MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 778 Peach Blossom Village [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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  Chapter 778 Peach Blossom Village【Ask for a monthly pass! 】


When there was only a short section of the incense column left, Chu Liang and Xihai Sword Emperor reached the end of the corridor. There was a high pure white wall with a slow platform in front of the wall. light gap.

  It seems that as long as you enter that gap, you can enter the next level of Sword Domain, but then you should not be able to return, so the Whale Riding Immortal did not enter in a hurry, but waited on the high platform.

   Above the crack, hangs a shining sword. When the sword is erected from time to time, it will emit a burst of sword light. The quality of this sword is not inferior to Xiaoyun ancient sword, but it is only used as a tool in the formation in this secret realm.

  After Chu Liang took the stage, he removed the remaining puppets beside him and turned around. Thanks to him, no passer-by died along the way, and everyone galloped all the way, not far from the end.

  Jiang Yuebai and Yin Lao came after them. Seeing that the stick of incense was about to burn out, the passers-by behind all rushed to catch up. But just when they were about to arrive, the sword light lit up again!

  If you stay still at this time, the incense candle will burn out, and the sword light will come in an instant; but if you ignore it, then you will still be dead if you move forward.

  At the critical moment, the Whale Riding Immortal shouted: "Go!"

   This sound was like thunder, and the few people who heard it continued to rush forward without hesitation.

  The sword light flashed, and in an instant, three white lights shot out. The Whale Riding Immortal waved his sleeves, and surrounded several white lights nearby.


  His sleeves shattered at the sound, and he took a few steps back. With his cultivation, he could indeed hold the sword light, but that's all.

  But with this critical resistance, the last few passers-by were able to go ashore and landed in the safe range above the high platform.

   Two generations of Shushan Flying Sword Racing Champions teamed up and finally saved everyone present.

   "Thank you all benefactors!"

  Those fellow passers-by were safe, and their shock was still undecided. They bowed their heads at the same time, and thanked Chu Liang and Immortal Whale Rider.

   "There's no need to be too polite." Chu Liang quickly helped everyone up, "It's just a little effort."

   "Thank you in no hurry, let's see what's in the next level of Sword Domain first?" Said the Whale Riding Immortal, and rushed in first.


  The brilliance flashed again, and when everyone landed on the ground, they saw a peach blossom in their eyes.

   "It smells so good." Jiang Yuebai's nose twitched.

"here it is…"

  Chu Liang looked around, peach blossoms were in full bloom all around, and the sky was flying red like snowflakes. When I first arrived, it was a lush peach blossom forest, as if I was in an illusion.

  The crack behind him disappeared and there was no way out.

   Before the newcomers could gain a firm footing, they heard the sound of a cannon in front of them, boom!

  Everyone was on alert immediately. They rushed out of the life-and-death crisis in the corridor just now, and their spirits were still quite tense. When they heard the sound, they felt that danger was approaching.

   Who would have thought that rushing out from the peach forest in front was actually a group of men and women of various colors in colorful clothes, probably dozens of people. Under the leadership of an old man with a high crown, they surrounded him with smiles all over their faces, and looked extremely enthusiastic.

"Welcome new friends!" The old man said loudly: "I am the village head of Taohua Village. You must be tired after passing Yujian Pass. Come and sit in our village. If you don't want to go any further, you can live nearby Next, we warmly welcome you."

  He pointed to a house not far away, it seems that there is really a big village. Of course, compared with the Tiangong City outside, the scale is naturally incomparable.

   I think this is the place where people who have passed Yujian Pass but don’t want to go to the next pass stay here, and this kind of mountain village has gradually multiplied.

   The passers-by who came with them were a little moved, and it seemed that they didn't want to go forward any more. At this moment, they also saw the reality clearly. Without the help of Chu Liang and Immortal Whale Rider, it might not be certain how many people would survive here, and they would not be able to count on others to save them every time.

  But Chu Liang and the others didn't intend to stay here any longer. The Whale Riding Immortal waved his hands and said, "We won't rest any longer. Please tell us where the entrance to the next level is, and we'll go there."

   "Hey—" The old man raised his hand a little, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, we have a rule here, if you want to pass the level, you must complete one thing."

   "What?" Everyone asked.

  I heard the old man say: "Have a baby."


