MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 763 retreat! retreat! retreat! 【2 in 1】

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  Chapter 763 Retire! retreat! retreat! 【2 in 1】

   "Brother in charge, something is wrong."

   "The joint riot of the descendants of the Three Islands of Penglai was too large for law enforcement disciples to stop, and they have already surrounded Mirage Mountain."

   "The upper patriarchal formation is temporarily opened, and they have been blocked from the outside. How to deal with it, please let the brother in charge decide."

  In the Penglai Zhangjiao cave, a slender Taoist priest with a goatee and a dark complexion was looking at the Taoist common people with a little embarrassment.

  This person is Taoist Canghong who is in charge of the affairs of the Three Islands of Penglai in the Shangzong of Penglai.

   I don’t want to suddenly encounter a big wave today.

   Headmaster Penglai hadn't shown up for a long time, and everyone thought he was in retreat. Taoist Canghong finally knocked on the door of the cave, only to find that the brother in charge was missing an arm, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

   Taoist Cangsheng just shook his head to signal him not to ask more questions, and asked him to talk about his own affairs, and then Taoist Canghong told about the riots in the three islands of Xiazong.

   "Mishima has always been calm, why did it suddenly explode today?" Cang Sheng Taoist's face was calm, but he was not panicked.

"I sent someone to investigate right away. There was some turmoil earlier today, and someone took the opportunity to stir up..." Taoist Canghong waved his hand and created a scene of light and shadow. The situation at that time was revealed.”

  At first, it was just a young man from the next sect who was caught stealing spiritual plants, and the disciples of the law enforcement team were going to execute him in public. It was a common thing in Mishima. If the law is not strict, the theft of spiritual plants will spread and it will be impossible to prevent it.

   But at this time, two young men suddenly rushed out, knocked down the law enforcement disciples, and then one of them started an impassioned speech...

  Although his face is pitch-black, but with his delicate and handsome facial features, brilliant tongue and lotus-like language, and the strength of Tianjiao in the seventh realm, there is no other person except Chu Liang of the Shushan School.

   Seeing this figure appear, Taoist Cangsheng's pupils shrank obviously.

  When the lights and shadows were over, Chu Liang raised his arms and shouted, calling on the descendants of Fanghu Immortal Island to go to the other two Immortal Islands and unite everyone to riot together.

   "I don't know whose talisman they used to enter Fanghu Island. They should have left by now, and these two people were no longer seen in the rioting crowd." Taoist Canghong continued.

   "Chu Liang..." Taoist Cang Sheng muttered.

   "Brother in charge, it doesn't matter who that person is for the time being, what matters is how to calm down the Three Islands Rebellion!" Seeing that he seemed to be more interested in Chu Liang, Taoist Canghong hurriedly reminded him.

   "The chaos of Xiazong has never happened before." Cangsheng Taoist slowly spit out a word, "Kill."

   "Huh?" Taoist Canghong seemed a little surprised by this, but he was a little confused: "How many kills will it take..."

   "Of course it is to kill the two disciples of the law enforcement team." Cang Sheng replied indifferently, "You must be gentle with the next family members and not suppress them."

   "This..." Taoist Canghong hesitated, "You want to kill the disciples of the Shangzong?"

He understands the reason why it cannot be suppressed. Penglai has been stared at by the immortal sects, and this time the incident was provoked by outsiders. Even if the riot can be suppressed forcefully, it will definitely be publicized. Take it to make an article.

   And that speech has already been heard by the next sect. In their hearts, if they kill people, how many people are enough? I am afraid that killing less will only arouse the rebellious heart of the next sect, adding to the chaos, and killing more... Where can I find so many low-level practitioners to work?


  The Law Enforcement Team of the Upper School is all his direct descendants. The two law enforcement disciples who were defeated by Xu Ziyang, the members of the Lower School did not dare to kill even if they rioted, and they were rescued by Canghong later.

   Now that Cang Sheng wanted to kill the disciples of the upper sect in order to appease the lower sect, he inevitably hesitated.

"The two disciples of the Law Enforcement Team were unreasonable and rashly killed them. They caused such a catastrophe. Let them be killed as an example." Cang Sheng continued: "The new law of Penglai Three Islands has been under discussion for a long time, and this time it is legally implemented. The next three If the Dao Shita sect urgently needs a spiritual plant to save their lives, they can report to the law enforcement team to pick it up. After working in Mishima for a certain number of years, they can also exchange for a spiritual plant for themselves. How to implement it needs to be discussed again, and let the Mishima elect a few representatives of the Xia sect Let's talk."

   Taoist Canghong nodded while listening, but then frowned and said: "But in this way, the loss of spiritual plants will be greatly increased, will it affect the practice of the Shangzong..."

