MTL - Please Smile at Me-Chapter 43 meet

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Li Cen raised his eyebrows lightly, a smile flashed in his eyes: "Remember?"

Zhang Yingying blinked quickly a few times, avoided her eyes, coughed in a bluff, and asked stiffly: "...Is that you? My fan? Sorry, I have too many fans, and I don't remember you."

Li Cen looked at her with a smile, let go of his hand, straightened her, and extended his right hand friendly: "Since Miss Zhang said so, I will be your fan today. Hello, my name is Li Cen, please Advise."

Zhang Yingying looked down at her hands, pursed her lips, raised her head proudly, and said, "No need, there are so many fans, I don't need to know everyone."

At this time, Yu Shu's voice suddenly sounded upstairs: "Li Cen, you are here."

The two looked up at the same time, and Zhao Qingying immediately stood beside Yu Shu, looking down at them, "Why are you here? Zhang Yingying, you want to go back?"

Zhang Yingying was slightly startled: "Do you know each other?"

"I know, ouch, don't talk like that. My stomach hurts from resting on this railing. Come up and talk. It's a waste not to sit on a good chair." Zhao Qingying said, standing up straight and rubbing her stomach, before turning around and returning to the chair. in his seat.

Li Cen said calmly: "Then let's go up first, I'm here to find Zhao Qingying."

Hearing this, Zhang Yingying relaxed a bit, as long as she didn't come to trouble herself. Moreover, what do you want Zhao Qingying to do?

The two went upstairs one after the other, Li Cen looked at her high heels, and stretched out a hand in vain, and followed her calmly until they went upstairs safe and sound.

After everyone sat down, Yu Shu took the initiative to introduce: "This is the manager of our company's advertising department, Li Cen."

Zhang Yingying pretended to be calm, as if meeting him for the first time, and nodded: "Hello, I'm Zhang Yingying."

"Hi, I'm your fan. Besides, I always feel like we've met somewhere, where is it?" Li Cen joked.

"In a dream." Zhang Yingying glared at her lightly, "There is everything in the dream."

Li smiled. Seeing her nervous expression, he stopped teasing her and started to get down to business. He looked at Zhao Qingying: "Is your manager not here?"

"no, what happened?"

Li Cen quickly got into work, took out the contract and handed it over, saying: "Yu Shu said on the phone that you brought a friend, I thought it was a manager, and I want to talk to her about the follow-up cooperation."

"Follow-up cooperation?"

"Yes, I mentioned the follow-up before. If the effect is good, several characters that players like will be released. According to the current feedback, in addition to the 10 that have been released, there are now four characters that players are particularly looking forward to. , so I want to see if you can spare some time to continue filming."

Zhao Qingying scratched her head and looked at Zhang Yingying next to her: "If you pass this audition, what do you think is the chance that I will ask for leave to shoot commercials?"

Zhang Yingying was caught off guard by the question, she quickly came back to her senses, looked away from Li Cen lightly, and said calmly: "I have never worked with Director Yu before, but if I don't have your role, I should not be in the crew and try not to be absent As long as I don’t take a long leave of absence for my own filming, it should be fine.”

Zhao Qingying nodded, and replied: "I'll take the contract back and give it to Xiaohuan to have a look. I'll try my best to shoot if I can, and I won't be left behind, okay?"

Although these words were directed at Li Cen, his eyes were always on Yu Shu who was opposite him.

Yu Shu looked at her quietly, and the two smiled at each other, as if they had been friends for many years, even if they didn't speak, they were not embarrassed.

Zhang Yingying picked up the cup and secretly looked at Zhao Qingying in a concealed manner. When she turned her head again, she noticed that Li Cen on the opposite side was looking at her intently. She accidentally took a gulp and began to cough violently.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Zhao Qingying was startled by her movement, and was about to look for tissues when Li Cen handed her a few. She joked, "Boss Li is quite careful."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of time."

Zhang Yingying coughed, took the tissue, wiped her mouth, and then glanced at the stains accidentally splashed on her clothes. She was already on pins and needles, so she just took this opportunity to leave for a while: "I'll go to the bathroom to clean up."

"Go." Zhao Qingying nodded, watched her leave, then turned around and paused on Li Cen, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, Miss Zhang is so cute." Li Cen said with a smile.

Yu Shu patted her leg quietly, signaling her to pay attention to what she said.

Zhao Qingying didn't notice at all, and said: "It's either cute or silly. Only you outsiders don't know, she is actually quite stupid sometimes."

Yu Shu: "How dare you call him stupid?"

"What's the matter, she is stupider than me!" Zhao Qingying objected.

Li Cen watched them quarreling again, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly smiled.

The water flows down the cold pipe and falls on the white fingers.

Zhang Yingying washed her hands blankly, the light in her eyes was gone.

After a while, she walked to the window, looked at the vehicles coming and going, took out a cigarette from her bag, lit it skillfully, took a deep breath, exhaled a light smoke, and smoked two cigarettes in succession. Eloquence lowered his hands, stared at the slowly burning sparks, and smiled wryly.

She has held her heart cautiously for so many years, and walked every step like walking on thin ice, both fearful and pious, but in the end it was just a one-man show.

No matter what the relationship between Zhao Qingying and Yu Shu was, the smile that couldn't help but burst out when they met was not deceiving.

So after all these years, what have I been waiting for?

I used to think that I was waiting for a chance to speak out, but every time I thought it was not the time, so let's wait.

Waiting and waiting made it harder to speak. Until, until another person appeared beside the other party.

It's ridiculous to say that when you put your head down and worked hard at the beginning, you thought that you would have more confidence to stand by the other party's side, but so what? Up to now, she has kept a lonely heart, and she doesn't even have the confidence to speak up.

