MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 11 Chu Liang, okay!

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  Chapter 11 Chu Liang, okay!

   Xu Ziqing probably thought the floor was a little dirty, so she didn't want to sit down, so she stood aside. The little girl has been walking in the middle of the team just now, protected by everyone, she is not tired, and does not need to adjust her breath.

   At this time, everyone was meditating and practicing exercises, and she was a little bored. The agile eyes turned left and right, looking around at the surrounding scenery of the dense forest.

  Suddenly, the front blade trembled, and something seemed to move faintly. She was a little curious, so she stared at it.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound, and a slapping, a palm-sized green toad jumped out from under the leaves! Big bulging eyes, ugly and ferocious.

   This thing is not a monster, so it was not locked by Fang Ting's consciousness, and it approached the range of everyone.


   But even if there was no danger, this scary-looking thing caused great harm to the little girl's heart. She was so frightened that she staggered and took several steps back.

   With this retreat, he stepped out of the range covered by the light of the lantern.

   Just one step.

   Just when everyone's eyes were attracted, a vine at the edge popped up with a whoosh, and opened its fangs!


  The little girl was caught off guard, and was bitten on the calf by this flower demon!

   "Junior Sister Ziqing!" Fang Ting yelled in shock, and instantly struck out with the long sword behind his back.

The stabbing golden dragon swam away, and a surge of thunderous sword energy gushed out, instantly engulfing the body of the flower demon, and plowed out a ten-foot-long road along with the vines, giant trees, and large dense forests behind it. Long and deep ravines.

  Chu Liang had heard from Lin Bei before that the sword on Fang Ting's back was called the Shocking Thunder Sword, and the Golden Elixir he cultivated was also Shenxiao Five Thunder Golden Elixir, specializing in Thunder Sword Qi.

  Seeing the power of this sword at this time, it is really terrifying.

   And this sword with such exaggerated power was close to Xu Ziqing's body, but it didn't scratch her clothes. This kind of control is also amazing.

  There is really a huge gap between the Golden Core Realm cultivator and the Divine Artistic Realm.

  But no matter how violent his follow-up revenge is, it can't change the fact that Xu Ziqing has been bitten by the flower demon. The little girl stumbled and fell to the ground. She didn't move too slowly, and hurriedly worked to stop the bleeding, but soon, she heard another scream in panic.

   "This flower demon is poisonous..."

  Looking over again, it turned out that at the part of her raised trouser leg, between the smooth and white calf and the ankle, the deep wound was oozing black blood. The surrounding skin was somewhat soaked in black air.

   "The ivy flower demon in this forest is non-toxic, the one just now... should be the mutated wisteria flower demon." Fang Ting said.

"This is bad." Lin Beidao: "The antidote we prepared is the antidote to deal with the miasma in the forest. This wisteria flower demon is quite rare, and we have no antidote to deal with it... For the present plan, There is only one way!"

   "What?" Everyone looked at him.

  Seeing Lin Bei's generous and righteous expression on his face, he said resolutely: "Junior Sister Ziqing, you can seal the qi and blood yourself and delay the poisonous force from entering the body. I will use my skills to help you **** out the poisonous blood!"

   As he spoke, he bared his teeth and grinned, as if he was already preparing for the activity.

   "Nonsense!" Fang Ting frowned and scolded, "Your cultivation base is about the same as Junior Sister Ziqing's. If you **** out the poisonous blood, what should you do? Well... I have a high cultivation base, so I will **** it."

  Until this time, the taciturn Lu Rencai also said: "Senior Brother Fang has a heavy responsibility, and it is not appropriate to take risks. Brother Lin's cultivation base is relatively low, so don't act rashly. Well, let me smoke it."

   After finishing speaking, he also licked his lips.

   "Ah..." The little girl was holding her delicate little feet, her voice was already crying. The current scene was obviously something she had never imagined.

   While the three were arguing, Chu Liang from the other side interjected: "Everyone, I..."

  Lin Bei looked up at him: "What's wrong? You want to have a bite too?"

   "No." Chu Liang shook his head and said, "I just want to say that I have a medicine that can detoxify, maybe it can cure the flower demon poison in Junior Sister Xu."

   "What?" Xu Ziqing immediately looked at Chu Liang as if grasping at a straw, and said, "Senior Brother Chu, do you really have the antidote?"

   "That's right, although it's not specifically for flower demon poison, it should have some effect." Chu Liang took out Baihuasan and said.

   "It's not a special antidote, but there are still some risks." Lin Bei seemed a little reluctant, and looked at Xu Ziqing, "Junior Sister Ziqing, look for yourself..."

   "There are only two options in this situation, **** it out with your mouth or take medicine?"

   "I take medicine!"

  Xu Ziqing said without hesitation.

  Chu Liang handed Baihua over and said, "Half of it is taken internally and half is applied externally."

   "Okay, thank you, Senior Brother Chu." Xu Ziqing burst into tears of gratitude.

   "Oh." Lin Bei sighed, and said with guilt on his face: "I can't help you with anything, and my conscience is really troubled. Since I can't help you **** poisonous blood, why don't I apply the medicine for you."

   These words only got Xu Ziqing a big white eye.

  According to Chu Liang's instructions, she divided the Baihuasan into two halves, applied one half to the wound, and swallowed the other half with water, and then adjusted her breathing with exercise.

   Unexpectedly, it was only time for a cup of tea, and the black air in the wound had completely faded away! Even the bowl-sized wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Of course there are reasons for the exuberant qi and blood of the practitioners, but the healing effect of Baihuasan must also help a lot.

   "Brother Chu, your medicine is really effective!" Xu Ziqing looked at Chu Liang in surprise.

   "As long as it works." Chu Liang just smiled lightly.

  For a cultivator, as long as there is no demon poison, casual skin and flesh injuries will have no effect at all. Xu Ziqing applied some trauma ointment again, and immediately stood up like a normal person, alive and kicking.

  I don't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that after taking the medicine given by Chu Liang, her body began to emit a fragrance, and this fragrance actually changed. At first it was a faint jasmine scent, with a sweet rose scent in the middle, and then it became... well... a strange smell that I had never smelled before, and it was very strong.

   Probably some kind of floral fragrance, right?

  After resuming her actions, she Yingying came to Chu Liang's side, and said softly, "Senior Brother Chu, how should I thank you?"

   "It's okay." Chu Liang said with a smile: "You give me the Qi Gathering Pill, and I'll give you Baihuasan. Reciprocity is a gift."

   "But..." The little girl tilted her head, "How do you compare Qi Gathering Pill and your Baihuasan...?"

  Chu Liang waved his hand and said: "We are both from the same family and friends, so why are you so clear?"

   "Are we friends..." Xu Ziqing was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly smiled happily, "Okay."

   At this time, Lin Bei also asked next to him: "However, Brother Chu, didn't you get pulled over by us directly when you were changing swords? You always carry the antidote with you?"

   "Be prepared." Chu Liang answered lightly.

   Not long after, Fang Ting called the team to start again, and Chu Liang immediately went to the front again, taking on the task of opening the way again.

   This time, everyone looked at his back, and their eyes were much softer than before. Now all the disciples of Jade Sword Peak feel in their hearts... this disciple of Silver Sword Peak can deal with it. He really fights monsters and takes medicines.

  Chu Liang, okay!

  (end of this chapter)