Cangsheng glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Don't think that no one knows what you and your law enforcement team are doing. The Lingzhi you have sold over the years is enough to supply Xia Zong Sandao. In the future, if you dare If you guard yourself and steal yourself, you will be guilty of the same crime as the next clan."

   "Brother Master..." Taoist Canghong was startled when he heard the words, and quickly stood up with a guilty look on his face.

  The reason why he was able to get the three islands of Xiazong, a rich and leisurely place, is because he and Daoist Cangsheng are the same master, and he can be regarded as the junior in the direct line of the head teacher. Once he lost the trust of the common people, he would not be able to compete with other powerful elders in terms of strength.

   Fortunately, Daoist Cangsheng did not intend to pursue further, but looked towards the west with a little playfulness.

   "I just don't know how to attack you..." Cang Sheng murmured, "Unexpectedly, you found a way to kill yourself."


   "Ah Choo—"

  Chu Liang rubbed his nose, presumably the people from Penglai were scolding him. When this incident broke out, it must be the end of Shangzong's retreat, which is equivalent to causing huge losses to Penglai Shangzong in disguise.

   Of course, the most important thing is justice.

  The glory of Penglai Shangzong in these years was all obtained by absorbing the blood of the entire East China Sea. Too far away from the Immortal Realm and too close to Penglai, Xia Zong has already suffered terribly, otherwise it would not be so easy to call.

  Here, Chu Liang had already hidden his achievements and fame, and the three of them returned to Zhongshan Jianlu with two bronze talismans.

  Xu Ziyang first sacrificed the God of Transcending Tribulation Bronze again, and then took out the copper talisman that had been merged into one, and put it in front of the God Bronze.


  At the moment when the bronze talisman appeared, the God of Transcending Tribulation suddenly emitted a dense light, and the copper talisman flew up by itself, submerged in the shining God of Transcending Tribulation.

  The sacred copper, which could not be smelted by the strongest samadhi fire in the world, changed for the first time. The moment the divine copper was opened, an endless aura of prehistoricness leaked out, accompanied by indescribable sorrow.

  It is a pity that lovers have been separated for tens of thousands of years.

   Xu Ziyang, who was standing at the front, also felt a wave of emotion... that was gratitude.

  A ray of light from the Transcending Tribulation God Bronze suddenly came out and floated to Xu Ziyang's chest. He stretched out his hand to take it, it was a fragment of the God Bronze more than three feet long.

  The rest of the divine copper shrunk into a small bronze talisman and came to Chu Liang.

   "Me?" Chu Liang was taken aback for a moment, "What is this for?"

"The **** copper has spirit..." Chen Buyi pondered and said: "Part of what he gave Xu Shaoxia was to thank him for fulfilling the agreement. And the main body follows you, it should be because it thinks that it is possible to find opportunities. Not only people are practicing to find transcendence, but the spirit of the weapon The same is true. There have always been spiritual artifacts, and they all have the ability to choose the master."

   "This..." Chu Liang looked at Xu Ziyang.

  If it was someone else, he would be happy to accept it. But Xu Ziyang's harvest of the Tribulation Bronze is naturally not easy for him to keep it for himself.

   "You just accept it." Xu Ziyang smiled and said: "Jiuli Secret Realm is for us to explore together, and we should share the gains with each other. Giving me the three-foot **** copper is enough for my efforts."

   Hearing what he said, Chu Liang put away the bronze talisman.

  Although this kind of artifact-level material is extremely precious, it really needs to wait for an opportunity. Even if you keep it in your hand, it is actually useless.

Instead, Chen Buyi looked at the three-foot bronze in Xu Ziyang's palm, and said, "If it's the complete Divine Bronze of Transcending Tribulation, I would definitely not dare to try to refine it. But for this three-foot bronze, I can try to forge a sword for you. "

  The three of them were overjoyed when they heard the words, "Then thank you, Master Chen."

   "It's just such an excellent material, I still need to think about how to refine it." Master Chen frowned and said, "I need to find inspiration."

   "Senior!" Chu Liang grabbed Chen Buyan's sleeve and said earnestly, "Is inspiration so hard to come by?"

  If the old man finds inspiration, who knows how long it will take for a ten-day and a half-month match, you still have to urge him.

   "You don't understand the ancient method of casting a sword..." Chen Buyan sighed, "It's very difficult."

  Chu Liang stuffed a storage jade slip into his hand, and said firmly, "How about working hard?"

   "Cough..." Chen Buyan checked his spiritual sense and coughed, "Young Xia Chu, don't worry, I promise to do my best."

  Chu Liang stuffed another jade slip in the past, "Isn't there something like inspiration?"