What to do next?

There was a bit of ash on the cigarette in her hand, she lightly dusted it, sighed silently, raised her hand and was about to take a breath, when a figure suddenly appeared beside her, reaching out and snatching the cigarette from her hand.

She subconsciously thought that Zhao Qingying had discovered her again, and looked around in panic, only to find that it was Li Cen, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Cen naturally put the cigarette into his mouth, took a deep breath, and lightly exhaled the smoke on her delicate face.

"Well, I'm really old. I thought it was such a good smoke at the beginning, but now it's tasteless." Li Cen said lightly, and threw it into the trash can beside him.

Zhang Yingying asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Li Cen leaned against the wall and looked at her with interest: "Come to the bathroom, what do you think you can do? Could it be that you came here on purpose to catch students who secretly smoked?"

Zhang Yingying turned her head away, looked ahead and said, "Let's pretend we don't know each other."

Li Cen looked at her fair face, which was full of stubbornness, and turned his head to look at her: "Why?"

"There are so many reasons." Zhang Yingying glanced at her, then pointed at her and threatened, "If you dare to reveal it, you will die."

"How to die?"

"...a terrible death."

Li Cen lowered his head, pursed his lips and smiled, it took him a long time to raise his head, stroked his hair naturally, and grabbed her finger: "Then try?"

Zhang Yingying shrank back a bit, and found that the other party had a lot of strength. She was short of breath for a while, and worried that someone else would come in. An eager blush flashed across her face, and she growled, "Let go!"

Li Cen smiled and said, "Hey, this classmate who secretly smokes, you are not good."

Zhang Yingying: "... let go."

"Why, are you not going to be responsible to me now?"

Zhang Yingying was startled, and said in surprise, "What's your responsibility?"

"Hey, what a heartless girl." Li Cen sighed, glanced around, leaned slightly, and whispered in her ear, "Aren't you going to accept the debt for stealing a kiss after drinking?"

Zhang Yingying froze for a moment, looked at her sideways in surprise, and the other side looked over, their eyes met.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "I've never seen such a brazen person."

Li Cen nodded: "Who told you to take the initiative to entangle me."

"I do not have!"

"If not, why did you keep sending them to your door again and again? You still chased me downstairs at my company, did you ask about it long ago? The next step is to go to my home?"

Li Cen asked a series of questions, forcing her to retreat again and again.

"I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

The smile on the corner of Li Cen's mouth deepened: "Why bother, if you want to come, just tell me. My family lives in Changchun Street..."

"Ahh! I told you I didn't!" Zhang Yingying pushed her away, but she couldn't push her away at all, her hands were firmly grasped by the other party.

Li Cen said with a smirk on his face, "If you have something to say, just say it, don't touch it, I'm very sensitive."

Zhang Yingying blinked, and found that she had accidentally pushed on the other person's chest just now, so embarrassed, she looked at her from embarrassment, and it took a long time to express her heart: "Ah bah!"

Li Cen laughed sullenly: "Let's go, if you don't go out, they should think you are constipated."


Zhang Yingying shook off her hand in displeasure, and was pulled back just as she took a step. She shouted, "What are you doing!"

Li Cen shrugged: "Just to remind you, you smell like cigarettes."

"..." Zhang Yingying stood up awkwardly, "Oh."

He took out a bottle of perfume from his bag, sprayed a little on his wrist, and rubbed a little behind his ears. After confirming that there was no smell of smoke, I went out with her. After thinking about it, he was worried that this strange stranger would break the news indiscriminately, and explained: "I usually don't smoke."



"I didn't say I didn't believe it." Li Cen said with a slight smile, "I used to smoke too, and it was very violent."

"Stop smoking now?"

"Yes, I would smoke when I was powerless. At that time, I was too young and couldn't find a solution, so I could only pretend to be confused and avoid it." Li Cen laughed, "But we will grow up eventually. , Just solve it, escape can only make the pain hide deeper and deeper, and become an ugly scar."

Zhang Yingying paused and looked at her meaningfully.

"What's wrong?" Li Cen asked.

She shook her head: "It's nothing, I just think it's strange for me to chat with a stranger. You know what I mean, this stranger."

"Okay, this classmate, please keep an eye on the road. Turn left at the intersection ahead." Li Cen said seriously.

Zhang Yingying curled her lips, turned left and walked to her seat. Seeing that Zhao Qingying and Yu Shu were already sitting side by side, the two lowered their heads, wondering if they were studying.

She leaned over her head and took a look: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Qingying said without raising her head, "Playing games! There's a cheat for walking, it's useless."

Yu Shu glanced at her helplessly, then raised her head to look at them, with the tip of her nose moving slightly, she wondered, "Why did you go to the bathroom and it smells better?"

Zhang Yingying chose to stay silent to avoid the topic, while Li Cen secretly winked at Yu Shu.

Only Zhao Qingying, who was busy playing the game, stopped suddenly, raised her hand and said, "I know, teacher! Zhang Yingying must be constipated, and she used perfume to cover up the fact!"

Zhang Yingying: "..."

Sometimes, she really wanted to kill Zhao Qingying. How did she fall in love with such a thing?

Yu Shu blurted out: "You seem to be very experienced, have you done this kind of thing a lot?"

Zhao Qingying was speechless, looked up at the crowd, and continued to play the game with her head down: "Wow, this character is so beautiful! It's comparable to me!"

Yu Shu: "Are you talking about this pig essence?"

Zhao Qingying: "...Hmm."

Zhang Yingying watched Zhao Qingying being blocked again and again, and applauded Yu Shu from the bottom of her heart. It was rare to see someone who could restrain Zhao Qingying. She even felt for a moment that Zhao Qingying and Yu Shu were the real self when they were together?