MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 761 The Coming of God (Part 1)

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Tokyo · Jianjiantang

Twenty-two rooms is a new work of the Hidden House in Kyoto. It is a two-story Japanese-style villa located on the original site of an ancient temple. It is adjacent to the Toko Hotel and the Kyoto National Museum. The location is very good and the price is very expensive.

It is an asset belonging to Koto Yoshiyuki, the owner of the Kobe Iron and Steel Group. Kobe Iron and Steel Group is a giant of Japanese steel companies. It has deep financial resources and is said to have deep connections with the Shogunate.

At this time, the wall lights on the second floor conference room are soft, music is sounding, the carpet is of high quality, and the air is sandalwood. The owner sat silently in this meeting.

Fortunately, Ji Jiyou was old, with gray hair, and there were stars and spots on his face, but his eyes were energetic, and occasionally he had a sharp light.

The conference table is full of people.

Hosoya Hidehisa is saying, "One of you, please allow me to introduce that Yamada Shinichi's new work has been released to the fifth volume, and the plot has reached Meiji."

"According to the fourth volume, the Emperor gained power in the article for a special reason." Hosoya Hideo's suit was neat, his shirt was white, and his head was slightly lowered, introducing: "The Shogunate has a policy. Needless to say? "

No one said anything, this is common sense.

The ginseng confession means that the lords of the various lords went to Edo to meet the general within a certain period of time, and lived in the Shogunate for a while, then returned to their territory.

"When I arrive in Edo every other year, plus the time on the road, the lord ca n’t spend much time in his home. He can only remotely control the command. His family members gradually control the vassal government. The heirs live in Edo and wait for his father to die. It has further weakened the control of fandom. "

"This policy was implemented for 200 years. When the curtain fell, the army in the curtain was nominally owned by the lord, but was actually controlled by his family members, while Daming guarded against the minister, which led to a large number of middle and lower rank warriors, and even new rogues, controlling the new army. "

Everyone listened quietly, Ji Youxing jumped with one eyelid, took off his glasses and wiped them, and Hosoya's voice continued: "In fact, if it is better to rely on traditional ministers, and fight with the lord of the fan without breaking, and The middle- and lower-level samurai and the Ronin, in all fairness, are white-eyed wolves. Please see this article specifically-on the bankruptcy of middle- and lower-level warriors-this appendix. "

"Samurai is poor like a peasant, difficult to promote, has suppressed 200 years, and hates the old system."

"In the set of books, the samurai pass, Yukiki shouts before death-it is the fault of the big name and the general, otherwise, how can I be so down?"

"The emperor has no real power and no officer, but has become the most perfect monarch, so the middle and lower rank samurai and the Ronin both respect and respect the emperor and collectively run to the emperor, so the emperor has great power."

"It can be said that the Emperor's victory was entirely the result of the Shogunate policy."

"In the fifth volume, the Emperor came to power, Osaka merchants went bankrupt collectively, farm taxes increased, and samurai laid off, which was several times more fierce than the Shogunate."

"The five generations of the book are in this context to observe the continuation of the entire policy and raise a knife against the old warrior."

"Without looking at the sixth and seventh volumes, these five volumes alone have made clear the Warring States, the Tokugawa era, and the Meiji era."

"Fortunately, Lord, what do you say about this?" At this point, Hosoya Hidesou raised his voice: "Have history evolved this way?"

"If this evolves, I don't see the deity, Tokugawa Ieyasu, where is God? Is it because he bullies widows and children to win the world?"

"Meiji is not wise, but just a gift from history."

"Please forgive me for being rude, I don't think that Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu can be compared with the general Shinkawa who swept the world, let alone monkeys."

"I don't think Meiji is better than the peaceful shogunate."

The whole hall was silent and no sound. Ji Youxing ignored the sound, took a sip of tea, looked at the watch on his hand, and remained silent.

At the time, Yuki Sakae, Koji Yukichi, glanced at the time on the wall on the opposite side and said with a smile: "Yingshou, young people don't want to be so angry and hurt yourself!"

"When you reach my age, you can't regret it!"

Hiroshi Sakazaka has the same status as Yoshiyuki Yoshiyuki, and Hosoya Hideshou is now questioning the downcast army investment group.

Hosoya Hidehisa is very young, only in his early thirties, shaving his short hair, and the whole person looks very aggressive.

In fact, the same is true. Although Hosoya Hidehisa has a family background, so young can rely on his ability to master the Qianfang Securities Investment Company.

Qianfang Securities Investment Co., Ltd. sounds very ordinary, but in the investment circle, Qianfang Securities Investment Co., Ltd. is a truly large-scale company, and it is actually the largest organization that invests in the army.

Now there are more than 20 people sitting on the conference table. If the people on the conference table are exposed, it will cause the last earthquake in Japan's economy.

Quinn was present at the top of every industry, or a giant, or a crocodile, or a consortium leader.

The questioning of Hosoya Hidehisa is actually the voice of many investors.

