MTL - Poison Doctor Demon Consort-Chapter 471 , Yunluofeng adventure

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When I saw that Shantou was confused, I couldn’t remember the past. I didn’t even hear my own name. Zhu Youhong was picked up in his heart and he didn’t ask any more.

He flashed a little in the middle of the cold! All of this, he is on the head of Duanmu! It is a pity that Duanmu did not catch up, or that the speed of Xiaobailong and Xiaojiuhuang was that the black eagle of Duanmu could not catch up.

What's more, Linghu Shuiyue was afraid of being chased by Duanmu, so he continued to fly, and there was no stopping. After two consecutive days and two nights of continuous flight, they fell near the Yunluo border of Yan State.

Because of the reason of Xiaojiu Phoenix, they also did not intend to enter towns or villages, only landed in the mountains of a mountain range. The place where they landed this time is the waist of a mountain with a natural danger - Yunluofeng.

Food and water have been used up, and it has been four days and four nights since leaving Vietnam! Zhu Youhong said: "Madam, the following is Yunluofeng, which is very close to Yunluo City. It takes only one day and one night to arrive from Yanjing."

Of course, what he said day and night, that is calculated by the flying speed of the Phoenix bird and Xiaobai.

"So close to Yanjing? Great!" Linghu Shuiyue thought, Duanmu sweat is absolutely impossible to catch up! She can live freely with her baby!

"My phoenix must be very tired, Zhu Gongzi, let's go to rest for a few hours, wait for the spirit, we will go to Yanjing, okay?"

"Okay, ma'am." Zhu Youhong replied.

Linghu is blushing again! I am grass! Every time she listened to his wife, she was embarrassed to blush.

She touched her belly and said: "You can call me a fox moon month? Or, call me a water moon. You call my wife, I am not used to it."

Nima! She is only sixteen years old! This ancient is also true, pregnant at the age of sixteen, like words? Great youth! It’s really awkward to take a ball! After she was born, she decided to let her child call her sister not to call her mother!

"Okay, the moon is a girl!" Zhu Youhong is deliberately calling her lady. He just wants to call her lady! lady! Ok! If you don't call your wife, you can call it a month, or a girl. These are the names of the gimmicks in his heart.

"Moon children?" Hey! This title makes the Linghu water moon spray. However, this is better than his old lady. He always yelled at her lady, letting her have an illusion, just like the enchanting man in front of her eyes is like her husband, let her blush.

In her memory, she has never been married, and it is somewhat uncomfortable to be called a lady. If Zhu Gongzi doesn't talk, the whole body of the body is a little scary, but getting along, but like a spring breeze, tenderness like water.

The key is, how does she always feel that he is petting her like? ! Uh! She is paying, sweat! Self-love and self-love! She feels more and more that she is very passionate about herself! Maybe, this Zhu Gongzi is such a sentimental, a boy who is especially good for girls!

Zhu Youhong asked: "Moon children, just below this! This seems to have a relatively flat mountainside below, the terrain is dangerous, slightly will not alarm others." Ha ha! It’s rare to have fun with the moon! He is not afraid of disturbing others, but likes to be alone with the moon.

Zhu Youhong’s mood is exciting. After returning to Yanjing, he is the emperor. How can I have the opportunity to play like this with ordinary people like a normal person?

Linghu Shuiyue thinks that Duanmu sweat is impossible to catch up with her, she is completely free! Therefore, she is also in a good mood, driving the phoenix, overlooking the famous Mingchuan Mountain, all the way beautiful scenery, wide sky, free travel, what a beautiful thing!

It is still, there is a enchanting beautiful man as a companion, sultry, life is proud, what is the husband? The only thing that regrets her is that this man is already famous!

Sorry, sorry! Life is really a month of darkness and lack of satisfaction.

Slowly hovering and falling, slowly falling over the mountainside of the ancient trees and the peaks of the peaks. As soon as he reached the ground, Xiaobailong couldn't wait to turn into a white boy, and the wind first rolled into the face of Xiaojiu Phoenix.

"Small nine phoenix children, I just saw that there are two tall phoenix trees over there! Although half of the leaves are dry, half of them are only brown, and there are no leaves left!"

Xiao Jiufeng himself has already seen it! Even if the leaves are all gone, she only likes the phoenix tree. Other trees, no matter how leafy, she is also disdainful, she is not indus.

Linghu Shuiyue looked at Xiaobailong and took Xiaojiu Phoenix away. He couldn’t help but smile: “Ning knows the meaning of Fengfeng, and is far ahead of Wutong.”

Xiao Bailong and Xiaojiu Phoenix came to the front of the two phoenix trees, watching the leaves fall halfway, and half of the leaves also turned into brown paulownia, and sighed: "Two days ago, it was still green and green. Mao."

Xiaojiu Phoenix falls on the phoenix tree, and does not laugh at Xiaobailong. Is that a different place? They have already flown so far, and they have circled so many circles.

Xiaobailong said: "Xiaojiu, what do you want to eat? I will get it for you! It is very close to Yunluo Town." For Xiaobailong, the town is really close to here.

Zhu Youhong looked at Xiao Bailong and now sees Xiaojiu Phoenix as more important than his master. He just shook his head silently.

Xiao Jiuhuang just looked at her master, and then did not say anything, closed her eyes and went to God. Her meaning is probably, I am tired, don't bother me! Just ask and ask my master!

Then, Xiao Bailong rushed to the front of the fox and the owner and asked: "Mrs., master, what do you want to eat? Xiaolong can go to the town to bring you! You can take a break."

Zhu Youhong thought about it and said: "Dragon, don't be too shocked! If you can get some food quietly, it would be good..." Although he can make a delicious meal on the spot, it is difficult for a woman to be without rice. , how to say, or the food in the town restaurant is more abundant.

Linghu Shuiyue took a few pieces of golden leaves from his body and handed it to Xiaolongdao: "Xiaolong, you have to buy it!"

"Good! I used to buy, not shocking. You wait!" Xiaobailong took a few gold leaves, turned into a dragon, screamed, and blinked.

Linghu Shuiyue said: "Zhu Gongzi, take a break! I have been sleeping, so I am not tired at all, look around me." These two days and two nights, she should sleep when she sleeps, this is the morning She doesn't have to sleep anymore.

However, Zhu Gongzi and Yilong Yifeng are different. They all need to take a good rest.