MTL - Please Sink In Happiness-Chapter 320

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"Strictly speaking, he can be either you or you."

The old man with blond hair and a mustache in front of him said.

He is a bishop of the Church of the Goddess, named Bian Furu Miliere, but after arriving in the Dongzhou Empire, he also changed the name of Dongzhou according to the way the Dongzhou Empire was named - Gao Sijin.

"Milliere, old god, who are you? Back then, you said that there are no two months in the sky, so I changed my name to Li Ergou, and you are obviously from Digne in Bluestar France, why are you appearing in front of me now? "

Li Zijin covered his head, fine strands of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the memory squeezed into Li Zijin's brain seemed to burst him in an instant.

Miliere stroked the mustache:

"I am a bystander, and there is providence in the shadows. You are a devil played by fate, but now you have mastered your own destiny. You are both a director and an actor."

"Don't be my Riddler, why did you come to this world from Blue Star?"

"I said, I'm a bystander, a recorder, whether you succeed or fail, I'll record it silently here, that's all, are you right, Xiaobai?" Miliere stroked the cat Chin, intoxicated.

Just like when Blue Star was a magician, Miliere is still obsessed with cats.

"Damn old gods, people who love cats are sissy..."

"Isn't your wife also a cat girl?" Miliere said with narrowed eyes, "but I really like kittens more than cat ears."

"Hi..." The pain was like a sudden wave of waves in a storm, one wave after another.

Miliere stood up:

"Do you want me to help? Don't look at me like this. In fact, I am quite good at light magic, which can relieve the pain caused by memory overload."

"No need..." Li Zijin gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, you are right, he is neither me nor me, so I must have experienced the pain he endured."

"Li Zijin, who was manipulated by fate in the last life and fled in the final battle, is sad, do you really want to go on? Seeing the tragic death of your beloved in front of you, and watching your empire crumble in an instant, Friends who relived the International Column betrayed again?"

"I'm going through..."

Li Zijin slammed the floor with his fists. He saw Tom's death. The sturdy black man collapsed like a collapsed Eiffel Tower, spitting blood, and the culprit, Lanton, who split the international column into an infighting, used his boots to Step on Tom's body and laugh.

Many brothers died.

He stretched out his hand to save them, but they were all memories, and Li Zijin couldn't change them.

"Do you really need help? Although I know you are a tough guy, sometimes, excessively painful memories can kill people." Miliere looked at Li Zijin with pity, "Poor child..."

"Men don't need to be pitied!" Li Zijin roared loudly, his voice echoing in the church hall of Dongzhou Empire.

"Young wolf dog, you don't learn to accept the help of others. I assert that you still can't defeat the goddess in this life. You should have seen it too, right?"

"Yeah, I see..."

The goddess who calls the wind and calls the rain and is invulnerable has a stunningly beautiful appearance, but at the same time, she is also extremely ugly. Beneath her prosperous face and perfect figure, there are countless sarcomas. She pursed her red lips, and the entire city was instantly stunned. Squeezed into the sarcoma, swallowed and digested by the goddess.

Some people are willing to become part of the goddess, and some people try to escape, but the goddess eats from the beginning to the end. At the end, Li Zijin, Demi and a few members of the international column are still alive. They are forced by the goddess to Stigma Island. For the sake of Li Zijin's life, Ya Yinyue resolutely rushed into the huge mouth of the goddess gluttonous...

"What's the use? Even with everyone's help, there is no chance of winning in the world created by the goddess."

The goddess's stroke is a river. The goddess hates air, and there is no air in the world. The goddess is the master of everything. It is easy to create life and destroy life. If she wants, she can kill it in one second. All the humans on the continent, but she prefers to eat alive.

"But even so, aren't you still working hard?"

"I just don't want to lose too ugly." Li Zijin smiled helplessly.

In fact, Li Zijin can fully understand Ya Yinyue's behavior. She reached an agreement with the goddess to lock Li Zijin in Ya Yinyue's mansion. When the end comes, she can continue her life with a small number of beloved girls.

Ya Yinyue sees no hope.

After the memory was restored, even Li Zijin was the same. He tried to gather the power of the whole world, but he was just struggling to the death. He used to say that he would definitely defeat the goddess, but now Li Zijin has completely lost confidence.

"Let me tell you a secret, this world was not created by the goddess," Miliere rubbed her chin. "The real aboriginal in this world is actually you."


Li Zijin looked surprised.