  Chen Buyan raised his eyebrows, his eyes turned and he said: "I feel that the inspiration is very close, let me think a little bit..."

  Chu Liang stuffed the last jade slip again, and said heavily: "No, how about we speed up the inspiration?"

  Chen Buyan raised his eyebrows, "I thought of it! The God of Transcending Tribulation Bronze should be refined in this way, I thought of it! Disciples, open the furnace to forge swords!"

  A group of disciples over there yelled and responded, Master Chen practicing swords is a rare event in Zhongshan Sword House, and the whole sword house immediately started working in full swing.

   On the contrary, the three of Chu and Liang became the most idle people because they couldn't help, so they waited and watched from the side.

"With the **** copper as the material and Master Chen's shot, this time it is at least the top 50 magic sword in Wanbaolu!" Lin Bei asked Xu Ziyang: "Elder brother, have you decided what name you want to give this sword? "

  Xu Ziyang shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

  Lin Bei thought: "Since this is a sword given by the spirit of the Bronze City, why not call it... the Bronze City Sword?"


  Why aren’t you called Wubajian?

  Chu Liang was about to stop him, when Xu Ziyang said, "If you say that, I think Qingcheng Sword is better."


  The wind blows over Zhanling Mountain, and there is a lot of voices.

  Zhang Chen walked up to the mottled and simple high platform silently, with a calm face.

  Zhanling Mountain is a martial arts sect, and the most indispensable thing on the mountain is the ring. The biggest arena in this mountain gate is called the Judgment Stage. This simple and crude method will be used whenever there are conflicts in the door and the arbitration is unclear.


   Big fists make sense.

   Today, Zhang Chen walked up to this judging platform for the same reason. Since the conflict between Yushan Academy and Zhanling Mountain is unclear, let's single it out. It's just that the stakes in this battle are very high, not only the outcome of the two, but also the ten places of Zhanling Mountain and Yushan Academy, and the loser will withdraw.

   Opposite Zhang Chen was a man wearing a thick and heavy cloak, with knotted muscles like an iron tower. The broad face has leopard eyebrows and eyes, brown beard and beard, and the face is equally solemn.

  This generation of Zhanling Mountain Lord Qiu Fenglie is known as a strong man in the Northwest. As possibly the strongest among the Zhanling Mountain Lords of all dynasties, his energy actually far exceeds his own realm.

  Many of the Kyushu generals in the Yu Dynasty went to Zhanling Mountain to practice. Although Qiu Fenglie is not in the court, his status in the army is definitely not lower than that of any general in the court.

  Because of this, Zhanling Mountain actually has the strong support of the military in this competition for ten places. It's just because the wind direction is different from that of the imperial court, so it can't be said on the bright side.

   It can be said that apart from Taisui Dao of the Tianxing series, which has the most votes, Zhanling Mountain has the greatest hope.

  As for Yushan Academy, it seems more like they came to make up the numbers.

  So in this bet, the bets on both sides seem fair, but in fact they are unfair. But Zhang Chen had just entered the seventh realm, and his strength was obviously much weaker, so Qiu Fenglie would agree with him this time.

   "Lord Qiu Shan." Zhang Chen took the lead in giving a junior salute, "I offended you."

   "You don't need to talk so much about etiquette, just let the horse come here." Qiu Fenglie took a step forward, his shoulders shook, and the cloak fluttered, revealing a dragon scale armor!

  Following his shining armor, bursts of terrifying coercion overwhelmed Zhang Chen, and there was no room for breathing in the entire arena.

   Behind Qiu Fenglie stood a group of martial arts practitioners such as Zhanling Mountain and Tiangangmen, all of them baring their teeth and claws, cheering and cheering. Behind Zhang Chen is a group of Confucianism practitioners such as Shenglong Academy and Junzitang. They seem to be a little more civilized, and most of them are secretly sweating for Zhang Chen.

   "Please enlighten me." Zhang Chen was calm and calm, and did not make the first move.

   "Hmph." Qiu Fenglie snorted suddenly.

  Although he did have three-point fear of this young man in his heart, as soon as he stood on the ring, the strong self-confidence honed in his hundreds of battles immediately filled his heart, and his aura completely crushed the opponent.


  Qiu Fenglie stomped heavily on his left foot, his figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already on top of Zhang Chen's head.

  Most martial arts practitioners prove the Dao with strength, and they advance rapidly in the early stage. After reaching the seventh realm, due to lack of comprehension, it is difficult to understand the Dao, and their strength always suffers.

  But Qiu Fenglie is different among them. As a senior seventh-level expert, he has comprehended nearly ten avenues, most of which have nothing to do with martial arts practice.

   If you are not a warrior, you are only slightly stronger. But with the identity of a warrior, this wisdom and understanding is worthy of being called a peerless genius.

