturally disliked these residual banknotes.

   This house full of money took the revolutionary army four or five hours to move it all out. Although Bai Chuan had already said that he didn't want it, it was still a little distressing that so much money was lost from his hands.

   "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Drago said contentedly, with an unstoppable smile on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, this time, he received a lot of goods. This is the biggest donation he has received since the establishment of the revolutionary army. .

   These baileys are more than the treasuries of several countries combined.

   "Let's go quickly, before I change my mind, to save me from looking upset here."

"Hahaha." After Dorag laughed a few times, he took his revolutionary army and left happily, and when he left, he used his own abilities to create violent storms and speed up the speed of the ship. For fear of being a second late, Bai Chuan would regret it.

After they left, Ivankov also changed the four transgender people back to their original state, and each of them had a very regretful expression on their faces. Seeing their expressions, Bai Chuan really wanted to come forward. Is it really addicting to smoke them?

   But what Bai Chuan didn't know was that before Ivankov left, they asked for a lot of female hormones and male hormones from Ivankov, almost draining Ivankov.

   If they hadn't seen Ivankov's exhausted appearance, they would have wanted a little more.

   And they have already agreed that if they are out of use, they will go to Ivankov and ask for it. They have already obtained Ivankov's personal contact information.

   As for everything that happened, only the five of them knew, and the others didn't even hear any news.

   "This Dorag, seeing money is like a child seeing candy, unable to walk."

   Bai Chuan said helplessly, but he still focused on Dorag.

   "It's normal, after all, isn't the revolutionary army synonymous with poverty?"

   Hearing Bai Chuan's words, Euristine walked to his side and said.

   "You're right." Bai Chuan nodded in agreement.

Sometimes, Bai Chuan felt aggrieved for Drago, an organization in the world second only to the World Government and the Navy, but it was so bad, not to mention that everyone was shouting and beating a street rat, but they didn't dare to. Bright grows exposed to the outside world.

   After another period of sailing, Shirakawa and the others finally reached the foot of the waterfall in Wano Country. Originally, this giant tortoise could travel almost everywhere, but this waterfall stopped him.

  Because the giant tortoise is too big and the waterfall is very narrow, the giant tortoise cannot climb at all.

   "Captain, it's time for you to take action again."

   They are not incapable of fixing the giant tortoise, but they are a little bit laborious. If Bai Chuan makes a move, wouldn't it be much more convenient and hassle-free.

   "It seems that here, I can only be a tool person."

   "Captain, then you can't say that, this golden city is what you want to bring back, isn't it right that you should bring it up?"

   "Yes, yes, I shouldn't have said that complaint just now."

   Bai Chuan felt that his status in the eyes of the crew was getting lower and lower, and he even dared to make fun of himself, and wanted to see him make a fool of himself.

   If Bai Chuan had just turned into a woman, he might really even have the heart to die.

   Then, Bai Chuan directly controlled the giant tortoise to fly.

   The first time I experienced the giant tortoise in the air was really quite flustered, and the four 'little short legs' were constantly gesturing there.

   But when he found that he was safe, he soon showed an expression of enjoyment, and the feeling of the breeze blowing on his face made him really feel very comfortable.

  When the giant tortoise passed over the heads of the residents of Wano Kingdom, it immediately caused panic among all the residents of Wano Kingdom. They didn't know what happened, but felt that the sky suddenly darkened.

   Then he looked up and saw a giant tortoise with four legs slowly sliding and swimming in the air.

   "Don't be nervous, Your Highness Princess, there is the atmosphere of Your Excellency Bai Chuan and his party. I think this should be brought back by Your Excellency Bai Chuan and the others."

  Kinemon sensed the familiar auras on the giant tortoise with a domineering look.

"That's good."

  Koyukihika breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid of enemy attacks, because if this behemoth fell, no one would have the power to stop it.

  If it were an ordinary enemy attack, they could still easily resist it. The power of the nine red-sheathed warriors around her was not a vegetarian.

   Looking for an open place, Bai Chuan directly controlled the giant tortoise to slowly fall down, but no matter how slow it was, when the giant tortoise fell, it set off a lot of waves.

   Many ships and people in the port have suffered.

   But they didn't dare to complain. Although they didn't know who they were, it was obviously someone they couldn't afford to offend.

   The giant tortoise that returned to the sea again was a little unhappy, and made a few "moo moo" calls to show his dissatisfaction.

   This was the first time Shirakawa and the others heard the giant tortoise make a sound.

   "So you're not dumb."

   Riddle said to the giant tortoise.

   "Moo Moo" Hearing that someone said he was dumb, the giant tortoise got even more angry and called out a few more times.

   "Okay, stop screaming, I'll take you to fly when I get a chance."

   Shirakawa stepped on the giant tortoise's head and said.

   Hearing Bai Chuan's words, the giant tortoise nodded with satisfaction, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

  It must have been hundreds of years that this turtle has grown so big, but the xinxing is indeed not mature at all.

   "Okay, then let's go back to Wano Country."

Bai Chuan and the others finally remembered the Silver Ship, which had been abandoned for so long. It is estimated that the reason why they didn't have a ship spirit on board was not that they were not good enough for their ship and had no feelings for it, but that they always forgot that they had such a ship. ferry.

  When I usually go out, I usually go out in two or three together. I don’t need such a big boat at all. Bai Chuan doesn’t need a boat when he goes out.

  Only when all the crew went to sea this time, did they remember the Baiyin, who had been eating ashes.

   It can be said that if the corrosion of time is not counted, the ship is like new.

   And the people at the port were relieved when they saw that it was Bai Chuan who came down from the giant tortoise.

   "Uristine, you send a few people to recruit a few craftsmen to see if you can repair the Golden City."

   "Okay, Captain."

   "Don't forget to look for the whereabouts of the golden fruit."

   "Yes, Captain."

   (end of this chapter)