MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 271

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"Yes... I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore. As long as you spare me, I will do good deeds in the future and become your most loyal dog." Fear made him inarticulate and trembling all over.

"Don't insult the dog, the dog is the friend of man, and you are the enemy of man."

The tyrannical thunder and lightning flashed a terrifying pale blue light, and Prince Langton could not escape from the thundercloud.

Inside the thundercloud, a wolf formed by countless lightning bolts bit Prince Langton's body with his teeth.

Prince Langton's life and death were only in Li Zijin's thoughts.

In fact, Li Zijin's original purpose was to hope that Prince Langton could grow by himself.

After he leaves the secret realm, he can become Li Zijin's biggest experience pack in reality.

However, if he is allowed to leave the secret realm alive, how many innocent people will die for this in reality?

"Let's dance, wolves."

Li Zijin snapped his fingers, and Prince Langton's screams came from within the thundercloud.

Chapter 77 The end of the assessment

After the thundercloud dissipated, only the dark bones and a fat man in a suit were left.

He is the demon Chugel who resides in Prince Randon's body.

Originally, the devil Chugel wanted to resist, but when he raised his head to look at the white wolf lying on the ground behind Li Zijin, the thought of resistance disappeared instantly.

He knelt down and said earnestly:

"If I knew it was you, Your Majesty, I would be willing to be your nourishment."

"Then go to die."

The white wolf opened its **** mouth and ate the fat man in an instant.

Since then, Langton Stuart Copenhagen has become one of the deceased in this assessment.

"Everyone, the show is over, come in."

As soon as the words fell, the girls from Tom, Kutak, and Fuuma Ninja entered the audience hall one after another.

When they saw the pitch-black skeleton, the column members didn't show any puzzled expressions. They didn't even bypass Langton's skeleton, but stepped on it directly.

In the original timeline, Langton would become an important hidden danger for the international column. With absolute political correctness, the originally monolithic international column was divided into two major factions, and the endless column civil war began.

Langton also grew rapidly during the civil war and became an enemy that Li Zijin also had to take seriously.

But now that he is dead, the greatest threat to the future is gone.

"It's finally over, Ivy, Olina, was I handsome enough just now?"

"He's very handsome, as expected of a man I like." Ivy took Li Zijin's arm and smiled.

Olina frowned and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Li Zijin, what do you mean? Why do you call Ivy's name first and not mine when you call our two names?"

"Is it still necessary to ask, of course, because in his heart, I am more important than you."

Ivy said proudly.

"No, you are just as important."

Li Zijin was a little speechless. He didn't expect Olina to be so sensitive that she cared about the order in which she called them by name.

In order to divert the topic, Li Zijin said to Olina:

"This assessment is about to end, and we will be parting soon. Before that, how about drawing a picture for all of us?"

"Alright, then I'll go get the drawing board and brushes, you wait."

After leaving the palace, the cracks in the sky were getting bigger and bigger, and a cyclic sound like a broadcast entered the ears of the students:

"The assessment is over, and the death toll this time is 21."

Compared with the last time, the number of deaths this time is much lower.

The teleportation array from the secret realm to reality has begun to appear, and some students from the Eastern Continent Empire and the Southern Continent have been teleported back to the square of Stigma Academy.

Olina hurriedly ran to the palace holding the drawing board. She had to draw another painting at the end, but because of her rush, Olina fell on the ground.

"It's alright, Your Highness Olina."

Heinz, who joined the international column, happened to see Olina on the promenade, so he stepped forward to ask.

But when Heinz reached out his hand to help Olina, Olina slapped Heinz's hand away.

"Ah, looks like I'm being treated as a traitor."

Aware of Olina's attitude, Heinz felt a little helpless.

"I'm not pursuing you for joining the International Column," Olina said, staring at Heinz, "I mean, only Li Zijin can take my hand and stand up, I'm his woman, if he If I'm not around, where I fall, I'll stand up on my own."

"It's amazing, Your Highness Olina, then I'll go back to Stigma Academy first, and come back early after you finish painting."

Heinz walked into the teleportation array with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the palace hall, Miss Ivy took Li Zijin's arm:

"I'm going to be separated from you, I'm really sorry."

"All the wisdom of life is contained in five words: waiting and hope." Li Zijin smiled, "So, live happily, Ivy, when we meet again, we will form a happy family, before that , you have to do your best."

At this time, Olina rushed back with a trot, holding the drawing board and the paint board in her hands.

"Li Zijin, you and Ivy sit on the throne and pose, I'm going to draw."

"I can't believe that you are willing to draw me."

Ivy was a little surprised.

"Our misunderstanding has been resolved, and naturally we will draw you into the painting as a model."

"Okay, then he and I will try to pose as intimate as possible. You can restore all our loving appearances on paper."

"Hmph, stop being narcissistic, the person he likes is me, and the only place you can attract him is that nasty body."

Li Zijin was a little speechless to the two girls.

"Okay, hurry up and draw. You will be back to Stigma Academy in two hours. Time is running out."

"I know, keep your posture and don't move!"

Li Zijin sat on the throne, while Ivy sat on Li Zijin's lap and kissed Li Zijin's cheek.

Olina swiped her brush diligently, wishing to pour her life's artistic cells on the drawing paper. Every stroke was done with great care, and even a trace of sweat appeared on her fair forehead.