In fact, like this kind of isolated and sparsely populated place, reproduction is a great predicament for them. In many cases, the intermingling of the original blood cannot be avoided. After such a long time, it is easy to appear the emperor phoenix—especially the part of wisdom .

  So every foreign blood is very precious, and it is understandable that there are requirements for having children. But for Chu Liang and others who were going to the next floor, this was a bit difficult.

"Brother, you're a bit embarrassing." The Whale Riding Immortal spread his hands and said, "You said that it's okay for us who are strong and strong to have such demands on us. You said that this old man, how could he be okay? ?”

  He pointed to Old Yin. The old man almost died outside, and he passed through the Yujian Pass. He looked really weak at the moment.

   But upon hearing the words of Whale Riding Immortal, Elder Yin still puffed out his chest, and said resolutely: "Who said I can't do it anymore?!"


  Men are afraid to die, right?

  Looking at Elder Yin's posture, even if one day Shouyuan is dying, whoever asks him if he can do it now will have to use his last breath to support him.

   "It's not easy for us here!" The village chief lamented, "To tell you the truth, I think this old brother is not a few years older than me, and I still work hard all day long..."

   "Isn't there a few strong young men staying here?" The Whale Riding Immortal pointed to the few passers-by who came with him, and said, "We are in a hurry, so let us go first."

"No." The village chief shook his head resolutely, "rules are rules, if you don't agree, don't even think about leaving here. I think you have a high level of cultivation, maybe we are not your opponent together, but the next level is the place to break through the level. Only I know. If you don't stay, then I won't tell you."

   "Hey..." Immortal Whale Rider saw that the old man was not good enough, so he immediately wanted to use some means. With his "Sanskrit Prajna" attainment, it was not difficult for the village chief to speak out by himself. It's just that in that case, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts.

  Chu Liang quickly waved his hands and said, "Take a step to speak."

   As he spoke, he pulled the village chief over and took out a spiritual plant, saying, "Village chief, what do you think this is?"

   "Treasures of nature and earth." The village chief curled his lips in disdain, "The most indispensable thing here is spiritual energy. This thing is available on any mountain. You can pick more if you like."

   "Is that so..." Chu Liang smiled mischievously. The bribe failed. He thought for a while, then took out another object and said, "What do you think this is?"

  What he took out this time was a book, and the village chief took it and stared at him immediately: "Huh?"

   "Hush..." Chu Liang raised a finger and said, "Don't say anything, I still have a lot like this. If you tell us where to leave, I'll leave them all to you."

  This book is one of the albums he purchased for Master outside.

   This time I went out to help Emperor Feng buy several sets of rare picture albums, many of which were forbidden in Yu Dynasty and could only be obtained outside Kyushu. I didn't have time to send it to her, but it came in handy here.

  The old village head really looked distressed, and he seemed very entangled.

"Think about it, with these things, will the birth rate in our village be much higher?" Chu Liang persuaded seriously: "Let me tell you, this thing is not easy to get outside. If you If you don’t want it, then I’ll keep it for myself.”

   "Okay, okay!" The village chief gritted his teeth and said, "I'll take you there!"

  Jiang Yuebai looked at the village head who had suddenly changed, and asked Chu Liang curiously: "What did you give him? Let him change his mind so quickly."

   "Hey, just do what you like." Chu Liang smiled: "Do you want to see it?"

   "What is it?" Jiang Yuebai blinked, and stretched out her hand out of curiosity.

  Chu Liang took out a picture album and handed it to her, and immediately heard a muffled sound.


  The village chief was leading the way, when he suddenly saw Chu Liang's figure draw an arc and throw it flying, hitting a mountain peak in the distance.

  The old man couldn't help shaking his head, "This young man is so impatient."

  Old Yin also smiled narrowly: "Young people, urgency is inevitable."

  He turned his head and said to the Whale Riding Immortal: "The road map below has been recorded. The second pass of Jianyu Tiangong is Chengjian Pass."

   "Chengjian Pass?"

"At the second level, we will enter a place where swords are hidden all over the place, and the flying swords on it will shoot towards the passers-by one by one. They are all swords that lift the sky and are extremely powerful. And the passers-by not only have to avoid the flying swords The sword's attack, but also to catch the flying sword, relying on the flying sword in hand to pass the level."

   "This is for the sword."

good evening.



  (end of this chapter)