MTL - Poison Genius Consort 2: Emperor’s Swallow-Chapter 18 Occasionally, she was saved.

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When someone comes, the situation has changed.

Lonely swallow is not sure if he can poison the invisible. She will hold the drug Ding Ding for the first time to stop the drug and stop watching.

Princess Huaining was curious at first, but as the sedan approached, she recognized who the little **** was! The little **** is not someone else. It is the Manchu, who is serving the Royal Highness of the King of Jing, Xia Xiaoman. In other words, the person in the sedan chair is definitely Jing Wangjun Jiuchen!

Princess Huaining was very surprised and blurted out. "Jing Wang brother? When did he return to the palace?"

Jing Wang? !

The accident of Lonely Flying Yan is no less than that of Princess Huaining. We must know that the original master has not met Jing Wang for many years, and has never seen Jing Wang’s true face. She actually encountered this situation today.

According to her understanding, this master is a very special existence in the emperor of Tianyan. Although he is a prince, his status and status are the same as that of His Royal Highness. He is the ninth son of the emperor, the eldest son of the deceased, the brother of the ten-year-old prince.

When he was born, the Xuankong mainland was still a martial art family, and the Jun family was also a martial arts family. When he was born, he was taken away by the great elders of the tribe. After the Xuankong mainland changed greatly, the martial arts fell, the forces rose, and the Jun family established Tianyanguo, but he never returned. To this end, the people have always had rumors, saying that he is not a hidden world, but was stolen from birth, life and death are unknown; also said that he is born with ugliness and disability, see no one. Later, people gradually forgot about him.

However, he returned three years ago!

At the age of seventeen, he gave birth to a superb skin. It can be said that the stone is like jade, the pine is like Tsui, and Lang Yan is alone. With a good martial art, it can be said that ten people are killed, and that there is no one to stay. In addition to the indifference, loneliness Beyond it, it's perfect to be impeccable. On the first day of his return, the emperor would seal him to the king and give him the title of Jing, so that he would be with the Prince. Rumor has it that the emperor will not pass the throne to the little prince, but pass it on to him.

Soon, the sedan chair stopped next to the solitary swallow.

Princess Huaining’s niece and coachman hurriedly bowed, “Slaves/slaves, see His Royal Highness!”

Princess Huaining also quickly got off the bus and was blessed. "Huai Ning has seen Jing Wang's brother."

Lonely flying swallows looked up and saw that the sedan chair was closed, she couldn't help but wonder what the mysterious Wang Ye looked like. Of course, compared to curiosity, her heart is more of a surprise! She is very certain that Jing Wang Dian is down, she will be saved!

The people in the sedan did not get off the sedan, and even the embarrassment did not pick up, only said coldly, "all flat."

Lonely swallow feels that this cold sound is somewhat familiar, but she has no time to think about it. She quickly moved to the sedan chair and said loudly, "The pharmacy drug female lone swallow, see His Royal Highness!"

Princess Huaining will not let her up, and the King of Jing Wang will not let her flatten for no reason.

Princess Huaining immediately projected the warning, and Lonely Flying Swallow ignored it. He went to the ground and bowed his head. "The Royal Highness of the King of the Kings is a thousand years old and thousands of years old."

Sure enough, the quiet voice came from the sedan chair again, "flat."

Lonely swallowing Yan, and quickly stood up, smashed the scattered bangs, retreated to the side. Princess Huaining squinted and whispered. "I don't like oh yeah? OK, let's take a look at it, let you make the way fast, or the Princess's carriage runs fast!"

She said nothing, and went to the car to think of a few words, but the man-in-law came forward and made a fuss, "The slaves asked the princess to be safe."

Princess Huaining raised her hand and motioned him to flatten.

However, Man Gonggong did not flatten and continued, "Princess, the sky is not too early, and the Royal Highness King will go out of the palace."

"Yeah, it's not early. Then I won't..."

Princess Huaining smiled, but when she saw that her carriage was blocking the road, she was paralyzed.

Lonely swallow's mouth screamed silently, and she waited for this moment. On the status of honor, she and Huaining Princess meet in a narrow road, she has to give way; and Princess Huaining collided with the Prince of the Royal King, who is with the Prince, Huaining Princess must give way...

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