It is true that I did not know the inside story before, and I had longing for Tokugawa and Meiji, but the fog disappeared, giving the impression that it is "but so."

This is a very scary blow.

Therefore, looking at Shizaka's careless appearance, another investor, Yidao Tiger Island, couldn't help it, and his voice was slightly low at this time: "Master Bangzhao, it's too impolite for you to speak like this?"

"I have to consider whether it is appropriate to invest in the downfall army."

"Tiger Island, do you want to betray the Emperor?" Another downcast soldier asked gloomily.

"Hmm, I am the Emperor of Allegiance, Emperor Changlu, but I have never heard of Meiji." Tiger Island Yishi said coldly: "And when we said the agreement, we have the right reason to terminate the investment!"

"Now, my company, because of your fallen army, has lost 1/3. Is this reason enough?"

Yihu Island Yishi's consortium has been followed by the shogunate. Although no accurate evidence has been found, the clues are always difficult to hide, so it was suppressed by the shogunate in related industries and suffered heavy losses.

"Yeah, you can say it!" The third investor, Kang Guying, closed his eyes and slowly said, "Now, please decently end it!"

"Mike, do you want to break the contract?" 隈 Benji sneered. He is a consortium in heavy industry. He has two military factories and has close relations with the shogunate, but no one knows that the person in charge secretly invests in the fallen army.

"Master Jiyou, Master Shirasaka, please don't make mistakes!" 隈 moto Genji said in a low voice, the power of the downside faction is not terrible in front of the consortium who is familiar with the details.

Speaking in Sakimoto Motoki, a full two-thirds of the entire meeting raised the need to stop investing in the fallen army.

Fortunately, Ji Jiyou was not angry. He just stood up and looked at the watch on his wrist slightly, and said, "In that case, please wait for a while."

"I'm letting people go now and bring the termination formalities."

As soon as the tiger island Yishi looked cold and felt wrong, he immediately said aloud, "Fortunately, Lord, wouldn't you want to play tricks?"

"We are just to show our attitude, and we don't need what you call procedures!" Hosoya Hidesuke calmed down at this time, realized what he was, and agreed.

Shirasaka Bangzhao still smiled, but his smile was deeper.

At this moment: "Bang", the pavilion suddenly swayed, there was a huge shaking, everyone was discolored.

"Is this an earthquake?"

Yuan Benji's grim face couldn't help turning pale, and he tried to run outside, but found that he was weak and could not move.

"Run!" Hosoya Hideshou yelled while rushing out of the conference hall.

Yihu Yishi fell down in the shaking and smashed into a chair. The hard wood slammed heavily on his head.

But Tiger Island Yisi resisted the pain and quickly climbed up.

"Yishi, come downstairs." Hosoya Hideshou shouted loudly, stretched out a hand to help Hudao Yishi up, and carried it down.

"Let's go down too!" Akira Akashi, Hideshima Takashima and Kenji Chikuchi are leaving the conference hall, but they see a shocking scene!

I saw Shizaka's Bangzhao and Ji Youxing headed down, and regardless of the shock, they knelt down to the East together, but when the meeting room opened a huge window facing the East.

会议 This conference hall is very large, two hundred square meters, and in addition to the people who have participated in the meeting, there are also some service staff, and these staff are provided by Ji You's family.

Now these people are silent, kneeling solemnly.

At the same time, a mist emerged unconsciously, covering the stairs.

Fortunately, Ji Jiyou stood up. He, who was old, seemed a little younger, and said aloud, "Lords, don't be alarmed."

"All these years ~ ~ Thank you for your support, and now the time has come to return-God has come!"

Fortunately, Ji Jiyou took a sigh of relief, and his face changed slightly: "We are not embarrassed to those who support us, but we also do not forgive those who betray our cause!"

"Now justice has come."

"No, you can't do this to us!" Hosoya Hidehisa shouted in panic, and saw the two service staffs stand up, grabbed, and pressed down, no matter how Haseya Yingshou struggled, they could not get rid of it! !!

"Do not!"

"How dare you, Qianfang Securities Investment Company will retaliate!"

The words hadn't fallen, the sword flashed, the **** head fell down, and the staircase rolled into the mist disappeared. The tiger island Yishi also changed its color, watching a knife stab, and begged for mercy: "Please give me another chance Come on, I support the fall, I join you! "

But it did n’t make sense. Just listen to 噗, the long knife stabbed in, and the tip of the knife was revealed in the back. Tiger Island Yishi issued a long scream, rolled down on the second floor, and hit the ground heavily.

The two were killed, and the remaining people looked pale and frightened, "This is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding. We will also contribute to the downfall."

At this time, Shizaka Shiraaki came to the front and smiled and said, "This is the best. Zhujun, believe us, cooperation is your way of life-go, call Mr. Ripo, time is up!"

Shira Sakazaki knew that the people present were angry, and believed that once they left, they would revenge thunder, but they did not know the meaning of God's presence.

规则 For many people, the rules of society change.

"Hi!" The service staff responded.