  It's like raising a talented person from an illiterate family, the difficulty is always much greater.

  He punched Zhang Chen's head with the sound of strong wind and thunder!

  The Yinfeng Avenue is endless, and the Yanglei Avenue is the sky.

  The power of the two paths converged in one place, and Zhang Chen was about to be smashed into a pulp with one punch, but there was no mercy in any attack! This blow is sure to kill!

   And Zhang Chen didn't even raise his head, or he didn't even have time to raise his head. The speed of the peak fighters in the seventh realm was still extremely fast for the same realm.

   But he didn't need to take a look. When Qiu Fenglie disappeared from sight, he knew that he was bound to come close to him.

   Seeing that Zhang Chen still did not dodge or evade, but was fighting with thunder, he suddenly shouted: "Back!"

   With this sound, Qiu Fenglie's body involuntarily fell backwards, retreating more than ten feet away.

This is…

   There was an uproar on and off the court, the magic trick, the way of saying it? !

   This immortal technique was indeed Zhang Chen's specialty before, but it has reached the seventh realm, and everyone is fighting with the Dao, and the effect of the immortal technique is already negligible. Especially Qiu Fenglie's cultivation base is higher than his, so there is no chance of it working.

  Why is his speech so powerful?

   Just when everyone was surprised, Zhang Chen suddenly said again: "Back!"

   At the second retreat word, Qiu Fenglie's body involuntarily slid back again, retreating more than ten feet, and he was about to fall below the ring. Relying on his powerful divine sense, he forcibly resisted that will, and barely managed to slam one foot on the edge of the ring to stabilize it.

   Fortunately, there is no defeat. The farther the distance from the words, the more powerful the power will be reduced. At this distance, it is impossible for Zhang Chen to affect him anymore.

  But the fact that his previous two voices could affect him already confused Qiu Fenglie very much.

   But soon he knew the answer.

  Seeing Zhang Chen pointing his halberd, a white scroll was raised in the sky, a ball of brilliance like stars!

   "This is..." The martial arts practitioners behind Qiu Fenglie all showed extremely shocked expressions, "A broken book?!"

  That’s right, they don’t know what this magic weapon is, but they are surprised that an ancient book with broken pages has such spirituality, it’s simply terrifying.

   "..." The Confucian practitioners behind Zhang Chen were speechless for a while, and Shen Tuyang, the deputy head of the mountain, said loudly: "A bunch of uneducated people, this is called Zhengqi Remnants!"

   "Hiss—" The martial arts practitioners over there gasped in unison, "It's actually a fragment of the righteousness scroll!"

  Shen Tuyang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You don't know what it is, do you?"

  The martial arts practitioners looked at each other, and looked at each other with a guilty conscience, it seemed that he was talking about it.

  In fact, this is not an unknown thing. Three thousand years ago, the Zhengqi scroll has always been the treasure of Confucianism. At that time, there was no record of treasures, but Zhengqi Juan was almost among the top ten artifacts in the world, and it was the only one among the artifacts that did not come from the sky.

   That is the last handwriting of Huo Xiang, the proponent of Confucianism, the semi-sage Huo Xiang, summarizing the essence of the half-sage's life. Later generations of scholars will be able to add spirituality to the righteousness scroll when they condense their righteousness, and it has been accumulated for many years before they have the power of a divine weapon.

   It was just that during the chaos of the demon gods that year, the leader of the Confucianism sect was killed, and the Zhengqi scroll was destroyed by the demon gods of the ninth realm, and his whereabouts were unknown for a while.

  Last year, during an exploration of a secret realm, Zhang Chen accidentally found the righteousness scroll. Although it was broken, its spirituality was still extremely strong. It is precisely because of his comprehension of the fragments of the Zhengqi scroll that he can comprehend the Dao of Zhengqi so quickly.

   It is also by virtue of this treasure that he has the confidence to overcome the huge gap in cultivation and challenge Qiu Fenglie, who has been famous for many years.

   Now it seems that the power of the fragments of Zhengqi scroll is really great. With the blessing of this magic weapon, his words can be easily resisted by people.

  Of course, the Righteous Qi Scroll and the Righteous Way doomed him to only do righteous things. If he wants to use this method to order others to do something against the righteous way, he will immediately be backlashed by the Dao and the magic weapon.

  A decent person like Qiu Fenglie can only be driven back, not killed.

  Although there are taboos of one kind or another, for Zhang Chen who can be recognized by the Dao of Righteousness, in fact, that is his act of following his heart, and it is not a restraint.

  Looking at Qiu Fenglie standing on the edge of the ring, already on the verge of falling, Zhang Chen uttered a third voice without hesitation: "Back!"

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)