"Yeah, you are the oldest demon, you should know that, right? Your appearance is human, but your soul is actually a white giant wolf. Have you seen that image? In the ice and snow with the silver-haired girl. The scene of the non-stop fighting..." Miliere snapped her fingers, and the moment it was the church hall, the next second it became the snowy plain of silver armor.

The cold wind was blowing to the bone, and the smooth and beautiful white wolf was lying on the snowfield, and its long mane made it look heroic. In this lonely world of ice and snow, only this wolf exists.

"What a beautiful existence."

Miliere sighed.

"It's my essence."

Li Zijin wanted to see the wolf open his eyes in his heart, but the white wolf really opened his eyes, grinning his fangs, and howling in the sky with awe.

"Li Zijin, the goddess plagiarized your world. Originally you were the maker of the rules of this world, but now you can only be reduced to carefully raised meat, but there is enough time, you have a way to reverse all this. "

"How on earth do I turn it around?"

"Find your own way. I'm just a recorder, observer, and watcher. If you lose when you play the game, you can click the prompt, but if you want to pass the level directly, I don't have a cheat for you. After all, in this world Even I am no match for the goddess."

"Old God Stick..."

"I'm not a magician, I'm the respectable Miliere. The road ahead is bumpy. I hope you pay attention. Although I can't help you, I hope you can win."

Miliere snapped her fingers again, and her figure gradually disappeared.

Li Zijin opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed, squeezed into the chest of the Xinchuan sisters, like the meat between the sandwiches, Aishwana was lying on Li Zijin's leg, taking off his waistband...

Chapter 10 Wedding

Today is not a festival, but the Jinghua Hotel is decorated with lights, and there are many nobles who walk into the hotel. If you ask what is coming, the answer is wedding.

Looking into the hall, there is a festive red decoration, the court musicians of the Dongzhou Empire are playing and singing, and the red carpet is covered with colorful flowers.

Li Zijin stood straight in the same place, wearing a straight black suit, standing in the same position, watching the noisy scene lightly, today he is the protagonist, he is going to marry the princesses of the Dongzhou Empire today, but his eyes are not too much Happy, and few people will talk to him.

In fact, Li Zijin could see that in the eyes of most nobles, this wedding was absurd, but because of Ya Yinyue's power in the Dongzhou Empire, they dared not speak out.

In addition, they are also deeply jealous, looking at the entire empire, it is not an exaggeration to call Ya Yinyue the goddess of the whole people.

Li Zijin often hears people refer to Yayinyue as the "treasure of the empire".

"Brother Zijin is also very handsome today."

One of the brides who came in every fashion was Ya Yinyue. Although she yearned for a white wedding dress more than the phoenix crown and rosa she wore in a Chinese wedding, as the next queen of the Dongzhou Empire, she was still wearing a tuxedo. red dress.

She is Li Zijin's younger sister.

However, when looking at the phoenix pattern decorated with gold silk on her red dress, she can't help but look like a mother in the world. Originally, Li Zijin thought that Ya Yinyue and Lolita's costumes were a perfect match, but she did not expect her to match the Chinese wedding dress. Can also burst out such a strong attraction.

The body is shaking.

Li Zijin knew that the reason why he trembled was not because of fear, but because he was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He was excited from the bottom of his heart to be able to marry a woman like Ya Yinyue.

She will become the next queen, and she will become the one who takes the throne. In the future, the two will have conflicts. These Li Zijin know it well, but today, let's forget all about it.

"My bride." Li Zijin walked to Ya Yinyue and hugged her slender waist. The phoenix crown on her silver hair made Ya Yinyue more noble and charming than before.

The surrounding area was filled with noble officials from all over the Dongzhou Empire. The patriarchs of the Xin, Da, and Ya clans and their nobles were all standing aside. Anyone who could stand here, just pick any one, and they were all over 10,000 people. The existence under people, but at this moment, they are like giants in the eyes of the world, but they all disappear in the eyes of Li Zijin and become air.

At the moment, there is only Ya Yinyue in his world.

Holding her delicate chin and kissing her lips lightly, she mastered ice magic, but in terms of kissing, she was just as fiery as Ivy who mastered fire magic. .

"My wish has finally come true..."

Tears like pearls fell, and she wept with happiness.

Recalling the hard years they spent in the Blue Star World, and now they have finally come to fruition. At first, Li Zijin really regarded Xiaochu as his own sister. It's time to take action against her.

But gradually, she grew up and became more and more slender, and also hinted to herself that Li Zijin had thought about accepting this love at the time, but the life of a mercenary could kill him at any time, so he had to avoid it.

Li Zijin was worried that the little chick would die for love after he died.

"Little chick..."

Calling her past name softly, Li Zijin gradually sank into happiness.