One hour and forty minutes later, Olina put down the paintbrush in her hand in relief and sighed:

"Okay, it's done."

"Let me take a look." Ivy couldn't wait to walk to the painting, but then said with a dissatisfied face, "What is this painting?"

"Of course it's art," Olina took the painting she just drew from the drawing board and ran to Li Zijin, "Do you look good?"

In the oil painting, Olina's private goods were added. In the oil painting, Li Zijin hugs Ivy on the left and Olina on the right.

Ivy in the picture looks very flattering, but Li Zijin ignores Ivy's existence and kisses the shy Olina in her arms.

"How is it, does it look good?"


"Just like it, Li Zijin, we will meet again, right?"

"Of course, hurry back with Ivy, this secret world is about to collapse."

The body of Plum Jin starts from the feet and slowly turns into granular fragments.

"I will miss you, we must meet again."

Li Zijin showed a gentle smile, and then disappeared into the palace of Fenglu City.

The members of the International Brigade no longer exist.

Fenglu City no longer exists.

Louis XIV no longer exists.

The dead Stigmata Academy students no longer exist.

At the end of the assessment, Ivy and Orina walked into the teleportation array together, their eyes were a little red, but when they saw each other's faces, they resisted the urge to cry.

As if to prove that they were not sad because of their separation from Li Zijin, the two laughed together.

Accompanied by a white circle of light, the two finally returned to the Stigma Academy.

Chapter 78 The Current Situation of Li Zijin

For nearly 20 days, when Li Zijin went to bed at night, he had been having a coherent dream. That dream was about the world eight years later, and it was exactly the same as what Demi leaked before.

Although Li Zijin's body was imprisoned in Ya Yinyue's cage, his spiritual world was temporarily free at night.

Unfortunately, because it was a dream, most of the contents of the dream could not be recalled, but there were only a few things that he remembered very clearly.

That is Olina's confession to herself, as well as the reconciliation between Miss Ivy and Olina, and even the feeling of kissing Olina is so real.

"Zi Jin, have you had a sweet dream again?"

Aishwana's sweet voice sounded in Li Zijin's left ear, she opened her eyes, and Aishwana, who was leaning against her bosom, gently rubbed Li Zijin's body with her cat-like body.

These days, Li Zijin is squeezed like sugar cane, and only when he sleeps at night can he gain temporary freedom in dreams.

"Good morning, Aishwana."

"Hey, Zijin is my lover. Whenever I think of this, I'm so happy that my heart skips a beat."

Wheat-colored arms wrapped around Li Zijin's neck, pressing Li Zijin's face firmly against her soft part.

Li Zijin was unable to resist, the magic was imprisoned by the forbidden magic collar, and the physical ability was also squeezed to nothing by Aishwana.

Only the endless "dance in bed" is the main theme of Li Zijin's life, but Aishwana is not the only "dance partner" of Li Zijin.

Because Aishwana's actions were too violent and bold, she disturbed Xinchuan Fenghuazi, who was lying on Li Zijin's left.

"Aishwana, why are you stealing it again? Can you change your concubine's body to move? Your husband must also really want to feel each other better with your concubine's body."

"The first drop in the morning is the most delicious, only this, I don't want to let others."

For the next hour, Li Zijin didn't even have time to rest, just like a toy at their mercy.

Such an early morning has almost become Li Zijin's daily routine.

He actually knew very well that the nature of the girls was not bad, and they all had a soft pure land in their hearts, but Li Zijin couldn't smile, not even a fake smile.

"Let me rest..."

"My husband didn't ask for a break when we danced with Miss Aishwana just now. Could it be because my concubine's sleeping skills are not as good as Miss Aishwana?"

Xinchuan Fenghuazi's pretty face was slightly red, and those slender legs in black fishnet socks crossed Li Zijin's waist.

"Am I not even free to ask for a break?"

"I'm sorry, husband, it must be that the concubine is not doing well enough. Next, the concubine has to show her true skills. Please, husband, you must be mentally prepared to welcome the new world with your concubine."

I remember getting up at about eight o'clock, and when I looked at the wall clock, it was already ten o'clock. The sunlight outside the window looked extremely bright, but that had nothing to do with Li Zijin.

Because the world outside the window does not belong to Li Zijin, his scope of activities is only in the deep palace, and his every move is under the surveillance of Feng Mo Ren.

There is no power, no magic, and even knowledge is reluctant to reveal too much to Li Zijin. They try to turn Li Zijin into an animal who only knows how to enjoy himself.

must run away...

Li Zijin repeated this sentence to himself countless times in his heart. The current situation can only be described as despair, but at least Li Zijin still has a mobile phone hidden in the spiritual world.

Pu Xiaoxiao sent a message confirming that Li Zijin's dream was not groundless, but a fact that happened in the second assessment of Stigma Academy.

He paced the corridors of the deep palace alone, trying to recall as much of the dream as he could.

Xinchuan Fenghuazi followed Li Zijin. She used to be a proud woman with a slightly cold temperament, but when she saw Li Zijin walking silently with her head down, she immediately became a little scared.

"My lord, are you angry with your concubine? I'm sorry, it's all because your concubine is ignorant. You always want to use this method to urgently prove your concubine's deep admiration for you. If your husband is really unhappy. If so, the family law can be imposed on the concubine at any time."

"Feng Huazi, I don't hate you, I just hate that you do that kind of thing again and again without my consent."