"Call me Yinyue."

"Okay, Yinyue, I will definitely give you real happiness."

"Actually, Big Brother Zijin, my first kiss with you was when Lanxing Kunming..." Ya Yinyue put her arms around Li Zijin's neck with a smirk, "I secretly kissed your lips when you were asleep. I was just in my first year of high school."

"I didn't think I was careless."

Li Zijin bent down, picked up Ya Yinyue's legs, and left the hall in a princess hug. The stairs of the Jinghua Hotel were full of people, with all kinds of eyes, but the eyes of blessing Absolutely not much, the common sight is hatred and jealousy.

"From now on, Ya Yinyue will be my Li Zijin's wife, who agrees and who opposes?" Li Zijin looked at everyone with contempt. Although her voice was flat, it fell into the ears of everyone present.

The people who heard this sentence, some of their faces turned the color of pig liver, and some of them smiled, but they gritted their teeth secretly, and read hard for Ya Yinyue to look at them more, but today, many people's dreams are shattered , and they have no power to change the marriage that has already been decided, so they can only keep silent.

This is destined to be a wedding that is not recognized by most people.

However, Li Zijin believes that happiness is his own business, and there is no need to worry too much about the feelings of others.

Xinchuan Wuhuazi and Xinchuan Fenghuazi appeared on the left and right sides of Li Zijin in an instant, and both of them were wearing Bai Wugou at the same time.

"My lord," they said in unison, bowing slightly.

"My wives."

The former enemy finally entered the palace of marriage.

"If my husband hates these handsome guests, I can drive them away for my husband." Xinchuan Fenghuazi said.

"No need, the purpose of this wedding is to declare to the world that you are my bride, and what they want to think in their hearts is their business."

The wedding scene was almost filled with people that Li Zijin didn't know. Such a wedding really couldn't allow Li Zijin to truly enjoy the happiness brought by the wedding. The reason why he decided to show his face was just to give the Emperor Dongzhou a face.

After all, Ya Yinyue and the Xin Chuan sisters are both members of the royal family.

After the wedding, Li Zijin had dinner with Ya Yinyue and relatives of the Xinchuan family. About an hour later, Li Zijin took Ya Yinyue's little hand and pulled away.

"Go home, Aishwana should be in a hurry, and she will have a wedding with her after she goes back."

"Okay, brother Zijin."

"Yinyue, after the wedding, I will leave the Dongzhou Empire." Li Zijin took her little hand and strolled down the streets of the Dongzhou Empire, "Maybe after marrying Aishwana tonight, I will Walk."

There was a chill in the arm.

Ya Yinyue tried to freeze Li Zijin with magic, but Li Zijin just waved her arm lightly, and the ice layer attached to the arm cracked.

"If you still want to catch me, then go to Stigma Academy."

"Understood, I will return to Stigma Academy again. Sooner or later, I must make my brother a bird in my cage."

Ya Yinyue smiled sweetly and happily, her silver hair fluttering in the wind.

"If this is your wish, I advise you to change it, because you can never put me under house arrest again, Yinyue."

"It's not good to get carried away, brother, if the car overturns, it will look very inferior."

"Hahaha, then I will work hard not to overturn the car, otherwise how can I be qualified to be your husband?"

Li Zijin turned his head, Wuhuazi and Fenghuazi also followed behind.

"My lord."

They salute together.

Beautiful brides, for your happiness, I must be free.

Li Zijin said silently in his heart.

Chapter 11

Aishwana is lying on the table bored, like a deflated kitten, her ears and tail are drooping. Today's grand wedding in the Dongzhou Empire has nothing to do with her. She is not the princess of the Dongzhou Empire, but in Before Li Zijin went to the Jinghua Hotel, he had promised to give Aishwana a wedding and let her give birth to cute kittens for her.

"Why haven't you come back?"

Aishwana stood up, and the golden jewelry around her neck and head was shining brightly. The exposed belly button was a heart-shaped pattern. She once betrayed Li Zijin and used the power of a succubus to squeeze Li Zijin. power as a sustenance for becoming stronger.

He stretched out his wheat-colored arm and clenched his finger with red nail polish, the electricity sizzling.

"Will Zijin really still love me?"

It's not a good feeling to be alone. What if Li Zijin and His Royal Highness Yinyue, after marrying the Xinchuan sisters, left the Dongzhou Empire and refused to see him?

When Li Zijin left the East Continent Empire and found it again, Aishwana would sometimes feel uneasy.

Now that Li Zijin is so powerful, he can kick himself away at any time if he wants to.